GOV/MIL Main "Great Reset" Thread


On TB every waking moment


On TB every waking moment
'Smoking Gun': New Actuarial Report Reaffirms the Trail of Death Caused by Vaccine Mandates 5:41 min

'Smoking Gun': New Actuarial Report Reaffirms the Trail of Death Caused by Vaccine Mandates​

Red Voice Media Published August 19, 2022

“So the window is closing on what I call the death merchants, the death dealers. The evidence is becoming overwhelming. I saw your show this morning, and the CDC is doing the one-two shuffle here to try to cover up what’s coming. They know what’s coming; it’s becoming undeniable.”



On TB every waking moment

Inflation Sends Car Ownership Costs Soaring Above $10,000 a Year: AAA

By Katabella Roberts August 18, 2022 Updated: August 19, 2022

Owning and operating a new vehicle has become increasingly more expensive over the past year, driven predominantly by inflation and rising fuel prices, according to AAA’s annual “Your Driving Costs” report.

The overall average cost to own and operate a new automobile in 2022 is $10,728 on an annual basis, or $894 per month; that’s a considerable increase from 2021, when owning a new car cost $9,666 annually, or $805.50 per month, according to AAA.

That marks a nearly 11 percent increase from last year.

AAA’s report (pdf) looked at 45 models in nine vehicle categories to come up with the average annual cost of owning and operating a new vehicle.

AAA, formerly the American Automobile Association, selects top-selling, mid-priced models and compares them across six categories: fuel; maintenance, repair, and tire costs; insurance; license/registration/taxes; depreciation; and finance charges.

The study, which doesn’t account for used car prices, assumes a five-year ownership period, with the vehicle being driven 15,000 miles annually, or a total of 75,000 miles.

The data determined that it would cost drivers of gas-powered vehicles about $2,700 a year to fuel up, while owners of electric vehicles that charge at home would need around $600 a year to charge that vehicle to cover the same distance, marking a difference of $2,100 annually.

Fuel costs in the study were projected based on a weighted average of the first five months of this year, during which time they cost drivers about 17.99 cents per mile or $3.999 per gallon.

Purchase Price ‘Not the Whole Story’
However, gas prices have drastically increased since early March, in part because of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing supply chain crisis, meaning Americans are now having to spend more if they want to own a vehicle. AAA noted that the cost of vehicle ownership has increased accordingly since its Your Driving Costs evaluation was completed.

As of Aug. 18, the national average price for gasoline was about $3.93 per gallon, up more than $1 per gallon compared with August 2019 and 2020, albeit much lower than the $5 per gallon prices seen in June.

“You’re usually focused on the purchase price and that is not the whole story. Not even close,” Greg Brannon, director of automotive engineering for AAA, told USA Today. “I think [$10,000 is] a number that will surprise a lot of people.”

“We’re all feeling that at the pump,” he said. “That is driving a big piece of [the annual price increase], and particularly with Americans’ desire to drive things like pickup trucks that don’t get good fuel economy.”

AAA’s study noted that with the cost of gas-powered vehicles climbing, more and more Americans hoping to purchase a new car are turning instead to electric vehicles, which have lower maintenance, repair, and tire costs.

A separate AAA consumer survey found that saving money on fuel costs was the biggest factor behind Americans’ desire to buy an electric car, however, 60 percent of those surveyed said the higher purchase price for an electric vehicle was holding them back.

A similar survey from Consumer Reports in July found that 52 percent of the 8,000 American respondents said that the costs of buying and maintaining an electric vehicle are too expensive.

As gas prices have risen since the start of the year, the Biden administration has regularly touted electric vehicles for Americans who want to save on fuel costs.

However, the average price of a new electric vehicle in July 2022 was more than $66,000, according to automotive research company Kelley Blue Book, while the average price of a new gasoline vehicle was $48,182.


On TB every waking moment

What Made Us So Compliant With Insane, Tyrannical COVID Policies?​

A society ridden with fear will acquiesce to any policy that promises safety. How do we reduce ambient levels of fear?

By Charles Eisenstein

I’m resuming my occasional series discussing the ground conditions that make society susceptible to pandemania. See my last pandemania post if you don’t know what I’m talking about.

I’m moved to resume this series because of some conversations I’ve had over the last few days that reminded me of why I am not letting the issue drop.
A man, I’ll call him Kyle, shared a story with me last weekend. He was a nursing home administrator who, without much question, because it was necessary to keep his job, got the mRNA injections.

Immediately following the second, he had an anaphylactic reaction and was rushed to the emergency room.

He barely survived.

Subsequently, he had to leave his job because it was requiring all staff to receive booster injections. He shared his experience on social media, but his posts were removed for violating community standards.

Months later he looked himself up in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, to see if his case had been reported. It hadn’t.

Kyle didn’t seem angry at what had happened to him, but his trust in the system will probably never be restored.

Others I talked to are not so equanimous.

They are furious, and their fury does not diminish when they are told to forgive and forget, with no accountability for the people who enforced COVID-19 policies and no reason to think such a thing won’t happen again.

This fury can easily be channeled onto innocent or superficial targets. The danger that we blithely return to normal as if pandemania never happened is matched by the danger that the fury will be turned into fuel for hatred of each other.

Indeed, the most shocking aspect of pandemania was the splitting of society, of churches, clubs, schools and even families into warring camps.

Can we survey the debacle without escaping into superficial explanations and false blame?

I am writing this occasional series to do my small part to prevent pandemania from happening again. In my view, it is not enough to remove corrupt officials from power or to reform medical, pharmaceutical and regulatory institutions.

My inquiry is: What makes us as a society so vulnerable to their manipulation, to begin with?

What made us so compliant with COVID-19 insanity, so willing to believe the lies, so ready to acquiesce to degrading, tyrannical and irrational policies?

The first two conditions were the fixation on enemies, and mob morality and mass formation.

On to number three…

As long as the debate around public health policy takes for granted the assumption that its goal is to minimize illness and death, then inevitably, other values will be sacrificed at the altar of safety.

Civil liberties do not keep people safe.

Parties and raves do not keep people safe. Hugs and handshakes, live performances, festivals, singing groups and soccer games do not keep people safe. Children are safer at home than on the playground. They are safer in front of their screens than out of doors. Even without COVID-19, this is all true.

When we debate whether masks or lockdowns actually made any difference in COVID-19 illness or mortality, we tacitly grant the premise that if they did help, then we should do them.

We accept risk minimization as the paramount guiding principle of public policy. Accepting that, it follows that we should mask, distance and lock down forever. Why not — if safety is what we live for?

Does that sound far-fetched?

Various health authorities advise it, notably the new chair of the World Health Organization Technical Advisory Group, Susan Michie. Dr. Anthony Fauci opined in 2020 that we should never shake hands again. If we make everything about safety, they are probably right.

Actually, let me take that back: They are probably wrong.

The irony of the pursuit of safety is that it brings temporary success but, quite often, even more danger in the long run.

Consider the extreme, in which each person lives in an aseptic bubble. No disease vector can enter, so they are perfectly safe from infection.

On the other hand, without challenges their immune system deteriorates, leaving them vulnerable to any normally innocuous germ that gets in. They must maintain constant vigilance. They will never feel truly safe.

Furthermore, even if no germ ever gets in, they will suffer other ailments because beneficial microbiota will not be replenished and modulated through constant interchange with the outside world.

Life does not thrive in isolation.

During COVID-19 pandemania, no one lived in an absolute hermetic bubble, but there are nonetheless indications that the reduced transmission of colds and flus did weaken people’s immune systems.

Lots of people reported catching “the mother of all colds” after lockdowns were relaxed.

Higher rates of mortality post-pandemania might be due not only to vaccine damage but to the general disruption in immunity and well-being stemming from isolation.

In a further irony, it now appears that the shots may not even make people safer from COVID-19

In short, obsession with safety bears perverse fruit.

It is the same with all forms of the security state. Countries with lots of prisons, big armies and foreign wars tend to suffer high levels of crime, domestic violence and violence-to-self (suicide).

If we make everything about safety, the public will be easily manipulated by appeals to whatever threat makes them unsafe.

To immunize ourselves against that, we have to recognize other values, such as fun, exploration of boundaries, adventure, sociality, touch, laughing together, crying together, breathing together and dancing together.

After all, the goal of life cannot be to one day go to your grave having been as safe as possible.

The Art of Play. Credit: Natasza Zurek
One obvious objection to the foregoing is, “It is fine to take risks oneself, but unethical to do anything that compromises the safety of others. No one has the right to put others at risk.”

Furthermore, since taking risks oneself potentially uses up hospital beds that could go to the severely ill, any risky behavior actually puts others at risk too.

This is a straw-man argument.

The point is not maximum freedom in reckless disregard for others’ well-being. It is that collectively as well as individually, we must affirm other values besides safety.

In the title essay of my new book, “The Coronation,” I asked:

“Would I ask all the nation’s children to forego play for a season if it would reduce my mother’s risk of dying, or for that matter, my own risk? Or I might ask, Would I decree the end of hugging and handshakes, if it would save my own life?”

My point was that collectively, we were decreeing precisely that. We did so because we upheld safety as the paramount virtue. Social contact, civil liberties and the rest were construed as not “essential,” their sacrifice a minor inconvenience.

Collectively, at least in our political consensus, we decided to stay as safe as possible.

Under what circumstance would it actually make sense to pursue a life of risk minimization? Well, it might make sense if you were otherwise immortal; if by avoiding illness and injury you might stay alive forever.

Almost no one actually believes they might live forever, but many of us behave as if we could. That is why near-death experiences are often so transformative.

The same goes for the death of a loved one, or a close brush with death oneself. These unravel the illusion of permanence that modern culture so assiduously seeks to maintain.

I won’t say more about this, as I’ve written about death phobia extensively in “The Coronation” and talked about it a lot on podcasts, and I’m tired of saying the same thing over and over.

It should be obvious — the goal of life cannot be to survive it, and the attempt consigns us to a cramped and fearful half-life.

The mania for safety and the phobia of death are not a sudden, inexplicable madness.

They are part of an encompassing state of human beingness that has reached its extreme in modern civilization. It is the separate self cast away in a spiritless material world that yearns to protect itself above all else.

Those who know themselves to be part of a story bigger than their biography more willingly risk life for its sake.

The best example of that is simply the love story. To love is to include others in the circle of self. It is to expand beyond one’s individuality. Your pain and your joy are inseparable from your beloveds.

Of course, we still want to stay alive, but for the lover, it is not the absolute highest priority.

That is why I have long warned the environmental movement away from the rhetoric of “We must change our ways, or we will not survive.”

The real solution is to fall back in love with the living world, to see it as a beloved, not as a collection of resources, a waste dump, or an engineering project.

Then we will not only survive; we will flourish, as one does when they are partnered with their lover.

Safety mania and death phobia are signs of disconnection from purpose and passion. If you have nothing more important than your own life, then preserving life is left as the only purpose.

Because our civilizational answer to “Why are we here?” has unraveled, many of us individually have trouble answering that question too, for the individual story draws from the collective.

OK, I realize I may have risen to too high an altitude for the practical purpose of preventing the next bout of pandemania.

So I will end with this: We can reduce our general susceptibility to fear-mongering by reducing the levels of fear current in society.

A society ridden with fear will acquiesce to any policy that promises safety. How do we reduce ambient levels of fear?

There is no single answer. Besides, each one of us already knows how.

Originally published on Charles Eisenstein’s Substack page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Children's Health Defense.


On TB every waking moment
‘Friday Roundtable’ Episode 21: LIVE from Nuremberg — Upholding Informed Consent With Mary Holland, Shabnam Palesa Mohamed + Uwe Alschner - Friday Roundtable - CHD TV: Livestreaming Video & Audio 47:13 min

Friday Roundtable’ Episode 21: LIVE from Nuremberg — Upholding Informed Consent With Mary Holland, Shabnam Palesa Mohamed + Uwe Alschner​

Joining live from Nuremberg are Mary Holland, Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, and Uwe Alschner. Hear from these three individuals as they discuss the Nuremberg Code – its foundation in the past as well as its relevance to the present and future. Also, the share updates and news from Africa, Germany, New York, and across the globe. Don’t miss this must-see episode of “Friday Roundtable!”


On TB every waking moment

Nuremberg Code: 75th Anniversary Event
August 20 @ 12:00 pm – 7:00 pm BST


The Action Alliance 75 Years of the Nuremberg Code invites you to an international conference and a memorial event to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg Code.



On TB every waking moment
Preparing for a World Food Crisis | World Council for Health 13:52 min

Preparing for a World Food Crisis​

Edward is a farmer from Newburgh in Ontario, Canada. He is an experienced poultry, pork, beef, and veal farmer with 2,200 acres of crops. Edward’s intimate knowledge of North America’s agriculture industry gives him a valuable perspective on the current and upcoming issues surrounding agriculture.

This is an edited segment from the weekly live General Assembly meeting on August 15, 2022.
This video is also available on Rumble and Odysee.

Edward's Accompanying 10 page report

Sample: Food and Farm Crisis Intel – August 12, 2022 Edward Embury

Hey friends – I said on the first of July 2022 I would be able to tell from all the Intel were we would be heading on Food Security for the months going forward. Has you can read the picture is not looking good. I feel personally people have gone to sleep and are going to wake up shortly in a very bad place.

I pray that this information is a blessing to you and helps to guide you in your path forward. It is August 2022; Canada and the USA food supply chains are in a crisis right now. Much of this has to do with a number of factors: • We are still rebounding from the Covid19 Pandemic which had major implications on the food supply and the food industry business • Massive drought in 2022 food producing areas in the USA and worldwide. And overall lower yields in Canada meaning much higher prices forecasted ahead • Skyrocketing fertilizer prices leading to higher input prices for farmers • The planned war in Ukraine by all the globalist players • Over worked food supply chains that are beginning to buckle • Plant shut downs and (fires) crippling farm markets for farmers • Lack of any government support to produce more or subdue the crisis

These things are facts and already we are seeing a crisis reflected on grocery store shelves and rising prices taking place right now and things are about to only get worse. Right now hundreds of thousands of Cattle are going to market in Texas and neighboring states. Reason? - Nothing to eat, very bad drought. 6 % of the USA cattle herd has vanished in just a few months. We are also going to have 2 million less pigs grown in Canada this year because of plant closures and no were for farmers to ship pigs. Much the same is happening worldwide.

Just think about this folks, if farmers continue to sell out of cattle and fewer pigs are grown, what are we going to do later on next year or after? Will these farmers come back? Answer-No! AND THAT… is my concern. With higher prices on seeds, fertilizer, fuel as well as supply chain issues taking place; all of these things are taking a heavy toll on farmers. Farmers will not simply be able to handle the economic pressure and very many will fail. Certainly the WEF and others would like to see this happen. One does not have to look any farther than the ridiculous 30 % cut in fertilizer use they want to impose across the globe. And the reduction of farm animals they want also, all part of their plan to control you.

What does this all mean? It means that unless you take some action right away your food source is going to be very lacking and you will be at the mercy of government. If you are not going to find ways to support local famers and the local food chain then things are going to be very rough on yourself. And if you are deaf to that information - then think about this The world’s fertilizer reserve supply will basically run out in September of 2022. Right now, the world is tapping into the reserves because of the Russia / Ukraine war. Farmers use three fertilizers to grow crops which are Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potash. 40 % of the world’s potash comes from Russia and Belarus. 25 % of the worlds Nitrogen comes from Russia.

Important - 85% of Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes Nitrogen comes from Russia. Any failure of Russia to deliver would mean no crops being planted. Meaning no food! There is no other source for this nitrogen fertilizer in any abundance to source. Ontario farmers say Canada's fertilizer tariff punishes them for Russia's war As the federal government continues its efforts to punish Russia economically for its invasion of Ukraine, Ontario agriculture groups and representatives of Canada's fertilizer sector are warning that cash crop farmers and consumers are the ones bearing the cost. In March, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland and International Trade Minister Mary Ng announced that in retaliation for Russia's illegal invasion, Canada was imposing a 35 per cent general tariff on virtually all Russian imports — including nitrogen fertilizer that Eastern Canadian growers rely on to boost crop yields.

The timing — mere weeks from the start of planting season — couldn't have been worse. Farmers make often risky decisions about what crops to grow and place orders for seed and fertilizer months in advance. Russia had been a reliable source of nitrogen shipments. Before the tariff was imposed, it was exporting 660,000 tonnes of nitrogen fertilizer annually into Eastern Canada — about 85 to 90 per cent of the total fertilizer applied.

The USA is under major drought problems which are going to lead to higher food prices. Here is the current map. And this drought continues to spread across the USA now encompassing nearly 55 % of the more at report download site


On TB every waking moment

How Dutch protests ignited a global backlash to the ‘green’ war on farmers​

Public support for farmer protests quickly picked up in the Netherlands, Canada, and around the world.

Michael Shellenberger
Wed Aug 17, 2022 - 10:08 am EDT

ALMERE, The Netherlands (RealClearInvestigations) – Farmers in the Netherlands reduced nitrogen pollution by nearly 70 percent through a voluntary system. But the government says that is not enough and is demanding that they cut pollution by another 50 percent by 2030.

By the Dutch government’s own estimates, 11,200 farms out of the roughly 35,000 dedicated to dairy and livestock would have to close under its policies; 17,600 farmers would have to reduce livestock; and total livestock would need to be reduced by one-half to one-third.

The Dutch government has demanded that animal farming stop entirely in many places. Of the over $25.7 billion the government has set aside to reduce pollution, just $1 billion is for technological innovation, with most of the rest for buying out farmers.

This effort has sparked a fierce backlash among Dutch farmers, who argue that the government seems more interested in reducing animal agriculture than in finding solutions that protect the food supply and their livelihoods.

“Why would you buy out farmers or reduce livestock when you have the possibility to invest in innovation?” asked Caroline van der Plas, the founder and sole Member of Parliament for the Farmer-Citizen Movement party, or BBB in Dutch. “The car industry innovated for the past 40 years. There aren’t fewer cars and the cars we have are cleaner. We even have electrical cars.

That’s what I think is so crazy. Why don’t we treat the farmers just like the car industry? Give them time to develop solutions or innovate? We can produce food in a much more efficient and cleaner way if we do that. And it’s much cheaper also then by buying out farmers.”

Farmer protests in the Netherlands come at a time of heightened global food insecurity created by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a major wheat exporter.

The Netherlands is the largest exporter of meat in Europe and the second largest exporter of food overall by economic value in the world, after the United States, a remarkable feat for a nation half the size of Indiana. Farm exports generate nearly $100 billion a year in revenue. Experts attribute the nation’s success to its farmers’ embrace of technological innovation.

The Netherlands is just one of the countries where governments are pushing for sharp limits on farming. Canada, for example, is seeking a 30 percent reduction in nitrogen pollution by 2030. While the Canadian government says it is not mandating fertilizer use reductions, only pollution reductions, experts agree that such a radical pollution decline in such a short period will only be possible through reducing fertilizer use, and thus food production. The cost to farmers would be between $10 billion and $48 billion.

“If you push farmers against the wall with no wiggle room, I don’t know where this will end up,” said Gunter Jochum, president of the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association. “Just look at what’s happening in Europe, in the Netherlands. They’ve had enough of it.”

Where the proposed Dutch restrictions are driven by land and air pollution concerns, the Canadian restrictions are driven by the desire for strong action on climate change. But greenhouse gas emissions from farming pale compared to those from energy. Where carbon emissions from farming in Canada rose 87 percent to under 8 metric tons between 1990 and 2020, emissions from oil and gas production tripled, adding 69 metric tons of carbon dioxide, during the same period. With the pollution, however, came more food. Canada’s spring wheat yields increased over 40 percent during the period.

The most dramatic consequences of government intervention occurred in Sri Lanka, where a 2021 fertilizer ban led to a massive reduction in yields, sparking starvation and an economic crisis that brought down the government in July. Because agriculture is a source of greenhouse gases, the efforts by the governments and the backlash they are fomenting may be a harbinger of a global crisis.


On TB every waking moment

Dutch farmers plan fresh protests as nitrogen ‘science’ is called into question

Posted 2022-08-17, Free West Media Headlines

The Dutch farmers' movement Agractie has called on its supporters to stage new protest actions. Erik Luiten, one of the leaders of the movement, said in a video message that such actions could include organising standstills at busy places. The farmers' movement is massively supported by citizens.

Agractie wants the nitrogen policy of the government off the table. The government wants to force agriculture to halve its nitrogen emissions by 2030. That would mean that many farmers would have to stop.

“It’s really coming down to it now,” said Luiten. “We have to persevere and stay the course.”

The government continues to claim that nature would improve immediately if some critical value is not exceeded. “There is no scientific evidence for that,” emphasised Agraction leader Bart Kemp in the studio of broadcaster Ongehoord Nederland.

“People want to farmers to clean up, while it will also be for nothing,” Kemp said. “Farmers remain motivated by that injustice to take action.”

According to him, nitrogen mediator Johan Remkes is a distraction. “Remkes invited 100 parties, but if I have a fight with my neighbour, I’m not going to invite the whole village, am I? Then you should talk to the farmers who really have a lot of problems with this policy. And not with environmental organisations that say in the media: we already have the lawsuits ready.”

Different agenda

The fact that there is only a focus on these expropriation plans confirmed what opposition figures have been calling for since 2019: that the entire policy is aimed at taking the land away from farmers, in order to be able to build houses, to be able to push through that whole climate agenda and that is distressing, said MP Gideon van Meijeren (FVD).

“It’s taking away land, it’s land grabbing for a different agenda than the one being proposed,” Van Meijeren explained. The example of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has disappeared from the headlines of world politics. Until recently, reports of civil war-like unrest and an energy emergency have been circulating. Gasoline and electricity were being rationed.

There is a good reason for the silence of the media: The catastrophe that broke out in the holiday paradise is entirely home-made. And it is strikingly reminiscent of the “green” recipes, which threaten to strangle the economy in the Netherlands.

In July, after months of unrest, Sri Lanka’s President Gotabaya Rajapaksa left the country, abandoning his country to an economic crisis and food shortages.

Two and a half years earlier, he had been going around and praising his government for fighting artificial fertilizer. Sri Lanka wanted to convert its agriculture completely to organic farming and for this reason had banned the import of conventional fertilizer and fuel.

The fatal result: in just one year, Sri Lanka went from being a rice exporter to an importer. The organic experiment plunged half a million people into poverty and sent prices skyrocketing by well over 50 percent. UNEP is responsible for the fiasco

The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) is responsible for the fiasco. It describes itself as

"the global authority that sets the environmental agenda () and serves as the authoritative advocate for the global environment"

. UNEP is trying to dissuade governments around the world from using fertilizers to increase food production.

In 2019, the acting UNEP director cited the “long-term disturbance of the earth’s nitrogen balance by mankind” as the reason – exactly the same argument that Dutch farmers are currently confronted with. In October 2019, UNEP held a meeting in Colombo and released a “roadmap” to encourage other countries to cut nitrogen pollution by half. Fake science to ban nitrogen

The meeting attracted worldwide media interest. A month later, citizens elected anti-fertilizer President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who claimed without the slightest scientific evidence that synthetic fertilizers caused kidney disease. Rajapaksa followed his words with deeds: in April 2021 he banned the import of fertilizers.

The result: 85 percent of farmers in Sri Lanka suffered serious crop losses. Rice production fell 20 percent, prices rose more than 50 percent, and the country had to import $450 million worth of grain. In Rajanganaya, where farmers average just one hectare of land, families reported reaping half their normal harvest.

Tea production, the country’s main source of income to date, was hardest hit. It brought in $1,3 billion in exports annually and covered 71 percent of the country’s food imports by 2021. After the fertilizer ban, tea production plummeted by 18 percent, hitting its lowest level in 23 years. The government’s devastating fertilizer ban destroyed Sri Lanka’s ability to pay for food and fuel and service its foreign debt.

Sri Lanka and its “green” agenda is a timely warning to other countries – and a prime example of how “green” policies have been implemented with significant media coverage that have had little effect and caused much suffering.

Experts like the President of the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), Žilvinas Šilėnas, now agree that the ban on artificial fertilizers will inevitably lead to less food. But: “It’s just that the effects of these measures in the rich countries only become visible later. Tragically, in poor countries like Sri Lanka, the effects of bad policies are almost immediately visible.”


