POL Joe Biden Wants AR-15 Confiscating Beto O'Rourke to Take the Lead on Gun Control


Certa Bonum Certamen
Looks like Beto also got a bonu$ for endorsing Crazy Joe..

Joe Biden Wants AR-15 Confiscating Beto O'Rourke to Take the Lead on Gun Control

Julio Rosas
Posted: Mar 03, 2020 8:30 AM


Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden gladly accepted former rival Beto O'Rourke's endorsement during a rally in Dallas on the Monday before Super Tuesday. When O'Rourke was finished with his speech, Biden revealed he wants the former congressman to lead the effort on gun control.

"I'm gonna guarantee you this is not the last you've seen of this guy," the former vice president said as he had his arm around O'Rourke. "You're going to take care of the gun problem with me. You're gonna to be the one who leads this effort. I'm counting on you. I'm counting on you. We need you badly, the state needs you, the country needs you."

O'Rourke had made the issue of gun control central to his presidential campaign after a gunman targeted a Walmart in his hometown of El Paso, Texas. Twenty-two people were killed in the shooting. The gunman had written a manifesto where he expressed hatred for Hispanics and chose the location because of the large number of Hispanics in the area.

During one of the many Democratic debates when he was still in the race, O'Rourke stated, "Hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47."

When he was pressed on the issue and how he would approach gun owners who would refuse to hand in their firearms, O'Rourke said police would have to take them away.

"Yeah, I think just as in any law that is not followed or flagrantly abused, there have to be consequences or else there is no respect for the law," O'Rourke told MSNBC. "So you know, in that case I think there would be a visit by law enforcement to recover that firearm and to make sure that it is purchased, bought back so that it cannot be potentially used against somebody else."


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Well, it's one thing to say you're going to take them away.

It's entirely another thing to actually take them. Especially with the mindset of more and more American's.

That's true no doubt. Even considering Francis wants to use the police, and the police in Southern IL, and VA say they won't do it. It won't fly in MS either.

However, I would think that the point is: electing someone who not only WANTS to take your guns (if you still have any after the boating accident) but put the law on the books. Which is plain to see, a violation of the Constitution. Not being afraid of violating the Constitution takes the election of "what day is it" Joe, or Lord help us "Castro is my BFF" Bernie to a whole different "fundamentally changing America" level.

That means there are 2 things involved with that.

1) It will be a federal law, enforced by federal law enforcement. Note ICE in sanctuary cities/courts. Therefore it doesn't have be a door to door thing. They can enforce it at events, etc. They can make it an add on violation. They can do undercover sales.

2) there will be nothing you can do about it. And that's the point.

Some might think they can fight it by shooting those who come for your guns. I understand that point. But do you know who will win? The government will. It's the law of the land. You are a rebel/terrorist.

'Sides fighting the Federal Government has been done before. It was called the Civil War.

So the only thing that can be done NOW is not elect them. Once they are in, it's over. Spooky ain't it.


Veteran Member
Beto in any capacity in this election seems like a win to me. His espoused BS on guns got him out of the race pretty early. Why bring an idiot like that back on the the one thing he was unable to sustain his own campaign on? Makes perfect sense coming from Smoking Joe.


TB Fanatic
Looks like Beto also got a bonu$ for endorsing Crazy Joe..

Joe Biden Wants AR-15 Confiscating Beto O'Rourke to Take the Lead on Gun Control

Julio Rosas
Posted: Mar 03, 2020 8:30 AM


Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden gladly accepted former rival Beto O'Rourke's endorsement during a rally in Dallas on the Monday before Super Tuesday. When O'Rourke was finished with his speech, Biden revealed he wants the former congressman to lead the effort on gun control.

"I'm gonna guarantee you this is not the last you've seen of this guy," the former vice president said as he had his arm around O'Rourke. "You're going to take care of the gun problem with me. You're gonna to be the one who leads this effort. I'm counting on you. I'm counting on you. We need you badly, the state needs you, the country needs you."

O'Rourke had made the issue of gun control central to his presidential campaign after a gunman targeted a Walmart in his hometown of El Paso, Texas. Twenty-two people were killed in the shooting. The gunman had written a manifesto where he expressed hatred for Hispanics and chose the location because of the large number of Hispanics in the area.

During one of the many Democratic debates when he was still in the race, O'Rourke stated, "Hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47."

When he was pressed on the issue and how he would approach gun owners who would refuse to hand in their firearms, O'Rourke said police would have to take them away.

"Yeah, I think just as in any law that is not followed or flagrantly abused, there have to be consequences or else there is no respect for the law," O'Rourke told MSNBC. "So you know, in that case I think there would be a visit by law enforcement to recover that firearm and to make sure that it is purchased, bought back so that it cannot be potentially used against somebody else."

Oh, yeah, that'll end well.


Look - America is ALREADY fundamentally changed.

Question is, do we go down the path of yet more communism, or seek a rebirth of liberty? Simple choices, actually.

Pick one, and prepare to back it to the hilt.


"Yeah, I think just as in any law that is not followed or flagrantly abused, there have to be consequences or else there is no respect for the law,"
The 2nd Amendment is a "law" and they are abusing it.
There will be consequences.


Veteran Member
I think that appointing Beto for this role is just a wonderful idea....

as long as he is the first one in line at the first door to be breached

And since he is morally against those evil guns, he'd have to be unarmed as well as the others with him right?