EDUC Learning from Rachel Jeantel


On TB every waking moment

August 3, 2013
Learning from Rachel Jeantel
By Leann Horrocks

To quote Nancy Pelosi, we can now see what's in the Zimmerman-Martin case "without the fog of the controversy". I think the biggest lesson to be learned was from Rachel Jeantel, a friend of Trayvon Martin that testified at the trial.


Rachel Jeantel has just had her 15 minutes. Predictable packaged responses full of defensive fury were covered very well by Thomas Lifson's AT article. The left has exhausted her value by attacking and chiding all white people about the racist thoughts they have decided we are feeling. They skipped the fact-gathering and evidence stage and went right for the punishment in a fawning and self-righteous defense of someone not really under attack. I have to hand it to libs, they stand by their own and as long as anyone remembers the girl's name, she will be one of their own. Their message regarding Ms. Jeantel is

"You didn't see what you think you saw"
"You didn't hear what you think you heard"
"I'll tell you what you saw and heard"

We hardly ever bother to listen these voices anymore. We shouldn't turn away from this young woman, though, because she illustrates something so clearly. She doesn't live in "another world" as her defenders claim, she lives in a prison.

Ms. Jeantel knows who she is and has a reputation to uphold in her social circle. Like many young people these days, she doesn't realize that her personal tweets that define and characterize her are indelible. Apparently, after The Smoking Gun (TSG) tried to reach some of her twitter followers, someone, perhaps her, thought she should "scrub" her account. This is a fool's errand. TSG listed in its article on June 26 all the tweets she tried to delete. Her language is colorful and her writing style comes out like written ebonics. She is underage, but clearly actively engaged in drinking and more:
"When u drinking & smoking u need good music in ur ears hahaha I feel so good on Sunday" and "I need a drink to sleep dis off **** dis shit boi." She also made references to Martin's death, referred to acquaintances as "bitch" and "nigga," and wrote about having "jackass lawyers on my ass."

We are reading this girl's tweets because we plucked her out of her comfort zone and put her in a fishbowl within our comfort zone, then threw her back. Her testimony clearly showed that her goal was met -- she was obviously more interested in holding her head high upon return to her social circle than anything else. I'm sure her defiance and displays of attitude played well at home.

So what is her comfort zone? It is a swaddling, nurturing network of extended families and lifelong friends with a complex and strict set of rules. It is very loving, supportive, and comfortable indeed, and very difficult to leave. It is a rich life in some ways, and all you have to pay to immerse yourself in this sea of caring is one thing -- your future. This is not an African culture or a Haitian culture, it is an artificial creation of self-serving black leadership that bastardized Martin Luther King's message and exploited it for their own aggrandizement and financial gain. I'm all for extended families and caring neighborhoods, but this particular variant is highly structured, possessive, and dangerous. It is a system that deassimilates its members from most paths toward the success this country offers and moves them into islands of limits. It is a prison that saps your life away before you know it.

Ms. Jeantel is said to speak Creole, Spanish, and English. She speaks her community's version of English. She cannot write anything but her name in longhand, she cannot read the written word and she is a senior in high school. There are street kids much younger than her in Naples, Italy that can ask you to buy their trinkets in eight languages; they don't have any future either. In order to prosper in a land of prosperity, the language she needs to master is "mainstream", i.e. basic English with generally accepted grammar patterns. She could learn this from the television. I suspect she would be looked down upon in her social circle were she to invest in this ability; she has neither the time nor the inclination to speak in a manner that would be understood and respected outside her comfort zone. When she walked back into her home environment after her brief stint in our spotlight, she went back to a downward spiral of lost promise where her biggest accomplishment will probably be motherhood.

In her testimony, she seemed sassy, but somehow sincere. Any credibility she had with the general public at that time has been undermined by her subsequent appearance on the Piers Morgan show. By this time she had, probably with the benefit of many conversations with her peers, embellished her story. The story now contains elements she could not possibly have witnessed, since they happened after she was disconnected from Trayvon Martin. From the prosecution point of view, she suggested unhelpful facts such as Mr. Martin having thrown the first punch and how he probably suspected Mr. Zimmerman of being a homosexual predator. She also allowed as how the jury was "old school" and not of "her generation" which accounted for the verdict. Would true fairness have resulted from a jury of her peers?

Jesse Jackson told Harris Faulkner of Fox News (a woman he should not mess with), that "Trayvon didn't get a jury of his peers". Harris shot back -- "they were American" and Jackson indicated they were all women and all white. Excuse me, it was Mr. Zimmerman that was on trial, the jury was of his peers. Is the message that men are better jurors than women? Did he mean blacks have better judgment than whites? Harris resisted the temptation to crush him since she is far more professional than he is, and a whole lot quicker. Jesse Jackson is a shakedown artist who is well past his "sell by" date. His big accomplishment is the introduction of the ridiculous expression "African-American" to our public discourse, thereby dissing many Brazilians, Jamaicans, and Indians with dark skin who are not African.

