
The shade tree is pretty darn cold to work under at this time of year. I have a go-cart I need to work on and it sits under a tall Pine Tree. Brrrr! It is cold under that tree. I am going to move it into the HOT SUN before I work on it.

Now if you could just fix the small problem of the early sunset. By the time I finish work for the day, there is NO HOT SUN!


Hamilton Felix

Let me know when you find that hot sun. It's all dark, damp and grey, here in the NW. At least I'm not doing any more engine swaps where the tools grow hoarfrost when I set them down. I do have a (somewhat crowded) shop, but it only has a small wood heater. And one does have to take time to keep up the firewood supply.

Merry Christmas!

Donald Shimoda

In Absentia
Howdy, Folks!

Y'all come on down to Texas - I wore shorts and a T-shirt outside, today.

Summers here - that's truly a HOT SUN MECHANIC time...:eek: