CORONA I got the rona


Veteran Member
And dam I was on Staycation...I had 7 days off work started on mon..

So my first day off Monday I lazy around the apt. Tuesday I take a drive out of town, now every store I went to was dead no one near me and when I go to the cashes they are behind plexi glass

Wednesday morning I get up and normal routine want to start some of my projects I planned on my time off. Then starts the migraine..they were calling for thunderstorms and that can set off a migraine in me...I do a covid test nope evening approaches this migraine is like horrible I could not move my eyes without my brain flashing..not a great thing as you try to walk your dog

Around 6pm wed night I got cold chills so bad that under a heat warning here. I had every window closed and 2 heavy blankets on me on the couch. Poured a hot bath...still couldnt move my eyes for fear of pain and brain flicking.

I couldn't even get the dog out for last pp...I had to crash as I closed my eyes I saw tons of blue crystals and a voice said to me its ok this is happening all through the think at this time I would have believed in aliens and out of body experience..I think my fever hit the max 103...

My night was spent between migraine,muscle pain and heartburn. When I got up Thursday morning I didn't even want a coffee. I was just glad to be awake. So I did another test low and behold positive

So now I have an extra 10 days off of work shhh but yipppeee
I am not vaccinated so my employer requires 10 days for unvaccinated.

The migraine has come down to a dull roar. I am taking ibuprofen for the aches and pains and tonight my potato skins tasted like potato skins

So on the other hand I am bored I have to stay quarantined..other then to walk my dog and avoiding everyone. So I had a few minutes well I more then a few minutes to describe my experience

Well thanks for listening feel free to chit chat in my thread..cause now I am off until 17th of aug...

Kathy in FL

There is also some hellacious flu going around. My son caught it at work (he works in a hospital). Before he was symptomatic he gave it to his younger brother. Then my husband starts showing symptoms but not bad. We have crap to pick up in Georgia to get to the BOL (in FL) by way of a short cabin stay that two of our kids would be there for a few days. Well on the way up daughter still living at home has to pull over to puke. She goes back home because she was only a couple exits away anyway. Older son is on the mend so I drive him and hubby drives one of our trucks so son can drive himself home a couple days early. By the time we all get to the cabin my husband is sick as a dog and crashes and burns. Son left on time to get back and was cleared to return to work. Never a positive covid test. Younger son wants to go to a concern so takes a test for just in case and no covid. Older son tests positive for the flu and has to wear super PPE but still working 'cause they need him ... lots of people dropping like flies to this stuff that a nurse brought in from her kids in daycare (Patient Zero).

Now everyone is pretty much 95%+ but I'm fighting this stuff off. I'd rather be well or sick, this inbetween crap is for the birds.


Where I am supposed to be.
@kelee877 and @Kathy in FL Prayers for you all!

Oldest daughter is sick with it, again, 5th time, full vaccinated. Steering clear of her house!

I saw tons of blue crystals and a voice said to me its ok this is happening all through the universe
Interesting info.....I've heard there is an awakening (leveling up, vibration adjustment of sorts) happening in our world....sorry you're sick, but geez this part is very cool :geek:


Veteran Member
Not really.
Sorry for the outburst.

Outburst no way...I like that thinking...

Im 2 steps backwards today with this crud..spinning head nausea, fever and I was the one that invited any type of conversation to this apology was necessary

I think its a nano probe looking through my brain for information but without the vaccine it cant find what its looking for..fevers back so I can imagine this any way I want


TB Fanatic
Outburst no way...I like that thinking...

Im 2 steps backwards today with this crud..spinning head nausea, fever and I was the one that invited any type of conversation to this apology was necessary

I think its a nano probe looking through my brain for information but without the vaccine it cant find what its looking for..fevers back so I can imagine this any way I want
I’m so sorry you have th going on, kelee!
Will this madness ever end??

Please rest today, take your supplements and let us know how you’re coming along.

Hugs to you and praying for full recovery!


* Winter is Coming *
Payers for you!

I'm dealing with an outbreak at work, currently 2 staff, 2 pts (3 pts jut recovered and 2 staff).
All vaxxed.

This doorknob licker still can't catch it.

Feels surreal.
(Nonjabbd with existing antibodies....had it January of 2021).


I like my pts and coworkers.


Veteran Member
I am praying for you Kelee. Hope you get better soon.

Rest. Fluids. Check your oxygen. Vitamins. Make yourself move every so often even when you don’t feel like it. Repeat.

Having a dog and living in an apt..yup Remington is taking me for plenty of long walks for my fresh air..

Times like these is when I am glad I prepare..I have ginger ale and soups..lots of food to eat

And thank you to for the prayers


TB Fanatic
Fresh loaf of homemade bread ready in few minutes...butter and honey on the delicious warm end..just what the covid tummy wants and glass milk

Feeling better today..the waves of fatigue are the hardest to deal with
Honey is one of Gods gifts! A natural healer with the added benefit of being delicious!!
The home made bread ain’t too shabby either :)

Good to hear you’re on the mend!


Veteran Member
Honey is one of Gods gifts! A natural healer with the added benefit of being delicious!!
The home made bread ain’t too shabby either :)

Good to hear you’re on the mend!

So much better today..I can actually get a small job done(like clean sheets on bed)and my head doesn't spin out or getting a wave of exhaustion
Meals are still very small a few bites here few bites there. I think I had 10 small meals yesterday


Veteran Member
Im a human being again

Yippppeeee no sinus pain no spinning head..still small meals but from coughing stomach muscles fever today

Tomorrow will be day 10 of my that Im feeling better I can hopefully get few things done around my apt

Since part of my quarantine time was my vacation sigh

Thank you for your prayers and keeping me company


Veteran Member
I go back to work tomorrow and as some of you have figured out I work in a large retail store. Today since I have not been out in 2 weeks, I had to get some much needed groceries mostly dairy and fresh fruits and veggies.

So now I report...first for a Tuesday in this one horse town it was busy..not crazy busy but for a non pay tuesday weird.
And well to top my trip I forgot my list at biggie not a big shop

But here is what I white sugar not one bag on the shelf. No sour cream or cottage cheese. No canned corn no name. A lot of other shelves were spotty
The fresh fruits and veggies some big empty spaces. Tomatoes were horrible

I will update as I can but in our store before my covid hit the shelves were really full only empty spots here and there.
There are some items hit by shrinkflation...and prices are getting bad

I asked a couple people and its been like that for the 2 weeks...sugar could be because its canning season but have never seen it this bad


Veteran Member
For anyone interested there is a Facebook page that I have been reading you can message me not sure if I can put it in here but all about sudden deaths from Vax

Link was given to me by coworker...she is terrified now.