Iowa, New Mexico and Wisconson still in doubt

Ought Six

Membership Revoked
Current total: GW - 269, Kerry - 242 (per Fox News)

Iowa - 7 electoral votes
Nevada - 5 electoral votes
New Mexico - 5 electoral votes
Wisconson - 10 electoral votes

The candidate that gets 270 electoral votes has the majority and wins. The Associated Press has already called Nevada for Bush, so if you accept that and accept that Ohio is a lock, then GW has won.

Ought Six

Membership Revoked
It is now looking like Bush has taken Iowa, Nevada and probably New Mexico as well. It looks like Kerry has taken Wisconson. There are about 140,000 outstanding provisional ballots in Ohio, and Kerry would have to get nearly 100% of them to win, so it is over. Four more years of GW, like it or not.
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Ought Six

Membership Revoked

It would not matter. They would not even need to retool for Kerry. Their conspiracy theorist rhetoric is interchangible. One size fits all!


Veteran Member
One poll discontinued counting due to fatique mind you. I was tired and can't remember which right now. Hung in until 4 and have had only 2 hrs of sleep. Guess the rest are still counting on their fingers and toes. Please give them a calculator someone or it will take the 11 days. ;)