[rec] Salmon Croquettes


Salmon Croquettes

14 oz. Can Salmon
¼ cup fine cracker crumbs
1 egg
1 cup cornmeal
½ cup shortening

Salt and Pepper to taste (omit salt if using Saltine crumbs)

Empty contents of salmon can into a small mixing bowl. Gently peel away and discard skin of the salmon; crush bones as mixing. Mix in cracker crumbs, egg and salt and pepper. Heat shortening in skillet over medium heat. Form salmon mixture into eight small patties. Roll patties in cornmeal and fry until golden brown on both sides (turn after about 10 minutes.)


Interesting to say "crush bones" - I always tried to pick them out and discard them... was upset there was so much in the cans. To crush that stuff (for extra nutrition) makes perfect sense. I never would have thought of it! And after all, what is jello? Seriously, thank you for this awesome recipe.


yup, I'm so grateful for my smart wife. You don't even know the bones are "in there." The canning makes them so soft they disintegrate, and you get the extra calcium and other minerals (like sulfur) that help your joints and nails.

I just wish we had the salmon cakes more often. They go great with the cole slaw.



Catching up on posts I have missed. I am always looking for salmon recipes. This one sounds great. And I still make your cole slaw, so the next time I buy salmon, this is the recipe I'll use.




Thanks, CeeBee. I'm going to try this recipe tonight. The girls claim they hate salmon, but have refused to try it so far 'cause Daddy won't eat it. I just won't tell them what it is and see what happens....;)



Welcome, Judy!

I see this was your second post. Glad to have you aboard. I don't have any salmon right now and I would be interested to hear if your girls liked the salmon cakes. Mine are always so bland, so I am glad CeeBee posted this recipe. BTW, if you can locate his recipe for cole slaw, it's superb. Let us know how it turns out!


PS> OK, so the cole slaw is not his own recipe, but he posted it and it's still superb! :lol:


Thanks for the welcome, Cassie. I couldn't make them last night because I didn't have any shortening on hand and it's not like we have a grocer nearby. :) We're going into town today, so I'll pick some up. I think I'll add some green onion from the garden if last weekend's frost didn't get it all. It sure got everything else. I'll let you know how they turned out.

I think I'll try to find that slaw recipe too.




I bumped the thread about coleslaw for you. Sorry to hear the frost got your garden. It's a grim reminder of that season heading our way. At least we might have a couple months yet before we are dealing with frost here in the midwest (I hope!!) How long is your growing season up there? I just *have* to have my garden. It's therapeutic. :lol:



Veteran Member

My mother made these years ago! She didn't bother with the cornmeal . Just fried them in a cast iron skillet. I've had them with canned corn added that were good also.


The croquettes were absolutely delicious! Thanks for the recipe.
I don't know what "bumped" means, so I'll try to find that slaw recipe. Thanks. :)



Membership Revoked

Thanks for posting this.I had totally forgotten how good these
things are.
My mother has used the jack mackrel in a can as a substitute as
it was usually much cheaper than salmon.
Gonna be trying this out on my kids this week.

Jack mackrel is still inexpensive in the stores now.I will be adding
a few cans to my shopping list.I assume they are quiet good for
you too.


Thanks for tip about the mackeral. I stocked up on some of that for Y2K, so I'll ask my wife to try making this recipe with those for a change to see how we like it.

It is time to start stocking up on canned meat, especially fish which is so good for you, now that the war clouds are gathering on the horizon. You can hardly buy a more concentrated source of nutrition for the money, which keeps so long and takes up so little space.


Finally got some salmon and made these a couple weeks ago. They were really gooooood. :D

Thanks for the tip on the Mackerel, CW. I used to use it all the time because salmon was so expensive. Now I buy it at the discount store at a reasonable price. Used to make a mackerel loaf, but never could get a recipe for a moist loaf. Always baked up like a brick! :confused:

If you have a good recipe for a salmon/mackerel loaf, could you post it, please? Thanks.



When we lived in the Pacific NorthWest we ate a lot of salmon. Used to can my own (drool, drool, same with tuna) Believe me, its nothing like what you get in a can at grocery store. I made some patties from canned and I added green onion. But I didn't use corn meal. They were ok...but we are spoiled. But I am going to get a can of salmon and try it with the corn meal. Thanks for the recipe.
In our RV I have placed 4 cases of new pt jars and my pressure canner. I am hoping when we are in Mexico that I can can some fresh tuna. And then when we get to the PNW, I will get some more jars and can salmon again. But can get good fresh tuna on the coast of Washington State too if I miss it in Mexico. I may be too busy eating fish tacos in San Felipe to do any canning.:lol:
