Organic Making every space productive.

China Connection

TB Fanatic
I have been watching lots of Youtube on duckweed and Azolla. When one watches Asian Youtubes one can see any type of container used to support water where these floating plants can be grown.

Both these water plants are fast to grow and are high in protein which are high in protein which is unusual for vegetables and non-animal sources.

Here is just on Youtube showing what I mean. It is not in English but does not need to be.

Budidaya Azolla di Nampan dan Nutrisinya


CC, have you considered creating a passive income website with all this stuff you post? It might be worth your while...If nothing else it would be a great place to keep all your posting info in one easily accessible place.

China Connection

TB Fanatic
I am on a pension and to have a side income would be a huge headache in paperwork. From what I hear the Share Market will go belly up also by the end of this month. Not good for a passive income situation

What I am doing is getting a garden etc going as quick as dollars will allow. When I have that fully going in it will be a big saving. Food prices will be at least double by next year.


Veteran Member
I am on a pension and to have a side income would be a huge headache in paperwork. From what I hear the Share Market will go belly up also by the end of this month. Not good for a passive income situation

What I am doing is getting a garden etc going as quick as dollars will allow. When I have that fully going in it will be a big saving. Food prices will be at least double by next year.

China, I really enjoy everything you post here.
What is a share market?


China Connection

TB Fanatic

What I am trying to say but in this thread is just how important food production can become when times get hard.

I am on feeding Azolla to my chickens. I watch dozens of Youtubes on the subject.

How to Cultivate Azolla in a BUDGET using a Small Styrofoam Container! - Tagalog

BeWisefromHome. com
Published on Jul 1, 2017
How to Cultivation Azolla in a BUDGET using a Small Styrofoam Container! - Tagalog


Thanks, CC.
I'll have a look at these this evening. April is for duckweed and azolla (and quail). Tapping out the March discretionary budget with seeds, hydro stuff, and an order of 2000 composting worms.

Asians are good at raising food in tiny spaces, and I agree, food prices are about to spike. We are talking a lot about raising our own food in the Earth Changes forum and specifically, the Grand Solar Minimum thread. You might enjoy the exchanges there. Adapt 2030's record of wheat harvests over the world finally got me to take incoming food shortages seriously. Ice Age Farmer has been collecting a number of scary world-wide events too in this area. Conventional farming all over the world is crashing.


Azolla and duckweed ordered. On-line aquarium stores no longer seem to carry those (maybe because they are considered invasive?). Found a dealer on ebay. Never worked with azolla before, and this is my third try for duckweed, but I have better information this time.

Fingers crossed.


Azoll and duckweed on the way. Ditto mealworms. Compost worms are arriving today, and first large worm bin is almost finished. Kratky hydroponic seedlings up and growing. Only quail, and an incubator left to source. As soon as the weather warms a bit more consistently, I'll get the housefly and BSF grub bins set up for wild colonization.


It normally takes 3 to 4 weeks for the Black Soldier Flies to take over a bin. Keep the top of the feed covered with hessian cloth. Watch out the bin does not heat up, meaning start to compost. The maggots need somewhere to retreat to if it gets too hot for them.

Yeah, last year they took about a month/six weeks to get going. I spread the contents to additional bins to keep the colony cool.