TREASON Lindsey Graham Goes Full On Tyrant With Attacks On 1st and 2nd Amendments


Senior Member
Graham Pushes Legislation to Allow Government to Read All Your Phone Texts, Emails and Dms:
RINO Lindsey Graham Pushes Legislation to Allow Government to Read All Your Phone Texts, Emails and DMs - Let's Go Brandon News!

Sources: letsgobrandonews, The Electronic Freedom Foundation and Citizen Free Press

People don’t want outsiders reading their private messages —not their physical mail, not their texts, not their DMs, nothing. It’s a clear and obvious point, but one place it doesn’t seem to have reached is the U.S. Senate.

A group of lawmakers led by Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) have re-introduced the EARN IT Act, an incredibly unpopular bill from 2020 that was dropped in the face of overwhelming opposition. Let’s be clear: the new EARN IT Act would pave the way for a massive new surveillance system, run by private companies, that would roll back some of the most important privacy and security features in technology used by people around the globe. It’s a framework for private actors to scan every message sent online and report violations to law enforcement. And it might not stop there. The EARN IT Act could ensure that anything hosted online—backups, websites, cloud photos, and more—is scanned.

New Internet Rules, From Juneau to Jackson

The bill empowers every U.S. state or territory to create sweeping new Internet regulations, by stripping away the critical legal protections for websites and apps that currently prevent such a free-for-all—specifically, Section 230. The states will be allowed to pass whatever type of law they want to hold private companies liable, as long as they somehow relate their new rules to online child abuse.

The goal is to get states to pass laws that will punish companies when they deploy end-to-end encryption, or offer other encrypted services. This includes messaging services like WhatsApp, Signal, and iMessage, as well as web hosts like Amazon Web Services. We know that EARN IT aims to spread the use of tools to scan against law enforcement databases because the bill’s sponsors have said so. In a “Myths and Facts” document distributed by the bill’s proponents, it even names the government-approved software that they could mandate (PhotoDNA, a Microsoft program with an API that reports directly to law enforcement databases).

U.S Senate Considering Criminal Investigations for Innocent Gun Owners?

U.S Senate Considering Criminal Investigations for Innocent Gun Owners?

Washington, DC –( 675, the NICS Denial Notification Act of 2021, is gaining traction in the U.S. Senate.

We urgently need your help to shut this gun control bill down!

The NICS Denial Notification Act would open criminal investigations into 100% of background check denials, even though government studies show 9 out of 10 times these denials are false positives. Passage of this language would result in criminal investigations into TENS OF THOUSANDS of innocent, law-abiding Americans for the non-crime of being denied a gun purchase by a broken background check system each year.

Tell your Senators right away NOT to expand this abysmally broken system.

Who is behind this?

If you’re from Illinois, Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, or West Virginia, your Senator is a part of the problem here!

Here is a full list of the Senators who openly support opening criminal investigations into innocent Americans over false-positive NICS denials:

Sen. Coons, Christopher A. (D-DE)

Sen. Cornyn, John (R-TX)

Sen. Duckworth, Tammy (D-IL)

Sen. Rubio, Marco (R-FL)

Sen. Carper, Thomas R. (D-DE)

Sen. Lankford, James (R-OK)

Sen. Klobuchar, Amy (D-MN)

Sen. Collins, Susan M. (R-ME)

Sen. Manchin, Joe, III (D-WV)

Sen. Toomey, Patrick (R-PA)

Sen. Graham, Lindsey (R-SC)

Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne (D-NH)

Sen. Grassley, Chuck (R-IA)

Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. (D-VT)

Sen. Blumenthal, Richard (D-CT)

Sen. Murkowski, Lisa (R-AK)

Sen. Durbin, Richard J. (D-IL)

If any one of these Senators is yours, they will get an extra scolding from our action alert! If one or more of your Senators is not already a co-sponsor, then it is essential that you send them a warning before this legislation picks up any more steam.

More at link in order to manage post size and prevent eye glaze:
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Veteran Member
Like all of these life long politicans, tells voters one thing then does the other

simple thing really, it is rapidly coming to our doors when they make our God given rights a crime large enough to drag our butts off to their new gulogs


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
Sorry but I stopped paying a lot of attention to anything tagged "Lindsey Graham".

Bad enough trying to figure out what some of our local drivers are doing but this guy veers Left, Right, does 180s and sometimes even gets enough air to do mid-air acrobatics and, its all random; no logic to be discerned.

I think SC can find a better Senator; I'm sure they deserve someone better.
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On loan from Heaven
Cornyn has always been a b****.
You never can reach his office not locally not in DC. And his voicemails always full. He’s been living the life of political luxury way too long and unfortunately these ass clowns in Dallas continue to vote for him.


Veteran Member
I agree with Mistaken1…Many of them are nervous, and for good reason.

Im certain that the one old quote from Bush 41, or whomever it was, often repeated in a bipartisan audience…you know, the one about:

“If they (the American people) knew what we’ve done, we’d be hanging from the lampposts by morning!”

And they rightly believed it.


Saved, to glorify God.
He has said the equivalent of the *n* word to blacks, to conservatives. Conservatives and Constitutionalists WILL NOT ACCEPT THE ABSOLUTE ABOLITION OF CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS BY A MERE VOTE OF CONGRESS!


Talk is cheap
EastWest, you picked the correct prefix. This ^%$*& has got to be stopped.

People like him may end up totally going off the deep end, going insane and acting out big-time if they have even a shred of conscience, because they were born and raised here and know better, they absolutely know better, but they sold their soul to the devil. They are caught between a rock and a hard place, dang delusional crazy loons.


Senior Member
Lindsey Graham, Mitch Mcconel, and Ted Cruz are proving to be neocon RINOs. They don't believe in real freedom and want the government to know everything. The repubs make a good show about respecting rights and being the conservitive party. The truth is they want control of everything. This patriot act II

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
The first article is a dup. Also, we generally (though not always) limit to one topic per post. Finally, the thread title is supposed to match the article title. “Editorializing” thread titles is definitely not cool.


Veteran Member
Another one that will hold office till he retires or dies. Voting against the software is a waste of time unless you vote dem just to get him out.


Senior Member
Understood Dennis! Point Taken..
The title was meant to cover both articles regarding the 1st and 2nd Amds..