PLAY IT'S THE TB2K WEEKEND DANCE PARTY - The Golden Age Of Music Videos, The 80's!

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Red Baron

A Romeo Void Twin Spin!

Romeo Void - "A Girl in Trouble" (Is a Temporary Thing)


Music kicks in @ 1:04

Romeo Void - "Never Say Never"


Romeo Void was an American new wave/post punk band from San Francisco, California, formed in 1979.[1] The band primarily consisted of saxophonist Benjamin Bossi, vocalist Debora Iyall, guitarist Peter Woods, and bassist Frank Zincavage. The band went through four drummers, starting with Jay Derrah and ending with Aaron Smith. The band released three albums, It's a Condition, Benefactor and Instincts, along with one EP. They are best known for the songs "Never Say Never" and "A Girl in Trouble (Is a Temporary Thing)"; the latter became a Top 40 pop single.
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Dollar Short

Veteran Member
Dire Straits -- "Industrial Disease" -- love the lyrics to this, still so appropriate 40 years later...

Now, warning lights are flashing down at quality control
Somebody threw a spanner, they threw him in the hole
There's rumors in the loading bay and anger in the town
Somebody blew the whistle, and the walls came down
There's a meetin' in the boardroom, they're tryin' to trace the smell
There's a leakin' in the washroom, there's a sneak-in personnel
Somewhere in the corridors someone was heard to sneeze
Goodness me, could this be industrial disease?

Caretaker was crucified for sleeping at his post
Refusing to be pacified, it's him they blame the most
Watchdog got rabies, the foreman got the fleas
Everyone concerned about industrial disease
There's panic on the switchboard, tongues in knots
Some come out in sympathy, some come out in spots
Some blame the management, some the employees
Everybody knows it's the industrial disease

Yeah, now the work force is disgusted, downs tools, walks
Innocence is injured, experience just talks
Everyone seeks damages, everyone agrees that
These are classic symptoms of a monetary squeeze
On ITV and BBC they talk about the curse
Philosophy is useless, theology is worse
History boils over, there's an economics freeze
Sociologists invent words that mean "industrial disease"

Doctor Parkinson declared, "I'm not surprised to see you here
You've got smokers cough from smoking, brewer's droop from drinking beer
I don't know how you came to get the Bette Davis knees
But worst of all young man, you've got industrial disease"

He wrote me a prescription, he said, "You are depressed
But I'm glad you came to see me to get this off your chest
Come back and see me later, next patient, please
Send in another victim of industrial disease"

Ah! Splendid

Now, I go down to Speaker's Corner, I'm thunderstruck
They got free speech tourists, police in trucks
Two men say they're Jesus, one of them must be wrong
There's a protest singer, he's singing a protest song

He says, "They wanna have a war, keep their factories
They wanna have a war to keep us on our knees
They wanna have a war to stop us buying Japanese
They wanna have a war to stop industrial disease

They're pointing out the enemy to keep you deaf and blind
They wanna sap your energy, incarcerate your mind
Give ya "Rule Britannia", gassy beer, page three
Two weeks in España and Sunday striptease"
Meanwhile, the first Jesus says "I'll cure it soon
Abolish Monday mornings and Friday afternoons"
The other one's out on hunger strike, he's dying by degrees
How come Jesus gets industrial disease?



TB Fanatic
Golly,I'm calling a pop music Top40 emergency!

The 80's was SO much more than the played to death Top 40 pablum.

Guess I'll have to do a deep dive into the 80's; the type that Album 88 (the best radio station in the world still!)in Atlanta used to play. Hold on to your hats and return your stewardess to the upright position; let's go clubbing...........

REM-Driver 8


REM-E bow the letter


Red Baron

1981, Another quirky forgotten classic,

Lene Lovich - "It's You, Only You"


Lovich was born Lili-Marlene Premilovich in Detroit, Michigan, to an English mother and American father of Serbian descent. After her father had health problems, her mother took the 13-year-old Lovich and her three siblings to live in Hull, East Yorkshire, England. She met guitarist/songwriter Les Chappell when they were teenagers, and he became her longtime collaborator and life partner. In the autumn of 1968, they went to London to attend art school. It was there that Lovich first tied her hair into the plaits that later became a visual trademark, though at first she braided her hair to keep it out of the clay when studying sculpture.

Dollar Short

Veteran Member
Golly,I'm calling a pop music Top40 emergency!

The 80's was SO much more than the played to death Top 40 pablum.

Guess I'll have to do a deep dive into the 80's; the type that Album 88 (the best radio station in the world still!)in Atlanta used to play. Hold on to your hats and return your stewardess to the upright position; let's go clubbing...........

REM-E bow the letter


Just for what it's worth E Bow was released in 1996, still a great tune though. I was an R.E.M. devotee starting with Murmer. Was in the front row for one of their 1985 concerts just before Fables of the Reconstruction was released -- it was fascinating to hear 8 new songs before the album was even released. IMHO they were so much better in the early years before the big record deal with Warner. They toured like crazy and appreciated their audience, later they became more like U2 -- just too self-aggrandizing and politically grandstanding.

Here's another 80's tune -- XTC -- "senses working overtime"



TB Fanatic
Just for what it's worth E Bow was released in 1996, still a great tune though. I was an R.E.M. devotee starting with Murmer. Was in the front row for one of their 1985 concerts just before Fables of the Reconstruction was released -- it was fascinating to hear 8 new songs before the album was even released. IMHO they were so much better in the early years before the big record deal with Warner. They toured like crazy and appreciated their audience, later they became more like U2 -- just too self-aggrandizing and politically grandstanding.

Here's another 80's tune -- XTC -- "senses working overtime"

Thank you, yes; wrong era.Was looking for Murmur tracks and hit the wrong one.I saw them at the 40 watt club in Athens before the first album dropped.

Red Baron

Early Gothic,

Bauhaus - "She's In Parties"


Shot in a disused warehouse in Wardour Street London, March 1983. Filmed by Howard Guard (who also directed the iconic Maxell tape advertisements), the end sequence of the band asleep in the back of the limousine was, according to Guard, very much for real. Finally wrapped up as dawn was breaking through. Poignant message with the scattered sleeves....single taken
from the album Burning From The Inside.
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