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My Forefathers Cry


Has No Life - Lives on TB
A simple poem that came to my mind like a bolt of light.

My Forefathers Cry

My mind cry’s at the falling of my world,
Our country was such a beautiful pearl,
How could this take such a turn,
Men fought and died for us to learn,
Freedom hard fought now sees our world burn,
We see those that have not had history unfurled,
Their minds and eyes never opened to the pasts tune,
To have the lessons from our past hewn,
To see our forefathers who had looked into the future,
In hopes they would not be forgotten nor their torture,
Alas their heads bow as they look from heavens abode,
To see aghast what we have lost all told,
Why they cry, how they cry, you should have been bold,
It’s not too late to stand for right,
We’re behind you, do so with all your might,
Do not be afraid to walk in the light,
Come children show what we stood for,
Don’t close off freedom which you adore,
Speak, stand, watch, raise the flag, and remember us from before

By Sally Six