OT/MISC Quilt Squares or just "What's for Dinner?" Sunday, September 11th, 2022


Veteran Member
About Quilt Squares
In 2012, when things in the world seemed to be headed for major changes in our own worlds, the "What's For Dinner?" threads began having a deeper insight into members' lives. Post's became like a personalized quilt square.

It didn't matter what it was, it was just capturing a moment in time.

We seem to be headed down the same path in the world as then, and in the case that our personal lives are upended in some way, this is one way to keep the memory of our world alive as it is now.
It doesn't have to be exciting, it's whatever you want it to be.
Please feel free to join us, and add your square, or just share what's on the menu at your house.
Everyone is welcome! ;)

Hello, Everyone!

Hope your weekend is going well. Here things are pretty usual: laundry, cleaning, prepping foods for the week.

My theme at school these next two weeks is "Pets". We will be starting off with pet adoptions; there are 22 stuffed puppies and kittens that each child will choose from to adopt. Then they have to name it and take care of it. The pets can join them while playing in centers or sitting in circle time. Then we transformed the dramatic play center into a Vet Pet clinic where four children at a time will be able to dress up in scrubs like doctor's and treat the new adopted pets to keep them healthy. There are four of every doctor tool beginning with the favorite--stethoscopes. ;)

Dinner will be Italian style stuffed breaded chicken breasts, buttered egg noodle and corn.

How about you? Share a square or just "What's for dinner?


North to the Future
Taking my son out to dinner for his birthday. NO COOKING FOR ME!!
Nice! We share a birthday! I turned 46 on 9/11/2001 and That Day always leads folks who are checking my driver’s license a chance to comment. I’m sure your son experiences the same.

Quiet here, doing some garden shutdown and packing to fly to Kodiak in a few days. Cool and overcast. I think I’ll have an over-medium egg for dinner tonight, with some chow chow I put up last season.

I hope all reading this have a lovely day and a good week. <3


Res ipsa loquitur
here today in WNC we have 76 F with intermittent sunshine and light rain. pulled the last of my seed beans (Roman pole) today, picked the last tomatoes and pulled the remaining plants tossed them on the burn pile. still getting sweet bell peppers and eggplant - we are COVERED UP in both.

speaking of which - Raggedyann has just produced a huge pot of her Werld Famous eggplant stew - a combination of sweet bell peppers, sweet onions, crushed tomatoes, zucchini, baby portabello mushrooms and smoked sausage. INCREDIBLY good - particularly when you add some grated pecorino romano cheese and crushed red pepper. OMG(osh) unbelievably gud


Hoosier Gardener
Seabird, I love the pet adoption theme, that is great and sounds very fun! Are you getting someone from the local Humane Society to give a talk? How old are your students?

Rainy and cool here today, central Indiana, but the sun popped out late in the afternoon. I'm still working on collecting seeds from the garden to save for next year (beans, celery, Italian peppers, and zinnias today) and starting general garden clean up. Thinned the rows of turnips I planted a couple of weeks ago. Pulled and sliced up the last of the leeks and put them on a tray in the freezer. Those will go into Ziplock bags for future use in soups and such. It feels like fall, all of a sudden. I put up my fall decorations yesterday.

Dinner is going to be round steak that was on sale at Kroger, grilled, leftover potato salad, cucumber salad, and baked apples. We rode out to our favorite apple orchard where they have the yummiest caramel apples earlier this week and came home with a bag of very nice Jonathan apples.


Got a 5 qt pot of beef stew going. Yesterday was a VFD chicken BBQ, some of the best they have made. We pulled the leftovers from our three plates off the bones. Gonna make some white BBQ sauce for the leftover chicken, with the leftover beef stew I can coast on cooking next week :D


I give up.
The weather here is blech and will be for a few days, so I have done absolutely nothing. All day. Laid around in my jammies, watched crime shows, came here, read a book. Oh yeah, dinner............ leftover pasta and a salad.

I hope I feel more ambitious tomorrow, my laundry is lurking and calling my name.............

Everybody have a great week !! Your dinners sound good tonight, as usual.



Veteran Member
Seabird, I love the pet adoption theme, that is great and sounds very fun! Are you getting someone from the local Humane Society to give a talk? How old are your students?

