OP-ED President Swamp - James Howard Kunstler


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President Swamp

Cluster**** Nation
For your reading pleasure Mondays and Fridays
Donald Trump found out the hard way how illusory his powers as POTUS really were, conditioned against the inertia, malice, and bad faith resistance of the bureaucratic establishment, a.k.a. the Swamp. He also knows that the Swamp just worked the system it created to elect itself president as (it likes to think) a final act of revenge against the orange interloper who threatened to drain it and, alas, failed to. All hail President Swamp!

Unless that doesn’t pan out, and there’s a fair chance it won’t, since a 2020 election fraud case will eventually land in the Supreme Court where at least five justices might not be so inclined to let what remains of the Republic roll into a Woke sludge of lawlessness. Do you suppose Clarence Thomas & Co haven’t been paying attention the past four years to the swampish doings in the other branches of government? And that they are, just perhaps, good and goddam sick of it? Everything from RussiaGate and the manipulation of the FISA court through the attempted character assassination of Justice Kavanaugh, to the Eric Ciaramella “whistleblower” impeachment caper starring Rep. Adam Schiff, plus all the side dishes of Antifa / BLM street anarchy, Covid-19 lockdown tyranny, French Laundry hypocrisy, and the gaslighting of America by the news-and-social media, with a transsexual reading hour cherry-on-top?

I hope the justices are pissed off a little bit at the hijacking of this country by a party that laughs at the law the way, for one example, DC District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan blew raspberries at the Department of Justice and the DC Circuit Court of Appeals when they both told him to drop the Flynn case. The deadline for adjudicating the janky election is soon upon us, and upon the SCOTUS justices, so the country will know shortly whether it has become the Honduras of the north.

In a just universe, the SCOTUS would invalidate the election results in several states and send the matter into the House of Representatives as the constitution stipulates. Heads would explode from sea to shining sea as heroes of the Resistance — Brennan, Comey, Weissmann, Strzok, and many more — realize they will not be getting their get-out-of-jail-free cards after all. Hunter B would retreat to the Chateau Marmont with his crack pipe for one last lost weekend. Nancy Pelosi would melt into a puddle of rage, prednisone, and hairspray in the capitol rotunda. And for Ol’ White Joe Biden it would be just another day of fog and stillness.

And then, of course, the punishments will begin, or, at least, be attempted. By which I mean the Democrats would let loose their street mobs to burn down, loot, and destroy whatever is still left to ruin in select Democratic-run cities. That will polish the party’s image fer sure (not). And this time, the national guard may do a bit more than just stand by.

But then, suppose the election is not overturned and Joe Biden glides into the Oval Office on those marvelously greased skids set up for him, propelled by a mighty tail-wind of Woke hopes and dreams for a golden era of work-optional free stuff and renewed overseas nation-building. Be careful what you wish for, DNC. Unlike Mr. Trump in 2016, Joe Biden will not even enjoy the perception that he was somehow legitimately elected, if only by a fluke. In fact, the Swamp gang’s credibility will erode daily because independent, entrepreneurial investigators will be out in the swing state thickets figuring out exactly how the election was managed, and how all those Dominion voting machines were gamed, and how exactly this shady company, with origins and operations all around the world, won state contracts with money changing hands. A day will not pass when Joe B is off-the-hook for all that, and meanwhile he will not evade being revealed as the empty shell of what he was before the axons in his brain-pan demyelinated — a third-rate grifting pol available to all comers with an open checkbook.

Gonna be an exciting few weeks ahead. Mr. Trump is not going to concede until he plays the hand that the law allows him to play. He’ll indulge his adversaries in the playacting of a transition. I confess, it’s already entertaining to see the laughable cast-of-characters that Mr. Biden’s managers have picked to run the various federal agencies: slithering millipedes, reptiles, and poisonous invertebrates from the rankest dense-emergent backwaters of the Swamp: John Kerry (the haircut-in-search-of-a-brain), RussiaGate shill Jake Sullivan, John Brennan disciple Avril Haines, open border activist Alejandro Mayorkas, and K-Street catamite Ron Klain to run the show. I hope they enjoy their rehearsals for a pageant that may never happen. And, if things don’t work out as you expect, don’t pee on the rugs on your way out.


