Liberals Working to Ensure Sarah Palin Does Not Return


Liberals Working to Ensure Sarah Palin Does Not Return
Thursday, 06 November 2008 15:21
Sher Zieve
Some time ago I speculated in one of my columns that due to the extremely poor presidential campaign Republican McCain was waging that he was actually supporting Barack Hussein Obama. I am now convinced of it. McCain has long been a liberal and a Democrat-sympathizer. It now appears that his campaign staff was also leftist-leaning. And from some if its members recent trashing of Republican Alaskan Governor and VP candidate Sarah Palin, it appears that they were—along with their patently awful campaign—rooting for Obama, too!

The only remarkable, interesting and exciting Republican candidate running for the Executive Branch of government was Sarah Palin. So, in order to ensure she never runs for any national office again, liberals must destroy her. The nasty rumors and innuendo that the leftist Obama campaign began against Palin while she was running against Obama—yes, she was running against Obama more than was McCain—have been picked up and are now being used by the liberal former McCain workers. This is unprecedented smearing by the Republican POTUS candidate’s own campaign! Note: Due to McCain’s refusals to fight his opposition and the relatively milquetoast McCain campaign, I am also now convinced that his campaign workers were and/or are actually on Obama’s payroll.

Most conservatives did not want McCain as a candidate. Largely due to the open primaries (where Democrats could vote) in multiple states, he was nominated. Sarah Palin was the only reason most conservatives even went to McCain rallies. She drew them in, in huge crowds. She was more important than was McCain. Palin is a fighter. Despite his stellar war record and unbridled courage in Viet Nam, McCain’s fighting days have essentially ended. Until the very end, his scarcity of fighting and reluctance to confront Obama was painfully apparent.

Despite the wretched McCain campaign, there was one bright light that emerged—Governor Sarah Palin. I pray she doesn’t allow them—or anyone—to beat her down. Sarah Palin and those like her are the people we need to revive and rebuild the once-great GOP. But, this time, we need to tell the liberal and country-club Republicans to go where they truly fit in—the Democrat Party. Note to the Governor: Sarah, we need you. Don’t go too far away


Membership Revoked
The extensive, thorough, and solid evidence provided in this article makes for a convincing case.


Membership Revoked
I don't know how they could trash her any more than they already have. About the only thing I can think of that they haven't come up with would be that Trig is really Joe the Plumber's son.

We need more people like Mrs. Palin.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Funny. It will almost have the opposite affect. In other words, if a Liberal hates someone she/he must be doing something right and THAT will definitely get a second look at least from me.




FNC's Carl Cameron Takes the Low Road on Palin
By Sharon Hughes (Bio | Archive)
November 6, 2008 - 16:57 ET

Carl Cameron of FOX News reporting for the "O'Reilly Factor" took the low road yesterday in repeating rumors and gossip from unnamed staffers in the McCain camp about Sarah Palin: her knowledge, temperament, being a shopoholic, etc.

In failing to mention the names of the accusers, or input from staffers who disagree with the rumors, Cameron failed the 'fair and balanced' creed of FOX News. Plus Cameron's somewhat fevered manner in repeating the rumors, was not only surprising, but showed his lack of objectivity.

If I could be candid for a moment: Inside fighting is all to common in campaigns, I know. When my husband, Duane, ran for U.S. Congress and lost the last time we experienced the same thing from one person on his staff who, instead of pulling 100% with the candidate, turned and created dissent in the camp. The things said were untrue, and were the fruit of those who couldn't handle losing well. How do we know that this is not what is happening with these few (how many are they? we don't know, could be one instigator) McCain staffers?

The most popular Governor in the United States with an 80% approval rating in her own state of Alaska, continues to be portrayed negatively by the media. Perhaps it will be found that one of more of these nameless cowards in the McCain camp were plants, or idealogues who took the job but ended up sabotoging the effort, ie the handling of Palin with the press. Time will tell if 'fair and balanced' reporters will investigate



Looks more like Hillary or Michelle than Sarah! They both have that bottom heavy figure but Sarah is slim and trim. I doubt I would have voted for McCain if she hadn't been on the ticket. Those disgruntled campaign people need to get over it! They did a terrible job and want to blame their failure on her. :screw:



I would make this brief observation: All during the Clinton administration, the Clintons never stopped compaigning. Did anyone notice that? I wondered, "Don't they realize that they won?" The reality is, the democrats continue compaigning after the election is over. The republicans and independents breathe a sigh of relief.

We now have four years to get the public acquainted with the Palins before the next presidential election, or, perhaps really get a third party off the ground with enough momentum to make a real impact.



Hippie Chic

A good rule of thumb for me is...I am for anyone the media is viciously against.

Sarah didn't get as far as she has by being an ignorant woman. "The most popular Governor in the United States with an 80% approval rating in her own state of Alaska" which says a lot in this age of crooked politicians.

Just why is she such a threat to main stream media?


Veteran Member
There is always the possibility of personality conflicts in a campaign. What I found absolutely absurd was the "information" about Sarah not knowing Africa was a continent and not a country. And South Africa being "part" of the country of Africa.

