(Other Results)Arkansas Bans Gay Marriage


Veteran Member
YeeeeHawww! Ohio, Mississippi, Georgia, Oklahoma, Kentucky and Arkansas passed various initiatives that defined marriage as a relationship only between one man and one woman, and limited marriage benefits to those relationships.
I am elated for these results.


Bump because I'm feeling HOPE for the family unit!

Now if we could only stay married and fulfill family responsibilities and have a father and a mother honor marital vows with complete fidelity so MANY problems in this country would disappear!!! :usfl: :usfl:

I'm happy tonight :D :D


Membership Revoked
Oh, what an important issue facing America..... And all the family units that have been under attack all these years, avoided a close-call.

Maybe I missed something, but I just don't see the point of this moral (ie personal lifestyle) issue, with origins in the Bible. So, if you believe in the Bible, you follow the beliefs set forth there. Oddly, (being a Christian), this issue doesn't bother me, and I don't have the night-of-the-living-dead-gays stalking me or trying to convert me, or anything, and I'm near one of those larger, ("sewer") midwestern cities (ie with gays) that othes believe shouldn't exist. They do what they want, and God will judge them accordingly, and I live my life as I believe is proper. To each his own.

Isn't this kind of like saying one religion is better than another, kind of like saying everyone should worship only one God, and Hindus and others who worship many, should be banned? Or banning pork, since it isn't Kosher? Or banning moslems, since they're all bad?


I believe many needed to vote for family.

The basic definition of a family was at stake.

I feel for those who are filled with lonely feelings because of same attractions but in no way should that change the definition of a family.

Family is central to the Creator's plan for the eternal destiny of his children. Marriage between man and a woman is essential to that plan. It is a fundamental unit of society.

I believe the disintegration of the family will bring the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets.

Their are many ways to destroy a family. I believe their are consequences. Glad that Americans voted in favor for this basic principal. Glad because it was the first time citizens were given a voice on the issue...rather than some Judges making the decision.

Hope I have explained my feelings. ;)

Much of what was said above parrots thing spoken by Gordon B. Hinckley as part of his message at the General Relief Society Meeting held Sep.23 1995, in Salt Lake City, UT.
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Membership Revoked
Great! Now that we can deny human rights to Fags, when can we start on the jews and the darkies?



Veteran Member
I'm not surprised at your reply. In fact I expected it, as I know from your post what you believe. :kk2: