Interesting part of Wa. state's gay marriage law - domestic partnerships will dissolve


Veteran Member
From the voter's guide . . .

After June 30, 2014, state-registered domestic partnerships would be available only to couples in which one partner is at least 62 years old. The parties to existing same-sex domestic partnerships may either get married or dissolve their domestic partnership. Same-sex domestic partnerships, in which neither party is over 62 years old, will be automatically converted into a marriage as of June 30, 2014, unless the parties either get married or dissolve the domestic partnership before that date. The Secretary of State would be required to send letters to each same-sex domestic partner advising of these changes.


Membership Revoked

Maybe the secularists are "spooked" and marriage "looks better" than domestic partnership in the eye's of a higher authority? Probably not. But, we are reportedly overdue for the "big one" here on the Cascadia Subduction Zone; a 9.0 by some reports. After the 7.7 on Haida Gwaii (in the neighborhood) maybe the Legislature is "spooked" about what the people have wrought. The aftershocks have been
heading South since. G*d help us.


  • eminent-magnitude-9-earthquake.jpg
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Time Traveler
One would hope that was what it was Ranger, but ... hey ... was there an EQ in the Wenatchee area? And just north, where is that, east of Chilliwack? How old are the dots on that there map? You may not know this but there was a humdinger of an earthquake in the north midsection of WA state in the 1800's that killed people, it was apparently quite severe.

I hope the quakes at least accomplish the feat of getting the godless to consider they may be wrong on their theological approach.


Fringe Ranger
I hope the quakes at least accomplish the feat of getting the godless to consider they may be wrong on their theological approach.

Maybe it will teach them that quakes are stronger than they had supposed.


Membership Revoked
How could the morals of society hit such a level, and so quickly? Not long ago sodomy was a felony, as it should be.

I wonder when God will nuke the USA like He did S and G?


On TB every waking moment
The term 'domestic partnership' is a curse phrase in the homosexual community. Thus it will be expunged.


Veteran Member
This is interesting. Whether for it, or against it, from a sociological perspective it will be interesting to track these 'marriages' over the years and compare divorce rates to that of hetero couples.