I'm sorry, I just don't buy it. I don't think you can get through even the liberal education of today and think that, if you have any brains at all.

What they repeated about her was ugly and completely unnecessary. Unless of course, you really really needed someone to blame your defeat on, AND, stop a freight train at the same time.

I'm sure Sarah probably did give them fits from time to time, but, that's what mavericks do!


Justine Case
There is always the possibility of personality conflicts in a campaign. What I found absolutely absurd was the "information" about Sarah not knowing Africa was a continent and not a country. And South Africa being "part" of the country of Africa.

I'm sorry, I just don't buy it. I don't think you can get through even the liberal education of today and think that, if you have any brains at all.

What they repeated about her was ugly and completely unnecessary. Unless of course, you really really needed someone to blame your defeat on, AND, stop a freight train at the same time.

I'm sure Sarah probably did give them fits from time to time, but, that's what mavericks do!

She gave a brief interview on her way back to Alaska and admitted her error about Africa. Also said something to the effect, she'd return the clothes to the party if that's what they wanted.


On TB every waking moment
Let's see. So-called Republicans are trashing SP, even in the aftermath of the election.

And so-called liberals are trashing SP, even in the aftermath of the election.

That's food for thought, no matter who you are or what you profess to believe.



Veteran Member
FNC's Carl Cameron Takes the Low Road on Palin
By Sharon Hughes (Bio | Archive)
November 6, 2008 - 16:57 ET

Carl Cameron of FOX News reporting for the "O'Reilly Factor" took the low road yesterday in repeating rumors and gossip from unnamed staffers in the McCain camp about Sarah Palin: her knowledge, temperament, being a shopoholic, etc.

In failing to mention the names of the accusers, or input from staffers who disagree with the rumors, Cameron failed the 'fair and balanced' creed of FOX News. Plus Cameron's somewhat fevered manner in repeating the rumors, was not only surprising, but showed his lack of objectivity.

If I could be candid for a moment: Inside fighting is all to common in campaigns, I know. When my husband, Duane, ran for U.S. Congress and lost the last time we experienced the same thing from one person on his staff who, instead of pulling 100% with the candidate, turned and created dissent in the camp. The things said were untrue, and were the fruit of those who couldn't handle losing well. How do we know that this is not what is happening with these few (how many are they? we don't know, could be one instigator) McCain staffers?

The most popular Governor in the United States with an 80% approval rating in her own state of Alaska, continues to be portrayed negatively by the media. Perhaps it will be found that one of more of these nameless cowards in the McCain camp were plants, or idealogues who took the job but ended up sabotoging the effort, ie the handling of Palin with the press. Time will tell if 'fair and balanced' reporters will investigate

Camerons obvious glee in spreading the gossip was extremely un professional.
You have to note in the media, print,radio, and tv, the bias against a "non establishment" candidate. This is ridiculous. The old boys got us in this mess, we need some new boys and girls to get us out.
I like Sara. I voted for Sara.
We were played from the git go in this election cycle.


Middle of the road
I'm pretty sure Sarah doesn't need any help from the liberals. She did a fine job ensuring she won't return herself.

fruit loop

I know the McCain staff was REALLY angry about the shopping spree she went on.

I don't think anybody is "out to get" Sarah Palin. It's four years to the next election, and I doubt anyone wants to expend that much energy every day over one person. Right now people are just angry that McCain lost and need someone to blame.

Do watch the governors and new senators over the next few years, of them will likely be the next president.


Veteran Member
The libs are very very afraid of Sarah. She is smart enough to stay up north for a few months, gather the RIGHT folks together in the lower 48, and then emerge again. For every attack, she will be more popular. So many people in the U.S. are SICK AND TIRED of all the media and liberalism. We will get it rammed down our throat even more with B.O.

Sarah needs a platform from which to emerge. Like talk radio (No, the libs are going to ban that one.) How about a TV show like Huckubee is doing (No, the libs would ban that one too.) This is sick, and people are steamin' mad.

Sarah Palin, 2012!


Contributing Member

They should let her keep the clothes.

The $ cost was worth getting their base out,many of whom would have stayed home rather than vote for McCain.

I would believe nothing coming from the McCain campaign staff that managed to lose an election against a relatively new face to the national political scene,and an inexperienced one at that.

I wish the Democrats luck as they try to deal with the new "new economy".

I fear it is his 9-11 and will overshadow many if not all plans that they had.

At least the charge that America is a racist country should be put to rest.

We have elected our first Black president.

Maybe next time we will elect our first woman president.

God Bless America.


Contributing Member
Liberals Working to Ensure Sarah Palin Does Not Return
Thursday, 06 November 2008 15:21
Sher Zieve
Some time ago I speculated in one of my columns that due to the extremely poor presidential campaign Republican McCain was waging that he was actually supporting Barack Hussein Obama. I am now convinced of it.