On TB every waking moment

‘No Farms, No Food:’ Dutch farmers confront billionaire ‘green’ elite’s food system reset plan​


Dutch farmers’ protests offer a preview of the resistance to come as transnational “green” billionaires advance a “reset” of the global food system. The elite agenda threatens to deepen an international cost of living crisis and spark unrest well beyond The Netherlands.​

Ingrid de Sain is a Dutch farmer who lives in the Northern Holland town of Schellinkhout, where she and her family tend to a 62 acre farm with about 100 dairy cows. Like thousands of fellow citizens in her industry, she now finds herself locked in an existential conflict with her government.

“Farming is in your heart,” de Sain told The Grayzone. “And you don’t want to do something else. You’re a farmer or you’re not.” She says she will oppose any efforts requiring her to give up a farm that guarantees prosperity for future generations of her family.

The Dutch government announced plans to slash nitrogen oxide and ammonia emissions in June 2022, enforcing an ambitious agenda in the name of protecting the climate. The imposed reductions could spell devastating consequences for the country’s farming industry and add enormous stress to already chaotic global food supply chains.

Today, the Netherlands is Europe’s top exporter of meat and the second largest agricultural exporter overall in the world, right behind the US. The tiny nation’s agricultural success is the product of its traditional dependence on generously sized farms that use nitrogen-rich fertilizer to produce heavy yields. Such methods were encouraged by Brussels through the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy, which prioritized the growth of cattle lots, incentivized the use of chemical fertilizers, and pushed many smaller family farmers out of operation.

In 2019, a Dutch court order declared in 2019 that nitrogen-compound fertilizer was a top threat to the climate and biodiversity, and mandated a 70-80% decrease in its use. If implemented in the country, the proposed reductions could destroy a full third of its farming output and eliminate somewhere between 30 and 50% of Dutch livestock. The stage was set for open conflict.

Once the pro-EU coalition government of Dutch PM Mark Rutte took steps to implement the restrictions in June 2022, local farmers responded immediately with ferocious mass protests that have blocked roads, airports, and grocery distribution centers. Since the outbreak of demonstrations, supermarkets shelves have gone empty as the farmers’ cry of “No farms, no food” reverberates nationwide.

The farmers were not only angry with the sweeping emissions mandates, but with the less-than-democratic process through which the policy was handed down. They insist they support efforts to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, and complain that bureaucrats have ignored an alternative proposal by the main farmer’s lobby, the Netherlands Agricultural and Horticultural Association, known as the LTO, to reduce nitrogen-oxide output by 40% over the next decade.

Firemen and fishermen are now joining the farmers’ protests, forcing ferry services to shut down. When farmers blockaded streets and highways with their tractors, tow truck drivers showed solidarity by refusing orders to remove them. In a flagrant show of contempt for the ruling establishment, farmers have even dumped manure on government buildings.

State repression of the protests has similarly intensified. Dutch police shot a 16 year old farmer during one demonstration and opened fire on a tractor at another. When not deploying live fire, Dutch security forces have promiscuously teargassed demonstrators, unleashed dogs on crowds, and pummeled demonstrators with truncheons.

A first round of negotiations between the farmers and the government took place on August 5, but the session disappointed farmers’ lobby group, the LTO. According to LTO chairman Sjaak van der Tak, the government in Amsterdam offered “too little” concessions to the farmers during those talks.

As long as the government refuses to budge from its sweeping goals, the crisis shows little sign of abetting. For those facing the loss of family farms and the traditions they represent, there is little to lose by taking to the streets.

But there is more at stake than just the future of agriculture within one nation.

When thousands of protestors stormed Sri Lanka’s presidential palace in July and forced the resignation of their leader, the event seemed unrelated to the popular uprising sweeping the Netherlands. Yet as we will see, Sri Lanka’s revolt was partly a response to the same force that sparked the Dutch farmers protests: a corporatized “sustainability” agenda crafted by a billionaire-backed “green” elite with no popular constituency.

From their position within institutions such as the World Economic Forum, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and a bevy of transnational corporations considered “stakeholders” in this closely-knit network, unelected figures have influenced government policy in supposedly sovereign states across the globe.

While these organizations claim to act in the interest of the planet, they are almost entirely unaccountable to the popular masses who will be most severely impacted by their planned “reset” of the international food system.

Having already upended the global supply chains and informal industries that once sustained the developing world with their internationally-prescribed response to the COVID-19 outbreak, the next item on their agenda threatens to exacerbate the economic pain of working people from Amsterdam to Colombo and beyond.

“Everyone in Holland has his flag outside, upside down”

Ingrid De Sain, a Dutch farmer, has seen the protest movement she participates in gather support from the Dutch public. Though she recognizes less enthusiasm for the demonstrations among the metropolitan middle class, she takes heart in the multitude of citizens who have adorned their homes and vehicles with upside-down Dutch flags to show support for the farmers.

“Everyone in Holland has his flag outside, upside down,” de Sain explained. “So everyone [on the outside] can see that things are not good in Holland and that we need help.”

The farmers boast the support of 77 percent of Dutch citizens, according to a national poll taken this June. However, the Dutch broadcaster BNR reported that most respondents expressed displeasure with more extreme tactics like felling trees and protesting outside government officials’ homes.

Meanwhile, public support for the farmers’ protests has translated into growing enthusiasm for the farmer’s party, Boer Burger Beweging (BBB). A poll this June indicated that BBB, which currently only holds one seat in parliament, would gain 18 in an election at the time. (A rumored new party by independent Dutch MP Pieter Omtzigt, a popular Euroskeptic and top opponent of Rutte, could slow the BBB’s momentum.)

In another sign of public support for the farmers, police officers assigned to repress the strikers eagerly participated in a farmer blockade-turned BBQ, even handing out cookies.

Like Canadian Freedom Trucker convoy that protested vaccine mandates, the Dutch farmers have invited a mix of leftist indifference and scorn, while high-profile right-wing politicians have celebrated the protests as a point of nationalist unity. The Farmers Defense Force – the most militant faction of the movement – has welcomed the right-wing support. For their part, the farmers hold views spanning the political spectrum.

And while a wealthy local family has reportedly injected resources into the protests to protect its cattle feed business, the farmers on the front lines insist they are fighting merely to preserve their livelihoods against powerful interests often based outside Dutch borders.

Farmers fear buyouts are a Trojan Horse for land seizures​

Like many of her fellow farmers in the Netherlands, Ingrid de Sain sees hypocrisy in her government’s attack on the agricultural sector.

“They know about [the emissions impacts of] planes and industry, yet they only look at the farms” when it comes to new emissions restrictions, says de Sain. She also emphasizes that the targets the Netherlands proposes are simply impossible to reach, and won’t be met “even if all the farmers go away.”

Dutch Farmers Union Spokesman Erik Luiten echoed de Sain when he told GBN News, “Farmers are not convinced emissions cuts will help nature.”
De Sain believes an ulterior motive lies behind the government’s contradictory policy: it wants the farmers’ land to address the country’s severe housing shortage, where the government would need to build 845,000 homes by 2030 to meet expected population needs. There are “17 million people in Holland.

They say that we will have in 2040, 30 million people in Holland. So then, the farmers are in their way [of building] houses and industry,” de Sain stated.

The Netherlands’ housing shortage is severe indeed, and Dutch farmers own a significant portion of the country’s land, with about 54 percent as of 2018. Yet these figures do not fully explain the government’s move to expropriate.

Further, the Dutch government’s stringent regulation of nitrogen emissions has driven housing shortages by forcing residential construction projects to meet difficult environmental standards before building, even shelving 18,000 prospective housing developments in 2019 as nitrogen mitigation expectations tightened. Buying out farmers, therefore, would not necessarily alleviate the housing shortage even if it did free up land.

And as the Irish Farmers Journal illustrated, the land the Dutch government obtains from farmers through buyouts may instead be transformed into nature reserves where building is forbidden.

Suspicions are growing among Dutch farmers that their land could be used for something more novel. A 2021 report about the now-proposed cuts stated that farmlands bought out by the government would then be used for “sustainable agriculture” – apparent code for lab-grown meats and other scientifically confected foods.

Dutch government defends plans for “replacing farmers”

Rudy Buis, a spokesperson for the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality, emphasized to The Grayzone that the buy-outs of farmland would be voluntary “for now,” but stated explicitly that “replacing farmers” was an ultimate objective.

Buis explained that plans for land acquired were up in the air, but that a combination of uses, including nature reserves, housing, and sustainable farming, were all under consideration.

“If the government has the [farmers’] ground it can be used for an extra nature area, or maybe a project for energy, or building houses,” said Buis, who insisted 25 billion euros allotted by the government for the scheme would also establish and normalize sustainable farming practices and reduce the country’s nitrogen emissions via “green investments in innovation.”

“The money is going to buy-out voluntary farmers,” the spokesperson explained. “Also for innovation for agriculture, for replacing farmers to make [the farming sector] a more natural way, a more sustainable way.”

When asked what “sustainability” would look like in practice, Buis described the government’s vision as follows: “A farmer… often has 200 or 300 cows, and it’s our ambition to have the farmer making enough money for himself and his family with, well, shall I say, 60 or 70 cows. What that means: we have to pay more for biological food. That means we have to help [farmers] and give them money for sustainable agriculture. So, that’s a process [involving] a lot of parties and organizations and the government. We are working on it now.”

Before agreeing to speak to The Grayzone, the government spokesman Buis demanded to know, “Is this for an alt-right medium or not?”

Regardless of how the Dutch government plans to use the farmland, fears are growing that as one of the world’s largest food exporters, and Europe’s largest meat exporter, such a sudden reduction of the country’s agricultural output could wreak havoc on food supply chains at a time of global economic crisis.
The Hague’s policy has left many local farmers suspicious that elite ideology has trumped more prosaic concerns like the social welfare of Dutch citizens.

Part 1 of 4​

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On TB every waking moment

Part 2 of 4​

Dutch farmer protests confront a billionaire-backed “green” elite​

The Dutch farmers’ protest has erupted at the juncture of a global resource crisis and an environmental movement increasingly fueled by the passions – and payments – of the “Davos man.”

Leveraging their influence over elite foundations, multilateral institutions and NGOs, the world’s most powerful financiers have proposed a series of top-down transformations of the global food system that will consolidate and centralize their power, limit agricultural independence, and override millennia of traditional farming practices, all in the name of “sustainability” and protecting the climate.

The Dutch government’s emissions reductions proposals are a perfect example of the trend. While proposed in The Hague, the proposal to cut nitrogen was actually mandated by Brussels, where European bureaucrats largely unknown to the general public declared the farmers’ emissions levels a violation of EU law.

Along with the EU, a web of foreign governments, international governing bodies and global capitalist policy hubs such as the World Economic Forum, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation, have lobbied to define the concept of “sustainability” on their own terms.

The perspective put forward by these billionaire-backed outfits is increasingly advanced by global institutions upholding an almost obsessive focus on an impending climate disaster that can only be averted through a radical transformation of industrial society’s processes.

The World Health Organization (WHO), for example, declared climate change the world’s “single biggest health threat” in 2021. Meanwhile, the United Nations opened an entire webpage dedicated to the #NetZero movement, which “calls for nothing less than a complete transformation of how we produce, consume, and move about” to prevent climate change. The UN’s 2021 World Economic Forum report called, “Aligning to net zero: How CEOs can get on board with the transition,” declared that “Net zero means collectively cutting net CO2 emissions by 50% by 2030 and getting to zero by 2050.”

By declaring that meat must be substantially reduced in human diets, these proposals have placed farmers squarely in the crosshairs. In 2018, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), for example, tweeted that reducing meat consumption by 50 percent by 2050 “will lead to a healthier life and a healthier planet.”

The plan to transform food systems and communities has been infused with massive loads of cash. The World Bank’s 2021-2025 Climate Change Action Plan, for example, dictates that 35 percent of the World Bank Group’s financing during the program years will go towards investing in clients and stakeholders, particularly in developing countries, and to support “catalyzing and mobilizing private capital for climate action” through developing carbon credit markets and “green bonds and loan markets.” The plan dictates that food systems, like other “key systems,” “must be transformed to address climate change.”

