[prep] Non-electric outside hand tools. (restart 2006 by Anne in TN)


Veteran Member
Hi. This power oiutage reminded me of all the non-electric, non-gas outside hand jtools I have had to learn to use since I moved tto no. mn. I grew up in ;the jTwin Cities, was a city gal but loved to do things with my dad...hunting, fishing, tree work, garnening, lawn, fixing the car, fixing things arond the house and garage......It gave me a little bit of knowledge to start witth when I had to move up here. I learned many things the hard way, but learned I did!I had wonderful, knowledgable "older" neighbors that taught me man ways to "fix, repair and make my own". I thoght Id just post a list of some of the outside non-electric, non-gas hand tools I have learned to use over the years. ....for any of you who are thinking of moving "out" maybe it will be of some use to you along the way. Please, anyone -- feel free to chime in and add too....Or maybe someone else can list all the woodworking tools they have used...and someone else invaluable plmbing tools....... A gal can neveer have too many tools!!!! I do not know how to make a list down so please bear with me........ice tongs, axes.....single and double bit, hatchets, mauls, wedges, bench grinder-hand crank, varios assortment of knives, swiss shaving bench, draw knives and spokeshaves, sledge hammers of various sizes, pick axe, tree saws--iman and 2 man, and smallwe ones, wood saws,large wood plleys, hand drill, brace and bits, hand auger, jpipe bender and threader, post hole digger, fencing tools, froe , adze, fence pounder, varios shovels, garden forks, pitch forks, garden tools, high wheel cultivator, wheel barrow, heave rope and chains with hooks, tow straps, come-a-long, wood clamps, ladders.....whew!!!!!!! enogh for now.....and please excuse my spelling...keyboard is shot and only prints what it wants......loilol Hummer:lol:


Veteran Member
[prep] forgot the heading

For crying out loud, I forgot the heading......Let's call it Non-electric outside hand tools. Could someone fix it for me? I would really appreciate it. Thanking yo in advance. :)


Veteran Member
Thank you Satanta....I really appreciate it. If you are ever up this way give a call.....I'll have a cool one waiting for you.:) Hummer


Stone Cold Crazy


Official Resister
Well, I took a shot at your list. I may turn one or two into links, as I have plans for a thing or two around on my website. Good thinking!
  • woodworking tools
  • plumbing tools
  • ice tongs,
  • axes.....single and double bit,
  • hatchets,
  • mauls,
  • wedges,
  • bench grinder-hand crank,
  • varios assortment of knives,
  • swiss shaving bench,
  • draw knives and spokeshaves,
  • sledge hammers of various sizes,
  • pick axe,
  • tree saws--1man and 2 man, and small ones,
  • wood saws,
  • large wood plleys,
  • hand drill,
  • brace and bits,
  • hand auger,
  • pipe bender and threader,
  • post hole digger,
  • fencing tools,
  • froe ,
  • adze,
  • fence pounder,
  • various shovels,
  • garden forks,
  • pitch forks,
  • garden tools,
  • high wheel cultivator,
  • wheel barrow,
  • heave rope and chains with hooks,
  • tow straps,
  • come-a-long,
  • wood clamps,
  • ladders


Veteran Member
let's see...

  • mattock
    garden and leaf rake
    various files
    mowing scythe (with an extra grass blade)
    grain cradle
    corn planter (seed planter)
    husking peg
    corn sheller
    various punches
    pipe dope (liquid and tape)

that's off the top of my head...have to think on this one a while longer..:)


who would rather forget how to use most of these...


Official Resister
garden and leaf rake

Would that be a bow-rake in spring-steel or plastic? Or is it the heavier one with a straight heavy metal head that I use in the garden and goat-compost pile?

Good stuff here!


corn sheller
various punches
pipe dope (liquid and tape)

bigger shed

What exactly is a "froe"

Whup...googled it. Never mInd


Veteran Member

the heavy metal, short tined one is the garden one...

and the bowed one with the long tines is the leaf one...


(and doc....

always mow with the scythe going uphill...:angl: :D :spns: )


Official Resister
(and doc....

always mow with the scythe going uphill...:angl: :D :spns: ) [/B]

You mean gravity is *not* my friend??? Eh, I have goats...why do I need a scythe? (btw - do NOT scythe as oops says!)

two more:

cant hook/peavey


Veteran Member

sorry folks...for those that don't know...always mow going down hill...

