Story Repent, or Repeat


Veteran Member
The baby in Clora's arms slept quietly as she and Mark knelt on the grass. They were touching shoulder to shoulder and Mark had a possessive arm around Clora. Mark was praying aloud. Thanking God, who by His Grace and Blessing had brought them through another earth shattering crisis.

Couple by couple came to their own decisions and joined the parents that had conquered incredible odds to keep the clan together as a family. Hearts overflowing with gratitude and unspeakable joy, lifted voices in praise.

The sons and daughter and friends of the steadfast couple responsible for saving them from the fate that had just swept the world, gathered their own children close and knelt in supplication.

Never before had their been an example to them of how strong faith and obedience to God's laws was the only life they could consider.

The husband, children and friends of Clora Apperton Hanson Linderman thanked God for sending her to earth and the special privileges he had given her. All of them knew without a doubt they wouldn't have lived through the purge. They had sins, lots of them. But, they had listened to Ma, when she told them to pray and repent those sins, or they would be doomed to repeat them forever.

One woman's faith had saved and motivated twenty five people.
That woman prayed, praised and sang a joyful noise unto the Lord. The family joined her, laughing, crying and loving one another as only strong family ties can make possible.

Clora handed the child in her arms to Phoebe, it was getting close to supper time and people needed to be fed. God hadn't promised them a trial free life, just that He would walk with them. Feeding the family was going to be a strain, but Clora knew they had help.

"Robbie, are you hungry?" Clora called out, knowing the growing boy was constantly hungry.

"Yeah, let's go eat, before they start kissing again," he complained.


Veteran Member
Dear Readers,

I have settled some problem areas in my life, I needed uninterrupted time to pray and ask for a solution. Then I needed to be still and listen.

That's the most difficult part. Listening and waiting. I'm a little impatient, and at times that's God's biggest lesson. Wait.

Posting will be erratic in the beginning, I have leftover solutions to put to work, but I'll work on them and the story. Thanks all for reading. Pac.


Veteran Member
I hear you on the impatient part...I am guilty of more than my share of it.


Veteran Member

Deep in her heart, Clora had the peace that comes from God's approval. Her life had been dedicated to bringing His word to her family. Clora sat at the table and beamed at her children and grandchildren. But most of all she glowed and projected an aura of love for Mark. Caught up in looking at one another, they didn't notice the family nudging the one next to them to notice Ma and Dad. Clora's shining look of love, affected them all, just as her faith did. All around the table, discreetly underneath, husbands searched and found their wife's hand , the need to have a connection.

It was as enthralling to Mark, as the first time he had seen that tall, graceful woman in the helicopter. As her eyes had looked at him that first, chance meeting; they looked at him now. Mark felt humbled through every inch of his being; that beautiful creature loved him and it was an unequalled gift.

Clora was thinking the same thing. God had sent Mark to her, and never before had she experienced such a blessing.

Milo leaned over and whispered to Honey, "do you think they'll burst into flame?" and then chuckled softly.

Honey whispered back, "will you feel that way after 30 some years?"

"Absolutely," Milo's voice resonated with his strong convictions. Honey relaxed, she had a secret to tell him tonight when they were alone.

Lou and Sherrie at the end of the table, were talking low. "I've seen love in your eyes and face," she told Lou, and leaned toward him to touch shoulders; ""but I've never seen it blaze like what I'm seeing between your Mom and Dad."

Lou turned his head to whisper in her ear. "We are still new to each other; we have the beginnings and it will catch the same fire." He told her confidently. "It's the journey two people take. There's no hurry, and each day binds it stronger." he squeezed Sherrie's hand under the table.

Sherrie looked at him with the new love in her eyes. They were forged, but untempered by life. It would come upon them slowly as each experience they weathered, was the flux that connected them.

Across the table from them, Gary and Jainey were dealing with the same feelings. Perhaps not as deeply in love as the rest of the family, they were cautiously feeling their way through the minefield of new and untested feelings and uncertainties. Jainey knew her feelings ran deep as dark, still waters. The depth of love she had for Gary was frightening in it's intensity, and Jainey didn't want to frighten him with her wants and needs. He was so handsome she couldn't look away from him, marveling that such a magnificent man loved her in return.