Notably, many reports and proposals cite COVID-19 as an inflection point which justified the implementation of their proposed revolution in food production and consumption, while avoiding any public discussion of the destructive impact of long-term restrictions.

For example, a 2020 Rockefeller Foundation report titled “Reset the table” called to exploit the shock of the COVID-19 pandemic to “transform the U.S. food system.” The paper emphasized the following:

“While Covid-19 and the resulting economic downturn made the negative consequences of the food system worse and more obvious, the pandemic did not create them and its end will not solve them. Covid-19 has, however, increased both the imperative and the opportunity to address these flaws and limitations once and for all. Now is the moment to transform the U.S. food system.”


Established by the oligarchic founders of Standard Oil, John D. Rockefeller Jr. and Sr., the Rockefeller Foundation is one of the most influential non-governmental policy hubs of the trans-Atlantic elite. With assets totaling $7.7 billion, the foundation serves as the Rockefeller family’s front-facing philanthropic arm. Notorious for its role in 1940s US government-run medical experiments that saw Guatemalan peasants injected with syphilis, the Rockefeller Foundation is now headed by Rajiv Shah, the former head of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), a US government soft power cutout which in recent years attempted to topple governments in Venezuela and Cuba.

As reporter Michael Nevradakis revealed, some of the contributors to the Rockefeller Foundation’s “Reset the Table” enjoy close ties with the World Economic Forum (WEF).

Known for its advocacy of a transformative global “Great Reset,” the WEF markets itself as a policy nexus guiding the future of global capitalism. Each year, hedge fund managers, bankers, CEOs, media representatives, and government officials gather in Davos under the auspices of the WEF to “shape global, regional and industry agendas.” As Foreign Affairs put it, “the WEF has no formal authority, but it has become the major forum for elites to discuss policy ideas and priorities.”

Notably, the WEF and the UN signed a Strategic Partnership Framework in 2019 to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, an agreement which signaled an entrenched relationship that will shape sustainability efforts in the years to come.

As The Grayzone reported, the partnership framework was signed without previous discussion in any UN Assembly or intergovernmental process, effectively overriding the UN’s established decision-making frameworks.

“Davos for food” partners with multinational corporations to push “a standard diet for the whole planet”​

An influential commission describing itself as the “Davos for food,” the EAT-Lancet Commission, exists at the heart of the elite network lobbying to impose major dietary changes on the global population.

EAT-Lancet is pushing a flexitarian “Planetary Health Diet” in a gimmicky move to link human health choices with the supposed health of the planet. The World Economic Forum heartily endorsed EAT’s proposal in a 2019 blog post entitled, “Why we all need to go on the ‘planetary health diet’ to save the world.”

Though the World Health Organization initially approved EAT-Lancet’s Planetary Health Diet, it later withdrew support after Italian diplomat Gian Lorenzo Cornado questioned the diet’s scientific and nutritional basis.

In a letter to other high-level diplomats and institutions, Cornado declared that “a standard diet for the whole planet…has no scientific justification at all,” and “would mean the destruction of millenary healthy traditional diets which are a full part of the cultural heritage and social harmony in many nations.”

Cornado added the initiative would amount to “the total elimination of consumers’ freedom of choice.”

“The idea that you would have one diet for an [entire] planet, it just doesn’t make sense. It only makes sense from a very-much globalist view that everything can come from one solution, that they will impose top-down,” academic and food scientist Dr. Frédéric Leroy commented to The Grayzone.

“It’s ignoring all differences, cultural differences, practical differences.”

Indeed, EAT-Lancet appears far more attuned to the needs of the corporate world than local cultures. Its FReSH (Food Reform for Sustainability and Health) initiative, described as a campaign for the “transformation of the food system,” is co-sponsored by multinational corporations including the mega-polluting agricultural giant, Cargill; chemical producers BASF and DuPont; Google, a major defense contractor; and the pharmaceutical firm Bayer, among others.

Several of these companies, including Cargill, are heavily invested in lab-grown meats.


EAT’s advisory board, meanwhile, contains figures like Mark Wilson of BlackRock Inc., an investment company notorious for mass housing purchases that have made home ownership virtually unattainable for a broad slice of the American middle class.

EAT-Lancet’s founder and executive chair, Gunhild Stordalen, was granted a leading role at the UN Food Systems Summit in 2021, where she served as chair of the summit’s Action Track 2 “shift to sustainable consumption patterns.”

Stordalen is a physician who has leveraged the fortune of her husband, the billionaire property developer and airline owner Petter Stordalen, to place herself at the forefront of the global lobby for food system transformation.

The private luxury jet in which she and her husband often junket to environmental confabs has inspired reams of negative press from European tabloids.

Stordalen’s EAT-Lancet is closely affiliated with the World Resources Institute (WRI), a non-profit whose board of directors is composed of corporate executives and hedge fund managers involved in the highly profitable rush for “sustainable” environmental solutions and renewable energy. WRI’s directors include David Blood, a former Goldman Sachs executive who teamed up with failed Democratic presidential nominee Al Gore to found the green-branded Generation Investment Management firm. According to Blood, by encouraging fellow billionaires to invest in renewable energy, his firm was “making the case for long-term greed.”

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the corporate-influenced WRI is closely aligned with the World Economic Forum, which promotes the group’s content on its website and hosts WRI board member and World Bank manager Mari Elka Pangestu as a WEF Agenda Contributor.

Elite groups like EAT seek “to impose whatever they can to get more control over the food system, whether that be higher profits for their corporate allies, or whether that be more centralized resources, implementation of ideological or technocratic design, or anything along those lines,” Frédéric Leroy, the food scientist, remarked to The Grayzone.

“And within [this] grab for power,” Leroy explained, “you typically have public-private partnerships. You’ll always find very similar partners and players within those setups.”

Stakeholder capitalism captures the UN Food Systems Summit

The global “green” billionaire network has put forward ambitious goals for transforming the world’s food systems at venues like the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit. Yet this bonanza of stakeholder capitalism quickly became the target of boycotts and protests by farmers and human rights groups.

As The Grayzone reported, the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit represented one of the most aggressive attempts to date by corporate forces and the billionaire elite to overrun the UN’s multilateralist tradition, in which states determine solutions through respect for one another’s sovereignty, with stakeholder capitalism.

UN officials and hundreds of academics complained that the UN Food Systems Summit’s proposals lacked accountability and subverted well-established mechanisms for determining food policy. The academics slammed the summit for “favoring science that reflects and reinforces the economic and political interests of an elite network of governments, researchers, and foundations with strong business ties.” Even the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Michael Fakhri, acknowledged the summit did “nothing” to help feed families.

La Vía Campesina, a global movement of small farmers, indigenous peasants and agricultural workers, staged an angry boycott of the UN summit. “Why did the [UN] Secretary-General initiate this food summit in partnership with the World Economic Forum – a private sector body?..” the social movement asked in a statement condemning the event. “The entire process lacks transparency and legitimacy. Who is making decisions?”

While the UN Food Summit concluded without accomplishing anything of substance, the billionaire-backed network of “green” NGOs, foundations, and operatives continued its push to influence governments across the West.

Among the network’s apparent accomplishments is an EU proposal for sweeping meat taxes to incentivize plant-based diets, which tracks closely with a call published on the World Economic Forum website to “tax meat-eaters like smokers.” The WEF has also celebrated the EU’s plan to outlaw fuel-based cars by 2035.

The EU’s food systems transformation push is taking place under the banner of its so-called Farm To Fork strategy, which Brussels calls the “heart of [its] Green Deal.” The strategy proposes a “just transition” to a sustainable food system in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which itself proposes a massive overhaul of the world’s food systems by 2030. Marketed in cheery, utterly anodyne terms such as a “transformative vision for a better world,” the UN Sustainable Development Goals were adopted unanimously by the UN’s 193 member states in 2015.

Seven years later, however, as populations around the world experience the pain of a cost of living crisis and economic decline, the billionaire-backed institutions behind the push remain largely unaccountable to those being impacted by it.

As the food scientist Frédéric Leroy commented to The Grayzone, the proposed food system transformation “is rather scary because it’s coming fast and strong. It has huge resources behind it. And it’s shortcutting the normal community democratic processes because it passes on a transnational level and trickles down from above.”

To make their voices heard, some Dutch citizens may have begun targeting the business ventures of “green” billionaires with direct action.

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On TB every waking moment

3 of 4​

Bill Gates-backed lab meats burning in Holland​

Eva Vlaardingerbroek, a legal philosopher and vocal supporter of the Dutch farmers’ protests, noted how many of the Dutch and EU officials presiding over emissions cuts plans are also affiliated with the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Like many in the protest ranks, Vlaardingerbroek believes the emissions cuts are just the opening salvo in a billionaire-directed war for control over land, food, and ultimately, the essential components of human biology.

As their struggle intensifies, the Dutch protesters appear to have targeted the Gates empire directly. While circumstances surrounding the incident remain unclear, a manufacturing plant of Gates-funded delivery-only supermarket Picnic, known for its vegan alternatives and fake meat products, burned down during an evening of the Dutch farmer protests.

The incident drew attention to the Dutch government’s increasingly intimate – and evidently corrupt – relationship with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

A successful startup, Picnic doubled its revenue in 2020 and will soon expand to other European countries, including France and Germany. Since its 2015 launch, Picnic has raked in 604 million euros in investments, with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation providing the majority of the funding.

Dutch Minister for Nature and Nitrogen Policy Christianne van der Wal-Zeggelink, who pushed for the nitrogen emissions cuts the government is now imposing, is married to Piet van der Wal, an heir to the wealth of the family-owned Dutch supermarket chain Boni. And Van der Wal happens to be a major investor in Picnic, which has contracted Boni as a supplier.

In other words, the Dutch Minister who called for the nitrogen cuts is profiting from the Gates-backed Picnic chain, a company which likely stands to financially benefit if her efforts succeed.

Indeed, the Dutch policy would cause a drop in meat production, thus ensuring an increase in consumer demand for the meat-free, lab-grown products offered by Picnic – and a windfall profit for the billionaire investors behind it.

The Dutch government imposes the “green” billionaire elite’s agenda

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab has boasted that his organization “penetrate the cabinets” of governments across the West by cultivating leaders before they take power.

The current Dutch administration is a perfect example: Prime Minister Mark Rutte is a WEF Agenda Contributor who has zealously campaigned for a food system overhaul. The PM has also lauded the World Economic Forum’s food innovation hubs, described as “a market-based partnership program” meant “to sustainably scale innovative solutions for food systems transformation.”

The WEF-funded hubs are operating from the Dutch city of Wageningen.

In a news release promoting its food hubs, the WEF placed the onus not only on governments and institutions, but on small farmers and average people across the planet to adjust their lives in accordance to the UN goals:

“With 10 years to achieve the [UN] Sustainable Development Goals, we need to fundamentally change the way food is produced and consumed. This includes changing the practices of more than 500 million smallholder farmers and the consumption patterns of 7.7 billion individuals.”

The Dutch government has committed to several years of public funding to support the hubs.

Other examples of significant Dutch government ties to the WEF include Dutch Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Sigrid Kaag, a WEF agenda contributor; and Dutch Minister of Social Affairs and Employment Karien van Gennip, who was elected as a WEF Young Global Leader in 2008.

Many involved with the European Union and the European Commission are also deeply embedded in the WEF: European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, for example, is an Agenda Contributor, as are many European Parliament members.

For institutions like the WEF and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, advancing “sustainability” is paramount. But these elite organizations’ interpretation of the concept contrasts strongly with the way the millions of people who will be impacted by the agenda seem to understand it.

Critically, the “green” billionaires’ food transformation is intensifying alongside a global food and resource shortage – a disaster driven by policies many of these same elites have advanced.

Global resistance builds to cost of living crisis, elites double-down

In recent months rising food prices, fuel shortages, and soaring living costs have triggered working class revolts across the globe. Yet the critical moment has been met with relative media silence, or in some cases explanations which sought to depict various uprisings as isolated events rather than an international response to the growing calamities of global capitalism.

The response from the Western left has also been muted, clearing space for the right to redirect the rage of millions disenfranchised by transnational capitalism into support for its agenda.

