Quite Smoking Help


Contributing Member
I recently quite smoking - Dec 31st and I am on the Patch for now - I was wondering if there were any Herbs or combanations I could take to Help Detox My body from all the years of smoking including My Lungs - I did start working out at a Gym 3 xs a week at 47 I feel really Old :ld: . Any help or tips You all can share with Me would be Much Appreciated.

Mrs Smith

Membership Revoked
I'm right there with ya bud. I'm trying to quit as well.
When you get the urge, put a tictac or other small mint under your tongue. It helps ease the urge.
Get and take Sulfonil, (from your naturopath). It will really help with the cravings and will help your system clean the toxins out.



Contributing Member
Thank you Tras I will get that pronto - I seem to be doing well and the gym is helping get Me back in shape - though stock in BenGay would of been a good Idea . Body Bagger stick with it - It will be well worth the benifits.


Contributing Member
Hi Dep.

CONGRATULATIONS for kicking a habit that is as addicting as heroin.

I quit smoking about 2 or so months ago. I am about your age 48 and what caused me to quit cold turkey is when I woke up one morning and could not see the right half of anything. This coupled with extreme dizziness made me think I was having a stroke!!!.

I thought to myself WHAT are you doing? why are you trying to kill yourself? So that was it and while I still want a cig now and then, i just think back to the shear terror of the moment I thought I was going to die.

Stick with it. I am rooting for you. I know you will succeed.



You can do it! I smoked for 16 years up to two packs a day! I had to quit as I had nasal surgery and it really, really hurt to smoke. That was enough incentive for me!

DH continued to smoke for 8 more years after I stopped. After my surgery healed up, it was quite hard sitting in a room with DH when he lit up, as it was very tempting to grab one of his smokes. After a while, the smell just grossed me out!

He quit two years ago when he developed pneumonia. He tried and tried to light one up but his lungs would not let him for over three weeks! He decided that if went that long involuntarily, he could probably make it. He was right! He started chewing cinnamon gum instead of smoking as he needed "something". He is still chewing that gum, but to a much lesser extent. I would like for him to drop the gum chewing completely but he has not developed any cavities from it, so who am I to complain?!

I've been "clean" for 10 years now and it is great! The respiratory infections have almost come to a complete stop. Best wishes to those of you who are trying to quit.


DepDirUact said:
I recently quite smoking - Dec 31st and I am on the Patch for now - I was wondering if there were any Herbs or combanations I could take to Help Detox My body from all the years of smoking including My Lungs - I did start working out at a Gym 3 xs a week at 47 I feel really Old :ld: . Any help or tips You all can share with Me would be Much Appreciated.
I hope your still not smoking. If You are still a non-smoker we are all proud of you! Keep up the good work. Time to lose the patch?


Congrats for quitting!

I quit in October of 2004. Anytime I get the urge, I think of how much money I've saved and the fact that I don't want to be the one paying for the lawsuits the tobacco companies have lost!


Contributing Member
Feb 24 th and still going strong and so is My EATING skills :lkick: - But I havent smoked 1 cig and Im still at the Gym 3 times a week - Now I have to get My Mouth wired shut so I will stop eating - but that one I can work with - thanks for all your support.


Great Great Grandma!
Congrats on kicking the habit. I know this is a bit late, but peppermint candy and black licorice is suppose to help with the cravings.

I've heard that the mineral baths in Hot Springs, Ark. help get the stored stuff out of your system. I've heard stories that when a smoker takes a mineral bath they can wipe the sweat with a white towel and the (black tar or nitatine?) that's stored in the pores comes off on the towel. They say it's easy to quit smoking (no more cravings) after getting all the built up stuff out of your pores.

Does anyone know if that's true or not? I've heard it, but don't know it to be a fact.