Story I'm Cold


Contributing Member
"Papa, it's cold!"

"'It's cold', Kelly, or 'you're cold'?"

"I'm cold and it's colder than usual in the house."

"I know, Kelly. It's very cold outside. Yesterday's freezing rain and ice took down the power lines so the electricity is off which means we can't use the furnace normally. Today is even colder and that seems to be affecting the natural gas supply as the flames from the gas logs aren't their usual height. We've closed off most of this floor and the temperature in this room is now 62F."

"But I'm cold!"

"Maybe if you did as I suggested an hour ago and put those heavy tights on under your corduroy pants and a long sleeved tee shirt under your flannel shirt so you would have more layers? And maybe some hot mint tea or hot chocolate instead of cold milk? And warm soup and a grilled cheese sandwich for your next meal instead of another PB&J or chicken salad sandwich?"

"You're so logical!"

"I'm also not the one complaining about being cold."

"Come with me to my suitcase? It's dark with all the blinds and drapes closed. I know, they're closed to keep it warmer. How cold would it be in here if we hadn't done that?"

"OK, I'll go with you, but you should take those clothes back to the fireplace to change - it's warmer there."

"Good idea! I got 'em, so back where it's warm quick!"

"I thought you might think that. When you're finished changing, grab your coat and I can give you a good answer about how much the blinds and drapes help with keeping this space warm."

"I can't get my outer shirt straight!"

"Let's get it back off and then the tee shirt straight and smooth..."

"Not my ribs!"

"Ticklish people should always be aware of when they are vulnerable."

"As you tell me every time AFTER you tickle me."

"But you always giggle."

"You only tickle until I giggle and then you let me go. That's fun!"

"Now the flannel shirt and I'll hold the neck of the tee shirt in place in the back so it doesn't wad up under the flannel shirt and then run my hand up your back between the shirts so they settle evenly..."

"That's lots better."

"Button that shirt and tuck it in. Then get your coat."

"My coat? We're going out in the ice and snow?"

"No. Just down to the basement."

"OK, but this better be good."

"We're at the bottom of the basement stairs, so still in the area where the furnace's blower can move air around when I run just the furnace blower for a few minutes each hour, using power from the solar backup system. What does the thermometer on the wall tell you about the temperature?"

"It's 51."

"Now we go into the unconditioned area of the basement. Look on the display for the solar power system. What's the battery temperature?"

"38. It'd be that cold upstairs?"

"A little of the heat that gets moved to the basement to keep the kitchen and bathroom pipes from freezing also leaks into the unconditioned space to keep the pipes there from freezing, so this area would be even colder without that 'leakage'."

"The inside would be as cold as outside if the gas logs and the kerosene heater didn't work?"

"Unless we made our living space even smaller..."

"Living in the tent in the room with the fireplace instead of just sleeping there?"

"Other than cooking and using the necessary."


"What other things do you leave the warmest space for?"

"Oh! I guess that is 'necessary' - but the seat sure is cold!"

"Think about your ancestors who used an outhouse in the winter..."

"BRRRR! Even at night?"

"They probably kept a 'chamber pot' under the bed for use at night."

"I remember seeing a 'chamber pot' on a shelf in an antique store. The beds were a lot higher off the floor then?"

"Some of them were. What did I say about our use of the necessary?"

"If the power stays off or it gets real cold, there might not be any water and they might not be able to run the sewage treatment plant... You're gonna build an outhouse?"

"Not right away. Walk around to the other side of the tall, skinny tent in that corner."

"We'd be using that?"

"I modified the commode chair the doctor ordered after my back surgery - one thing I never used, as the bathroom was just a few steps farther from the bed. It now uses a five gallon bucket with a 'Double Doodie' bag in it and we'll sprinkle some dry dirt and baking soda or some kitty litter in it each time it's used..."

"In the room where we eat and sleep?"

"Think about how people might have lived in a one room log cabin..."

"I guess the chamber pot was in a corner?"

"And possibly with a curtain or blanket for privacy. Plus the seat wouldn't be as cold..."

"That's good! I'll use it."

"I thought so."

"What about Momma and Daddy and Annie and Granny G?"

"There's a small generator there with a 'suicide plug' on it. They could have power for the fridge, the furnace and a few lights if they have enough gas..."

"Daddy got gas for the lawnmower from the van's tank one time so I guess they could do that for the generator. He filled the van after we got here and that's when he dropped me off on his way back to Granny G's after getting the gas so I could get the sleepover they'd promised the last time we were here but Annie's broken toe kept us at the hospital most of the night and I didn't get to. I'll get more than one night this time?"

"Based on the weather forecast, you might get as much as a week. The forecast has more ice and snow for the next four days and it will be cold enough that the roads won't thaw for a week or more..."


"'Yes' to what?"

"Getting to stay with you and learn about how to do stuff without power."

"You like 'camping out' in the house?"

"More fun than camping with the Girl Scouts 'cause you got the tent up the first try, it didn't fall on us during the night, you know how to make a sleeping bag comfortable with a pad under it, the sun showers don't spray very hard but the water is warm - and you can COOK!"

"Is your stomach growling again?"

"Un huh!"

"How about some fun food? Pancakes with maple syrup and bacon on the side?"

"Yummy! I can help?"