This year, national demonstrations driven by the global food and energy shortage have cropped up from Panama to Ecuador to Albania to Puerto Rico to Peru. As the crisis deepens, Italian Prime Minister and former banker Mario Draghi has resigned while the Estonian PM Kaja Kallas, a key voice of NATO hostility against Russia, was forced to form a new coalition after resigning.

Sri Lanka has been the site of 2022’s most ferocious revolt so far, and offers a preview of what may lie ahead if the Dutch government follows through with plans to gut its agricultural sector.

In July, angry crowds in the capital city of Colombo stormed the country’s Central Bank and president’s house, driving the disgraced Gotabaya Rajapaksa out of the country.

Among the protesters’ grievances was a failed scheme by Rajapaska to make Sri Lanka the world’s first 100% organic farming nation. As part of the initiative, Sri Lanka temporarily banned chemical fertilizers in April 2021. The restrictions swiftly devastated nearly 2 million Sri Lankan farmers who account for a full 10% of the country’s economy, turning the country’s food sovereign economy upside down.

Now, instead of producing enough rice to feed its citizens and export around the world, Sri Lanka must import the staple. Meanwhile, a staggering drop-off in tea production has cost its economy around $425 million in export revenue. Rajapaska’s artificially engineered food shortage has plunged over half-a-million Sri Lankans into poverty.

While Sri Lankans suffered, Rajapaska’s fertilizer ban won plaudits from supposed socially responsible investor groups; one praised his government for “taking up sustainability and ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) issues as its top priority.”

The World Health Organization’s demand for Covid-19 lockdowns further decimated Sri Lanka’s economy. By closing its borders to outside travel and restricting the movement of its domestic population throughout 2020 and 2021, Sri Lanka’s government wiped out some 200,000 jobs provided by its tourism industry. (The lockdowns were game-planned months before the pandemic began, during an October 2019 tabletop simulation called Event 201 that counted the Gates Foundation and World Economic Forum among its sponsors).

Now that Rajapaska is out of office, Sri Lankan protesters have turned their attention to new interim President Ranil Wickremesinghe, a World Economic Forum (WEF) Agenda Contributor who authored a widely ridiculed article for the group in 2018: “This is How I Will Make My Country Rich by 2025.”


US-European sanctions on Russia accelerate cost of living crisis​

The US and EU-led economic sanctioning of Russia, one of the world’s top exporters of grain, fertilizer, oil, and gas, has only worsened the economic crisis unfolding around the world. In the face of the harsh new reality, the billionaire-backed “green” network has hardly shifted from its plan for a rapid transformation of food systems.

Ursula von der Leyen, the World Economic Forum agenda contributor who heads the European Commission, used her appearance at the WEF’s May 2022 gathering to proclaim that “we must accelerate our green energy transition” as supplies of Russian oil and gas dry up.

Back in von der Leyen’s home country of Germany, however, the government has been forced to bring coal-fired power plants back online to make up for the lack of Russian fuel, severely undercutting its climate agenda.

Germany’s sanctioning of Russia has also played a major role in turning the country from a net exporter of grains to a net importer in just a few years.

“Not only is Germany not feeding the rest of the world,” Christian Westbrook, a farmer and host of the popular Ice Age Farmer broadcast, told The Grayzone, “they are competing to get the grains that should be coming out of other net exporters. Some countries for example, such as Kazakhstan, Moldova see that there are these problems with the natural gas supply, they get into protectionist mode and say, ‘Okay, we’re gonna stop exporting our grains.

We’re holding on to what we have created.’ This is why grain prices have shot up to record levels.”

The looming shortages have prompted German Interior Minister Nancy Faesser to warn that “radical protests” could sweep the country this Winter.

Similarly, the neoliberal Economist magazine predicted that “a wave of unrest is coming” due to “soaring food and fuel prices.”

Though the EU temporarily paused its “Farm to Fork” sustainability effort in response to the acute resource crisis, Germany’s Social Democratic-Green governing coalition is insisting on maintaining a handful of the program’s restrictions.

In Canada, meanwhile, the Liberal government of Prime Minister and World Economic Forum Agenda Contributor Justin Trudeau has proposed nitrogen emissions reduction targets almost identical to those that provoked the Dutch farmers’ revolt. As food shortages intensify on a global scale, Trudeau’s proposal has led Canadian farmers to publicly ponder whether their government is deliberately worsening the crisis.

“The fact that this is going on around the world gives us the sort of idea that this isn’t an organic process,” Westbrook observed. “It’s just like COVID, when all the nations around the world went exactly the same route. Sri Lanka did the same thing and now they’re collapsing completely… So these are bad decisions that are being made around the world, almost in unison right now.”
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On TB every waking moment

Part 4 of 4

The latest phase of a “Great Reset”?

The elite and corporate-backed “transformation” of food systems contains unmistakable echoes of the agenda Klaus Schwab favorably described as a “Great Reset,” and whose goals, according to his World Economic Forum, include building a “new social contract.”

The WEF formalized its concept of a Great Reset at the dawn of the Covid-19 pandemic, issuing a call “for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis.”

In turn, governments around the globe imposed sweeping restrictions that accelerated the digitalization of social life, education, work, and access to society. Tech and pharmaceutical industry “stakeholders” raked in previously unimaginable riches as a result, while pandemic restrictions ruined the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of millions, particularly in the global South.

If Covid-19 was the springboard for a so-called Great Reset, the planned transformation of global food systems appears to be its next phase. And those with the power to affect such radical changes are explicit in their aims.

As Schwab stated at the World Food Day Ceremony at the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in October 2021, “As we get back on our feet after the COVID crisis, we need to rebuild in a way that is healthier, more sustainable. The pandemic has underscored the need to retool the entire food system.”

“This pandemic has provided the opportunity for a reset,” Canadian PM and WEF contributor Justin Trudeau told a UN conference in September 2020. “This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like inequality, poverty and climate change.”

“[COVID-19] is certainly a major crisis, but it also offers us a unique opportunity,” none other than Dutch PM Mark Rutte emphasized. “Now is the time to make the changes we need to build a climate resilient world… and to achieve progress towards the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.” Rutte subsequently linked sustainable food security to climate action when pledging money to CGIAR, a Bill Gates-backed agricultural hub.

But the ruling elite are not the only ones making the connection between Covid and food systems. As the “reset” shifts into a higher gear, Dutch farmers cite the Canadian Freedom Trucker Convoy as an inspiration for their movement. Outside the Dutch Embassy in Ottawa this July, many Canadian convoy participants gathered to show solidarity with the farmers.

As a billionaire-backed network advances its blueprint for a “transformation” of food systems across the globe, an anti-“new normal” populism is rising as well.

“Protesting is the only way,” said Dutch farmer Ingrid de Sain. “We have to hope that with protesting, we can save our own lives. Yes, we want to take care of nature. Yes, we want to take care of the climate. But we also want to be farmers. And no one, not even our government, can take that away from us.”
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On TB every waking moment

Something Is Looming Geopolitically, And We Better Start Taking It Seriously​

FRIDAY, AUG 19, 2022 - 08:40 PM
Authored by 'Sundance' via The Last Refuge blog,

As a result of western governments’ taking collective action under the auspices of a ‘climate change’ agenda, we are on the cusp of something happening with ramifications that no one has ever seen before.

Western governments’, specifically western Europe, North America (U.S-Canada) and Australia/New Zealand, are intentionally trying to lower economic activity to meet the intentional drop in energy production.

This is the core consequence of the Build Back Better agenda as promoted by the World Economic Forum.

Anyone who says there is a reference point to determine both the short-term and long-term consequences is lying. There is no precedent for nations’ collectively and intentionally trying to reduce economic activity.

Hiding behind the false justification that current inflation is driven by too much demand, central banks in Europe, the Bank of England, Bank of Canada and U.S. federal reserve are raising interest rates. The outcome we are currently feeling is an intentional economic contraction and global recession.

The Build Back Better monetary policy is successfully shrinking western economic activity
; however, the impacted nations that produce goods for markets in North America and Europe, specifically southeast Asia, Japan and China, are not raising interest rates in an effort to try and offset the drop in demand. China has announced they are dropping their central bank rates in a desperate effort to lower costs and keep their export dependent economy working.

Underneath all of this, is a drop in energy production in the same nations trying to lower economic activity. The political policymakers are attempting to manage this process without informing the citizens of the unspoken goal. Shortages of oil, coal and natural gas are self-inflicted problems, all part of the BBB agenda.

Beyond the massive increases in energy costs, which is the true source of inflation and a direct/intentional outcome of the BBB effort, Europe is now facing a looming winter without the energy resources to heat homes and sustain people. Things are going to be very uncomfortable in Europe this winter as roaming brownouts are now predicted.

As the collective west attempts to, using their words, “manage the transition,” they do not have mechanisms to control an outcome of this magnitude. It is simply too big a situation to manage. Where the rubber meets the road, the think-tanks and high-minded climate change ideologues do not have the ability to manage a transition and still meet the needs of people. Beyond the esoteric thinking, there are real consequences from these actions.

Many people have discussed the potential for longer-term food shortages and recently, shorter-term winter heating. However, beyond that, the downstream geopolitical consequences are seemingly being ignored. Instead, what we see is an effort to keep pretending the climate change ends will justify the means (disruption of energy production).

In this connected world, when the western nations stop buying things, we find ourselves domestically with economic trouble. Businesses fail, unemployment rises, financial stress ripples throughout the economy, dependency on government subsidy increases and real pain is felt. However, beyond the domestic issues the supplier nations run into even bigger problems.

Unemployment in Malaysia, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and even China, creates an entirely different set of regional stability issues on a geopolitical level.

There is no precedent for this. Never before in the history of industrialized nations has any government intentionally tried to lower its economic activity.

It has never been done with intent before because within the contraction nations get more poor, people suffer.

Not only has no single nation ever tried to intentionally shrink its wealth, but there is no precedent whatsoever for an alliance of nations to join together with the same purpose. While this might seem like an academic economic modeling exercise, unfortunately it is very real. What I am describing is happening right now, and we had better start talking about it before the unforeseen consequences start to become a crisis.

In North America (U.S-Canada), Europe and Australia, there will continue to be massive increases in food prices as a result of the collapse in energy production. Beyond the western nations there will be food shortages as a result of lowered harvest yields and less industrial food production. This is not controversial.

It is also not controversial that regions with harsh winter climates are going to be paying much more for scarce heating resources.

That being accepted, what happens geopolitically, even militarily, when the entire global economy starts to feel the impacts from western nation economic contraction on a scale -created by collective action- that has never been seen before.

I have no idea what that big picture consequence looks like, but whatever “that” is, will be happening at the same time as people everywhere will be more desperate as an outcome of their economic position. I don’t have the answers, but I sure as hell can see the problem coming.

Political leadership in the aforementioned western nations are seemingly, perhaps intentionally, keeping people distracted with domestic shiny things to occupy time. However, someone needs to start talking about, and seriously challenging, the big picture consequence of this Build Back Better future, before it’s too late.


On TB every waking moment

Trump-Appointed Judge Blocks Joe Biden’s Moratorium on Federal Oil and Gas Leasing

By Cristina Laila
Published August 19, 2022 at 8:35pm

A federal court late Thursday evening blocked Joe Biden’s moratorium on federal gas and oil leasing in 13 states that sued over the executive order.

Shortly after being installed in January 2021, Biden issued an executive order and put a moratorium on new oil and natural gas leases and drilling permits on federal lands.

Several states, including states Joe Biden won (supposedly) in 2020 and the Ute Indian tribe sued Joe Biden over the order.

US District Court for the Western District of Louisiana Judge Terry Doughty, a Trump appointee on Thursday said Joe Biden “lacked any authority” to impose the policy under the Mineral Leasing Act (MLA) and Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA).

Fox Business reported:

A federal district court blocked the Biden administration’s moratorium on federal oil and gas leasing, a potentially fatal blow to the policy that has been tied up in a legal battle since early 2021.

U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana Judge Terry Doughty issued a permanent injunction blocking the leasing moratorium in a ruling late Thursday evening.

Doughty wrote that President Biden “lacked any authority” to implement the policy under the Mineral Leasing Act (MLA) and Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) which regulate federal leasing on public lands and waters.

