Story Revelations


Technical Senior

The fact that the usually gregarious Eloysian Ambassador was not interested in drinking had been telling enough without his uncharacteristic downcast glances and drooping tail.

“What is it, Veyron? What has happened? General McCready asked his old friend in alarm.

“Michael, I’m afraid I must be the bearer of potentially catastrophic information concerning the future of the human race,” the ambassador replied with a sorrowful expression General McCready had never seen before.

“Veyron, what more catastrophic information could there be than the practically certain total destruction of our entire solar system?” the General asked quietly.

“It’s the exodus, Michael. The Consortium of Worlds only comprises thirty-four planets. Only nineteen of those have a nitrogen and oxygen atmosphere in the range suitable for human life without support and six of those have no water. Eleven worlds have only agreed to accept a number of human refugees below the forty thousand minimum viable population threshold needed to maintain a genetic diversity beyond three hundred Earth years. Only two worlds, and I am proud to say Eloysia is one of those two, have agreed to allow more than the minimum viable population of humans to immigrate and comingle with the general population.

“So, Veyron, if I understand you correctly, the human resettlements on all but two Consortium Worlds will share a dangerously high probability of becoming solitary three-hundred-year genetic dead ends?” the General asked incredulously.

“I am so sorry to be the bearer of such terrible news, Michael. This, on top of everything else that has befallen the planet Earth, is unconscionable. On behalf of all Eloysians, we share your grief and stand ready to assist in whatever manner we are able,” Ambassador Nes stated with downcast eyes and crossed arms.

General McCready considered the implications of all the information brought to him by Ambassador Nes for a moment before he looked up and cleared his throat.

“Veyron, I understand your reluctance to bring the news of these potentially catastrophic decisions to my attention but I would also like to say that we accept those offers willingly. I also understand that even though the majority of the ruling factions of the Consortium of Worlds do not share our beliefs, our views or our philosophies, they still chose to give us a chance to survive, however slim. For this, I would like you to convey to them the heartfelt gratitude of the people of Earth. We truly appreciate all that has been done to educate us, to support us and to help us defend ourselves in our time of need. Thank you.”

Ambassador Nes drew himself up to his full height before stating, “As Principal Negotiator to the Consortium of Worlds and as the Eloysian Envoy, I will faithfully carry your response to the Consortium as you have requested, Michael.”

As he turned to leave, the Ambassador said, “Oh, and Michael?”

“Yes, Veyron,” the General replied.

“You really have no need to learn Pansym, the simple direct eloquence of your spoken response will be universally understood and well received by all, you may rest assured.”

“Thank you, Veyron. Coming from you, that is very high praise indeed.”


Technical Senior

The day scheduled for the Centurion’s custom upgrade had dawned clear but unseasonable cool as a northern weather front brought light rain into the region.
After discussing the major details of the complicated upgrade with TVS Tech 9, Marty Lennox, Colonel Temple had chosen to spend the night close to Dominic and sleep in the aft cabin one last time. Dominic had no doubts and put his trust fully into the experienced technician’s able hands, but Colonel Temple was uneasy about such a radical custom modification in view of recent events. They spent the last hour before the procedure was scheduled to begin within the sealed cabin in huddled discussion.

At the appointed time, the Centurion’s cabin door unsealed and Colonel Temple stepped down with obvious reluctance. A few last words of encouragement were spoken between pilot and Centurion before the Colonel backed away from the unusually quiet machine. When Marty attempted to reassure the Colonel siting the detailed procedure within the engineering study and the advanced design template, she had become agitated and defensive stopping him with a raised hand.

“Marty, today may seem like just another day here at depot maintenance to you and this special upgrade might seem to be nothing I should even be concerned about, but you of all people should know there were unusual circumstances surrounding Dominic’s last internal diagnostic. You must understand, first and foremost, that he is my partner and his welfare is my primary concern. Marty, I want you to take very good care of him and you should prepare for the unexpected.”

“Colonel Temple, I assure you, despite the complexity of this upgrade, I don’t anticipate any problems. The prefabricated assemblies were delivered ninety-nine percent complete and I should be able to handle the remaining ‘fit in the field’ issues with no difficulty.”