Let's Go Brandon!
I hope the justices are pissed off a little bit at the hijacking of this country by a party that laughs at the law the way, for one example, DC District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan blew raspberries at the Department of Justice and the DC Circuit Court of Appeals when they both told him to drop the Flynn case. The deadline for adjudicating the janky election is soon upon us, and upon the SCOTUS justices, so the country will know shortly whether it has become the Honduras of the north.

Especially one justice in particular, who has already been shown the upraised middle finger toward his orders in one state, which if I remember right, rhymes with "Schmensylvania."


Faithful Steed
Yunno - JHK just said exactly WHY the SCOTUS will take this up.

Challenging but correct national path v. path of fraud.

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night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
They got to have an INSTRUMENT to work with. And we have YET to get one far enough up to pull all of the evidence we "don't have" together to fix the whole fiasco.


On TB every waking moment
Donald Trump found out the hard way how illusory his powers as POTUS really were


JFK found out the hard way just how far his powers extended. And we are just now getting to the ultimate outcome of that situation.

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
Donald Trump found out the hard way how illusory his powers as POTUS really were

The President and his legal team read the contract (the Constitution) and know the law. I think he knows the limitations of his Presidential authority and has been using it to the country's advantage as well as to drain the Swamp and piss off the left.

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
We will know in 15 days or so viz a viz the official certification process, on 12-14th-2020.
And whatever happens, biden harris et al have no moral authority.
I'm enjoying Christmas, such as it is, and waiting for the cycle of time run out to January 20th. After that, well everybody in the media, the corrupt system thinks they can just get back to the pig trough and start feeding.

anyway, one of the first things to go down will be Internet sites like this one. :ld:


On TB every waking moment
A Couple of Ominous Questions Remain. What Kind of Country are We Going to Leave to Our Children and Grandchildren? What Will You Say When They Ask What You Did to Stop the Tyranny and Destruction of Our Republic? | NC Renegades

A Couple of Ominous Questions Remain. What Kind of Country are We Going to Leave to Our Children and Grandchildren? What Will You Say When They Ask What You Did to Stop the Tyranny and Destruction of Our Republic?
Posted on November 30, 2020 by Wes Rhinier


I spent the last week off the grid, no internet, and if I was lucky I could get a text out just to let my wife know I was alive. I had plenty of time to think about things while I was sitting in the woods alone. Reflecting on all that has gone on and what I fear may be coming, it wasn’t pleasant.

It is blatantly obvious, and should be to anyone with a pulse, that this election was stolen. From the mail-in balloting to the Dominion voting machine mess, things just don’t pass the smell test. If you check in on the Mainstream Enemy Media, which you should, this thing is over. They are laughing at Trump for his baseless claims with no evidence produced to back him up. It is really quite telling to see the level of disrespect that has been ramped up towards him since they anointed Biden the Presidency.

“But Sidney Powell, Lin Wood and Rudy Giuliani assure us they have the goods and we need to keep the faith.” I’ve heard that kind of crap for four years now. Did Hillary get locked up? Did Trump drain the swamp? Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Holder, etc. Any of those communist been arrested for their crimes that we all know and have seen committed? I, like you, want to believe that there is some great war playing out in the shadows that is going to bring the Deep State to it’s knee’s and have them begging for mercy. I do, I REALLY DO! But the fact of the matter is, so far no evidence of this has been brought to light or discussed seriously in the MSM. Trumps attorneys have been losing court battle after court battle and not one case has made it to the Supreme Court. That being said I am still making a donation to the fight.

Here’s the thing, Trump is not going to save us, he never was. He was our last ditch effort at reminding our Government Representatives who they work for and who is actually in charge. We have been warning our Government for a long time now, however it seems those warnings have fallen on deaf ears. The Deep State is DEEP! Right down to the local level. There is only going to be one way to root out this evil.

