Help Immunity boosters


Hey y'all, I'm seeking a little advice. I'm very new to herbal and home remedies, but I'd prefer to turn to them rather than store bought junk. Lately my immune system seems to be revolting against me and allowing me to pick up any little cold or flu. I had the flu and incipient pneumonia over Christmas, not fun. What I'm wondering is if any of you have any favorite recipes or items you take that boost your immune system? Thank you for the help and advice.


Neither here nor there.
I haz, I mean I have, a soup that I make. Cover chicken hind quarters with water, boil them with some chopped carrot, a whole head of crushed garlic, a tablespoon of grated fresh ginger, a whole large onion diced, season with salt and pepper, until the meat is tender. Pull hind quarters remove meat and save for later and throw those bones back into the broth, along with the fat and the skin and cook until the bones are darn near tender, about three hours. Strain the "stuff" from the broth and add back in your meat and some veggies and and cook until the veggies are tender, add a handful of noodles if you like. I also add in sage, thyme, etc., at the very end for seasonings. Adjust the water as needed to make a large vat of broth.

You can do this with chicken feet as well.

The bone broth soup is what is immune supportive.

Also miso, I eat the chickpea based miso not the soy based.

Local honey.

Real yogurt with a drizzle of honey.

Real unpasteurized kraut and kimchee.

I make my own elderberry extract using a pound of dried elderberries and covering with vodka, let sit for a few weeks and then take when needed to ward off colds and other crud. I take before bed so there isn't the issue of drinking and driving. I don't take it every day, only when I start hearing reports of the plague hitting my area and then I bone up on soup and elderberry extract.

Be Well

may all be well
I've done a bit of looking up improving immune system and they (immune systems) are funny things. Everyone's is different and some just are not as good as others. I know some things that help are enough sleep but not too much, going to bed early, not allowing stress to build up or having a good healthy way to relieve stress. Getting outside in fresh air or nature whenever possible. Getting healthy exercise, doing some kind of regulated breathing like yoga breathing. Watching less TV or other electronic media, listening to music or playing it (not "music" like rap...). Making sure you drink enough liquids including purified water.

Avoiding junk food (artifical colors/flavors/preservatives/MSG/hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, corn syrup, etcetc) like the poison that it is, eating fresh vegetables and fruits. Avoiding drugs and alcohol especially overdoing. Not smoking, smoking marijuana also messes up lungs.

Elderberries prevent flu viruses from replicating and also strengthen the cells in your body so flu viruses can't get in them, I try to take as a preventative during flu season and then immediately ramp up if I feel any flu like symptoms. I make syrup rather than alcohol based extract (although I've done both) because I can't handle any alcohol at all, so syrup suits me better, plus alcohol is kind of expensive for me.

There are herbs that can help support the immune system, and I did start a thread about that a while ago, I'll see if I can dig it up tomorrow.


Contributing Member
i contracted a virus from a patient that left my immune system pretty messed up. My cancer's have not helped my immune system either. I got ecoli and was bombarded with cipro as well. so i used to get sick easy and always long and intense. I have moved towards an absolute clean diet. You cant just get a few remedies and think you are all good. its a ground up deal. I dont care to discuss the validity of chemtrails. THey are real and they have been doing it for a while, and its jacking us up. The heavy metals and low ph of the soils are destroying the very basic web of life. The microbes, they drive the health of earth and us. we need them in the dirt and we need them in our gut. They are not there now. so thats the first step, understand you are severely malnourished. all of us are. go get blood work done and i guarantee your magnesium, b12, iron, and vit d is dangerously low. unless you aggressively supplement your diet with minerals and vvitamins then you will never win the battle. Once you are strictly organic and drinking only water, then you can start looking into all the other stuff. Look at your gut health and improve it. Get your supplements, and follow all the other stuff everybody is saying. \

I use cannabis oil for most of my needs. it knocks out bacterial infections and viral infections. I also use thieves oil that i make. I drink lemon in warm water every morning. I take a ton of tumeric. I take the mushroom optimizer. I drink apple cider vinegar everyday. i juice everyday. I make smoothies with hemp, sphirallina, berries, kale, broccoli and a few other stuff. i take liposomal vit c everyday. elderberry is a daily thing. i also use a liquid Humic acid. (that shit is a miracle by the way, look it up). a lot of your immune system is supported by a good attitude as well. sounds ridiculous, but i find its true. what else? there is so much. oh yeah, duh, exercise. you have to exercise. gardening is ok, but its not really what you need. You need strength training with high interval training. your system needs to be stressed and broken down. that way you trick it into healing, and always have the correct nutrition on board, that way the body can heal itself.

using coconut oil as a teeth cleaning mechanism, take a 1/2 tablespoon of coconut oil and push and pull through your teeth for ten minutes a day. it will keep you from having strokes and heart attacks, and keep you from going to a dentist. also eat a spoonful a day. Add a flax seed oil, lecithin, cottage cheese shot to your diet. the last thing i will suggest is weekly enemas. use the flax seed recipe once a week and use coffee once a week. good luck

Be Well

may all be well
I bumped up a thread Ayurveda and Health because there is some info about helping immunity on that thread.


Sorry it took me so long to reply, but I wanted to thank you all for your input, I will certainly look these ideas, I appreciate it!