Lung + Bone Cancer


Just wondering does anyone know of a natural treatment that HAS worked for lung and bone cancer ?


Membership Revoked
Soup, are you referring to lung cancer that has spread to the bones?

Years ago, I worked with a man who had lung cancer, had one lung removed, and then was given a 5% survival rate. He apparently followed (very strictly) the diet Anthony Satillaro wrote about in his book, "Recalled By Life". I worked with him years after he had cancer and he swore the diet cured him.

I just looked for some current information on Anthony Satillaro and this is what I found:

"There is also the classic book by Anthony J. Sattilaro, M.D. "Recalled by Life: The Story of my Recovery from Cancer." He recovered from prostate cancer after his doctors have given him no hope by going on a macrobiotic diet without fish. (Note, some macrobiotic diets do include fish.) He lived for eleven years but died, from what I have read on the Internet, after his cancer started growing again after adding fish and chicken back into his diet. His was the first book I read which made me understand that there is a connection between what we eat and our health."

I read the book, "Recalled By Life" years ago and found it to be interesting. I remember thinking at the time that I read it, that if I ever ended up with cancer, I would try it as a treatment.

This book was written years ago, and there is so much more information available now. Have you searched on the internet for stories of cancer survivors?


Breast cancer in the bone. Have read a lot on the net. There is many many alternative treatments. Have not found where any one type has proven itself to several cases. Will check up on your input. Thanks Much


Membership Revoked
Soup, I don't know if this involves you, a family member, or a friend, but I will send prayers for healing.

Have you come across any information on Essiac Tea? Someone at work told me one of our vendors had late stage breast cancer and in addition to the medical treatments she received, she drank a lot of Essiac Tea. I know it can be ordered over the Internet.

Again, my prayers


Veteran Member
There is an interesting site: which has alot of information on cancer and diet. Know a couple people that are trying it out, and they suggested it to us when hubby got melonoma this Spring. Although he is cancer free at the moment we are seriously working on a better diet using some of their suggestions in hopes of the cancer staying away.

Kathy in WV

Down on the Farm...
Wasn't there a post on the board just recently concerning a "Cancer Herb" I think it was Artemesia or Sweet Annie. Also Curcumin, Essiac. I think when I was reading about the Sweet Annie it specifically mentioned breast cancer. Thinking of you- Kathy


You may want to check into H2O2 therapy. You would need to locate a Dr. who does that.


Hi Soup, Sorry to hear if this is you or a friend. Prayers sent up. Keep on keeping on. I have had cancer mets for over eight years now. Prayer is a wonderful thing.


Saved, to glorify God.
You can't get enough of the active ingredient in artemisia from trying to use the natural herb. You can BUY pure "ARTEMISININ" from and other herb dealers and that is what alternative cancer treatments are finding MUCH success with. That, and in some cases also, a derivative of artemisinin--"artesenate injections" obtained from a oncologist willing to try alternative treatments.

The natural herb contains enough artemisinin to kill parasites and CURE malaria NEARLY IMMEDIATELY, BUT NOT ENOUGH TO CURE CANCER. I would use the concentrated artemisinin pills, (I bought 15 bottles when I thought I might have colon cancer, but the colonoscopy turned up entirely normal) SMOKERS (like me)MUST QUIT SMOKING FOR 2 MONTHS BEFORE TAKING ARTEMISININ OR THE ARTIMISININ WILL DO COLLATERAL DAMAGE TO NON-CANCEROUS CELLS WHICH SMOKING HAS CAUSED TO HARBOR THE SAME (ALIEN TO THE BODY) CHEMICALS THAT CANCEROUS CELLS HAVE, AND OVER WHICH THE ARTIMISININ TRAVELS TO KILL THE CANCER.