“The Court finds Section 208 of Executive Order 14008 is ultra vires, beyond the authority of the President of the United States, and in violation of the OCSLA and the MLA,” he wrote in the opinion. “Even the President cannot make significant changes to the OCSLA and/or the MLA that Congress did not delegate.”

Biden issued Executive Order 14008 — titled the “Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad” — on Jan. 27, 2021, days after taking office. The action ordered the Department of the Interior (DOI) to pause new oil and natural gas leases, a policy Biden pledged to pursue during his 2020 campaign, while it conducts a review of the federal leasing program.

“President Biden’s executive order to choke off energy development didn’t just increase prices and hurt American families — it was flatly illegal,” Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen said in a statement after Doughty issued his ruling Thursday. “This decision is a victory for the rule of law and the workers and the rural communities who depend on the energy industry.”


On TB every waking moment

Federal Court Nixes Vaccine Mandate, Citing Religious Liberty


A federal court denied a petition for rehearing in a case surrounding United Airlines’ vaccine mandate — one judge accusing the company of “coerc[ing] its employees into violating their religious beliefs.”

Judges for the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, widely considered the most conservative federal court, voted 13-4 on Thursday to deny a rehearing. The court also denied United Airlines’ request to vacate a panel opinion from February, which held that the mandate inflicted irreparable harm and remanded the case to district court.

Trump-appointed Judge James Ho penned a concurring opinion, admonishing the airline for creating a “crisis of conscience” for its employees, and warned of new wave of corporatism in the Unites States that seeks to inflict its cultural values on Americans.

Ho wrote that mandating employees with sincere religious objections to take vaccines that “were developed using aborted fetal tissue” or face indefinite unpaid leave, is an “obvious irreparable injury” because it “press[ures employees] into violating one’s faith.” Ho said:

Being placed on indefinite unpaid leave because your employer doesn’t like your religious beliefs is obviously an adverse employment action and an actionable claim under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. And you’ve obviously suffered irreparable injury when you’re forced to violate your faith in order to get your job back. The injury would be entirely reparable by money damages if it was just about a loss of money.”

But it’s not. It’s about a loss of faith. And it’s about a crisis of conscience. You’re being coerced into sacrificing your faith in order to keep your job. No measure of damages makes sense in this scenario. To keep your job, you must violate your faith. How much money would it take for you to sell out your faith?

Notably, United Airlines had one of the strictest coronavirus vaccine mandates in the country for a private company, even compared to competing airlines. Last August, the airline told its 67,000 U.S. employees that they would have to get vaccinated against the virus or face firing. United reported that roughly 96 percent complied with the mandate, though several hundred who refused were fired. Approximately 2,200 employees received religious and medical exemptions, though that consisted of the company granting them what it called a “reasonable accommodation” by placing them on unpaid leave and stripping them of their medical benefits.

The mandate resulted in an ongoing lawsuit. In September 2021, six United Airlines employees sued the company over the mandate in a class action lawsuit on behalf of the 2,200 seeking exemptions, alleging the company violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by discriminating against them based on their religious beliefs and medical conditions.

The case is back in the hands of District Judge Mark Pittman, who is also a Trump appointee. However, the airline allowed unvaccinated staff to return to work on March 28, citing a “steep decline” in coronavirus cases as the reason for the policy change.

Ho emphasized that “courts should hold [corporations] accountable, no less and no more than individuals.” He added:

Corporations are not people. But like people, corporations are capable of following the law as well as violating it. Moreover, by combining and coordinating human efforts, corporations can do a lot more. They can have a greater impact on society than most individuals. As a result, corporations can achieve far greater good—and cause much greater harm. So when corporations violate the law, courts should hold them accountable, no less and no more than individuals.

Ho also noted that if this case is “pathbreaking,” it is not because of how law is being applied but because of the “behavior of industry.”

“Historically, corporations typically focus on increasing shareholder value—not on imposing certain cultural values on others. But that is rapidly changing,” he said.

Ho pitched a hypothetical situation in which an employer who does not care about employee productivity “insists that you abandon certain religious beliefs he finds offensive, whether it’s abortion, marriage, sexuality, gender, or something else.”

“But here’s the thing: What was once hypothetical is now rapidly becoming reality. Examples of this abound,” he wrote, citing various news stories as examples. “So this case may be the first, but I suspect it will not be the last.”

Ho further cited a passage from Woke, Inc.: Inside Corporate America’s Social Justice Scam, about how “companies use their market power to make moral rules, they effectively prevent . . . other citizens from having the same say in our democracy.” He wrote:

My point today is less ambitious: We know what this new corporate trend is doing to employees. It’s violating the religious convictions of workers across the country. And in cases like this, the injuries are irreparable. So unlike the dissent, I’m grateful that our court is taking the action it is today.

“And unlike the dissent, I don’t think our circuit will be alone, as cases like this inevitably multiply across the country, assuming corporate trends persist. But if our circuit turns out to be alone in its defense of religious liberty, I’ll be grateful for our actions today all the same, ” he concluded.

The case is Sambrano v. United Airlines, No. 21-11159 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.


On TB every waking moment

Global Food Crisis: 50 Per Cent Crop Loss Likely Due to Drought, German Farmers Say

PETER CADDLE19 Aug 2022392

Crop losses of up to 50 per cent are now expected in parts of Germany due to drought, farmers in affected regions have claimed.

Up to half of the crops in parts of the German state of Baden-Württemberg are likely to be lost due to drought, farmers in the region have claimed, with problems to do with the prices of fuel, fertiliser, and pesticides connected to the green agenda and war in Ukraine also reportedly causing problems for those in the region.

With the losses expected to materialise in the autumn, the farming chaos may end up being another crisis facing Germany’s floundering political class as fuel shortages combined with a freefalling economy hit a public already suffering from officials’ poor handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to a report by Bild, a serious lack of rainfall has led farmers to fear that the likes of maize, sugar beet, potato, and soybean crops could see losses of up to 50 per cent should rain not return soon.

“If there is no heavy rainfall in the near future, we expect considerable harvest losses of up to 50 per cent for almost all crops,” state farmer president Joachim Rukwied is reported as saying on Thursday, emphasising that crops harvested in the autumn were likely to be the worse affected.

To make matters worse, livestock farmers in the region are also now struggling, with many being forced to give animals feed meant to be kept for the winter as the amount of edible grass on the ground quite literally has dried up.

Fodder that might otherwise be imported from Russia or Ukraine is proving hard to come by as a result of the former’s invasion the latter and the West’s resulting sanctions war with Moscow.


For farmers in Baden-Württemberg, this year’s drought is just the latest of many crises that have disrupted their businesses, with the international trade chaos caused in part by the Ukraine war seeing the cost of essential fertilisers soar across Europe.

Sourcing alternatives outside of Russia has proven difficult in part thanks to the EU’s green agenda, with plants producing the modern nitrogen fertilisers requiring natural gas as an essential component.

The European Union — having been obsessed with expanding the capacity of so-called green energy over fossil fuels — is now struggling to source this gas for the purpose of heating the homes of the general public, let alone for the production of fertilisers, leaving many farmers in the lurch.

While the use of less efficient alternatives such as manure is now being considered by many across the EU, for farmers in Germany the crisis may ultimately be the least of their problems as they head into what looks like will be a cold winter of gas shortages, during which many may be unable to afford to heat their homes.

Authorities in the country are starting to panic about the possibility of such supply problems, with some government bigwigs now saying that the country will likely see gas riots as a furious public loses patience over the political class’ chronic mismanagement of the EU powerhouse’s affairs.

“[A]fter the pandemic and the world events of the last few months, we are dealing with a highly emotional, aggressive, pessimistic mood among the population, whose trust in the state, its institutions and political actors is at least in some parts afflicted with massive doubts,” President of the Thuringian Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Stephen Kramer, said last week.

The official — who is tasked with helping to maintain the integrity of the modern democratic German state — went on to say that unrest in the coming months may make the anti-lockdown demos frequently seen over the past number of months look like a “children’s birthday party” by comparison.



On TB every waking moment

MSNBC’s Cross: ‘I Would Say a Civil War Is Here’

TRENT BAKER19 Aug 20227,452

Video on website 1:31 min

Thursday on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut,” network host Tiffany Cross warned that “a civil war is here” amid violent rhetoric regarding the FBI.

Cross suggested it was time to start “preparing for actual violence” because two people tried “to declare war with FBI field offices.”

“You have millions of people tuning into a propaganda network every night,” Cross outlined. “And then, as if that were not bad enough, that’s an extremist network itself, you have these fringe pop-up outlets from OAN to Newsmax, then you have the social media component. That train has left the station.
There is no let’s deal with the rhetoric. At this point, I do think we have to have serious conversations around preparing for actual violence.”

She added, “People keep saying a civil war is coming — I would say a civil war is here. And I don’t mean to be hyperbolic. We can look at what has happened just in the past week alone since all this has happened. We’ve had two people try to declare war with FBI field offices. I don’t think, at this point, we’re going to pack up our bags and go home and sing kumbaya. So, from a law enforcement angle, what would you recommend the infrastructure of the country do? Because not everybody has the security of Capitol Hill.”



On TB every waking moment

‘Civil War’ Porn
Those who warn most of some mythical civil war are those most likely to incite one.

By Victor Davis Hanson
August 17, 2022

As Joe Biden’s polls stagnate and the midterms approach, we are now serially treated to yet another progressive melodrama about the dangers of a supposed impending radical right-wing violent takeover.

This time the alleged threat is a Neanderthal desire for a “civil war.”

The FBI raid on Donald Trump’s Florida home, the dubious rationale for such a historic swoop, and the popular pushback at the FBI and Department of Justice from roughly half the country have further fueled these giddy “civil war” conjectures.

Recently “presidential historian” Michael Beschloss speculated about the parameters of such an envisioned civil war.

Beschloss is an ironic source. Just days earlier, he had tweeted references to the executions of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who passed U.S. nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union in the 1950s, in connection with the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago.

That was a lunatic insinuation that Trump might justly suffer the same lethal fate due to supposedly mishandling of “nuclear secrets.” Unhinged former CIA Director Michael Hayden picked up on Beschloss death-penalty prompt, adding that it “sounds about right.”

Hayden had gained recent notoriety for comparing Trump’s continuance of the Obama Administration’s border detention facilities to Hitler’s death camps. And he had assured the public that Hunter Biden’s lost and incriminating laptop was likely “Russian disinformation”.

So, like the earlier “Russian collusion” hoax, and the January 6 “insurrection,” the supposed right-wing inspired civil war is the latest shrill warning from the Left about how “democracy dies in darkness” and the impending end of progressive control of Congress in a few months.

On cue, Hollywood now joins the civil war bandwagon. It has issued a few bad, grade-C movies. They focus on deranged white “insurrectionists” who seek to take over the United States in hopes of driving out or killing off various “marginalized” peoples.

Pentagon grandees promise to learn about “white rage” in the military and to root it out. But never do they offer any hard data to suggest white males express any greater degree of racial or ethnic chauvinism than any other demographic.

When we do hear of an insurrectionary plan—to kidnap the Michigan governor—we discover a concocted mess. Twelve FBI informants outnumbered the supposed four “conspirators.” And two of them were acquitted by a jury and the other two so far found not guilty due to a mistrial.

The buffoonish January 6 riot at the Capitol is often cited as proof of the insurrectionary right-wing movement. But the one-day riotous embarrassment never turned up any armed revolutionaries or plots to overthrow the government.

What it did do was give the Left an excuse to weaponize the nation’s capital with barbed wire and thousands of federal troops, in the greatest militarization of Washington D.C. since the Civil War.

In contrast, Antifa and BLM rioters were no one-day buffoons. They systematically organized a series of destructive and deadly riots across the country for over four months in summer 2020. The lethal toll of their work was over 35 dead, $2 billion in property losses, and hundreds of police officers injured.

Such violent protestors torched the ironic St. John’s Episcopal church and attempted to fight their way into the White House grounds. Their violent agenda prompted the Secret Service to evacuate the president of the United States to a secure bunker.

The New York Times gleefully applauded the rioting near the White House grounds with the snarky headline “Trump Shrinks Back.”

As far as secession talk, it mostly now comes from the Left, not the Right. Indeed, a parlor game has sprung up among elites in venues such as The Nation and The New Republic imaging secession from the United States. Blue-staters brag secession would free them from the burden of the red-state conservative population.