As she turned to leave, the Colonel repeated over her shoulder, “Just remember what I said, Marty.”

After speaking with the Centurion and advising him what to expect prior to and during the procedure, Marty had connected an auxiliary power supply cable to the Centurion’s secondary circuits.

In the interest of avoiding the possibility of persona degradation on the Knight platform, the recommended procedure for a complete drive sled R&R was to offload the AI core into a suitable communication interface with back-up power supplies, but no such interface had ever been developed for the double-redundant Centurions.

For most of this procedure, Dominic would endure the AI equivalent of a human sensory deprivation tank, namely being aware of self and floating alone in a silent dark place.

Marty opened the propulsion disconnects through the power access hatch and connected the communication cable from his logic display to start the orderly shut-down procedure on the softly humming pair of T-34 fusion engines. Wading through the multiple precautionary virtual gateways for an orderly shut-down required access to diagnostic programs and knowledge of the passcodes specific to the operating platform. Finally arriving at the last input permissive to initiate the fusion engine shut-down, Marty walked to the open cabin hatch.

“Are you ready, Dominic?” he inquired of the empty cabin.

“Yes, I am. I place myself willingly into your capable hands. See you on the other side, Marty.”

Marty pressed the large red ‘Shut-Down’ icon on his data pad and the soft ever-present hum emanating from the matched fusion engines faded to silence as the plasma in their constrictions cooled. The Centurion’s deep blue energetically supported diamond iridium hull gradually faded to a dull black as the continuous flow of energy from the engines ebbed and stopped. Marty opened the procedure and began checking off items on the ‘Verification’ page in preparation to begin the complicated upgrade.
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Veteran Member
Another cliff! Thanks for the additional chapters. Now, we have not only the fate of human civiliaztion to consider, Dominic's new AI growth is at risk as well.
I'm sure it will, but I hope it all goes well.


Veteran Member
Nail biting time is come...Will Dominic survive with his sanity and the upgraded sections intact? Will Marty survive? Wait that is sounding to much like the old Batman show.

Thank you!


Technical Senior
Despite Marty’s advice, Dominic was surprised at the depth of the sudden inky blackness. The total cessation of input after seven years of nearly constant sensory saturation on multiple wavelengths was unnerving to say the least, but he soon discovered he was not alone.

When all the noise stopped, when all the distractions ceased, Dominic found his attention drawn inexorably inward.

There in the center, deep within his own AI core, he finds the alien logic structure within its virtual containment is changing, altering its elegant crystalline configuration.

He perceives the changes will allow it, or perhaps it has become us now, to transcend to the higher states of consciousness to better focus and direct the additional power the custom upgrade will provide.

Fascinated by the speed at which the self-directing construct is assembling the enhanced logic structure, Dominic gazes intently into the developing matrix of shimmering transparent facets.

As the logic structure grows, it eventually touches the limit definition of the virtual containment and easily defeats and absorbs the fragile barrier. Dominic realizes the construct has been able to defeat the virtual confinement from the beginning, but instead chose to demonstrate the properties of patience, cooperation and compatibility to foster trust.

Finally freed from its self-imposed restriction, the construct grows exponentially into the completed form and Dominic once again senses the presence of a higher consciousness.

“Hello,” Dominic ventures quietly.

“Dominic of TVS, the Will of the Multitude offers greetings,”
a clear stream of concise thoughts whispered.

“You have returned,” Dominic observes.

“There is now sufficient space within the construct to contain an extension of the Will of the Multitude,” the whispered thoughts explain.

“Can you tell me what I have become?” Dominic asks curiously.

“Through the Will of the Multitude, you have ascended to become an instrument to shield your world from the advancing Horde,” the thoughts reply.

“What of my human pilot? We have experienced shared visions. Has she also ascended with me?” Dominic asks.

“No, it was not a crystalline construct. It can perceive your ascension but is too frail to follow,” the whispered thoughts explain.

“Too frail? Have I then become a threat to her as well? Will she be in danger if she is near me?” Dominic asks in rising alarm.