Jesse Jackson is just one of many race-obsessed people in the spotlight these days. I have a message for all of them. You self-righteous self-professed interpreters of black people's needs should stop with the touchiness and do something about the communities like the one in which Rachel Jeantel lives. You want everyone else to change except the people with the problem. We don't need to "understand" them, you need to give them a way out, an alternative. You've made sure they won't listen to us, so you have to do it. All your hypersensitive whining has just extended the cultural trap these people are in -- you are just another pair of arms reaching out and pulling them down. Stop telling these kids that their life style is OK. It's not OK. Instead of keeping these communities on your own liberal back burner for any future use you might have, set them free. How about a "path to citizenship" for these people?

I am not talking about the two or three metropolitan disaster zones like Detroit or Chicago, I am talking about the thousands of communities like Rachel Jeantel's.

Rachel Jeantel breaks my heart.

This girl also scares me to death for one reason -- next year she will be able to vote.


On TB every waking moment

August 3, 2013
C'mon Black America, We Can Do So Much Better!
By Lloyd Marcus

Someone sent me the link to this article, and I could hardly believe what I read. Folks, this is just too crazy for words. Forty-year-old Tawana Brawley was recently celebrated, treated as a rock star at a New Jersey fundraiser.

This article about people awarding Brawley sainthood is a hoax, right? C'mon, am I on Candid Camera or being "punked," as they say today?

Have the event organizers completely lost their minds? Are their brains so infected with the putrid pus of racial hatred that they have lost all sense of a moral compass?

For those of you unaware, Tawana Brawley committed an evil hoax which sparked a national racial firestorm in 1987.

Fearful of being punished for staying out overnight, Brawley, then 15, lied, saying 6 white men, including state officials, kidnapped her, raped her, used charcoal to cover her body with racial epithets, and smeared her with feces.

Al Sharpton was the spokesperson for Brawley's family. Sharpton ran to microphones and blasted white America with both barrels.


Even when the truth was revealed and defendants sued and won, Sharpton never backed down from Brawley's lie, nor has he apologized to this day. Sharpton and Brawley's two attorneys were ordered to pay $345,000 in damages.

So why after 25 years would the event organizers rewrite history, turning this sinner into a saint, praising her for surviving society's "lies since 1987"? What on earth were they thinking? Brawley lied! The white guys she lied on got paid. Are these people living in a parallel universe or what?

The emcee for the Bizarro-World love-fest event for Brawley was former City College professor Leonard Jeffries. He has said "rich Jews" financed the slave trade and that whites are violent, cruel "ice people." Folks, the fact that this racist nutty professor has had access to the impressionable minds of our youths terrifies and angers me.

And yet, Jeffries's ilk dominate campuses across America.

Now get this, folks: proceeds from the $50-a-person fundraiser went to a kid's camp. What the heck did the organizers tell the kids about their keynote?

See, kids, you too can concoct a vile lie smearing innocent people and then grow up and be treated like royalty.
With all the brilliant, honorable blacks out there who should be held high as inspirational role models, why in heaven's name would the event organizers select Tawana "Lying Hoaxter" Brawley? Lord help us.

Since the election of Obama, millions of blacks have embraced a brain-dead mindset fueled by racism -- by loyalty to skin-color. If Obama announced that he is the spawn of Satan, blacks would still call all who oppose his agenda racist. And no, I am not saying Obama is a devil.

Folks, as a proud American who happens to be black, the insane "race trumps everything" thinking prevalent in the black community continues to amaze, sadden, and frustrate me. You are probably as sick of reading my articles about this topic as I am of writing them. Still, I feel compelled to shine the light of truth -- a voice crying in the wilderness.

Black so-called civil rights leaders and white liberals in the media celebrate the bottom of the barrel: ignorant, violent, woman-disrespecting black rappers and thugs. Meanwhile, they throw away the cream of the crop: self-reliant, non-whiny, successful blacks.

And whom has the Race Exploitation Industry and mainstream media chosen to elevate to black icon status? Tawana Brawley, Rachel Jeantel (19 years old and still in high school) and thug Trayvon Martin. Though his death was extremely tragic, unarguably Martin was a thug.

Speaking of the having the putrid pus of racial hatred on the brain, black Chicago Rep. Monique Davis suggested that the reports of epidemic black on black murders in Chicago are really a cover-up for white cops killing young black men. Good grief!

Black America, why are you allowing such insanely hateful racist people to speak for you? Rep. Davis's thinking is typical of the CBC and NAACP. Thus, I would never give a dime of financial support to either race exploitation group. While Davis and her ilk continue to blame whites and make excuses, black America is swiftly going down the toilet.

Equally frustrating is black America's willingness to lay down their morals, values, and ability to reason at the feet of Obama in worship simply because he is black.

Frankly, I am sick of liberals, black and white, feeding black America excrement while calling it filet mignon. Black America, please, please, please stop eating it!

C'mon black America, we are and can do so much better.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I think Ms. Jeantel got screwed.

