Israel Not Fooled: Israelis For Obama Has Just 57 Members--Only 6 Live in Israel


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July 23, 2008
Israel Not Fooled: Israelis For Obama Has Just 57 Members--Only 6 Live in Israel
By Debbie Schlussel

So, Barack Hussein Obama is on a world tour that, today, includes Israel. So, he's doing the obligatory photo ops at various Jewish religious sites to pretend he's really not as anti-Israel as his years of association with Edward Said, Ali Abunimah, Louis Farrakhan, and Rev. Jeremiah Wright tell us. Ditto for his multiple Nation of Islam staffers and desire to meet and negotiate with Iran--Israel's most lethal enemy--without preconditions.

Well, guess what? Contrary to the host of American Jews falling for and supporting this fraud, smart Israelis ain't buyin'. They're no dummies. They know this is a BS photo-op diplomacy trip by a man who really doesn't wish them well, but very desperately wants to become Prez:


Israel says "Lo" (No, in Hebrew) to Obama
(Nobama Image from Josh Leone)​

A poll published in a right-wing Israeli newspaper in June found 36% of Israeli Jews surveyed preferred Sen. McCain, compared with 27% who favored Sen. Obama. In a separate survey published this month by Tel Aviv University, 46% of the Israeli Jews polled thought Sen. McCain would be "better for Israel," vs. 20% who said the same about the Democrat. . . .

The concern doesn't seem partisan, but rather specific to Sen. Obama. Before she suspended her campaign, fellow Democrat Hillary Clinton was wildly popular with Israelis. . . .

As of Tuesday morning, "Israelis for Obama," had about 57 members. Mr. Jassen says only six actually live in Israel.

That's significant, since there are many Israelis with U.S. citizenship, and they're not voting for B. Hussein O.

But, as we all know, throughout the world, there are hundreds of millions of Muslims for Obama. Gee, I wonder why. Because they all know that, under Islamic law, he's a Muslim, they consider him a Muslim, and they know on which side their pita is buttered--with Obama in the White House.

But part of the article (from the Wall Street Journal) simply isn't accurate. First, there's the headline, "Obama's Tour of Israel Confronts Skeptics." It does no such thing. We all know, as I said above, that this is a photo op meant for Jews and pro-Israel Christians in America to distract us from Barack Hussein Obama's real record on associating with Israel- and Jew-haters.

Then, there's this BS--the second sentence of this paragraph--by the article's authors, WSJ reporters Cam Simpson and Jay Solomon:

Israelis see Iran's nuclear program as a threat to the existence of their state, especially given the rhetoric of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. And Israelis strongly backed the Bush administration's campaign to oust former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, who was considered the Arab world's fiercest foe of the Jewish state.​

WRONG. Israel never wanted America to go into Iraq. Israeli leaders repeatedly said Saddam Hussein was not a big threat to them, that their biggest threat at the time was terrorists within Israel and on its borers. Israel opposed the Iraq war because the Israelis knew that Bush used Israel giving up land to the Palestinians as an incentive to get Muslim nations to support the Iraq War. That only harmed Israel.

Ditto for the result, which was Bush completing the contiguous Shi'ite crescent that spans the Mid-East, by removing Sunni Saddam Hussein and putting Shi'ites in power. This strengthened Iran and Hezbollah, Israel's biggest enemies now.

Bottom Line: You won't see many Obamaka wearers in Israel, the Jewish State.

As reader Sean writes:

Do you find it odd that people in Israel are better than Americans at figuring out the security threat that Obama poses as a Presidential candidate?​


"F--- Obama" Phonetic Hebrew Bumper Sticker Reflects Israeli Sentiment

Posted by Debbie at July 23, 2008 09:30 AM

Most Israelis are NOT leftists. They may be governed by a Leftist elite that are moral cowards, corrupt and plain stupid who find Obama all too congenial but the people who have personal experience with how they run their country, look in askance at Obama. In that respect, they're lot smarter than their American Jewish cousins.

As for Obama, if you saw the "uh, uh, uh, uh" thing at his press conference, it was just priceless! Here's a guy with an elite Ivy League education showing us he's at a loss for want of a cogent thought. Just imagine how he'll react in a crisis. No - we can't afford him as our Commander In Chief.... and our Israeli friends agree. As Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs points out, he's all "style and no substance." The verdict's clear.

Posted by: NormanF at July 23, 2008 10:21 AM


Bet you don't see this in the MSM love fest...


Supporters of US Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain (R-AZ) stand outside Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama's hotel in Jerusalem July 22, 2008. (REUTERS)

Obama's campaigning continued today in Israel--

But, the Jews aren't buying it.
Haaretz is reporting this on Obama's romp through Israel:

Barack Hussein Obama - with his Muslim stepfather and his childhood in Indonesia, his suggestion to meet with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the leftist image that adheres to his advisors - has raised deep anxieties among the Jewish establishment. Republicans sensed a massive defection of Jewish voters. Obama's campaign managers have identified it as a problem and their candidate has been working on calming things down and issuing pro-Israel statements. McCain visited Sderot and expressed his support for Israel. Obama will follow in his footsteps Wednesday, as the city is experiencing a rare moment of lull. But Obama will also have a chance to denounce terror in real time: Tuesday's bulldozer terror attack took place next to his hotel in Jerusalem.

To the Israeli establishment, McCain seems like the natural choice. With his white hair, expression lines and combat experience, he embodies the Israeli concept of leadership - a kind of American version of Yitzhak Rabin or Ariel Sharon. If McCain continues Bush's policies, Israel will benefit from the term of another U.S. president who understands its needs.

Obama represents an exciting option, albeit a more dangerous one: If he manages to rehabilitate America's international stature, reduce its dependence on oil and push through peace between Israel and the Arabs, Israel's strategic situation will improve dramatically. But on the way, he might have to pressure Israel. If he fails, Israel will have to pay the price without reaping any returns.