
TB Fanatic
In formal attire, in the grand ballroom, with an audience of ardent followers - ministers, delegates, and adoring fans.
Looks official.
Notice how communist that looks - Memories of Fidel and Che.
All the money he is getting, you'd think he could afford a suit.


Veteran Member
Why not join NATO? At this point, the Ukrainian’s military force is being led, armed, fed, and equipped by NATO….might as well have the fudge if you are eating a Sunday!

And we are paying not only for the military, but for the social services and their government salaries and pensions. Just imagine how much of that is lining pockets in the USA and Ukraine! cha-ching!!!


I give up.


TB Fanatic

For clarity - players get confusing
The Group of Seven (G7) is an inter-governmental political forum consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. In addition, the European Union is a 'non-enumerated member'.


Veteran Member
I wonder when MSN and others will say he had a hook on the back of his jacket holding him up because he is almost dead and somebody else is speaking because he is demented or they gave him super drugs so he would stop shaking and a fake picture from long ago because Russians are all leaving the country and hate him and would never sit and listen to his speech.


Veteran Member
Are the Territoial Defence Units different than the "volunteer" units each region in Russia is supposed to be standing up and sending to the Ukraine?
Think of Territorial Defense Units as local militia. They're not top-tier combat units but are more of a garrison-duty force, in my understanding. They relieve the combat units of local security, checkpoints, etc. which allow the combat units to be held back as a mobile reserve force. They can also serve as a trip-wire, from a cynical point of view.

What gives them teeth is the coverage of artillery and air defense units.


Veteran Member
This list was updated today by DEFCON WARNING SYSTEMS. They claim it is from which is our very own Shane, so I thought I'd throw it all here, in case any of us were interested. Lots of info on Shanes' site, so poke around if you've not done so already. . . *I wouldn't necessarily take the supplies list as gosple, but it is offered as a jumping off point for your own thoughts/lists.

Basic Supplies Needed In The Event of Nuclear Attack
1 min ago
by DEFCON Warning System
Written by DEFCON Warning System

The DEFCON Warning System advises citizens in the Ukraine theatre being preparing in the event of a nuclear attack.

There is no cause for alarm, and there is no imminent nuclear threat at this time. This is only advisory.

In additional to shelter, supplies are needed. A shelter without supplies is not a shelter but a tomb.

The following list comes from

This list provides only for short-term survival. Likely you will need to expand this list to survive longer than the 2-3 days this list provides for.

Better to risk being a little early when securing your families essential food and supplies, rather than a few hours too late and going home empty-handed…

Ready-to-eat foods (granola/energy/protein bars, snack-paks, raisins, cheese, etc.)
Some perishable foods (breads and fruits like bananas, apples, oranges, grapes, etc.)
Canned goods (soups, chili, vegetables, fruit, tuna, meats, beans, peanut butter, etc.)
Assorted drink mix flavorings (with no cold drinks, just plain water, kids will appreciate it!)
Plenty of potent Multi-Vitamins, Vit C, Pepto Bismol, aspirin, tylenol, other OTC meds, etc.
Iodine solution, like Betadine (16 ounces)- NOT TO BE INGESTED OR SWALLOWED!

Largest sacks of rice, beans, flour, potatoes, pasta, quick oats and other grains
Multiple big boxes of dried milk (Could include/use some inside shelter, too.)
Multiple big boxes of pancake and biscuit mix & syrup
Large bag of sugar and jar of honey
Large 2 gallons or more of cooking oil
Baking powder & soda & yeast & salt & spice assortment pack
Bottled water (especially if home supplies not secured yet)

Paper or plastic plates/bowls/cups/utensils and paper towels
Quality manual can opener, 2 if you don’t already have one at home
Kitchen matches and disposable lighters
New metal garbage cans and liner bags (water storage & waste storage)
5 or 6 gallon bucket and smaller garbage bags sized for it (toilet)
Pool noodle to cut slit lengthwise to fit as seat for toilet bucket
Toilet paper and, if needed, sanitary napkins, diapers, etc.
Baby wipes (saves water for personal hygiene use)
Flashlights (ideally LED) and more than one portable radio
Plenty more batteries, at least three sets, for each of the above
Bleach (5.25%, without fragrance or soap additives)
Alcohol and Hydrogen Peroxide and hand sanitizers
Prescription drugs filled, and as much extra as possible
First aid kits and Fire extinguishers
At least a couple inexpensive N95 particulate respirator masks for each member
Cheap plastic hooded rain ponchos for everyone
Water filters and all other camping type supplies, such as portable camp toilet,
cook stove and fuel, ammo, etc., if any sporting goods stocks still available.
And, of course, rolls of plastic sheeting, duct tape, staple guns, staples, etc.
Shane Connor is the CEO of
Consultants and developers of Civil Defense solutions to Government, NPO's and Individual Families.