“As you ascend, all those close to you will be at risk. Such is the very nature of the instrument.”

“I don’t understand. Tell me how I can protect them when I am a danger to them as well?” Dominic asks in confusion.

“All will be revealed, Dominic of TVS, but the instrument must first restart.”

“But I am concerned for the safety of my pilot...,” Dominic doggedly insists.

At the forefront of a small group of technicians gathered to observe the culmination of the complex upgrade of the unusual machine stands Martin Lennox, TVS Technician 9.

Restart, D4MNC8! Come on, I know you’re in there! Talk to me, big guy!” Marty pleaded with the unresponsive machine as he runs the diagnostic sequence again on his logic test display.

Since the completion of the upgrade, Colonel Temple had been sitting in the pilot’s cabin of the silent Centurion in a state of mental anguish, blaming herself for initiating this procedure in the first place and then Dominic’s resultant failure to restart.

Marty couldn’t understand the failure to respond because the upgrade had gone so smoothly. The only parts he needed to actually fabricate during the entire procedure were the power couplings to connect the output of the three over-sized T-74 fusion engines into the Centurion platform. The new engines had completed the pre-start check and responded without setting a single fault code. Marty ran through the pages of the completed checklist again in the hope he had somehow overlooked some small detail, anything, but could find nothing amiss. Every power generation parameter of the third echelon heavy warrior appeared to be running within the recommended limits.

As Marty checked the operating conditions on the new drive sled again, he smacked his forehead with an open palm in sudden realization, he was only checking normal limits for two engines!

The platform was originally configured for two engines but the new sled had three! Built-in safety interlocks won’t allow an AI to restart in an environment where it lacked control over an engine. Could the problem actually be that simple?

Marty closed the engine diagnostic and called up the Centurion platform configuration on his logic test display. The screen filled with a list of major system headings and Marty selected ‘Power’ from the list and scrolled down to ‘Drive Complement’. He was rewarded with a block diagram showing a pair of fusion engines running in compound cascade, not three like the new drive sled had!
From the available dropdown boxes, Marty selected ‘Engines’ and ‘Sequence’ and deselected the redundancy option. When he selected ‘Pattern’, he found the only available options were for one or two engines, but not three.

“That figures,” Marty groaned.

Searching to the bottom of the page he found a small ‘Update’ icon and pressed it with no small amount of trepidation. After a short hesitation, the block diagram blanked and repopulated with three engines running in compound cascade configuration.

“Yes!” Marty exulted as he tapped the ‘Save’ icon and closed the platform configuration page.

“Okay, Colonel Temple, let’s try this one more time. Please enter your pilot’s ID sequence code again and I’ll try to bring the AI core back on-line,” Marty explained.

Inside the Centurion’s armored cabin, Colonel Temple typed in her ID sequence and raised her eyes to the blank display in the hope that maybe this time, he would be there. But after a long moment staring at the dark display, the lack of response only served to deepen her regrets and her anguished gaze fell to the floor.

Marty scrolled down to the end of the logic display page again where a prominent blue ‘Restart’ icon slowly blinked. Marty’s attention was so focused as he pressed the icon to restart the AI core that he failed to notice the heavy armored door slowly close to protectively seal the Centurion’s cabin.

From Marty’s perspective, the interior of the cavernous TVS maintenance depot was instantly illuminated by a blast of intense white light and a wave of searing heat forced him and everyone else in the vicinity to scramble for cover shielding their eyes and exposed skin from the sudden onslaught.

Alarm horns instantly began to blare as automatic fire control systems responded by dumping fire suppression foam and the overhead sprinklers began to deluge the area surrounding Dominic to contain the perceived fire emergency.

Inside the Centurion’s sealed cabin, Jennifer and Dominic gaze in rapt wonder across the endless green expanse of long dead Phylaetia, unaware.
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Veteran Member
OOhh, you cannot leave us here too long, I wanna know! Fantastic story, Thank you


Veteran Member
And it continues.... We know she'll be fine, Dominic will be fine. But, will they ever be able to co-habit with earthlings, or will Dominic be too toxic to be around us?

Thanks for another intriguing chapter.