Note: Due to McCain’s refusals to fight his opposition and the relatively milquetoast McCain campaign, I am also now convinced that his campaign workers were and/or are actually on Obama’s payroll.

I'm thinking McCain, after winning the primaries, got a good look at where this country is heading and stopped trying. Republicans should be happy he lost. If Republicans were in charge for the next 4 years, they would never stand a chance at holding office again.


The cowardly character assassination of Sarah Palin
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2008

Sunken ships loosen bitter lips. The failed McCain campaign, for all its high-minded talk of honor, duty, and courage, is now teeming with unscrupulous gossip-mongers. Seems the dishy staffers forgot to crack open their copies of Sen. McCain’s best-seller, Character Is Destiny: Inspiring Stories Every Young Person Should Know and Every Adult Should Remember. Rest assured: Their cowardly character assassination of Sarah Palin won’t be forgotten.

The finks turned to Newsweek and Fox News to spread petty rumors about Sarah Palin’s intellect and character. The magazine peddled anecdotes from sources horrified that Palin greeted top advisers at her hotel room – gasp! — “wearing nothing but a towel” and “wet hair.” Fox News reporter Carl Cameron breathlessly reported that his unnamed McCain sources told him Palin lacked “a degree of knowledgeability necessary to be a running mate” because, they claimed, she didn’t know which countries were parties to the North American Free Trade Agreement and “didn’t understand that Africa was a continent, rather than a series, a country just in itself.”

Let’s assume for a moment that the McCain rumor-mongers are telling the truth about Palin (and I don’t believe they were). Who would it damn more: Sarah Palin or McCain and his vetters who green-lighted her for the vice presidential nomination? Don’t need a fancy Ivy League degree to figure that one out.

In introducing her to America, John McCain praised her independence and backbone: She “stands up for what’s right and she doesn’t let anyone tell her to sit down.” The inside snipers are now roasting her for that very attribute – redefined as “going rogue” – because she had the nerve to try and schedule media interviews on her own. The nerve of her!

Palin’s response to the campaign fragging? At a late Wednesday night airport press conference in Anchorage, immediately upon landing home after the election defeat, she smiled cheerfully. The Alaska governor shrugged off the McCain saboteurs saying “foolish things” and said simply: “It’s politics…It’s rough and tumble and you’ve got to have a thick skin just like I’ve got.”

Hollywood savaged Sarah Palin. Journalists mocked her. Liberal blogs slimed her. Opponents cursed her, Photoshopped her, hacked her e-mail, hanged her in effigy, called her a bigot, Bible-thumper, and bimbo, and attacked her husband and children. But nothing Sarah Palin endured during the election season compares to the treatment she’s receiving from these back-stabbing blabbermouths who worked on the same campaign she poured herself into the last three months.

Sarah Palin worked her heart out. She energized tens of thousands to come out who would have otherwise stayed home. She touched countless families. I didn’t agree with everything she said on the campaign trail. But she vigorously defended the Second Amendment and the sanctity of life more eloquently in practice than any of the educated conservative aristocracy. And she did it all with a tirelessness and infectious optimism that defied the shameless, bottomless attempts by elites in both parties to bring her and her family down.

Liberty needs a virtuous people to survive; self-governance requires virtuous leaders.

“Knowledgeability” is a necessary trait in political life, but it is not sufficient. The elitist critics of Sarah Palin, so blindly enamored of Barack Obama’s ability to hold forth for hours on theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, ignored the Founding Fathers’ counsel: Character counts. In times of adversity and crisis, it counts more than IQ points and instant trivia recall and bloviation skills.

“The most important thing I have learned, from my parents, from teachers, from my faith, from many good people I have been blessed to know, and from the lives of people whose stories we have included in this book,” John McCain wrote in Character is Destiny, “is to want what they had, integrity, and to feel the sting of my conscience when I have risked it for some selfish reason.”

John McCain not only failed to make that message stick with the electorate, he apparently couldn’t persuade his own staff to heed his advice and practice what he preached.


Does too have a life!
I'm thinking McCain, after winning the primaries, got a good look at where this country is heading and stopped trying. Republicans should be happy he lost. If Republicans were in charge for the next 4 years, they would never stand a chance at holding office again.

You said what I've been thinking, Billy. I've always said I pity the SOB that gets to be president for the next 4 years.

As for Sarah, I have a hard time believing that had she been male, that anyone would ever have questioned her wardrobe spending. It's petty and such small peanuts in the grand scheme of things to be laughable. But Sarah is tough and is gaining experience every day.

It's funny that we want candidates that we can relate to, not rich and born with a silver spoon in their mouths. But when we actually get one, we jump on them for making mistakes that we ourselves would make.


Veteran Member
Geeze...somehow I don't think they will have to work to hard.

Sarah Palin is the natural standard-bearer for the Republican/Conservative party in 2012. She is the only candidate I am interested in seeing run at this point. The media/Democrat complex launched a smear campaign against her the likes of which have never been seen in modern times. For me, it only endeared her to me more.

I despise the msm, and I will never watch network news or read a Democrat-controlled newspaper again.