"You did fine last time so I'll have you talk me through the steps and I'll watch you do them."

"The recipe is in this box?"

"Correct. You're off to a good start."

"We won't be using the electric griddle. Didn't you say there was a way to see how hot a skillet is with water?"

"Back side of the recipe card."

"'Water dances at 375'. I remember that. It really does 'dance'. I can use the stove?"

"You may, as long as I'm watching. I only have one Kelly, so I must keep her safe."

"I love you, too."

"Rechargeable light with magnetic base on the side of the microwave oven. Long-nosed grill lighter on the counter by the stove."

"The burners work without power but the oven doesn't?"

"You remembered. Very good. Using a skillet is much slower than using the griddle when cooking a lot of pancakes. How will you keep the first pancakes warm while you cook the others?"

"The folding oven for the camp stove?"

"You remembered again. Isn't this a lot of trouble compared to having power?"

"Not much. And it's more fun 'cause we're doing it together!"

"What about the rest of your family?"

"If they can't get the generator going, Daddy got an extra propane tank for the gas grill to be sure he could grill steaks Sunday. I guess they could cook on the grill's side burner."

"That's my smart girl. You remind them of that if they call."

"Don't think that'll happen. You have solar power and a generator to charge your cell phone but the others all said 'I'll put my phone on to charge when I go to bed.' But the power went off before dark yesterday."

"Then I guess they'll be in the dark and without phones unless they figure out the generator there."

"Your generator is a lot easier. All the 'how-to' is on one page, it's laminated and it has 'orange generator' and 'heavy yellow extension cord' in big letters. And pictures of those things and where the gas is and how to fill the tank - even if I can't carry the little generator with both hands."

"Maybe I'm lazy or I don't want to clutter my mind with things that are better written down for others to be able to use?"

"Maybe both?"

"You might be correct. The 50+ pounds of the 1600 watt inverter generator are more than half of what you weigh, so I'm not surprised that you could barely move it. But you did figure out that the two wheeled dolly with the fat tires would work to get the gen out of the shed and far enough from the house to be a safe place to use it."

"I did, didn't I?"

"And that got your smile up to about a thousand watts."

"Papa, you're silly!"

"My favorite granddaughter is smiling."

"It's nice to be where someone tells me how smart I am."

"I like this smart girl."

"Your hug kinda tells me that. And you being happy to have 'that kid' with you for maybe days because you can't get rid of me also tells me that."

"You are a smart kid but your 'You should do it this way' often doesn't have a volume control or a mute switch."

"I guess I do say what I think when I think it most of the time."

"Your mother did that when she was three, but people expect it of 'little kids'. Most people expect 'big kids' to have learned to keep some of that to themselves."

"You don't fuss at me about it."

"Because you are very much like me and I still do that at times. How could I fuss at myself?"

"You're silly again!"

"Am I?"

"No, I guess you're right about me being so much like you. But I like knowing the best way of doing things - sometimes it's also the fastest or the safest way and sometimes it takes longer - but I never hafta do it over!"

"The fact that you get things right the first time almost every time probably annoys some people. The thinking for that taking longer than for those who just jump in trying to do something probably annoys some people - but they're probably annoyed again when you finish before they do."

"So people don't want to be around me because I'm an annoying kid?"

"For some people. I see you as an intelligent and capable young person who thinks her way through things and is prepared when she starts to do something."

"So I 'look seven and sometimes act thirty' like Daddy said one time, instead of looking and acting like a nine-year-old?"

"Very possibly correct. You don't act as people expect from your apparent age so they don't know what to make of you - you don't exactly fit the expected pattern of 'a pretty little blue-eyed girl with curly blonde hair' - although you can carry that off well when you want to"

"When we did 'Alice in Wonderland' at the Children's Theater."

"Correct, a perfect little girl in a frilly dress."

"I'd rather be in jeans or cords. You were right - adding another layer did make it warmer."

"Made 'it' warmer or made 'you' warmer? Check the thermometer."

"It's still 62 in here, so it made me warmer. You're smart."

"No, I'm educated. I've had a lot of years in which to learn about dealing with cold weather."

"You've talked about 'smart' versus 'educated' before."

"We have, smart girl. You still want to cook pancakes?"

"Yes! After we eat, will you teach me about the kerosene heater? I know I can't move it now and it won't fit on the dolly with fat tires, but I will be big enough in a year or two."

"Maybe a three or four years?"

"Papa! Not that long!"

"What did Dr. Thomas say?"

"I probably won't get any taller than Momma - so you're probably right."

"Now that you've agreed to the time frame for doing things, we can have a class on 'Modern Heating in 1890' after we eat."

"Papa, you're being silly again!"

"Am I? If my cell phone has service then, we'll start that class with some online research on the history of kerosene heaters and if we don't have internet access, there's an Encyclopedia Britannica from about 1980..."

"In the basement and you'll show me how to find the volume for 'kerosene heater'. You're the best grandfather ever!"

"Maybe just the best one you know."

"None of the other kids have one like you."

"Then the best one in your knowledge and experience."

"I can agree to that."



Has No Life - Lives on TB
thanks, i think i have most of your books on my kindle. Really enjoyed 'I Hate being Old' ! you are over on the PAW forum i believe.