

A tourist visiting New York's China Town wandered into a Chinese curio shop and began wandering around the shop.

He came upon a remarkable 12" tall bronze statue of a Rat. He took it over to the counter and asked the Chinese attendant what it's price was.

The attendent said the "Lat" [forgive me for my injection of character assasination of some would be chinese with a bad accent, it's for the joke, so lighten up] Statue was $12.50, but the story about the statue was $150.00.

He ten asked the tourist which he wanted or both. The tourist said just the statue and hold the bag.

Leaving the shop with his new possession the tourist hadn't gotten to the first intersection when looking over his shoulder he espyed about a dozen rats following him. After crossing the street heading South he again looked over his shoulder and the number of rats had grown to several score of rats following him, he could see them coming out of the tenements, the sewers and alleys, he picked up his pace. At the next corner he turned to look back and there were rats covering the street from side to side, rats were everywhere, climbing over cars, chasing people off the sidewalks, the screams and chaos where mind boggling.

At this point the tourist made a tactical decision and turned left and headed toward the East River, just a block away, he was now at a dead run. He glanced over his shoulder and the hordes of rats were only thirty or so feet away and closing. Upon reaching the river he took the brass statue and threw it as far out into the river as his strength permited.

Every rat that followed him went by him and dove into the river alas only to drown. When the last rat had finally met its fate the tourist turned around and hurried back to the Chinese curio shop.

Upon entering the store the attendant greeted him with " Ah, back for the story I see". to which the tourist said, "actually no, but you wouldn't perchance have a statue of a democrat would you"?

Hamilton Felix

LOL! I loved that!:lol:

If you don't find that Democrat statue, ring up the Pied Piper. He should be able to lure 'em if he'll just play something that sounds like other folks' money jingling in their pockets...;)

Lone Wolf

Lives on TB

I wonder if that would work with.............?

Naww...but maeby.........no not that either!

Now lets see....MMMmmmmmm?

Or...........no..'could get into real trouble with that one!

How about congresscrittahs!!

Yeah! now that has real potential!!
