New Expose' Book: Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi Stirs Political Pot


Former Swift Boat Activist Goes After Barack Obama

Jerome Corsi, who coauthored a book entitled Unfit for Command that helped to bring down the candidacy of Senator John Kerry four years ago, has decided to turn his attention of Barack Obama in a new book entitled Obama Nation.

Obama Nation seems to cover some familiar ground, albeit in greater detail, in its examination of the early life and influences that shaped Barack Obama. Obama Nation recounts the relationship between young Barack Obama and a number of scary people including Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, and Tony Rezko.

A new name that Obama Nation reveals is that of Saul Alinsky, the author of Rules for Radicals, a handbook about how radical leftists can take power. According to Obama Nation, Barack Obama used Saul Alinsky methods in his early community organization activities. Alinsky developed a strategy for bringing about revolutionary, radical change by working within the system, using the tools of democracy in order to subvert democracy. Alinsky eschews the usual tactics of radical politics, including violent protest. Obama, according to Obama Nation, seems to have taken Alinsky to heart event in his campaign for the Presidency.

Barack Obama also seems to be heavily involved in Kenyan politics, the country where his father comes from. According to Obama Nation, Barack Obama supported a pro radical Islamist politician in an election for President of Kenya.

Obama Nation makes certain allegations about Barack Obama's political beliefs that, oddly enough, do not make it into Obama's soaring speeches. Barack Obama, according to Obama Nation, is a socialist who is very interested in income redistribution. Barack Obama is viscerally anti military, something that helps explain Obama's recent cancellation of a visit to wounded soldiers in Germany. Obama Nation also suggests that Obama has strange, extreme views on abortion, even favoring the killing of infants shortly after they are born.

Jerome Corsi, who holds a PHD from Harvard in political science, was associated with the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a group of John Kerry's former fellow officers who successfully undermined Kerry's Presidential campaign in 2004. Jerome Corsi is also associated with the Minutemen, an anti illegal immigration group, and had been a warm critic of President Bush's immigration policies. Jerome Corsi, more than any other person, may be responsible for the transformation of the term, "swift boat" into a verb, meaning "to make an unfair allegation about someone" or "to reveal an inconvenient truth about someone", depending on one's political affiliation.

Sources: Jerome Corsi "Obama Nation', Thomas Colbert, Times of the Internet, August 1st, 2008

The Obama Nation, Jerome Corsi,
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snips of review of the book by a journalist named Alan Caruba:

If you have any money left over after filling up the tank, buy Dr. Jerome R. Corsi’s bombshell new book, “Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality” ($28.00, Threshold Editions, a division of Simon and Schuster).

I am about halfway through. His research is so densely documented that his analysis will be hard for anyone to dispute. Initially, he finds in the person of Obama a man whose childhood was marked by one abandonment after another; by his father, by his step-father, and by his mother who left him with her parents to raise.

In his teens Obama embraced a black identity, although he is half white. In doing so, he absorbed the literature of black authors, many of whom were strongly identified with the Communist Party USA in the 1930s and 40s.

What more revelations are there to come between now and the Democrat convention and Election Day is anyone’s guess, but they will come, of that you may be sure. Obama makes Richard Nixon look like a model of spontaneity and virtue.

As the political pundits keep telling us, the election is Obama’s to lose. Aesop’s fable of the turtle and the hare, McCain versus Obama, is likely to hold true in 2008. Or maybe the Denver Democrat Party convention will rediscover Hillary Clinton?
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The parallels between Obama and the early years of Hitler are quite telling.

All these people who had screwy childhoods end up being screwy adults, in one way or another.