Over the last five years, it was the Left who talked openly of tearing apart the American system of governance—from packing the Supreme Court and junking the Electoral College to ending the ancient filibuster and nullifying immigration law.

Time essayist Molly Ball in early 2021 gushed about a brilliant “conspiracy” of wealthy tech lords, Democratic Party activists, and Biden operators.

Ball bragged how they had systematically poured hundreds of millions of dark money into changing voting laws, and absorbing the role of government registrars in key precincts.

What was revolutionary were new progressive precedents of impeaching a president twice, trying him as a private citizen, barring minority congressional representatives from House committee memberships, and tearing up the state of the union address on national television.

In contrast, decrying the weaponization of a once-professional FBI, and the scandals among its wayward Washington hierarchy is not insurrectionary. Nor is being appalled at the FBI raiding a former president’s and possible presidential candidate’s home, when historically disputes over presidential papers were the business of lawyers not armed agents.

Historic overreach is insurrectionary, not objecting to it. And those who warn most of some mythical civil war are those most likely to incite one.


On TB every waking moment

The Countries Supplying The EV Lithium Rush

SATURDAY, AUG 20, 2022 - 01:00 PM

With both the demand and cost of lithium rising dramatically over the last few months, and forecast to do so into the future, this infographic from Statista's Martin Armstrong takes a look at the countries which mine the most of the metal, and where the largest reserves are held.

Infographic: The Countries Supplying the EV Lithium Rush | Statista


You will find more infographics at Statista

The shift towards electric-powered mobility has really picked up pace in recent years and is only set to intensify as bans around the world on petrol and diesel car production come into place. As data from the U.S. Geological Survey shows, Australia and Chile are the countries best positioned to capitalize on the lithium rush. In 2021, 55,000 metric tons of the metal crucial to EV battery production was mined 'down under' - more than double of that extracted in Chile. The South American country does however have considerably larger reserves of the natural resource, as the infographic shows.

Important to note is that production figures for the United States were not published by the source in order to "avoid disclosing company proprietary data". Reserves in the country are however recorded at 750,000 metric tons in 2021.


On TB every waking moment

Winter Is Coming For The UK

SATURDAY, AUG 20, 2022 - 05:10 AM

Authored by Bill Blain via,

"Tell them the North remembers. Tell them Winter is Coming.”

The outlook for the UK looks increasingly grim. There are few reasons to hope a new government can reverse the mounting consumer fears, stagflation and the growing sense of decline.

Yesterday was cold, wet and grey. The sudden end of the glorious summer highlights how dark and bleak the mood in the UK has become. UK Consumer confidence has collapsed to levels not seen since the 1970s. London has ground to a halt with tube and rail strikes. Its not just the cost of living crisis – which, to be blunt, has only just begun and will get much, much worse as winter deepens– but folk are losing confidence in the broken mechanics of the economy, the absence of leadership and a growing sense things won’t get any better.

The country feels like its sinking into a treacle of energy-sucking, suffocating despond. Everything in Britain feels broken: the NHS is too crowded to treat patients, excess death rates show untreated cancers, heart-disease and stokes from lockdown now far outnumber Covid deaths, the police are so overloaded they have stopped even bothering to investigate crime, while airports are blocked, trains don’t work, and it really doesn’t matter because you can’t get a passport or driving licence renewed. As the rains come down, we’re under threat of dire authoritarian punishment if we dare use a garden hose – although to be fair, who is going to arrest you?

Thank heaven we’re about to get a new prime minister – SARCASM ALERT.

Do you really expect a bright Sun of Economic Hope to suddenly come up on Sept 5th? If so, go see a shrink – if you can get an appointment.

Liz Truss – nailed on as the winner and next Prime Minister- will be taking office early next month, and the expectations could not be lower. She’s being painted as lacklustre at best – and I fear that’s a severe overestimate, but please surprise me! I still have little idea what she stands for – but the folk backing her, and setting her narrative might. I have no clue what her secret sauce to reanimate the UK is. Thus far, all the noise of has been about playing to the 160,000 wealthy, elderly white Tory men who have the vote in the leadership contest, rather than the 60 million Brits she will notionally represent.

Her announced policies, like merging banking regulator, the PRA, into the FCA, are pointless tinkering at best. But it makes a point – her overriding concern in office will be ensuring others carry the can for the crisis, so first up against the wall will likely be Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England, and the Bank’s notional independence.

If what we remember about the great recession of 2022-2025 is it was Bailey’s fault – then the history books will need rewritten.

What the nation needs as we sink into the deepest recession in living memory is a Government of Talents – not a bunch of middling political hacks, or a fourth somewhat pointless Prime Minister in a row.

Maybe Liz Truss will surprise us – but it feels unlikely. Still, we live in hope. UK Politics will remain in thrall to Brexit (the dark, malign canker festering at the heart of the UK), which will continue to dominate the agenda and eat away the nation’s trade and export position – to engage with Europe to find a mutually beneficial compromise is utterly unacceptable to the TRG Taliban. Expect lots of union bashing for their temerity asking for pay rises as inflation remains stubbornly strong. Little will be done to reinvent, innovate and rebuild the broken institutions of State.

The core goals of the new government will be short-term survival and looking a little bit better than the opposition Labour party – because all that matters is winning the next election in just a few years time.

The next two years will not be a time of economic innovation. In Germany, the government recently slashed the price of rail travel, and it had an enormous positive effect in terms of long distance travel with multiplier effects from domestic tourism and work. In Germany a monthly railpass anywhere costs 9 Euros. In the UK it costs me nearly £100 every time I go to London.

I said it was bleak.

A fund manager asked me for my views on UK Bonds yesterday – my answer was relatively less bad than the outlook for UK stocks. At least with Gilts you are likely to get your money back – albeit Sterling will probably be much, much lower. As for UK mid-caps and SMEs, which have been on a run, it’s likely the coming recession will see them suffer. Time to go defensive in UK stocks. The UK’s Virtuous Sovereign Trinity may be tested – the mechanism whereby the political stability and effectiveness of a nation, its bond market and currency form a strong tripod. If any leg breaks – then it spells deep, deep trouble.

But, not for me the misery of UK politics… last night I snuck off to Salcombe, the jewel of the Devon Riviera where I inadvertently came close to triggering a civil war. The greatest divide in UK society is the Cream Tea. Does the Jam go on top or the Clotted Cream, or the other way round? Cornwall and Devon have been in state of cold war over this critical distinction for decades. I did the Cornish thing – Cream on top of the Jam. It makes perfect sense. Devon folk were horrified. Jam goes on top of the crème in Devon. I had to pay a considerable forfeit, hence this morning I am struggling with a H2O/C2H5OH electrolyte imbalance. Ouch. If anyone ever offers you Devon Rum – run.

However, I did find myself sitting with some very interesting people. To dine with one economist could be considered a misfortune. To sit with two looks downright careless, but to sit with three – well that’s asking for confusion.

3 economists – and at least 5 contradictory perspectives on where the UK economy is likely going, with myself throwing in some random distractions.

Surprisingly, the most right-wing inclined member of our informal brains trust was of the opinion the correct UK policy now is no intertest rate hikes at all – they are the wrong response to the wrong signals – but a massive economic stimulus to avoid a devastating and deep recession. “Ride inflation, because you can’t control it”, he said. Inflation has been triggered by an exogenous energy shock, but to try to cool the economy by inflicting monetary pain to stem demand will simply exacerbate real inflation in the form of wage demands and perceived shortages driving up prices – he also sagely noted how the big supermarkets have quietly withdrawn their cheapest economy brands, taking advantage of inflation to boost their margins.

The second economist took a very different view: speed is of the essence, the BOE has moved too slowly, policy mistakes make things worse, and now we need immediate austerity, tax neutrality, and interest hikes to swiftly re-balance the economy and impose control. Inflation must be brought down swiftly, or it will become entrenched, and have massive long-term consequences. Wages must be constrained – frankly the best way to calm inflation is an old-fashioned scare-the-bejesus out of workers sense of job security to undermine wage demands. She balanced her draconian measures with serious tax hikes on the uber-wealthy, proposing new property taxes on anyone with second homes or leaving the country to escape punitive taxation.

The third economist was looking at the long-term decline in UK productivity and wondering what policies are possible now to put the UK back on track for a prosperous economic future – but concluded we will remain in fight/flight mode with short-term fire-fighting on recession, wage inflation, consumer crisis and election cycles, means it’s all going to be about satisficing and short-term policies with damaging long-term consequences.

In short.. its messy out there..

Out of time, and have a great weekend..


On TB every waking moment

Half Of Companies Planning Layoffs Or Hiring Freezes: Survey

SATURDAY, AUG 20, 2022 - 06:55 AM

A concerning survey of 700 US executives reveals that half of them are either actively reducing headcount, or plan to - while 52% have implemented hiring freezes, according to Bloomberg.

The survey, conducted last month by consultant PwC, also found that more than 40% of executives are rescinding job offers, while a similar amount are reducing or eliminating sign-on bonuses that were all the rage amid the tight job market just months ago.

On the bright side - around 2/3 of companies are boosting pay or expanding mental-health benefits, and 70% are planning to make remote work options permanent - though at the same time, 61% said they're requiring staff to be on site more often - which can happen at the same time depending on the job ("Roles that don’t require much in-person collaboration could go remote for good, while other staffers could be required to get back to their desks a few times a week.")


"Firms are playing offense and defense with their talent strategies," According to PwC's Bhushan Sethi, who noted that employers are weighing reputational damage and employee morale when considering layoffs. "People have long memories, and social media plays a much bigger role now."

Bloomberg suggests that the findings illustrate "the contradictory nature of today's labor market, where skilled workers can still largely name their terms amid talent shortages even as companies look to let people go elsewhere, particularly in hard-hit industries like technology and real estate."

US job growth last month blew past economist estimates, while Labor Department data Thursday showed a drop in applications for unemployment insurance, suggesting demand for workers remains healthy. But layoffs and hiring freezes also are becoming more widespread, and not just at overheated tech startups that grew too fast. Oracle Corp., Walmart Inc. and Apple Inc. are among the big employers that have announced cutbacks in recent weeks. -Bloomberg

Withe fewer employees in offices, some organizations are looking to save on overhead - with more than 20% of those polled said they plan to decrease their investment in real estate. Conversely, 31% said they were boosting property investment.


On TB every waking moment

UN Recruited Over 100,000 'Digital First Responders' To Push Establishment COVID Narrative

SATURDAY, AUG 20, 2022 - 04:00 AM
Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

At the height of the pandemic, the United Nations recruited over 100,000 “digital first responders’ to push the establishment narrative on COVID via social media.

The revelation actually slipped out in October 2020 during a World Economic Forum podcast called ‘Seeking a cure for the infodemic’, although it is only going viral on Twitter today.

In the podcast, Melissa Fleming, head of global communications for the United Nations, explains how the COVID pandemic and lockdowns created a “communications crisis” in addition to a public health emergency.

Fleming acknowledged that in order to fight so-called “misinformation” about the pandemic, the UN tapped up 110,000 people to amplify their messaging across social media.

“So far, we’ve recruited 110,000 information volunteers, and we equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of ‘digital first-responders’ in those spaces where misinformation travels,” Fleming stated.

That was nearly 2 years ago. It is not known how many ‘digital first responders’ have been recruited up to this point. View:
31:44 min

The World Economic Forum · Seeking a cure for the infodemic

Similar efforts to create astroturf campaigns to push a specific message are nothing new, but when entities such as oil companies engage in it, they are lambasted for rigging the discussion.

However, when globalist technocrats at the UN or the WEF do it, apparently it’s fine.

Last year, it was revealed that the British government used “propagandistic” fear tactics to scare the public into mass compliance during the first COVID lockdown, according to a behavioral scientist who worked inside Downing Street.

Scientists in the UK working as advisors for the government admitted using what they later conceded to be “unethical” and “totalitarian” methods of instilling fear in the population in order to control behavior during the pandemic.

As we previously highlighted, the World Economic Forum is now advocating for the merger of human and artificial intelligence systems to censor “hate speech” and “misinformation” online before it is even allowed to be posted.

In what some dubbed “preemptive censorship,” the WEF is creating a system that would block posts from appearing if they fail the censorship filter.

