WTF?!? People are getting aggressive these days......


Veteran Member
As a general rule blacks are very generous to other blacks. with money, housing, cars, property, etc.....

So if a black person really is in a bad situation money wise, they need to ask their black family members for help who will freely, and generously give to them. The generosity they exhibit towards each other is really amazing.
You’re wrong there. They will charge a relative for a ride to work or to the grocery store.

And no loans!


TB Fanatic
Just for informational purposes, and will even qualify it a bit more to mean in our area.

As a general rule blacks won't take no guff off of a white person.
As a general rule blacks to not mind taking money from white, legal or illegal.
As a general rule blacks are very generous to other blacks. with money, housing, cars, property, etc.....

So if a black person really is in a bad situation money wise, they need to ask their black family members for help who will freely, and generously give to them. The generosity they exhibit towards each other is really amazing.

So why are they asking it from whites?
In my area that is BS, blacks steal / rape / murder blacks 1st 2nd and often 3rd before they look to the whites.

If we dropped the blacks from the stats, we would have a very low crime rate and 1 murder for the last 10 years


Veteran Member
Bracketquant, don't you realize you're being guilted into giving by those panhandlers? Sure, I get your selfless motivations... but there are other ways to give and have a positive impact. Try leaving a very generous tip at a restaurant; or buying someone's groceries while you're in line.

All you're doing by participating in this behavior is rewarding and reinforcing the behavior of mooching instead of doing something productive.
You seem to think that I only give to street beggers. I do other things, too. When you see a woman in a shopping line, toting a young child on her hip, buying a 1 pound bag of rice and 2 ramen noodle packets (she likely had all of 1 or 2 dollars on her), it really cuts to one's heart. I'll give her a $20, and say "Do a little more shopping". I've had people in front of me pay for my groceries, and I've paid for groceries of those behind me.

And, if I see someone in need, whether it's money or not, especially if they ask for help, I help if I can. Perhaps you could look up "respecter of persons" to understand that I don't discriminate. It's about treating all people the same.

Since Covid, I haven't dined out, although previously I always had given large tips. I don't know if my state has changed its laws, but waiters lived almost entirely on tips, their minimum wage was something like $2.40/hour.

No matter what, beggars are going to get enough to survive. Most just give them money, and that's it. That's what reinforces their behavior. Along with the money, I give them the message of hope, that they can change their lives and be productive. As I said earlier, I hope they will remember my message with every sip of that bottle they buy. I'm trying to help them break the cycle that they are in. There are probably few, if any, people in their lives giving them positive hope. And, I haven't been guilted at all. I have been Called. I don't think you truly understand my motivation.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
In the Austin area, street begging is tied to organized crime. Homeless people are “recruited” by the black drug gangs. There are actually schedules of who goes to what corners and how long they stay until “relieved” by the next person. The money collected goes directly to the gangs. After learning that, I have never given to a street beggar since.


Veteran Member
I did just fine without..... must have been some of that thinking I am lacking????

Yeah pulling a gun / knife isn't the smartest thing as it leaves only one good option after that.....

Yet having them ready is a good thing and it involves some of that thinking I seem to be lacking.....

No I wasn't broke, but I also wasn't going to be hustled / pressured into giving up my goods for someone who wasn't trying in life......

As to how far I made it in life, it was due to hard work, ignoring for the most part ihits who think life is pleasant / soft / and people are nice. They are not. PERIOD

Go to a 3rd world country and live their lives for a year or two and you will begin to understand just how hard and mean people are and that the world as a whole is unjust in nature as the smartest and strongest survive...... I have been put to those tests and survived.

I am betting you have never had that happen to you. All you really know is the glowing golden age of America in its peak prosperity......that leaves you lacking... in many aspects....
I've already explained that I haven't ever had that happen to me.

And, I don't wish to go to a 3rd world country, nor have a 2nd world country come to me, that some of America has turned into. Where I live, it is a lower (maybe lowest) middle class neighborhood. We are here, because this is what we can afford. But, we are going to do everything in our power to stay away from 3rd world conditions or inner city conditions. We don't outwardly display wealth, so thieves basically leave our neighborhood alone. A police car comes through once a month, driving down maybe one in every 3 or 4 streets, spends about 30 seconds, here, and then leaves. I don't think they even cruise through in the winter time. If there is crime, it might be mostly domestic abuse, but no one is going to gossip about it.

