I'm sitting here in my office while the guys go orgasmic over zero


Veteran Member
Patience. If they are that worked up, you know it won't last long and then they'll just go to sleep. :)


I understand what your going through, although I have to put up with that kind of stuff at home, as my workplace is pretty conservative (no fans of Coke Zer0 here).

I'm sure that lots of TBk'ers are in similar circumstances.


Well, time to ask them a few well placed questions maybe, like 'Why?' and pin them down on things like which executive order of the departing President is 0bama going to revoke?

Forces them to step out of the 0bamagasmatron and actually have to think. Unless you just want to sit there quietly and let your guts churn.

Up to you, but I find that a series of well placed questions about factual matters seems to quiet them down quite a bit.


Techno Junkie
Stuff like this is why I would not last 10 mins in an office environment.. lol

I would have to shoot my mouth off.

Even if its something along the lines of "Don't you people have real work to do?" every time someone mentioned zero's name.. :lkick:


Short but deadly
Tell them you have to leave because you're sick. Just say all this O'samabama talk gave you diarrhea ;)


Veteran Member
In the heart of this liberal bastion, I haven't heard anyone talking politics or that excited that O won. These are mostly young college educated workers. Everybody is just keeping it to themselves, including me and my disdain for the man.


Fringe Ranger
Oh, thanks. I call him Bamm-Bamm. I sense that he's not getting all the respect he thinks he deserves.


Let them have their moment of fantasy. Even if Obomination was more conservative than Ron Paul and more principled than an apostle even such a man couldn't get us out of the mess we are in. It's way beyond the scope of man to be able to fix the USS Titanic. Let them revel in their deception as it's not going to last. The black woman who was interviewed and said that Obama was going to pay her mortgate and put gas in her car are going to go from exaltation to devistation soon enough.


Oh, thanks. I call him Bamm-Bamm. I sense that he's not getting all the respect he thinks he deserves.

Oh I respect Bam Bam. After all we now know you can fool most of the people all the time. At least for a while. . . . . . . .

This dude is historical in more ways than one. :lol:


"Don't retreat...reload"
In the heart of this liberal bastion, I haven't heard anyone talking politics or that excited that O won. These are mostly young college educated workers. Everybody is just keeping it to themselves, including me and my disdain for the man.

Same here. I'm in school and, aside from a very few people wearing obama t-shirts and buttons, I have not heard a peep! I have been very pleasantly surprised because THE ONE's name was all I heard up until the actual election.


Veteran Member
My DW's obamabot boss asked her if she was excited about the election results. My DW, being ever the sharpie, answers that she does not place a lot of hope in politicians. God I love that woman!


Another Infidel
There's an old axiom that says "be careful what you pray for, you just might get it." This could be one of those times where only time will give us the answers.

Maureen :dstrs:


OMG, you know what you could do, Robin? Remember that movie "When Harry Met Sally"? That scene in the restaurant when Meg Ryan demos an orgasm?

Oh, I double dog dare ya, girl. The next time the bots step into the Obamagasmatron, start your engines - LOUDLY.

OMG, I am turning out to be an evil beast after all! Whoo hoo!


Senior Member
Hehe, I thought you meant this:

I was pretty orgasmic on those too. :lol:


Short but deadly
OMG, you know what you could do, Robin? Remember that movie "When Harry Met Sally"? That scene in the restaurant when Meg Ryan demos an orgasm?

Oh, I double dog dare ya, girl. The next time the bots step into the Obamagasmatron, start your engines - LOUDLY.

OMG, I am turning out to be an evil beast after all! Whoo hoo!



I am the Winter Warrior
Heh, when they ask you about your thoughts concerning obama, just pull out your AK-47. Flip the 'selector' switch to 'auto' and ask, "What was the question again?"

Or smile and say, "I really liked when he did this." And proceed to rub your eye with the 'middle finger'.


Well, time to ask them a few well placed questions maybe, like 'Why?' and pin them down on things like which executive order of the departing President is 0bama going to revoke?

Forces them to step out of the 0bamagasmatron and actually have to think. Unless you just want to sit there quietly and let your guts churn.

Up to you, but I find that a series of well placed questions about factual matters seems to quiet them down quite a bit.

One of the guys is from Chicago. You'd think he gave birth to wacky himself he's so proud. Blech.

When they said how great things will be, I said "I hope you are right". When one finally said 'it looks like we are boring her, Bush is her hero" I couldn't help myself and said, "no actually Reagan is my hero" to which they started saying baraky was a 'great oratator'. I LOL'd at that one.

They did finally get tired and go away, but they both looked spent to me. lol


Oh, thanks. I call him Bamm-Bamm. I sense that he's not getting all the respect he thinks he deserves.

I usually call him Wacky Baraky, but didn't think there would be enough room in the title for that. :)

I have a feeling I'll be referring to him by other names in the coming days however. :shr:


Veteran Member
Myself, I'd probably just point out that it's nice they're happy and all, but we still have actual WORK to do and that hasn't changed.


People are still in the honeymoon period with Obama. Wait until reality hits them some time next year .... why not let them have some of their last fun moments?

At any rate I can pretty much guarantee that things wouldn't end up better if McCain were voted in. He's all about redistributing wealth to the wealthy. Obama wants to give it to the middle class and poor. Either way we can't afford it.

In fact I doubt if even the greatest of presidents could ward off what's coming at us.


RobinYyes, they are actually in a trance induced by Obama. You might try hitting a few on the head with a frying pan, to wake them up... If that doesn't work, maybe a dutch oven. Just a thought.


Senior Member
My opinion, as insignificant as it is in the world's perspective, is that Obama isn't going to be nearly as bad as 90% of the people on this board think and he's not going to be nearly as good as the Obama-ites think he will be.

He's going to get into office and see all the things that he hasn't had intimate access to and his position will change on certain things. He can't just come in and make wholesale changes. Assumptions are being made on this board about what he's going to do as if everything has already been done.

It's like gamblers i've known who talk about how a game they bet on is "lock", before it starts, as if they already know the final score. I'm sure some of the negative that's being predicted will happen and i'm sure a lot of it will not.

I voted for the other guy, but for the sakes of the country and most importantly my family, I hope he does a good job or at least a competent one.


Bucktoothed feline member
I work in academia and am in the minority here at the cubicle farm. :shk:

Let's just say that I'm not partaking in the celebrations. Oh well, I've been shunned by cliques before...

Dang, I never did victory dances in front of them or taunted when their people lost.

Oh well, life goes on, I suppose. I'm not giving in, even though I'm outnumbered. Now I know how Israel feels.