Our Founders were willing to die for the rights espoused in the Declaration they crafted and signed at their own peril. Their document boldly proclaimed our right to live in freedom, a freedom to be protected, not threatened, by the rule of the government. The basic rights and freedoms enumerated in the Declaration of Independence included the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These rights were God-given and could not be eliminated even by a King or a Government. Now it’s our time. Our time to pledge our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.

It is startling that the injustices that led to the revolution pale in comparison to what we are witnessing today. It was heavy-handed authoritarian control and unfair laws our founders were against! There are many similarities between today’s issues and the issues the colonies experienced leading up to the declaration. You want to talk about taxation without representation, we’ve been past that point for some time now.

Most of the time a man will tell you his intentions, good or bad, if you’ll just listen hard enough. I think back to all the things I have said and written and others as well.

Election Theft = War

I will fight not because I desire it, but because I cannot justify any other course of action – when the enemy attacks, you must fight – you must kill or you will die.

This country is done! Pick your side. Choose wisely. Prepare for the most brutal war that this world has ever seen. It’s coming. I don’t think anything stops it now. Hopefully we can set things right if we win, or at least die trying.

The fight is unavoidable at this time. Freedom is on the line. The whole world is on the line. This is it boys, if America falls to this coup, darkness will take over the world. We owe these traitors nothing: not respect, not decency, nor mercy. We Owe Them Nothing!!!

The time for talk is over. Sides have been chosen. Their side is openly at War. We just wanted to be left alone to raise our families in peace. Sadly they are not going to give us that option.
This is our time. It’s why we are here at this point in time in history. It’s what we were born for. It’s time to fight for freedom.
These are not idle threats. I believe myself and others who have voiced their opinions are ready to make their stand. We are at a moment in time where everything is on the line. For the whole world, not just us. They have used a virus with a 99.6% survival rate to terrify the nation and also used it to help steal an election. Two crucial dates are approaching. December 14th and January 20th. The communist are making their play for the country and it’s going to be up to us normal folks to do something about it.
People keep expecting a leader to come out and lead the whole nation in this fight. I got news for you, I don’t think that is going to happen. We are on our own. This is going to be a balkanization. You may get leaders in your individual counties, but that may be about as far as it goes at first. Our founders were called terrorist and radicals when they rebelled, but soon they gained momentum and the people joined them. This will be no different. I can’t imagine the things our media will say and do once this fight for Freedom begins. Remember the media is not your friend, ever. They deserve to die a traitors death along with the others.

This corruption throughout our country must be eliminated, right down to the very smallest of local levels. It’s not going to be pretty. Millions of gallons of blood must run the streets. Once this starts it going to be messy like nothing you’ve never seen. Best harden your hearts and get your mind wrapped around that. Do not even think of shedding a tear for them. They are enemies of our Republic and they hate everything that we cherish and stand for. We tried doing things the right way. We have exhausted all our options. The cartridge box is all that is left now.
When it comes down to it many Americans simply don’t have the spine or fortitude to stand up and fight, even with liberty on the line. There are those among us that say nothing will happen as long as the power stays on and people have food in their stomachs. I guess we are close to finding out who will be right on that point also. Each individual is about to have to make some hard choices. There will be no peaceful transition of power this time, although they never peacefully transferred when Trump won. For neither side is going to accept the outcome, no matter which way it falls.

A couple of ominous questions remain. What kind of country are we going to leave to our children and grandchildren? What will you say when they ask what you did to stop the tyranny and destruction of our Republic?

Bridey Rose

Veteran Member
But, golly, Mr. Patriot, the MSM keeps reassuring us that there's no evidence of vote fraud. And they're doing so to the extent that they're beginning to sound like a chorus of talking parrots: "No evidence of vote fraud. BRAWWWK! No evidence of vote fraud. Pretty bird, pretty bird."

And didn't you see the "60 Minutes" interview yesterday in which the designated expert systematically skewered every fraud accusation. He even said all the votes are counted in the United States; none are counted overseas. Don't you find his reassurances reassuring?

What I find curious is how the MSM version and the patriot version of what happened early this month are so diametrically opposed. They can't both be right.