While my neighborhood is mostly white, there are Blacks and Hispanics, here, that fled those inner cities. They don't want any part of that violent culture, and therefore don't want it coming here. We all look out for each other, rather than being selfish and only looking out for one's self. Only looking out for one's self seems to be the constant feature of cultures of greed, violence and only the strongest surviving. We don't want to live like that. A group of people looking out for each other is much stronger. Where I live, people are nice. PERIOD. Perhaps you just haven't experienced going out of one's way to be nice and helpful to those around you. It takes a lot more work than just being selfish, and there is no guarantee of a reward.

And, you don't know about my life and peak prosperity. For starters, I've never owned a car. I've never had a job that paid much more than minimum wage. I wouldn't call my life prosperous in any shape or form. Just frugally content, that's all. That's all I want or need. I have what many of the rich can never have, I have enough. I lead a peaceful life. I lack for nothing, in any aspects, other than perhaps being very blunt when it comes to interacting with people online. I am trying to shock people into doing more thinking rather than reacting to their "feels". Face to face, I never act this way.

You are correct in saying that you seem to be lacking some thinking. How would you have only one good option, if you pulled a knife, and then he pulled a gun? That's the kind of blunt talk that I use, in order to get them to think about thinking.


Veteran Member
Those who carry firearms give off a definite “Don’t mess with me” vibe. That is often enough deterrent to make a perp back off and look for easier prey. My guess is you, as one who usually carries, maintained something of that vibe.

Reminder (for those who may need it):
Never draw your firearm until it’s time to use it. Never draw a firearm to try to scare someone off. It’s got to be draw, aim, fire. At that point it’s Defcon 1, War.

Defcon 2 is when you place your hand on the firearm and you’re ready to draw. Things can go either way at that point.

Guns are to kill, not to scare.
one of the first things I was taught about guns was that I was never to draw it unless I intended to kill what I drew on. I have drawn it one time, and i guess the sight of a 9 months pregnant woman standing on a porch in the middle of a December night wearing only a sweater and panties holding a double barrelled 12g made them think twice. .


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Those who carry firearms give off a definite “Don’t mess with me” vibe. That is often enough deterrent to make a perp back off and look for easier prey. My guess is you, as one who usually carries, maintained something of that vibe.

Reminder (for those who may need it):
Never draw your firearm until it’s time to use it. Never draw a firearm to try to scare someone off. It’s got to be draw, aim, fire. At that point it’s Defcon 1, War.

Defcon 2 is when you place your hand on the firearm and you’re ready to draw. Things can go either way at that point.

Guns are to kill, not to scare.
As coalcracker said, “Those who carry firearms give off a definite “Don’t mess with me” vibe. And I thought it was just my sunny disposition… Course, wearing two G47s, nobody is asking if I’m happy to see ‘em.


Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
I only ever drew a gun one time in my life. One night my wife and I were watching a late movie, and all the lights were out. I noticed a yellow flickering on the wall, and looked out the front window. I saw flames rising next to my truck on the gas cap side. Thinking that someone was trying to burn my truck, I trapped my pistol and went out the side door. I stayed in the shadows until I got to the end of the driveway. Finally I moved into the street. The gun was down at the time. I saw three people had set a fire next to my truck. I raised the pistol to point upward (not at them) and shouted “FREEZE!!”

They did, looking like deer in the headlights. At that time I noticed that they were kids, maybe in their early teens. They had built a fire from newspapers in the middle of the street, so there was no danger to my truck. I ordered them to put out the fire, and they stomped it out. I then came closer and told them that they were lucky they hadn’t been shot. Lastly, I told them to get out of here and never let me see them on my street again. They left and I never did. But I never pointed the gun at them; I just had it in case it had been armed adults trying to burn the truck.

That was back in roughly 1986, a very long time ago.


TB Fanatic
Just got qualified with both, which required getting OC face sprayed and shot in back w/ Taser, on two consecutive days this past week. I'll eagerly take getting hit with Taser again over face/eye sprayed with OC pepper, just saying...

Panic Early, Beat the Rush!
- Shane

Heh, yeah family story that I won't go in to on main but pepper spray to the face isn't the worse