Rainy and cool here today, central Indiana, but the sun popped out late in the afternoon. I'm still working on collecting seeds from the garden to save for next year (beans, celery, Italian peppers, and zinnias today) and starting general garden clean up. Thinned the rows of turnips I planted a couple of weeks ago. Pulled and sliced up the last of the leeks and put them on a tray in the freezer. Those will go into Ziplock bags for future use in soups and such. It feels like fall, all of a sudden. I put up my fall decorations yesterday.

Dinner is going to be round steak that was on sale at Kroger, grilled, leftover potato salad, cucumber salad, and baked apples. We rode out to our favorite apple orchard where they have the yummiest caramel apples earlier this week and came home with a bag of very nice Jonathan apples.

Yes, one of our students moms runs a rescue shelter. She is planning to visit us and share her love of taking care of animals. My kids are four-years-old.


Veteran Member
Nice! We share a birthday! I turned 46 on 9/11/2001 and That Day always leads folks who are checking my driver’s license a chance to comment. I’m sure your son experiences the same.
HAPPY Birthday!!! Yes he turned 47 today!! Every time! I remember him saying that day his birthday will always a sad day.....

Broken Arrow

Heathen Pagan Witch
Worked for the past few days. Lots of "stuff" going on in our little town this weekend. Car show, fall festival, dirt bike races. Needless to say my C-store job has been kicking my ass badly. Hurting pretty bad tonight after getting home. This getting old stuff sucks, and having two broken fingers at the moment does not help.

Had a glorious 36 hours of slow soaking rain this week along with a huge drop in temps. Feels great to me and the sheep, but I have to watch them for pneumonia now. Big changes like this can make them sick. So far, so good.

Boy child fed himself dinner. As for me, so far, jack and coke. Too fricken tired to find real food.


Contributing Member
The weather here is blech and will be for a few days, so I have done absolutely nothing. All day. Laid around in my jammies, watched crime shows, came here, read a book. Oh yeah, dinner............ leftover pasta and a salad.

I hope I feel more ambitious tomorrow, my laundry is lurking and calling my name.............

Everybody have a great week !! Your dinners sound good tonight, as usual.

Well at least your honest. ;)


Contributing Member
It was so humid and hot today I couldn't even think about food. Every time went outside it felt like I was walking into a steam room. For some reason that just kills my appetite.


Certa Bonum Certamen
It was so humid and hot today I couldn't even think about food. Every time went outside it felt like I was walking into a steam room. For some reason that just kills my appetite.
I understand completely! That's how I felt the last several months. No real appetite and definitely no desire to cook anything to heat up the house, or even grill outside. It's cooled down some (low to mid 90s) and I've been cooking more. Hope you get a nice change of weather soon.


Certa Bonum Certamen
Among other subjects, our young'un is taking Nutrition & Food Science as one of her classes this semester. She's always had a keen interest in cooking and baking, and if I do say so myself, is already a good cook. She's also taking Personal Finance and Money Management this year, and tonight's supper combined the two subjects, along with a smattering of basic math. She earned an A+ from us by making a very thrifty, nutritious, yet quite delicious main dish of chicken and rice casserole with mushrooms and peas, using ingredients from the pantry. Unsweetened applesauce as an accompaniment and fig bars for dessert. As the main dish came together we discussed how it could be adapted to change the flavor profile to fight food fatigue without increasing the cost per serving and she came up with great ideas on her own. We also discussed how the meal could be stretched to feed more people if needed. We are very proud of our young lady!

Great Northwet

Veteran Member
Well the garden is pretty well wrapped up for the season and just taking ripe cherry toms here and there. Just looking over recipes this afternoon because it's about to be cooking season pretty soon. I read through DD's thread in Granny's yesterday and looked through all of my flour products and all way past best buy dates so I'm chucking them all and buying new.

If any of you have a preference on which flour/or premixed for biscuits, I would like to know about it. I'll probably go with heavy cream rather than milk to bake them for the first time.

Just a Stagg chiliburger with sharp cheddar for dinner. And finally it just started raining a few minutes ago. Everybody thinks it rains here all the time, but we're having a drought just like everywhere else.

Great Northwet

Veteran Member
annieosage, it was so big that I put it in a bowl this time instead of on a plate and only ate half of it, So I stopped by the grocery this afternoon and bought a jar of Pico de Gayo and will put a heaping tablespoon on it tonight to what that does to it;)