In Case You May Be Interested...


Hi Paul and welcome to the most happening place on the net. Glad to see you.

Since you're here, maybe you could let us all know what you think about the analyses of George Ure. Lots of folks read him, and I'd really like to know what you think.
check his weekly report, usually comes out on friday.

Warren Bone

My economics and finances are very simple:

I don't have no money (that's supply-side economics.)

And, if I did others would demand I spend it (economics.)

So I plan to not invest what I don't have (finance.) :D


[ 06-07-2001: Message edited by: Warren Bone ]

Paul Milne

Contributing Member
My opinion is that we are going to Crash. But not 'just' crash. Its going to make the 30's look like a weekend in Disneyland.

The first 'big' country to go will be Japan. When you see them go over the cliff, it will be too late.

Kris Gandillon

The Other Curmudgeon
Yep, HE'S Bacccck!!!!!


Welcome, Paul!

It's been a long time since the original Greenspun board...boy, are we gonna rock and roll now!


Edit to add, and I bet he still won't go near a 7-11...hehehehe

[ 06-07-2001: Message edited by: Kris Gandillon ]

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Paul and Cory are my all-time favorite people. Without a doubt.

I am SO PLEASED that they found us.

Thanks gentlemen, for coming back, even if it's just once in a while. We are ALL fans.

Dean Miller

Archaic Member
Hi Paul,

Nice to see you again.

I'm trying to get into your forum on Yahoo. Somehow my password is no longer valid. It'll work out (somehow).
Hi Paul,

Welcome to the tb2k version of the hole the rabbit disappeared into.

Wow, Paul & Cory on the same day.

NOT rollin' over to hit the snooze button!

(Paul, you're right. The Japanese financial markets are springloaded to the p.o. position.)

[ 06-07-2001: Message edited by: snooze button ]

Paul Milne

Contributing Member

Michiana MaJo

Who Asked...

"Paul, just how soon do you think this crash will take place---any wild guesses? "

Yes. Tomorrow at 9:35 EST

Gimme a break.


Membership Revoked
I knew I like you, yep she's gonna go and its going to be real bad.

What about South America (Brazil etc.) being the sign that America is next?


My opinion is that we are going to Crash. But not 'just' crash. Its going to make the 30's look like a weekend in Disneyland.
The first 'big' country to go will be Japan. When you see them go over the cliff, it will be too late.
Eeeegads! He says the first country to go will be Japan. Did anyone notice Lee's post about Japan being in big trouble? It's on this page (so far.)

Thanks for the warning about tomorrow morning, Paul! I'll try to have all my ducks in order! (And, no....I don't live within 5 miles of a 7-11.)

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
MaJo, I think he was being sarcastic as to the date/time. (You know Paul)

You know, I saved the best of Paul's rants to my HD. Classic stuff every bit of it. Whether we were right or wrong about Y2K makes no difference. It was the PEOPLE involved that made it special.

Thank you Paul, for being you.


Sword At-The-Ready

It does my heart good to see you about my old friend.

It's good to know you're still "watching the world tick away" toward it's impending date with disaster as far as the status quo goes.

I motion that your trademark has yet to be fulfilled. Take your pick: econ, Taiwaan, Bin-Laden, Korea, Demonic idiots running the Constitution into the ground....

...I'd say Y2K was boring compared to this banquet of horrors now being served.

Don't be a stranger, share some bits with the fam here when you get the time...we will be most appreciative...and wiser perhaps.
Yes, I could tell he was pulling my leg, Dennis. Funny how pulling one's leg gives you a belly laugh! If he's always this funny, I hope he visits us often!

I don't recall him being this humorous, on the old board, but maybe some of us were too stressed out to have a sense of humor, back then.


No matter what happens or when, will any of us old Y2Kers EVER pass by a 7-11 without thinking of Paul?

jed brulen

Someone in Japan freaked out last night: 8 dead 29 wounded. Social crash first.

I always thought Paul meant 7/11's in mixed neighborhoods.
I DO live within blocks of a 7-11 (trying to get out, get out, get out) and think of Paul darn near every time I go by. So good to see you again Paul.


The 7-11 used to dominate the convenience store market, and came to be synonymous with the convenience store.

I assume that Paul Milne means that if you live within 5 miles of any convenience store, you live too close to the city or suburbia to be safe when the sh*t hits the fan and just about everybody starts rioting from lack of basics.

Strangely, there are very few 7-11s anymore. I think the parent of the chain went bankrupt many years back, and after emerging from reorganization, a lot of the former stores had changed into something else.

Round 'here, you see a lot of Circle K's instead. Same diff.

[ 06-08-2001: Message edited by: CeeBee ]


Membership Revoked

when i go to the website you gave and typein my username and password, i get "Only club administrators are allowed to do this".

'Help' says the site may no longer be valid. any suggestions anyone?


Membership Revoked
well, my brother has lived in Japan for almost 25 years and is married to a Japanese woman. To hear him carry on about the economy there, from the position of a freelance photographer and museum designer, who used to be wealthy and now is in debt and practically starving, the Japanese economy has already gone over the cliff.

It is well to remember though that even in the depression some folks had jobs inc both of my grandfathers. My Mom's dad was the only father of the kids in her class with stady work the entire depression. I pray all the time for poeple I know, esp on this forum, to have jobs.

I expect with 40-60% of what we used to manufacture now made overseas, it will get much worse than the 30's, but somewhere, somebody will have jobs. Ask God for mercy every day that you and your loved ones might be one of them.


"...I'd say Y2K was boring compared to this banquet of horrors now being served."

yep, on to the TEOTWAWKI du jour.

both paul and cory here? is the doom business undergoing consolidation? it's a competitive marketplace of ideas out there . . .

even if you guys aren't right all the time, i do enjoy your writings. :) (oops, sorry cory. i know you hate emoticons)



I agree that Japan odds on will be the first large economy to go down.
What I'm curious about is whether you expect that to simply be a continuance, albiet in fits and starts, of the current taking on of water, or if, for example, the banking sector having to write off large amounts in nonperforming loans will trigger a more sudden series of events.


Paul Milne

Contributing Member
In answer to RIO...

It is a continuation of all that went on since the late 80's. Japan does NOT practice capitalism but a bastradized version of crony capitalism.

It would take me an hour to explain, but suffice it to say that they are going down.

What is hunorous is that their system has done two funny things...

1. It has caused their problems and..
2. It has allowed for them to be prolonged and prolongedwithout a final reckonning as of yet.

Kind of like consuming something that gives you cancer and then then, when riddled with cancer, engaging in an intense program of chemotherapy which has no chance of saving you but only prolonging the agony AND making the cancer worse at the same time.

Their NPL's can NOT be written off. It is too late.

Please go to my site and read the following...

#1569 Japan vs US



Followed your link, had to sign up for Yahoo account and did so successfully.
And repeatedly got the message "Only club administrators are allowed to do this".
Checked "messages". Found nothing specified as "market thoughts".
Tell me where to look, and I'll gladly do so.

That all said, what I am guessing you might have said, in summary, is that their NPL problem is so massive that to write that all off will drive their balance sheets so far under water that capita flight will inevitably occur.