  • barb wire stretcher or puller (can't think of the dang name for it)
    tire pump
    small sled ( or a big one if you have a pony)
    ropeblock n tackle or chain fall
    meat hooks

still thinkin' on this one....

hey doc...

wait til those goats get finicky...:p


who has had some hard headed goats...:spns:


Veteran Member
hum...first day in the field for the gas company...was sent for the pipe stretchers...they were a little lost when I asked which side of the muffler bearrings it was on...:D



oops said,

barb wire stretcher or puller (can't think of the dang name for it)

You mean a goldenrod? Or a comealong? Both are useful.



Veteran Member

It's not a comealong...

and I'm not sure what your calling a goldenrod...

the wire stretcher that I'm talking about is used to take the slack out of the barbwire when your stringing it...

it looks like a single tree but it has two chains and a v shape piece connected to ea chain to grab the wire with...when you hook the wire with the v...you put the wooden piece against the post and pull the chains tight...it pulls the wire tight so you can staple it...taking out most, if not all, of your slack...



small sled ( or a big one if you have a pony)

Think working animals: Dogs, goats, equines of all sizes, bovines.

Many of the Working Group of AKC Breeds of dogs can pull a cart, and carry a back pack, as well as perform many of the traditional dog things.

Malamutes can, if properly conditioned, pull 1000 lbs on a cart, sled or sledge. Or a plow?

Goats have been used for years to pull carts.
Oxen or even cows cand be used as draft animals.

You would need proper harnesses, and carts, etc. All can be hand made.

Hand riviter
Heavy duty sewing needles and thread/twine
A Fid
ROPE and a brush-up course on Boy Scout 101 (knots, and lashing) and a good stash of nylon webbing 1.5 inches and wider.
Wheels and axles

Guess these aren't hand tools, but the makings for tools in the broader definition. Just a few ideas from a very tired brain.



Veteran Member
thought of a few more....

whet stone/sharpening stone
pinch bar
spud bar
crow/pry bar
nail puller
vise and clamps
tape measure
pipe dope (stick type...forgot this one when I listed the other 2 earlier)

yep, dustmusher...necessity is the mother of invention...and animals can be used in a myriad of ways...most of which folks don't even consider today...

anyone wanting to hook up animals...

single tree
double tree
leather punch
leather needle and thread
sinew ( sorta like string...but it's strong...and will seal itself because it's kinda waxy)

have to do some more thinking...


who needs to go thru the out building again...sigh...
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Yep, that's a goldenrod. Dunno, maybe it's regional differences, that's what they call them in the stores out here. Ya know, out where we still fight the wild frontier.:lol:

My SIL, who lives in Kalifornistan, won't even talk about coming to visit us. Says she doesn't want to rough it, and with her health problems, can't be away from civilization and proper medical care!:rolleyes: :lol: :spns:

Hey, gotta local joke for ya! Rumor is OJ Simpson is talking about moving to E######a (local "town", bigger than the one we live in). Why? Because all the DNA's the same!


P.S. The DNA's the same 'cuz all the folks in town are closely related, AND inter-marry. Not kidding, there are 5 large families, and most everyone in town is related to them!:eek:

P.P.S. Sorry about the thread drift. Time for bed, I'm rambling


Veteran Member


K...aunty found another name for it...but...she headed to bed and I can't remember what she called it in chat...never heard it called a goldenrod...have to remember that..

got one for ya...whole county here has less than 20,000 in it, so there aren't any towns of much size...when we have to go to the county seat or "to town"... we get there, get done what needed done... and without fail as soon as we are ready to head home...hubby says..."ready to head back to civilization"...:D


who likes her dirt road and quiet life...


Veteran Member
OH YES...........more tools!!!! Gotta hurry up, go out and find me another auction. yes yes yes yes . I love my tools. :D You gals and guys are GREAT. So many tools..........so little time.:lol: Drives...don't worry about thread drift...it adds to the thread.:) Hummer


Veteran Member
for those thinking about working a horse...

cleaning hook (looks like a screwdriver...but has the end flattened over at a 90 deg angle)
saddle blanket

other hand tools/misc

tap n dyes
cream seperator
butter churn
butter mold
buttermilk churn
spinning wheel (along with accessories)
candle mold
apple peeler (hand cranked)
apple press
log chains
pig pole snd gamblin(sp) stick
meat saw
maple tree taps (can't think of the name for them)
quilting frames

some of these aren't tech. a hand tool...but...
off to do some more thinking/sorting...


who really needs to clean some buildings


Official Resister

Hummer distinctly said "outside handtools" - NOT "kitchen utensils!" Yer ruining the thread!!!

