ILL IMM Michigan asks residents to help house and settle "migrants".


I'm another escapee. So thankful to leave when I did.

Not quite an escapee here living north of the bridge but we are kind of separate from the people downstate. Marquette and Houghton if you can call them cities with the Universities are still liberal powerhouses but most of us that really live in the more rural parts are as conservative as they come. The diktats of Lansing mean as much to me as the lint in my navel.


Voice on the Prairie / FJB!
Not quite an escapee here living north of the bridge but we are kind of separate from the people downstate. Marquette and Houghton if you can call them cities with the Universities are still liberal powerhouses but most of us that really live in the more rural parts are as conservative as they come. The diktats of Lansing mean as much to me as the lint in my navel.

I know, and if I could've made a living up there, I would've moved, but that didn't work out.
I don't see the illegals getting housed up there -- zero services outside of the college areas and not a lot there, anyway.

I dunno. When MTU was mostly an engineering school, I thought the guys were mainly conservatives (or at least not political).


Veteran Member
Start your journey here: the Courage to Serve Act which would offer an expedited path to citizenship in exchange for military service

"... U.S. Representatives Pat Ryan (D-NY) and John James (R-MI) have introduced the 'Courage to Serve Act,' providing an expedited path to citizenship for immigrants willing to serve in the armed forces. The bill aims to address both immigration and military recruitment challenges by offering a practical solution that enhances national security and honors the service of immigrants..."

09 Feb 2024 08:44 EST

When I say beware "quartering of troops" being foisted upon us, I am not even joking. And Whitmer is brainwashed enough to buy into it.


Finally not a lurker!
Ya know, I think I would support this plan. The reason is that ONLY the woke crowd are going to participate. I cannot think of a faster, more intense way of showing them just how the whole 'woke' actually thing works. They will be held responsible for crimes committed by their 'guests'. They will risk losing their homes to government confiscation after it is discovered that the people living there are committing crimes. They risk losing their life savings in compensation to the victims of said crime. Yeah, sounds like a good idea to me. Let the ones who want this insanity, be the ones who pay for it.
As long as they don't force it onto us- but you can count on them trying.


TB Fanatic
Well … I just heard it on the local news this morning driving. WJR 760. Yep … it’s for real.

She is going to run for president. She has full control of the Commie party here … she can’t be stopped by Republicants. She is doing everything to set herself up for the prez run. Spending our tax dollars on the things her base wants and make her look good on the liberal national stage.

She will crush slick Willy Newsom from California. She‘s a global stooge. Sell out to China screwing tax payers of money that could be used locally.


On TB every waking moment
Anyone who takes these "migrants" in is out of their effing minds. If they (the sponsors) have children, they should be labeled as unfit parents.

Many years ago, an observer wrote, "I used to be disgusted; now I'm just amused."


This is definitely going to be a "Darwin event".....


On TB every waking moment
Well … I just heard it on the local news this morning driving. WJR 760. Yep … it’s for real.

She is going to run for president. She has full control of the Commie party here … she can’t be stopped by Republicants. She is doing everything to set herself up for the prez run. Spending our tax dollars on the things her base wants and make her look good on the liberal national stage.

She will crush slick Willy Newsom from California. She‘s a global stooge. Sell out to China screwing tax payers of money that could be used locally.

Her and Newsom are basically racing each other to the bottom in their assumptions that their individual "bases" are the entire country.


Veteran Member
I wonder what homeowners insurance premiums will be next year. I doubt they are happy about this.

I wonder if they are postponing all the laws pertaining to B&Bs and rental property to promote this.

I wonder how the homeowner's associations, many of which have limitations to people other than those considered "in the household" living in the house. Some contracts will have to change there, too.

I can see many pandora's boxes springing open for the state and local communities who used to have full control over our properties.


Faithful Steed
"... U.S. Representatives Pat Ryan (D-NY) and John James (R-MI) have introduced the 'Courage to Serve Act,'
OOOH. Bipartisan.

Shiny toy. Bite it. Play with it. Hold it between your hooves and lick it.

Kick it around the paddock and see who else is attracted to it. Be the envy of your paddock mates.

Uniparty. Then trot away from it - quickly.



The Great Cat
Seven years later we are still recovering. One of the teens is wonderful. The other three were psychopath's. Adoption Combat Zone is the book I wrote about it. My two youngest bio teens are still having a hard time. Worst thing we ever did.

That breaks my heart...

I'll have some prayers for your house if you don't mind.



Let's Go Brandon!
Maybe! And perhaps someone brave will dig up dirt on her and make it go viral.

I think it's a matter of time before she seriously steps in it. She's extremely greedy and just not that bright.

Whitmer against Trump? He'd walk over her. Hubby's boating spree should hurt her enough. Her move to ban paint will make her look like a lunatic.


Veteran Member
"Please house your replacements... The State takes no responsibility for any damages, sexual assaults, or loss of life."

