News Flash -- O takes 1st ride on AF1


Veteran Member
OMG -- Fox News had to do an Urgent new flash and show the O getting on Air Force 1 for his first ride as the annointed one. Just how low will these guys go to kiss is A$$?

I am getting so sick of the garbage I feel like running down the middle of the road screaming my head off. :sht:



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Barack Obama takes first ride as US President on Air Force One - "spiffy ride"

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Barack Obama takes first ride as US President on Air Force One
From correspiondents in Washington
Agence France-Presse
February 06, 2009 11:31am

BARACK Obama has taken his debut flight as president on his new "spiffy ride" - the blue and white Boeing 747 which serves as Air Force One.

Mr Obama also took his first trip aboard Marine One - the helicopter which ferries the president around on shorter trips - this time from the White House to Andrews air force base outside Washington.

The President walked to the press cabin at the back of his new plane before taking off on the short hop to Virginia, where he was due to speak to Democratic members of the House of Representatives who were holding a retreat.

"I've got my spiffy jacket so I thought I'd come and show it off," he said, modelling his new blue air force souvenir, bearing the presidential seal and the words "Air Force One" and "Barack Obama".

"What do you think about this spiffy ride? It's not bad," he said.

He also enthused about the bird's eye view of Washington on the helicopter flight from the White House.

"The helicopter was very smooth, very impressive. You go right over the Washington Monument and then you know (it) kind of curves in by the Capitol," he said.

"It was spectacular."

Mr Obama was a guest on the presidential jet once when George W. Bush was in office.

Jubilee on Earth

Veteran Member
Gee, it's too bad he couldn't head a bit southwest and check out the damage from the ice storm in KY. I heard it was pretty "spiffy."


I believe he flew all the way to Virginia Beach didn't he?

Let's see...that is a 2 1/2 hour car ride ....

helicopter cetainly been cheaper in this econonmy ...

I mean We are being asked to give up our perks!!!!!


Veteran Member
He's on now talking to the Dem caucus in Williamsburg. His opening statement was a thank you to them for inviting him so he could take a ride on Air Force 1. What a POS!

I am about to go get a vomit bag listening to the garbage coming out of his mouth.



3 Bombs for Hawkins
Like a little kid in a candy store . .. look for new meaning for the word "excesses":ld:

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
I noticed that he pointedly ignored his honor guard when they saluted him getting off the plane....


Short but deadly
Great!:lkick: I have two children in Iraq that he is now their commander in chief. Scares the heck out of me!

Thank your children or me. God Bless them and remember, apeboy is dark in his soul, if he has one, but God is light. God will win in the end. 'Be not afraid.'

Gitche Gumee Kid

Veteran Member
Ya. Saw it on the national news this evening. Also noticed as he disembarked he didn't salute the airman standing near the stairs. Thr airman didn't initiate a salute as protocol dictates but I bet they are now told not to.:shkr:


ETA I just read in another thread that Dennis commented on the same non-salute

2nd ETA now I see the two threads are combined


Short but deadly
He puddle jumps in a big plane and gloats but wants the rest of us to 'cut back.' Fine example of the idiotic moron he is right there I tell ya.


Veteran Member
I know this is a thread drift but:
Thank you,
(mother of two Army soldiers)


who gives a flying leap? he can't even fly over KY, or the other states still in stress. what a crapola piece of garbage. I don't care what he does, until he sends help to our people.


I noticed that he pointedly ignored his honor guard when they saluted him getting off the plane....


Keep watching, and notice how long it is till the servicemembers on duty fail to face the direction of his departure...


night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
So what do we get to watch for NEXT week, eh????

Another "Salute the office not the suit" president, huh???

GAH the whole Clinton disrespect of his honor guard fried me and I never spent a minute in uniform.....guess the old Tech Sgt (who had 4 sets of shirts, with different stripe configs) who raised me raised me right.....Yah daddy was a street brawler and raised his share of enlisted hell.....except when he was playin golf....


Veteran Member
Yes, Maryh - Amen to what Maric said.

As for the not saluting - the puke isn't fit to breathe the same air as our soldiers and he knows it. Dirty shame.

Nightdriver- another enlisted kid, here. Life support equipment.


Here's a few snips regarding boarding Marine One.

Departing from the South Lawn, Obama broke from tradition as he boarded Marine One, the presidential helicopter. He seemed to stun the Marine standing at attention by reaching out to shake his hand. The Marine obliged, shaking the president's hand before returning to a steady salute.

Then at Andrews, Obama climbed the stairs and headed straight on the plane — without the traditional wave to onlookers.


Veteran Member
OMG -- Fox News had to do an Urgent new flash and show the O getting on Air Force 1 for his first ride as the annointed one. Just how low will these guys go to kiss is A$$?

I am getting so sick of the garbage I feel like running down the middle of the road screaming my head off. :sht:


His first official piece of presidential crap is in the Smithsonian too


3 Bombs for Hawkins
Departing from the South Lawn, Obama broke from tradition as he boarded Marine One, the presidential helicopter. He seemed to stun the Marine standing at attention by reaching out to shake his hand. The Marine obliged, shaking the president's hand before returning to a steady salute. . . . Then at Andrews, Obama climbed the stairs and headed straight on the plane — without the traditional wave to onlookers.

Nobody briefed him - he didn't know what to do.

NC Susan

He puddle jumps in a big plane and gloats but wants the rest of us to 'cut back.' Fine example of the idiotic moron he is right there I tell ya.

were you talking about the relaxed White House dress code and the Oval Office thermostat set on 90.........cuz he is from Hawaii?????????
I thought he was acclimated from decades of ice and snow and winter in Chicago.........


Short but deadly
were you talking about the relaxed White House dress code and the Oval Office thermostat set on 90.........cuz he is from Hawaii?????????
I thought he was acclimated from decades of ice and snow and winter in Chicago.........

Thats another incident wheres he's being 'less than fugal.' He's such an a**hole. If he wants to stay warm he can go right to hell as far as I'm concerned.