I feel bad for us all today


Veteran Member
And I would, even if Kerry had won.

Why? Because there was no good choice for America. In the past four years, we have seen our country go to two wars, our money become devalued and threatened, the debt has soared, our borders have proven to be a great and present danger. Our jobs are doing a fast exit out of the country, more peopel are filing bankruptcy, our schools are a mess. Cities and towns and even states across American are broke and getting broker by the minute, yet we are hearing talk from the highest seat in the land that illegals should be given more and more of our assets.

Are these things all w's fault, heck no! But I don't know of one thing, concrete and true that has been done to slow down the wasting of america. Not one thing. In all honesty, in these four years, all I have seen is swaggering, posturing, and hollowness out of our leaders in this land, and make no mistake, I don't think John Kerry was the answer to our prayers.

I'm sad today, even though I knew yesterday that I would be sad today. There is no good reason to be happy in America.


Membership Revoked
Actually I feel pretty good, and relieved. I feel like we very narrowly avoided the cliched bullet. Seems like good just won :) Beautiful thing, really. A 4 year mandate has been narrowly won, and heres to hoping we can secure peace for our children and bring it all home in that time!
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Hoosier Daddy

Membership Revoked
The only difference between W and Kerry, is that W will destroy this country a little slower than Kerry would have.

It will give us more time to prepare.
At best, I figure within two years we will be done for.


Membership Revoked
I don't think there would be a good choice

I mean, really, who would make everything better? It's impossible. The 50's are gone, and the 90's were an illusion just meant to line us up for the smack-down of the 21-st century.

I just wish we could learn to have less impact from the Federal government no matter who runs it. Local control, local taxes, local laws.


I think it will be a good thing if Bush has the chance to finish what he started in Iraq. Think of it this way. He has to try harder then Kerry to fix things. Kerry could have just blamed Bush if he could'nt fix things there. ;)


Veteran Member
CTstrella, I sure hope you are right, but the point I was trying to make was, even though I know that all the bad that has happened in this country, IE: jobs, debt, etc, cannot be blamed wholely on this administration,
I have seen nothing done to fix it. These are real and present dangers to our very lives and livelihoods, not to mention the futures of our children.

I don't see anything good coming down the pike for the people and the nation of America. Who knows, maybe its our time to die. Maybe no great nation can be great for ever. History points to that, however, when you are living the life, you want to deny the history.

You know, I don't care about being a millionaire, I just want a roof over my head, and food in my refrigerator. I don't care if I have a new car, but I sure do want to have a car. I want my money to buy something. I want to know that my kid is going to have a future, other than cannon fodder. And I would fight to the death to insure I always have the freedom to speak my mind and live my life as I see fit. But I honestly don't see any sacrifice going for those things.


Membership Revoked
Bush doesn't have to worry about whether things are better when he leaves office again. He can't run again. I just hope he doesn't expand the war to Iran and the Republican majority will grow some fiscal responsibility balls. And that he'll find a way to end the Iraq misadventure sooner than later.


On TB every waking moment
This election was so important to me that I couldn't bare to watch the elections until I knew Bush was ahead. (I watched Comedy Central's version.) We are just getting closer to actually being able to sit at the table and work out on the ground solutions in the Klamath River Basin. I firmly believe a Kerry win would have thrown off the power balance and we would be back to polarization for another 4 years. As it is, the solution may have to include all players but the extreme environmentalists, (tribes, commercial fishermen, local governments, farmers and ranchers.) The enviros just won't look for common ground. It is still "their way" and no other.

I am so relieved and hopefull about our future in the Klamath basin. It will be a much more pleasant and creative next 4 years. We may actually come together as a people basin-wide in partnerships on the environmental, cultural and economic levels.


Contributing Member
If Osama is still alive and his latest tape was the real deal, I want W to catch that SOB and string his a$$ up NOW. This country will be bankrupt if OBL and the like are not caught and taken down soon. This WOT is costing too much money and the American taxpayer can't afford to foot the bill for this war. Sooner or later, somebody is going to have to pay the bill. Bush may not be able to handle the situation we are in, but Kerry was certainly not the answer.


night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea

If you can do that then you rate a pair of wings.

I enjoy talking to some of the folks who graduated from Hocking Tech (which along with Pauyl Smith's is in the top 3 or 4 Forrestry Schools in the country).

They say that somewhere in their senior year they get to do a land use plan, and some of them comment that they have YET to come up with one without SERIOUS disention, ans some years fisticuffs among the students who play the various factions....

the Forresters who come out of that program have a VERY real world approach to what they do for a living.


Rex Jackson

Has No Life - Lives on TB
gunnersmon, this is just a bubble breaking..American style. When ever anything climbs a hill, it eventually gets to the top. Once at the top, there is only one way left to travel. Down.


Bush doesn't have to worry about whether things are better when he leaves office again. He can't run again.

it should be a different style for bush for the next 4 y-e-a-r-s. maybe the WOT can now take a backseat since he doesn't have to run on it anymore? i don't expect we'll see much in the way of news conferences from him, given his inability in public speaking, nor does he have to look forward to any further debates.

he and his GOP congress can now look forward to new and innovative ways in spending even more money to grow government. maybe they'll start a War on Joblessness?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
"You know, I don't care about being a millionaire, I just want a roof over my head, and food in my refrigerator. I don't care if I have a new car, but I sure do want to have a car. I want my money to buy something. I want to know that my kid is going to have a future, other than cannon fodder. And I would fight to the death to insure I always have the freedom to speak my mind and live my life as I see fit. But I honestly don't see any sacrifice going for those things."

Me, too. I'm just not all that optimistic this morning, and I wish I could be.


bigwavedave said:
he and his GOP congress can now look forward to new and innovative ways in spending even more money to grow government. maybe they'll start a War on Joblessness?
Gosh, remember when this used to be the Democratic forte'? Tax and spend liberals?

Now it's cut taxes and keep right on spending! So long as we've got credit we're not broke!

Troke is right. The Republicans of the twenty first century look remarkably like the Democrats of the nineteen thirties and forties.



Membership Revoked
Gunners, seriously, I feel that, barring a major disaster, we're all going to be ok. We're on the road to recovery, and not having a huge legal snit on who really won the election this time will help that. The stock market, in some small form, bore this out today..

Lone Eagle Woman

Veteran Member
And just howwww long do you think we can go on under this ....
Borrow and Spend Mentality until it catches up with us. And
I just wondered what happened to that thought of a Balanced

Sometimes I wonder with all of the Borrow and Spend Mentality,
is that are they ON PURPOSE trying to Break this country?


Lone Eagle Woman said:
And just howwww long do you think we can go on under this ....
Borrow and Spend Mentality
I expect that George W will get tighter with money now that he has been re-elected. I always thought that he was happy to spend in the first term so as not to activate political opposition. The war will continue to require a lot of money but he can always cut social programs except of course, faith based social programs. As usual, as winner, he owes a lot of special interest groups.