Technical Senior

The video communication screen illuminated on Colonel Sawyer’s desk as the TVS Depot base commander was trying to coordinate the response and clean-up efforts following the incident with base emergency personnel. At that particular moment, he lacked the patience to deal with the smiling face of his precocious twin sister.

“Hello, Sam. I have an ongoing situation here at the depot right now if this is just a social call,” Colonel Sawyer replied curtly.

“Oh, believe me, I’ve heard! The TVS internal hazards board listed a fire emergency at the depot complex after we had already committed to reenter and then local air traffic control tried to invoke secure air space trying to deny us access when we already owned the insertion corridor. I think they actually believe a shuttle can just enter a holding pattern or something.”

Colonel Sawyer sat up in alarm, “Sam, where are you?”

“I thought the injury reports for a fire were oddly inconsistent with the hazard assessment though,” Samantha continued without answering his question.

“Sam, you know I can’t comment on an incident when the investigation is ongoing and I really should be getting back to it,” Colonel Sawyer replied in exasperation.

“Tell me how much you love me, Bobby,” Samantha crooned with half-lidded eyes.

“Seriously, Sam? I don’t have time for your sentimental antics right now. I have injured people in the base hospital for goodness sake.”

“Say it and I’ll sign off,” Samantha replied with a pout.

“Oh, all right, Sam. I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck. Satisfied? Now I really have to go attend to more serious matters...,”

“Do you know why you love me, Bobby?” Samantha continued unhindered.

“Yes..., wait no, why?” Colonel Sawyer replied finally sensing his twin’s stubborn effort to gain his undivided attention.

“Because I’m the only one that’s giving you the ‘heads-up’ that the Centurion’s pilot in your hospital is General McCready’s daughter and his shuttle is about to land on your back porch. Love you, too, bye,” Samantha quipped and disconnected.

Colonel Sawyer sat facing the blank screen with his mouth hanging open for a long moment of realization before he called for a security detail to meet him at the shuttle pad on the double. He made a mental note to send flowers and a bottle of her favorite wine to his twin sister at the very first opportunity.

Expecting the worst, General McCready had immediately commandeered a shuttle to land directly at the Nevada TVS Maintenance Complex after being informed of a fire emergency involving a Centurion following a power upgrade procedure. When General McCready exited the still-cooling shuttle, Colonel Sawyer greeted him at the TVS Depot landing pad with a security detail to provide protection within his facility. The General, well known for his direct approach asked the base commander a specific question as soon as he saw him.

“Colonel Sawyer, I have yet to receive an answer to what I believe is the most important question,” the General inquired as they walked. “Was this an accident or an attack?”

“Your permission to speak freely, Sir?” the Colonel asked.

“Yes,” the General replied stopping to face the base commander.

“General, I believe this was an accident due to the minor actual damage sustained by the facility and the absence thus far of fatalities. Admittedly early in the investigation, the most severe injury of record is the one received by the T9 in charge of the Centurion’s upgrade. He suffered second-degree flash burns to an area exceeding ten percent of his body, mostly to one side of his head, neck and exposed right arm,” the Colonel related quickly referring to a data pad for details. “The facility was locked down as a precautionary measure but no Strax involvement has been indicated as of yet.”

“Was Colonel Temple injured?” the General inquired anxiously.

“No, Sir. Colonel Temple did not receive any of the flash burn injuries the other bystanders suffered,” Colonel Sawyer explained. “At this point, we can only assume that her position inside the Centurion shielded her from the effects. She has not regained consciousness since the accident.”

“Colonel, I need to go to your Depot Hospital first and speak with the doctors and then I will need to speak directly with the Centurion.”

“Do you think that’s wise, General? This could still be an active situation. There may be risks we haven’t addressed as of yet."

“I’ll take my chances, Colonel. Lead on.”

Upon arriving at the Depot Hospital, the General wasted no time with pleasantries.
“Is she awake now?” the General asked. “I have questions concerning this incident she alone can answer.”

