Romney Rally - Land O' Lakes, FL 10/27 ... what a bunch of people there

Kathy in FL

Holy guacamole! They expected upwards of 10,000 people to show up at the 10/27 rally in Land O' Lakes, FL which is at the southern edge of Pasco County and a hop skip and a jump from north Hillsborough county where Tampa is located. What they got was 15,000 people and it is the largest rally thus far nationally.

I gotta tell you, people around here want Obama out baaaad. In Lutz which is a bedroom community for Tampa, I've driven around and cannot find a single sign for O. It is almost freaky because in '08 they were strung all over the place. In contrast it is very difficult to find a street that doesn't have at least a couple of signs for Romney. In fact there are quite a few houses that have over a dozen signs in the yard for Romney/Ryan plus a lot of other signs for races tha will be voted for come election day.

Early voting started yesterday and I heard it was crowded.

Even the areas where there were O signs all over the place back in '08 are eerily nude of such signs this time around.

There is some vandalism of Romney signs in people's yards in areas like Carrollwood and a couple of other neighborhoods but that is par for the course when you have mixed neighborhoods.



Mrs Smith

Membership Revoked
We can picture the scene very clearly. DH is from LOL and we lived there for several years after getting married. His entire family is from LOL area, but it seems most of them voted for O and will again. Oh dear. I sure hope this rally is a sure sign of a Romney win.