ENVR Nature is Confused


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Danny at Deep South Homestead shows video and pleasant music of his place. Some things are verdant green, others are blooming, others are dead and brown. Nature is confused. He fears plants setting fruit, getting bit, and not making a crop. He is in Wiggins, MS.

At my place in South Texas, it is the same. I went from 75 degrees and sunny day before yesterday, to 60 degrees yesterday, and at 9:30PM last night, it dropped to 28. Now, at noon, we are back to sunny and 70. Some things, like my Elm tree, are leafing out. Wildflowers in the field are divided between brown and green. Makes no sense.

Is anybody else experiencing this?

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Granny Franny

Senior Member
Same here. We had a hard freeze warning the last two mornings, so I've been covering my Hibiscus and other plants overnight. When I took the coverings off today, the Hibiscus had 2 new blooms on it that were not there yesterday. Go figure.


Let's Go Brandon!
It strikes me that, if God were planning to allow a civilizational move like the Mark, then it would have to be largely impossible for people to wait it out by just growing their own food.


Knuckle Dragger
Mother nature looks at this and decides that the weather is the least of our worries.



Veteran Member
Yep. Been watching the Geese here, (PNW), trying to fly south for the winter. Typical "V" pattern, but they're flying back and forth in circles. East to West, then North and South, fragmented flock and ALL hours of the day. These critters can stay in the air only so long before exhaustion.