I think we have Hummer salivating, btw.


Veteran Member
hey doc...

kitchen utensils...?...where on earth did I say fork, knive, spatula, etc...:lol:

most of that is done on the porch...house gets to hot in the summer when you have to actually work... ;)


who loves her porch ...


Veteran Member

I'm being good...:angl:

I've only listed what we use outside on the porch, in the barn or in the yard (and points in between)...

but...you better be nice...or I'll tell helen...and she'll take care of ya...:D


who reaches up to push her halo over to hide the horns...:dvl1: :angl:



Official Resister
I think they call that the "veneer of respectability," dear. :D

...looking around for helen...

(and hey...no need to get so...*drastic*! :p )

Other tools? Ahhh, um... back on topic, you say? Er...

Wood Grenade - I like them better than normal wedges. Looks like two wedges combined so as to look like a Phillips screwdriver.


Veteran Member

got to thinkin'...yeah I know that's dangerous for me...:rolleyes:


flint n steel (with charcloth)
awl (sort of a combination punch and thread/sinew puller)
ice pick
lacette (you use it to make braided rope out of cord)


Ought Six

Membership Revoked
PBS isn't exactly on my list of favorite organizations, and I don't think I'll be sending them any donations any time soon. But they do have one show that pertains to this topic that is a must-watch if you haven't seen it. It's called The Woodwright's Shop, and it's a how-to show about building various projects, furniture, cabinetry, wagon wheels, even a small boat, strictly with traditional hand & muscle-powered woodworking tools. That means adzes, axes, hand planes, router planes, spokeshaves, brace & bit, footpedal-powered lathes, and the like. It gives you a fantastic insight on techniques and needed tools. I highly recommend it.

Here's the show's website:



Veteran Member
neat books

Hi again. I have 3 books in my collection that I dearly love. Some of you may find them as fascinating as I do. They are all by Eric Sloane.... "A Museum of Early American Tools" "Diary of an Early American Boy" and "A Reverence for Wood". Excellent books to wile away some time in front of a winters fire. Enjoy. Hummer

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
OK I are iggerant.

a "fid"????

my tenacity chest has chisels, files, stones, 3 DIFFERENT sizes and types of Yankee Screwdriver, the usual assortment of screwdrivers, bits, a brace or two, an auger or two, taps and dies, a 10 pound anvil (with a spare), an assortment of live and dead faced hammers, `the required sledge, splitting maul and post maul, bone saws, taps and dies, and a one handed saw set (NOT the pliers every one thinks of for a saw set) and I can use ALL of them (oh yaeh there are the usual scroll saws and blades, and coping saws, miter boxes, bow saws and a misery whip or two (one and 2-man versions))

That is working across the bench from memory.

Don't have the adze or froe but am thinking about them, and the mattock. GOT the pick, and the round and square pointed shovels, post hole diggers (one and two handled versions), and would cheerfully sell HALF the Family Jewels for a White/Singer treadle multi-lathe........(treadle sewing machine base that gives you a lathe, drill press, disk sander, scroll saw....)

Chuck, who knows how to use a LOT of the tools mentioned above.......and asks the question "But, you know how to USE them but can you REPAIR or REPLACE them?"



Membership Revoked
Just ordered an old fashioned reel lawn mower today. Markus has wanted one for a while; me too. It'll be nice to not worry about gas for the mower if/when things get to that point.


Ok maybe this isn't really a hand tool but....it sure does fix alot of things and doesn't require elec.


Anne in TN

What non-electric tools should we have?

I have read over and over that we ought to have non-electric tools in our preps. So far, the only such tools I know that we have, that are normally powered by gas or electric, are a drill and a saw! Does anyone have any other suggestions?

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Veteran Member
Hi Anne. Do a board search under headings such as non-electric hand tools or non-electric tools. You will come up with many threads which talk about what tools members have used and feel are important to have on hand. Some of the threads are nothing but specific lists. Others talk about other things also. Enjoy the reading! There is a wealth of info under those above headings. hummer :)