I NEED eggs benedict!


I give up.
These again are from the San Francisco Junior League Cookbook:


"All 3 methods are good, but No. 2 seems to be the least time consuming and the one that offers the most control. The secret to good hollandaise is to keep it warm but not hot until ready to serve."

Method No. 1:

Makes approximately 2 cups

8 egg yolks
8 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
salt to taste
Dash white pepper
Dash cayenne pepper

In a saucepan, beat egg yolks until creamy. Place over very low heat or in the top of a double boiler over simmering water, and, stirring constantly, add 1 tablespoon of butter at a time. Gradually add all but 1 tablespoon. Add lemon juice, remove from heat, and stir in the last tablespoon of butter to prevent further cooking. Season to taste.

Method No. 2

Makes approximately 1 cup

8 tablespoons butter
3 egg yolks
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juuice
Salt and cayenne pepper to taste

Place butter, egg yolks, and lemon juice in a small saucepan and set aside until mixture reaches room temperature. With a small whisk, stir constantly over very low heat untill sauce is thickened. Season to taste.

Method No. 3

Makes approximately 1 cup

6 tablespoons butter
3 egg yolks
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

Melt butter until foamy. Place remaining ingredients in a blender and turn on high. While blending, slowly add melted butter in a stready stream.


Contributing Member
If you need to keep it warm for any length of time, pour sauce into a thermos bottle until needed. Keeps it plenty warm, without separation.


Thanks, guys! I had a round of the pukes right after posting the question so had this tread on mental ignore until I felt better. :lol: Think I'll pick stuff up for it this weekend. Yum!!!!