WTF?!? More school insanity: Boy, 7, Accused of Sexual Harassment After School Fight

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Boy, 7, Accused of Sexual Harassment After School Fight

Published December 02, 2011 |


A Boston first-grader is being investigated for possible sexual harassment for punching another boy in the groin following a school bus fight, according to a report from

Tasha Lynch, the mother of the boy, says her son was acting in self-defense after the victim allegedly choked him on a school bus and stole his gloves.

Lynch says her 7-year-old son was merely trying to protect himself, reports.

A spokesman for the Boston school system confirmed that an investigation was indeed underway, but would not discuss details of the incident, including why it had been classified as a sexual assault.

Lynch says her son is only being investigated because he punched the other boy in the groin. She argues that the other boy should be charged with attempted murder for choking her son.

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Has No Life - Lives on TB
HUH??? How is this sexual harrassment? Both involved are boys, right? Are they implying that the seven year old with the deadly accuracy is gay? Every girl is taught to give a swift kick to the groin, if they can, to get away from an attacker. Are they now saying that if a girl does this, it's sexual harrassment?


Veteran Member
Although this article is clearly NOT a case of sexual harassment, it CAN and DOES happen. I was a substitute teacher in a Kindergarten about 15 years ago and the other teachers informed me that there was one little guy in my class who was under the care of the Children's Aid Society due to him acting out in class the things he was being exposed to on his father's porno videos at home. I won't mention the things this confused and definitely troubled little guy was doing, but they would qualify as sexual harrasment. This was absolutely the dearest, sweetest, most beautiful little boy I had ever met in all my days of teaching, and he had little or no idea of what he was seeing. He clearly had no capacity to process the scenes he had been exposed to and was completely unable to deal with them.
Eventually the child was removed from the home due to other issues that were going on (he himself was being abused).


Veteran Member
I remember kissing a girl in school when I was about 6.

Same here Fred. But I bet that would get you jailed now, whereas if you kissed another boy then you would be "courageous".

I think that most normal people are still walking around in shock due to the reality inversion that has become the mainstream.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
SarahLynn, what the boy was doing was not sexual harassment, because that requires INTENT as well as action. He had no intent. He was just acting out. Thus, no sexual harassment.


Veteran Member
SarahLynn, what the boy was doing was not sexual harassment, because that requires INTENT as well as action. He had no intent. He was just acting out. Thus, no sexual harassment.

True Dennis, he had no idea of what he was doing. To the other kids in the class though, it was harrasment to them.