You can bet after a short time of acceptance of this, if you're the neighbor that opted not to get involved, that there will be pressure from your neighbor's new house-migrants, to let their friends move in your place too.

Absolute insanity is what it is.


Country exile in the city
I'll look for the book. Wow! What an experience.

Added: found it on Amazon. Added to my list for summer reading. Thanks!
What is now called "RAD" used to be called "Failure to Bond" or "Bonding Disorder." When I was teaching (1980's), it was presented as mostly a problem among children born to drug- or alcohol- addicted mothers, or to those from abusive or foster-child situations.

I was adopted (private adoption) at 8 months, and have no (conscious) memory of my infancy before that.

But my mother (my ADOPTIVE mother IS my Mother, as far as I'm concerned, not my birth-mother) said it was months before I stopped "jumping" at any loud noise, seemed to calm down and stopped being afraid.

She said that, when she and Daddy adopted me, it took several washings of my hair to get the water to run clear instead of black, that she found several cigarette burns on my legs, and that my clothes were so dirty she simply took them out and burned them.

I wouldn't know if there were any long-lasting affects from my life before my adoption---I seemed to be pretty successful in school and at home with my parents, with nothing more than the ordinary parent-teen struggles.

So maybe--if there is no actual physical damage to the baby (fetal alcohol syndrome and the like) -- babies adopted young enough can grow out of any lingering damage--especially if they don't remember it.

But I've seen horrific things in the lives of older children who grew up in severely abusive homes--things that are continuing into the next generation of their children.

And my mother did tell me that, before they found this couple and did the private adoption (and were wise enough to hire a good lawyer, which was fortunate later on--but that's another story), they had tried to adopt through the State. Whatever department it was in Georgia had shown Mother several potential adoptive babies, and Mama was leaning toward choosing one of them, when the social worker, who was apparently a nice, honest woman, quietly pulled Mama to the side and whispered, "Mrs. -------, you don't want to get that baby," and gave her enough 'hints' to realize there was something physically or mentally wrong with the child--so even then (late 1950's) the State was misleading people and not telling them the full truth. Six months later Mom and Daddy found--and rescued--me.

So it can work out and end happily--but you have to be very, very careful.

von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Well … I just heard it on the local news this morning driving. WJR 760. Yep … it’s for real.

She is going to run for president. She has full control of the Commie party here … she can’t be stopped by Republicants. She is doing everything to set herself up for the prez run. Spending our tax dollars on the things her base wants and make her look good on the liberal national stage.

She will crush slick Willy Newsom from California. She‘s a global stooge. Sell out to China screwing tax payers of money that could be used locally.

Perhaps she knows that Biden isn't running and she wants to make an early move?


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
Strategically, Michigan has Canada behind them, to the north, the lake to the west. Minnesota has another beach front working it' way down...if they can take over that land, they are well on their way to creating serious issues for those south of them....lay of the land and all, reinforcement pipe lines, etc...


Saved, to glorify God.
That won't end well.
And, quartering Chinese/Iranian/ Russian/Muslim soldiers in American Homes won't go any better than quartering BRITISH SOLDIERS did when King George asked Americans to do it in Colonial times. It"s illegal now, written into the Constitution, I belIieve.
We are not obligated to quarter Anyone in our privare
homes at the governments request!
It is our Constitutional RIGHT to say NO!!
Don't waive your rights!
Last edited:


Veteran Member
Where? Israel?
Oh hell no, I would never consider there!
My first thought was Russia -- but realistically we've been looking at the immigration requirements and real estate in Uruguay and Argentina. Uruguay is stable, but Argentina has some fabulous vineyard properties and other places on the market at very reasonable prices. Probably Uruguay though - it costs more but the stability matters.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Owner: "Good fences make good neighbors."

Mounting a .50 cal BMG on the fence every 50 yards or so makes for even better neighbors.

An armed (and quite willing to use them) society is a polite society. Surely the Michigan Militia didn't all have tragic boating accidents?


Dot Collector
First they're going to ask you, then they're going to tell you, then they're going to make you welcome the New Amerikans into your homes.
Cities like New York and Chicago have also dealt with issues related to migrants committing crimes, as well as pushback from residents who have voiced anger and concern over the influx. Migrant shelters in those cities have largely been full, forcing officials to come up with ways to safely house the migrants.

Last year, Massachusetts officials asked residents to open their doors as migrant shelters were full at the time.

"Most importantly, if you have an extra room or suite in your home, please consider hosting a family. Housing and shelter is our most pressing need and become a sponsor family," said Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll.


TB Fanatic
Not only are NOT representing their voters, they are doing things that are detrimental to this country, violating their oaths to the Constitution, but they are asking voters to help take care of the mess the politicians created that the voters never wanted.

How APT the Declaration of Independence is, it should be studied more and maybe the principles applied.

In Congress, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--

Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.