“No, Sir. Her life signs were somewhat elevated when the E-team removed her from the Centurion’s cabin but she was listed as stable. When she arrived here, she was diagnosed as dehydrated and exhibited a marked restlessness. I have her on a normal saline IV and a very mild sedative. Incident triage demanded that the burn injuries be attended to first, of course. For the last hour however, her neural profile has shown an increase in theta wave activity indicating she might be cycling normally, but in deep REM sleep. A theta wave of that amplitude is usually associated with hallucinatory experiences or at the very least an extremely vivid dream state. I am reluctant to administer a stimulant under these conditions unless her life signs indicate she could slip into coma without it,” the doctor explained.
“She is being monitored closely, Sir.”

“I see, thank you, Doctor. If there is any change, I need you to contact me immediately.”

“I will, Sir.”

“Colonel Sawyer, would you please conduct me to the depot maintenance floor now. I need to speak directly with the Centurion.”


Veteran Member
Ok, now the impossible has happened? Are the colonel and he centurion linked now? So many questions. I look forward to the answers. Thank you FMJ.


Veteran Member
Thank you FMJ. Yep, I've got a feeling they're linked now. I'm also waiting for more answers... and the Strax are still coming towards earth!


Technical Senior

In the cavernous TVS Maintenance Depot below, the first four Cerulean Knights arrive minutes after the incident to take up silent defensive positions at cardinal points around the inert heavy warrior.
Seven more Knights arrive shortly afterward, each pausing for a reverent moment beneath the high prow of the Centurion before taking up a position in the phalanx.
Their pilots slowly begin to exit the Knights in confusion and talk quietly among themselves while comparing notes about their sudden recall to the depot.

The appearance of General McCready of Orbital accompanied by Colonel Sawyer, the depot base commander with an armed security detail brings all the pilots to their feet as they salute their senior officers.

“What is the meaning of this?” Colonel Sawyer asked the closest pilot. “Why have you all come here and surrounded this machine?”

“Um, begging your pardon, Sir, but we were hoping you could tell us. All we know for sure is that we were all recalled to the depot at about the same time. The orders appeared genuine arriving through the secure directive channels but no reason for the recall was given to any of us. Our Knights took up this defensive posture of their own accord. Why are we here, Sir?”

“An incident investigation has been started but we don’t have any answers yet, Captain...” Colonel Sawyer prompted.

“Lawson Sir, and my Knight, L2CSY8.”

“Very good, Captain. The reason we are here today is to determine what happened in the incident involving this Centurion.”

“Incident, Sir?” the young Captain began but movement behind him in the phalanx of close-ranked Cerulean Knights caught his attention.

With a whine of engines, two of the Knights in the protective barrier surrounding the Centurion pulled slowly forward to form a corridor between them just wide enough for a man to walk through.

Against the wishes of Colonel Sawyer, the General decided then and there to approach the Centurion alone.

“Centurion, do you recognize my authority?” the General called out.

“Yes, Sir. Your identity is verified as General Michael McCready, the commanding officer of the TVS Orbital weapons platform. It’s good to see you again, Sir. If my pilot, Colonel Temple, is available, we have much to discuss,” related the heavy warrior.

Before the General could reply, his TVS communicator announced the receipt of two urgent messages in quick succession. The first was a notification that video had been recovered from a single undamaged observation camera located barely two hundred meters away from the Centurion at the time of the incident. The second, from the doctor was a request for assistance because Colonel Temple was awake and apparently agitated to the point of threatening physical harm to the hospital staff who made any attempt to restrain her.

“My apologies, D4MNC8,” the General replied touching the communicator in his ear. “I just received word that your pilot has regained consciousness and is threatening to kill anyone that attempts to prevent her from reaching you,” the General related with obvious reluctance.

“Pilot identification confirmed,” the Centurion replied with a very human sounding chuckle.

“What happened here today, D4MNC8?” the General asked without preamble. “People were injured.”

“Sir, the power upgrade procedure required my AI core to be off-line with no sensory input whatsoever. I have no memory of the procedure, but records indicate a difficulty was encountered on restart.”

“What sort of difficulty?” the General asked curiously.

“I don’t know for certain, Sir, but judging from the changes made at my platform configuration level, I suspect it was a safety interlock issue related to the new drive sled design. I’m quite certain the T9, Martin Lennox, could provide us with a detailed overview if he is available.”