In one of those quirky twists of fate, Gary was thinking the same thoughts. He loved that woman; when he finally figured out what love felt like, what it was, and what it could do to a man.

The only people Gary and Jainey couldn't tell their love too, was each other. The family walked around them shaking their head's as Gary and Jainey blundered down the path to become a solid union as God asked of his likenesses.

Watching Mark and Clora affected Toby and Rennie, Robert and Mandy and Bruce and Tricia, and Ben and Tess. From the sidelines Hank and Lemmie and Phoebe, watched the glue that cemented the clan together with soft eyes and fond remembrances. Hank and Lemmie grateful that God had blessed them with love again in their later years.

It was Phoebe that watched with a terrible ache in her heart. She had loved a good man once, and they had created a daughter to be proud of. The man had been killed as a result of riot violence, and the daughter and her family were unknown.

Phoebe's gut feeling was that her daughter would not have survived the Devil's purge; and she was slowly resigning herself to the fact she was a woman of color with out anyone to love, or to love her. She cared for Tricia and Tesse's babies and loved on them as they were her own. It would have to be enough. There was no other solution.

The clan had no way of knowing the plans God had for them. They loved each other and abided by His will.


Veteran Member
The clan had no way of knowing the plans God had for them.

None of us do. And His plans are so much better than we can ever imagine. 10 years ago, I was struggling with trying to pay bills after getting divorced. Today, I'm married to a wonderful man, who is truly the head of our family. He is so much more than I could have ever imagined or wished for, and God gave him to ME!


Veteran Member

ah, like Clora, you have a blessing from God.

It is my sincere wish that all who yearn for blessing from God in the form of a loving partner, (including me now) have their wish granted according to His will. Pac.


Veteran Member
What a delight to find the beginnings of a new saga. Now my time at the computer can be rewarded with something uplifting rather than just doom, doom, doom. Thank you.


Veteran Member
So very VERY happy to have you back, Pac!! I'm glad you had a rest, but I'm also glad to see you back writing!!

Another super great story about the clan on it's way....

Thank you!!!


Veteran Member

After supper, the men supervised the children out on the patio, while the ladies cleared away the dishes and prepped as much as possible for the next meals. The men were discussing the need for sentry duty, how many and if they should put as much emphasis on the world being changed, as it appeared it might be.

"Dad, I'd like to do a scouting party." Gary and Milo looked at one another, nodding in satisfaction. Gary was already chafing at the down time they were experiencing, needing a little more action. Milo's words didn't surprise anyone, he had that look about him, but it was Toby that surprised them all.

"I'd like to be the third," he broke in to say. "Now that I've got my condition back, I'd like to keep it and hold the lawyer pudge at bay, a little longer. Gary, we need to keep up the exercising, get us a plan, keep us on it."


Veteran Member
Thank you Pac for more of your fantastic writing, I pray that you and your's are well, and that you continue to choose to bless us with more of your fantastic gift. Good to hear form you Pac.



Veteran Member
The little voice in my head told me to check the member stories this morning. I'm so glad I listened! Thank you PAC. I hope your day is filled with blessings.


Veteran Member

(sorry, I got called away, gkid sick again)

Robert volunteered for sentry duty, "I think we should have one member on duty day and night. This is all too new to take at face value. For the protection of my family, I want someone paying attention to security. I also propose Lou stand guard with me, so he can be trained."

Mark nodded. He heartily approved. And, like it or not, Ben was going to have to take up some of the slack, along with Bruce. The two men had skated by, thinking their occupations excused them from physical participation. Not so, they had some of the largest families, and needed to have their boots on the ground, hand on their weapon.

More and more Mark deferred the decision making to his sons. They had to be ready; trained, comfortable with decision making and capable of handling the consequences if they thought wrong.

Mark looked around the group of men and felt pride. Each one of them capable, but together they were outstanding. He cleared his throat, as he wished to speak, before any more time since the last attack, went by. "Son's," he said in a loud voice, "may I have a moment." At the nodded assents, he continued.

"I wanted to tell you what an incredible job you men handled during the last attack. There was no indiscriminate spraying and wasting of ammunition; targets were carefully selected, called and immobilized. I can't tell you how proud this makes me. All kept a cool head, and we were outnumbered by an ill trained but crazed force. I wanted to tell all of you thank you, for reacting as you have been trained." Mark went around and shook hands with his men.

Only Ben, Lou and Bruce felt they didn't deserved such high praise, but Mark insisted. "We will make sure you are trained. All of you have to be ready to lead the clan at a moment's notice. To understand the nature of warfare, attacks and defense. That way if you are ever separated from the group, you can lead your squad, family or the whole clan to safety. This is necessary for the safety of us all, so seek out a mentor and lets keep our powder dry."

Mark also went around and shook the hand of the youngsters, praising them for listening and obeying their parents. The Lindermen men all remembering when he had done that for them, when they were young and how important it made them feel.

One by one the stalwart men of the clan made the rounds, shaking the children's hands. It made the same deep impression on the second generation, as it had on their fathers. The kind word and praise, had boy's sitting taller, standing taller and regarding their cousins in a new light. The only girl was Lyric and at a year old, she hid her face in Toby's shoulder, and refused to shake.

The ladies standing inside had taken note of what was happening on the patio and proud smiles were shared.

Mark surprised them all by coming in and shaking hands with the women. Praising their work, defense and level headedness in the face of fire. It was such a small thing that was such a big thing, drawing and tightening the bonds of the clan more solid than ever before.

When he was finished, Mark looked for Clora and they walked down the hall to their room. The men on the patio talked and drew the plans for the scouting party. Robert and Lou went for long weapons, training time had started.


Veteran Member
Thank you Pac! Such a great surprise to see you back so soon, and writing again. I hope all is well with you, and yours.


Veteran Member

Milo, Gary and Toby packed and repacked their versions of battle gear. Light army surplus rucks that were old, frayed, and all they had. The three of them the clan's best marksmen, adventurers, and formed in Mark's forge of security, situational awareness and stealth.

Milo, as the best shot, had Mark's super battle rifle. Checking the fit of the scope caps for the twentieth time, Milo looked up at Mark. "Are you sure Dad?" Milo was no fool, he could read the reluctance in Dad's face..
Mark nodded. It hurt to see his prized weapon in Milo's hands, but it was time. Mark knew if he waited much longer that his lack of foresight would cripple his son's. They needed to assume leadership.

Mark understood he wouldn't have waited as long as the men that were his son's had waited, for the mantle of authority. But he had peace in his heart. He and Clora had prayed and prayed over his decision to trust the men they had raised. As Clora and he prayed, as she turned over running the house to the capable women they had molded. Strong women that supported the steel strong bonds of faith, family and honor.

It was imperative that the second generation of Lindermen men assume their proper and rightful stations as head of their families and trained and forged together as a fighting unit capable of protecting and securing the clan's ability to thrive.

Acting as advisor, but refraining from offering advise unless directly questioned, Mark was well satisfied with the planning for the foray and for the security of the compound while the three were gone.

Personally it was a toss up between Milo and Toby as who was the most qualified man. Toby having a few years on Milo for finesse, but Milo the quicker thinking of the two. Gary was still a little raw and brash, but with undeniable courage and battle acumen.

Robert fell naturally into the leader of the compound security, quiet competence and confidence in his ability, gave the battle weary women and children courage to go about their everyday tasks.

The pervious night, Milo and Honey lay close in the heat of the summer night and discussed his up coming scouting trip. "Be very careful Milo," Honey had whispered and placed his hand on her belly. "We have a baby."

Milo's rush of sucked in breath, told Honey everything she needed to know. Arms held each other lovingly and whispered vows of love went back and forth as they celebrated the thrill of creating life. It was too new and the wonder of it so great that they held the secret to themselves for a while.

Milo could tell that Clora knew, but she wouldn't say a word until he and Honey came forth with the news. Clora was also keeping other secrets. As a clan, they were expanding rapidly.

The three men left in the predawn of the next morning. If unfriendly were watching the compound, it was foolish to announce that three of the most accurate and capable of the fighting resistance had left the secure group of buildings.