Old fashioned cure for Gout?


Veteran Member
I have heard people swear by this. Eat fresh cherries for gout. Has anyone else heard this? I really don't even know what gout is. However I just thought I would throw this out here. What is gout anyway?


Contributing Member
I know a few people that suffer with Gout. Not exactly sure what it is though. I think its pretty painful. Do you need to eat cherries everyday or what? I would like to pass this info along.



Veteran Member
Fresh Cherries .....

I don't know HOW many. I guess people who eat them for the gout problem just eat to their hearts content. I never asked them how many they had to eat. Maybe they just add them to their diet. I do know that everyone I have heard of who had gout and did this...swear by it. Well, this is not a hard thing to try. Let us know if they try it. Please keep us posted! Thanks, Bee
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Gout is brought about by a metabolic dysfunction which produced uric acid crystals which lodge in joints and cause pain, swelling, and redness of said joints. Usually in men and usually in the toes or knees. A handful of cherries a day is the usual dosage. Some docs feel gout is caused by an overload of red meat in the diet, hence the body's difficulty processing the protein hence the development of the uric acid crystals. Celery is supposed to be good for this condition also, either juice or capsules. Cherry juice is also very good for the kidneys and helps lot in avoiding bladder inffections and kidney infections. A glass a day should do the job.


Senior Member
i have gout myself and eat cherrys.
dosage is: when i feel it coming on, eat 15 canned sweet black cherrys, and for the next few days 10-15 until the symptoms are gone.
with a full attach 15 cherrys x 3 per day until no more pain.
it works!!!


I have a friend that has gout, and we suggested cherries to her. She was amazed! It really helps a lot. I notice celery was also suggested, good choice. It helps faster if you eat more, that is true, but be aware it will affect your bowel, lol, if you over eat them. That is okay, the cleaner the colon, the better it will be. I would suggest drinking water, distilled water while doing this, as it will help to carry away the dissolved uric acid deposited in joints as well. Canned cherries work quite well, but if it is the season for cherries, eat them instead. Drink some cherry juice if you have a juicer in the morning, eat cherries about 1/2 handfull at lunch, a veggie drink with celery for supper, and before bed, try another 1/2 handfull of cherries as well. That stretches out the "cleaners" throughout the day. If that is to much trouble, then just a handfull of cherries at one time will do well. NO MEAT while doing this, and cut down on your meat consumption after you are better.


Mrs Smith

Membership Revoked
Gout is also known as "a rich man's disease", because the consumption of red meats, red wines and shellfish bring it on. These have to be eaten in limited quantities. (Lord, I hope I never get it!!)

My dad has gout too, as well as a neighbor. The uric acid crystalizes in the joints, and they describe the pain as "it feels like the crystals are cutting and slicing at the meat at each joint when you bend it. (the affected joint; knee, ankle, etc.)


Gout is hereditary, from what I understand.

Some people can eat rich food endlessly and not have galbladder or uric acid problems. If you're curious about that sort of thing, The Metabolic Typing Diet might be of assistance.

I have one of Carper's books: The Food Pharmacy. Very interesting!


Veteran Member
Maybe, because..

goatlady2 said:
Bodybagger, I hate to tell you, gout has a tendancy to be a genetic thing!

Well genetic is family. Families tend to eat the same foods. Families also live in the same environments! Genetic=heredic, maybe. Passed down.