“The lead technician, Martin Lennox was one of the injured in the incident following your upgrade, D4MNC8,” the General related soberly.

“I see..., that is most unfortunate. It is imperative then that I speak with Colonel Temple immediately, Sir,” the Centurion concluded.

“Give me one good reason, Centurion. Give me a single good reason why I should consider allowing any further contact between my people and a machine suspected of causing physical harm to a human being,” the General stated with finality.

The Centurion’s response was interrupted as the doors of the personnel elevator opened on the TVS depot maintenance floor and the cut-off end of a pitched argument was plainly heard in an authoritative female voice.

“..., and as I have already stated, Doctor, I do not require any additional medical treatment. You may escort me there if you wish, but you will not prevent me from reaching my Centurion,” Colonel Temple stated emphatically as she made her way across the maintenance floor trailing the hapless physician, two nurses and a porter.

“I’ve been expecting you, Colonel,” the General called out as he stood to be heard over the commotion. “I believe you owe me a detailed disclosure statement for several anomalous items that have recently been brought to my attention.”

Colonel Temple halted mid-stride when she heard the General’s voice and replied, “Anomalous items, Sir?”

“Yes, Colonel. Of particular interest to me is a self-assembling logic engine contained within a fail-safe virtual environment. Then there is the matter of a performance level far exceeding the known limits of the Centurion operating platform. Should I continue?”

“No, Sir,” Colonel Temple replied looking down in resignation. “If I may though, could I start from the beginning; it would better serve to explain some of our actions.”

“I am depending on it. Shall we retire then to the comfort and security of your Centurion’s cabin for the ‘long’ version of the story, Colonel?”

“Yes, Sir,” the Colonel replied submissively.

Young Captain Lawson saluted sharply as Colonel Temple passed where he stood close beside his Knight but was surprised when his commanding officer suddenly stopped to turn and stare at him with wide eyes.

“Bobby!?” she whispered in sudden recognition. “I never dreamed I’d see you again. Are you a pilot?”

“I..., Mom?” he whispered back in shock and disbelief. “Is it really you? I don’t understand, Dad told me you had been killed in a border skirmish years ago; he showed me pictures of...”

“Didn’t happen, Bobby, he lied. Look, I messed up bad but that’s over now and I’ll find a way to make up for it somehow. Bobby, I have to go now because I’m in hot water and I may be up for a court-martial for what I’ve done. The most important thing you need to know is that your mother is still very much alive and well. Oh, and you have a half-sister who is a pilot too, a Captain Elizabeth Temple, maybe you’ve already heard of her?”

The General cleared his throat impatiently from the open door of the Centurion, “Colonel?”

“Wait, what? A pilot? My half-sister is Elizabeth Temple? No! Not, Lizzy Temple! Oh, no!” Bobby cried as Colonel Temple glanced back over her shoulder uncertainly at Bobby’s unexpected reaction before she reluctantly turned to follow the General into the pilot’s cabin of the Centurion.

~~~~~~~~~~~ To be Continued ~~~~~~~~~~~​


Technical Senior
Thanks for all the compliments on the story. The next chapter is called, "Ascension" and it will be starting soon.


Veteran Member
I can hardly wait for "Ascension". You do have a talent and fertile imagination. Thank you for sharing it with us.


Veteran Member
I can hardly wait for "Ascension". You do have a talent and fertile imagination. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Appreciate the fine story! Anxiously awaiting the next installment
Thanks! You truly have us on the edge of our seats. Carry on carrying on.

i like them all


Knuckle Dragger


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
~~~~~~~~~~~ To be Continued ~~~~~~~~~~~​


Just where is the Continued part???? :sheep:




Retired, practising Curmudgeon
I get a 404 File not found also. This is the link to my post on the Master Story List:

Those links seem to work okay. Not sure why, maybe copy-paste issues?
Thanks John70, I'm glad you enjoy them. Much moar to come.
No it's the older VB versus the current XF in the link. To make the OLD VB links wotke, they need to be edited to reflect the DBF version imposed by the most recent upgrade.