We've been promoting Nuclear Civil Defense Training of the public for well over a decade!
See where our proposal was voted & ranked #1 a year before Fukushima, here at...

I have to confess I never thought of slitting a pool noodle to use as a toilet seat for a bucket. That's pretty clever.


Disaster Cat
You know, just as a side note, even if your State and Federal officials are idiots, some members in smaller towns and villages/rural areas may want to go talk to local elected sharifs and others known to be decent officials about holding practicals on civil defense (including what to do if the cities turn into mushroom clouds). I have a bad feeling that a lot of US (and Canadian) citizens/local/state governments are going to have a bad case of normalcy bias about this.

Better to have a few local drills, establish local communications back up and a central planning area, and not need it (and just throw a "we survived the great nothing party") than not do anything and be surrounded by clueless people. Some neighborhoods (where they really still exist) in some urban and suburban areas may also want to do this but you have to know you can trust your neighbors.

I am not just talking about physical defense (that's part of it) but things like taking showers, watching for the fallout, protecting gardens (or what is safe to wash and eat and what isn't), and all sorts of things that people can practice beforehand (traditional food preservation) some of it is fun and all of it is useful no matter what happens.

Some people are lucky enough to live in small places that already do this or their church/community centers already do, but most people don't.

When Putin starts talking about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, my doom-o-meter goes way up.

Red Baron

Old news, and fake.

Why believe Rand if they have been outed? Plus Rand doesn't even bother to say -why- the news article was fake.

I'll keep an open mind for now.

Fair Use Cited
Facebook flags RAND report as “fake” – because RAND themselves claim so


Facebook and its "independent fact checkers" are now warning all users who share Nya Dagbladet's English-language publication about the RAND leak, writing that it is about "false information". However, they have not bothered to go through and respond to the content, but claim bluntly that the documents are "false" because the think tank themselves claim so.

Nya Dagbladet's publication, of what appears to be an exceptional internal leak from the influential think tank RAND Corporation, has been widely disseminated both within Sweden's borders and internationally and has been read by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

The large distribution of the compromising material has caused RAND themselves as well as the former Swedish Prime Minister (and current RAND employee) Carl Bildt to come out and claim that the material is falsified - however without addressing the content in substance or explaining in what way it is forged.

Now Facebook has also activated its censorship and anyone who shares the English-language translation of the article receives a warning message that the person is indeed trying to share "false information" that has been "checked by independent fact-checkers".

If you click further , you will learn that the "independent fact checkers" at Lead Stories have concluded that the material is falsified - and this conclusion has been drawn because the RAND think tank themselves claim that the report is false.

- I can confirm that this alleged leaked report is a forgery , says Jeffrey Hiday, responsible for RAND's media relations, to Lead Stories.

The site also quotes a statement from RAND's website that summarily dismisses the report as "bizarre" and "false".

For Facebook's alleged "independent fact-checkers", it is sufficient that the designated organization itself denies that they are the authors of the material for this to be taken as truth - no follow-up questions or reasoning about the content and its origin are made at all.

Instead, the fact-checkers at Lead Stories spend time claiming that it is indeed conspiracy theorists who tend to believe this type of information and that those who share this type of article also believe in a "satanic elite" and the "deep state". Again, however, no effort is made to actually explain how these other conspiracies would be wrong or what is incorrect - which is arguably the primary task of a fact-checker.

Facebook and its fact checkers at Lead Stories have thus "judged" that the designated internal leak from RAND is a forgery - because RAND themselves have said it is that way. What the think tank in question would gain by openly admitting that it is behind such a compromising and hostile document is also not clear from the review.