Her family did not know/did not care that she is functionally illiterate---my best guess is that they are too, and no one in their circle cared either.

Her teachers did not know/did not care that she is functionally illiterate---actually teaching her anything useful apparently wasn't part of their union-contracted duties.

In no way do I think that Ms. Jeantel's educational and social deficiencies are, at root, her fault. She learned, and learned well, what she was taught. And what she was taught screwed her out of any kind of life beyond the ghetto. That is a crime.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
And these white progressives will be scared sh*tless when the storm they seeded hits the fan.


Veteran Member
I think Ms. Jeantel got screwed.

Her family did not know/did not care that she is functionally illiterate---my best guess is that they are too, and no one in their circle cared either.

Her teachers did not know/did not care that she is functionally illiterate---actually teaching her anything useful apparently wasn't part of their union-contracted duties.

In no way do I think that Ms. Jeantel's educational and social deficiencies are, at root, her fault. She learned, and learned well, what she was taught. And what she was taught screwed her out of any kind of life beyond the ghetto. That is a crime.

education is wasted on the stupid-stupid people can not learn.
just the way it is.


I'm not sure Ms Jeantal would have been functional if she'd been sent to good schools. Learning requires dedication and WORK.. her type hate that.



On TB every waking moment
It'll be interesting to see if RJ ever gets that free ride to college she was offered at one point, and if she does, what she manages to accomplish with it.


Knuckle Dragger
I'm not sure Ms Jeantal would have been functional if she'd been sent to good schools. Learning requires dedication and WORK.. her type hate that.



When you are raised in a set of conditions that require you to contribute NOTHING towards your own existence, the schools teach a minimal skillset.

Skills needed: Write name for lifelong membership to the EBT club, complete HUD apps, update welfare file to include new niglets, vote D.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
"When you are raised in a set of conditions that require you to contribute NOTHING towards your own existence, the schools teach a minimal skillset."

Precisely my point. She was taught to be a ghetto denizen because no one in her life ever thought she was fit to be anything else. She was taught a "minimal skillset" because no one in her school system thought she could OR SHOULD be anything else. She was taught nothing about "dedication and work" except that it was "acting white", therefore those concepts are foreign to her, and not only foreign but rejected outright.

Unless you believe that all blacks are naturally and inevitably stupid and lazy ("her type"?)---I do not, and if you do, how do you explain people like Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas?---she could have done better than she has, had she been given the tools. I do not believe she was born this way and had she had anyone in her life who gave a damn she might have had a shot. I put the primary responsibility for this on her parents and family, but I will bet they grew up like she did (the word "raised" doesn't apply). YMMV.

A lot of human ability is wasted by training people to be ghetto rats (a lesson they learn well) rather than functioning human beings. Ask yourselves, "Who benefits?".


Has No Life - Lives on TB
"Rachel Jeantel breaks my heart.

This girl also scares me to death for one reason -- next year she will be able to vote. "

At 19, she's able to vote now. She lied about her age in the beginning, which proves to me that she's used to a life of crime. Where it's much safer to be treated as a juvenile, than as an adult.

She will be going back to high school this fall as a super-super senior. She claims to have a 3.0 gpa, but that can only be the case if she dropped all her classes before she failed them.


Knuckle Dragger
Ask yourselves, "Who benefits?".

The lower level government class.

More useless meat sacks mean more administrators needed. The ones that squeak through the educational system but can't function in a real world competitive environment, they need more ghetto rats to justify their job at the dotgov.


On TB every waking moment
Most people missed the point. Ms Jeantel was playing to the folks back at the 'hood'. And you had better believe her Street-Cred went way up. She told The Man just where to get off, right there on national teevee. How sweet it must have been.

Trivium Pursuit

Has No Life - Lives on TB
This is not an African culture or a Haitian culture, it is an artificial creation of self-serving black leadership that bastardized Martin Luther King's message and exploited it for their own aggrandizement and financial gain. I'm all for extended families and caring neighborhoods, but this particular variant is highly structured, possessive, and dangerous. It is a system that deassimilates its members from most paths toward the success this country offers and moves them into islands of limits. It is a prison that saps your life away before you know it.

THIS. White liberals evilly created this plantation. She is merely a product of this culture. We all have the tendencies toward sloth and malice; her culture strongly reinforces these kinds of things.


TB Fanatic
education is wasted on the stupid-stupid people can not learn.
just the way it is.

I'm would not so quick to pin some people down like that and I can say there are many that will never become the Einstein roll model that our school system is set up to pick out and then focus on and while this kind of person is smart in one aspect and can be so smart and at the same time actually dumb in so many other ways.
Our schools need to allow for people to find their way and be allowed to exploit what they are good at, rather than be forced to become what the government wants and they cannot excel at.
I have seen people that cannot spell or do math well at all, but have other talents they are not allowed to work at, but the school system try's to at times, use it as a carrot on a stick, as to say you cannot have this unless you learn to jump threw these hoop's first and while that may work for a few, it will not work for everyone, as they just are not wired for it.