Of course, the WEF, which is infamous for blocking its critics on Twitter, would never abuse such a system to shield itself from scrutiny.


On TB every waking moment

This Is Bad...​

The Economic Ninja

As People Watch Lake Mead Water Level, Las Vegas New Mexico Town Has 40 Days Of Water Left ( California Meters Wells ). Las Vegas, NM declares emergency, with less than 40 days of clean water supply left. If you were looking for a lake mead update body found check this out. contaminated water from a wildfire is destroying the water supply. The city of Las Vegas has declared an emergency over its water supply after the Calf Canyon-Hermits Peak Fire, the largest wildfire in New Mexico history, contaminated the Gallinas River. The city relies solely on water from the river, which has been tainted with large amounts of fire-related debris and ash, according to city officials.


Las Vegas has about 30 days left of clean water​

Tommy Lopez | KOB
August 18, 2022 - 9:15 PM

Video on website 2:24 min

LAS VEGAS, N.M. — After the massive and destructive Calf Canyon/Hermit’s Peak Fire, northern New Mexico has experience damaging and deadly flooding – and now debris from that fire has contaminated much of the water.

The amount of clean water in Las Vegas, New Mexico is getting critically low.

On Thursday, people were loading up on bottled water at stores, worried that the supply may run out. City leaders said they have just more than 30 days left of clean water. They’re asking people to limit themselves to using 44 gallons per person, per day. The average person typically uses more than twice that amount.

Some businesses, like car washes, have had to close. Restaurants are serving food on paper plates to avoid cleaning dishes. City officials said they may be dealing with this problem for years.

“It’s very concerning to not only our governing body, myself, and our residents, a lot of people are on edge because that number is concerning,” said Leo Maestas, the Las Vegas city manager. “We’ve given water to the community to stay off the tap for drinking, so we can keep that water in a system for a longer period of time.”

The city has been working on a temporary solution – a way to treat water at nearby Storrie Lake so it can add about two months worth of water. The system to do that may be up and running as soon as two weeks from now. Officials are expecting the federal government to foot the bill.

More long-term solutions could take years to set up.

If the drinkable water supply does run out, people would have to boil their water to be able to use it safely.

Water Conservation

According to the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority, all of us need to use less water. The average consumer in the metro uses about 126 gallons of water per person, per day.

The new goal for 2037 is to cut that to 110 gallons.


On TB every waking moment
1:29:05 min

Why ESG Is the Biggest Scam of the 21st Century | Vivek Ramaswamy | Ep 151​

Glenn Beck

Environmental, social, and governance scores are popping up everywhere from the biggest banks in America to the largest financial firms in the world. But if you think ESG is just a fancy banking term, you’re in for a rude surprise: This will change EVERYTHING. From high gas prices to the destruction of free speech, we’re already starting to feel its effects. So, Glenn sits down with the man who’s helping to build the resistance. Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy has been hard at work exposing ESG for what it truly is: the biggest scam of the 21st century. His first book “Woke, Inc.” took on the woke industrial complex, and now he’s launched Strive Asset Management to be a David to the world’s the financial Goliaths like BlackRock. Vivek and Glenn break down exactly what ESG is, what’s at stake, and why it’s not too late to stop it.


On TB every waking moment
10:32 min

America Is STILL Selling Military Tech to China​

China Uncensored

You might think that with all the export restrictions the US has for China, US military technology would have a hard time being sold to the CCP. Apparently not. It's surprisingly easy for US companies to sell both forbidden products to China and to sell to blacklisted Chinese companies. In this episode of China Uncensored, we look at how the US Commerce Dept. is diluting the efforts of the Defense Department and other agencies, how companies can get around export restrictions, and why being on the US entity list isn't as big a punishment as you might think.


On TB every waking moment
51:05 min

The Outlook for Global Debt | Davos | #WEF22

Aug 20, 2022

World Economic Forum

With the global debt mountain growing to a record $303 trillion in 2021, many governments continue to borrow heavily to fund their economic recovery plans. How worrying is the global debt build-up and what are the risks of a Russian debt default contaminating other emerging markets and financial institutions?


On TB every waking moment
Michael Yon @MichaelYon
Aug 20, 2022 at 5:50pm
Putin Helping Germany Reach Carbon Goals…
20 August 2022
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

German ‘leaders’ willfully created arterial dependence straight to Putin’s pumps. And then kicked Putin’s knee. And now act surprised at the outcome. Shaking the long, accusing finger at Putin,”How dare you! How dare you!”

Reality is a cold teacher.

5:26 min

Gazprom to shut Nord Stream 1 for 3 days, with limited service after | DW News
Aug 20, 2022

DW News

Russian energy company Gazprom says it will shut its Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline for three days, starting on August 31st. It says the closure is due to maintenance on the pipeline, which runs between Russia and Germany.
The unscheduled work could affect plans by European countries to fill their gas reserves before the winter. Gazprom said deliveries would resume after September 2, but only at 20 percent of the pipeline's full capacity. Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskyy said Moscow was using the pipeline as blackmail, and urged EU countries to end their reliance on Russian gas.


On TB every waking moment

World in the Process of Bankrupting – Bill Holter (GOLD)

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter says, “nothing is getting better” and points out the proof is everywhere that we are clearly headed for a financial calamity, the likes of which we have never seen before. Holter, who is also a precious metals broker, is seeing a big pick-up in business because big money is looking for a place to hide in the physical world. Holter explains, “We are getting more orders and larger orders. I think this is natural because I think people know something is wrong, and when something is wrong, you want to get defensive. I think people are finally making the connection the world is in the process of bankrupting, and you want your capital in something that cannot bankrupt. By definition, that is gold and silver.”

Holter says evil is trying to take over everywhere. Holter contends, “The consensus is the fact that we have a 2nd Amendment and we still have guns here is the only reason they have not snapped the trap shut yet. The United States is ‘the last bastion.’ Just look at Australia. Look at New Zealand. Look at Canada. Look at Britain. Can you have guns there? No, they have taken them away. What did they do? They forced the population into lockdown. They forced the population to get the jab. The result is you are going to see the West vastly depopulated and degraded in the next 1, 2 or 5 years. They have total control over their population. Whereas, that is not the case yet in the U.S.”

Holter has long said when the overloaded debt system breaks, it will break “fast and ugly.” “Credit will dry up overnight,” and “The world runs on credit,” according to Holter. His math shows a dark time ahead even for the prepared.

Holter explains, “All you have to do is wake up in the morning and read the news, and you know it has gotten worse than the day before. That’s day after day. I have talked about ‘Mad Max’ for several years. When I first started talking about it, I got all kinds of grief, and they called me a nut case. It is certainly looking more and more now as the likely scenario. It just goes back to the West and, including China, it is not in the West, but it too is extremely levered (or indebted). When you over-lever a financial system, you over-lever an economy. At some point, the only thing that can happen is something bad. It’s either default or hyperinflation of the currency to pay the debt back. As far as timing, I would be shocked if we make it through the end of this year and people would still consider the system normal.”

When the system does break, that’s when it turns “ugly.” Holter explains, “As far as how are things going to work when this thing goes down? My question would be is anything going to work? Will your bank be open? Will your broker be open? Will there be a store open or a restaurant or any place to buy goods?

That gets back to Jim Sinclair’s ‘Get out of the System’ (GOTS).
Become your own central banker. Stock up on the things you think you are going to need. Is it going to last two weeks or two years? It could last two years. One thing for sure, our life in the United States is going to be drastically changed to a lower standard of living. . . . You are watching the breakdown in real time.”

World in the Process of Bankrupting – Bill Holter 41:21 min

World in the Process of Bankrupting – Bill Holter
Greg Hunter's Published August 20, 2022


On TB every waking moment



LIVE: The Moment of Truth Summit by Mike Lindell in Springfield MO 8-20-2022 - DAY ONE​

Right Side Broadcasting Network Published August 15, 2022 LIVE

Episode 2092: Live From The Mike Lindell Moment Of Truth Summit 57:59 min

Episode 2092: Live From The Mike Lindell Moment Of Truth Summit​

Bannons War Room Published August 20, 2022

Episode 2093: Live From The Mike Lindell Moment Of Truth Summit Cont. 57:59 min

Episode 2093: Live From The Mike Lindell Moment Of Truth Summit Cont.​

Bannons War Room Published August 20, 2022
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On TB every waking moment
Excerpts from the Moment of Truth Summit

A Dystopian, Technocratic Nightmare: 'This Is Where We're Going' If We Don't Get Rid of the Machines 2:15 min

A Dystopian, Technocratic Nightmare: 'This Is Where We're Going' If We Don't Get Rid of the Machines​

Red Voice Media Published August 20, 2022

Mike Lindell: "[Imagine] if you go out of your perimeter, a drone comes down and tells you to go back in your house. This is where we're going with robots and drones and artificial intelligence ... Technology can be great, but if it's used for bad, you can destroy millions of people."

The Trial of the Machines: Once You Know the Truth, You Can Never Go Back 1:51 min

The Trial of the Machines: Once You Know the Truth, You Can Never Go Back​

Red Voice Media Published August 20, 2022

Garland Favorito: "You as a Voter, Have the Right to Challenge Election Fraud" 2:15 min

Garland Favorito: "You as a Voter, Have the Right to Challenge Election Fraud"​

Red Voice Media Published August 20, 2022
"He [Judge Amero] violated every precedent in the state of Georgia, every historical precedent where a voter wanted to challenge election fraud. Of course, they had the right to challenge election fraud. It is a constitutional right."

Explain This: Georgia - 2% of Votes Remain, Biden Overcomes a 2.2% Margin? 2:09 min

Explain This: Georgia - 2% of Votes Remain, Biden Overcomes a 2.2% Margin?​

Red Voice Media Published August 20, 2022

Brad Raffensperger: "Even if one of the candidates got 100% [of the remaining votes], it probably wouldn't be enough to move it one way or the other."

"I Don't Care About This!" - Mike Lindell's Feelings on Dropped Deals and Incessant Attacks 1:01 min

"I Don't Care About This!" - Mike Lindell's Feelings on Dropped Deals and Incessant Attacks​

Red Voice Media Published August 20, 2022
"My company doesn't matter because if we lose our country, my company's gone anyway!"

"How Does That Happen?" - Absurd Voter Irregularities in Arizona 1:27 min

"How Does That Happen?" - Absurd Voter Irregularities in Arizona​

Red Voice Media Published August 20, 2022
"Candice, a resident of Arizona, indicated she did not vote. However, Maricopa County shows that she voted by mail."

"Austin, resident of Queen Creek, indicated that he dropped off his ballot at the polling location. However, Maricopa County has him recorded as an early in-person vote."

Write-in Fraud: You Voted for Joe Miller? Not Anymore... .44 min

Write-in Fraud: You Voted for Joe Miller? Not Anymore...​

Red Voice Media Published August 20, 2022

"So in the black ink, someone's voting there for you in the black, but someone comes along in a different color ink crosses out your name and then writes in her name [Lisa Murkowski]. And this is how she won the US Senate race for the general — supposedly 'won' — this through a write-in."
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On TB every waking moment
They're Afraid of What We've Uncovered: "These People Are Being Selected, Not Elected" 2:15 min

They're Afraid of What We've Uncovered: "These People Are Being Selected, Not Elected"​

Red Voice Media Published August 19, 2022

"They left the evidence in the machines..."

Watch the world premiere of ELECTION CODE Saturday, starting at 6:30 pm central time at

Or visit to register for a free digital copy.

Was 2020 stolen? It’s deeper than that.

You’ve heard it said “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.”

What about those who code the vote?

What if our leaders aren’t actually being elected by us, but instead… selected?

ELECTION CODE follows the story of Tina Peters the County Clerk in Mesa Colorado, who made a backup of her counties Dominion Voting System server, only to stumble across evidence of manipulation in a recent local city council election…. and also the 2020 general election. Tina’s discovery ignites a chain reaction upending her life. And upending the world.

You will not be able to unsee what you see.

We stand at an apex in human history. Are we handing too much power to technology – and those that program it?

ELECTION CODE is a political thriller uncovering a secret so critical to the survival of America it transcends political parties. It is not about correcting the past. It’s about correcting the future.

Once you see ELECTION CODE you’ll never again let a machine near your vote.
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