CORONA How many of you or your immediate family have the Rona RIGHT NOW? - CURRENTLY *** 333 ***

How many have it?

  • Myself (and/or, or just one that’s not me)

    Votes: 62 9.2%
  • One other

    Votes: 67 9.9%
  • Two others

    Votes: 29 4.3%
  • Three others

    Votes: 12 1.8%
  • Four others

    Votes: 10 1.5%
  • Five others

    Votes: 6 0.9%
  • Six others

    Votes: 3 0.4%
  • Seven others

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Eight others

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Nine others

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ten or more

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Zero- no one in my family has it at the moment

    Votes: 513 75.9%

  • Total voters

Border Collie Dad

Flat Earther
I had a minute

\Dr. Fauci and the New York Times confirmed the PCR tests are too sensitive to be considered worth anything.

Dr. Fauci and the New York Times confirmed the PCR tests are too sensitive to be considered worth anything

Fauci, FDA, WHO All Now Admit False Results From PCR Tests

Took me 30 seconds to search for "Fauci pcr test cycles.


Veteran Member
Was in scam mart this morning and as I checked the clearance aisle lo and behold there was one of those much coveted rapid tests marked down on clearance.


Molon Labe!
Today is Thursday, September 23rd. I'm 'Officially' off of Covid Quarantine today.

Everyone in my home is doing well. I'm trying to wean myself off of the oxygen that I've been strapped to these past few weeks.

I keep thinking about the Spanish Flu of 1918. I am so fortunate to have modern medicine (and Jesus!) to help me and mine through this horrible, horrible health crisis. In other circumstances (born in another country, no insurance etc), most of my family would now be dead. That is a very sobering thought. I feel Blessed!

BFC ><>


Veteran Member
As I said the wife was fighting off a tick bite but a lot of her symptoms mirrored the covid. We had her tested and the results were negative
Fast forward to Monday of this week and I got the chills. Fever at 101
Night sweats
Could not sleep for long. Just toss and turn
And achy. So achy

we were both convinced I got it
Off to doctors. Take the test. Nope I’m clear.
couple prescription drugs.
doc said I was under some type of unnamed 48 hour bug. She had been seeing the same thing presented in other patients

so here I sit. All better on Thursday and feeling much better


Contributing Member
Covid has claimed another. My mother gained her wings last night. She fought hard but at 88 years old your not as strong as you once were. Her wish was to die in the same place my father died. I watched as she took her last breath in comfort the of here own bedroom. She will be missed greatly but I know she will have no pain are sorrows.


Veteran Member
Covid has claimed another. My mother gained her wings last night. She fought hard but at 88 years old your not as strong as you once were. Her wish was to die in the same place my father died. I watched as she took her last breath in comfort the of here own bedroom. She will be missed greatly but I know she will have no pain are sorrows.

I'm so very sorry for your loss.

Kathy in FL

Covid has claimed another. My mother gained her wings last night. She fought hard but at 88 years old your not as strong as you once were. Her wish was to die in the same place my father died. I watched as she took her last breath in comfort the of here own bedroom. She will be missed greatly but I know she will have no pain are sorrows.

May the Good Lord bless you and keep you and help you with your grief. You were what a child is supposed to be ... there with her until the end.

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
Covid has claimed another. My mother gained her wings last night. She fought hard but at 88 years old your not as strong as you once were. Her wish was to die in the same place my father died. I watched as she took her last breath in comfort the of here own bedroom. She will be missed greatly but I know she will have no pain are sorrows.

I am sorry for your loss. I am happy for her that she didn't die alone in a hospital room, denied family visitation. Prayers added for you and your family.



Veteran Member
Just to update from when I first voted me and 2 others. It went through the whole house so 6 if us had it total, we've all recovered, I still don't have consistent smell and taste but it seems to be coming back.

Youngest son tested positive for covid and Influenza B.

I have updated my vote to no one has it.


Veteran Member
Since this thread started, I've wondered about something.

How do you know you have/had Covid?
Oldest and youngest sons had to have tests so they could be off work. Oldest tested positive for covid, youngest tested positive for covid and influenza B. The remaining 4 were not tested. All 6 of us had exact symptoms, except I am the only one to lose taste and smell.


Senior Member
Covid has claimed another. My mother gained her wings last night. She fought hard but at 88 years old your not as strong as you once were. Her wish was to die in the same place my father died. I watched as she took her last breath in comfort the of here own bedroom. She will be missed greatly but I know she will have no pain are sorrows.
So sorry for the loss of your mother. Prayers for comfort and peace.


Veteran Member
Covid has claimed another. My mother gained her wings last night. She fought hard but at 88 years old your not as strong as you once were. Her wish was to die in the same place my father died. I watched as she took her last breath in comfort the of here own bedroom. She will be missed greatly but I know she will have no pain are sorrows.
I am so sorry for your loss. She is home, safe.


Panic Sex Lady
Covid has claimed another. My mother gained her wings last night. She fought hard but at 88 years old your not as strong as you once were. Her wish was to die in the same place my father died. I watched as she took her last breath in comfort the of here own bedroom. She will be missed greatly but I know she will have no pain are sorrows.
I'm glad you were with her.


The Great Cat
May the Good Lord bless you and keep you and help you with your grief. You were what a child is supposed to be ... there with her until the end.

Absolutely! 10 years this month for my Daddy....hardest thing I think I ever did.

I'm so sorry and my prayers are here for you.


TB Fanatic
Covid has claimed another. My mother gained her wings last night. She fought hard but at 88 years old your not as strong as you once were. Her wish was to die in the same place my father died. I watched as she took her last breath in comfort the of here own bedroom. She will be missed greatly but I know she will have no pain are sorrows.
I’m so sorry to hear this. Prayers for you and yours.


Senior Member
sorry to hear of the loss of your mother my prayers to you and your family for comfort and strength.


Veteran Member
Covid has claimed another. My mother gained her wings last night. She fought hard but at 88 years old your not as strong as you once were. Her wish was to die in the same place my father died. I watched as she took her last breath in comfort the of here own bedroom. She will be missed greatly but I know she will have no pain are sorrows.

I am so sorry.


TB Fanatic
Covid has claimed another. My mother gained her wings last night. She fought hard but at 88 years old your not as strong as you once were. Her wish was to die in the same place my father died. I watched as she took her last breath in comfort the of here own bedroom. She will be missed greatly but I know she will have no pain are sorrows.
I’m so so sorry.


Veteran Member
Spoke with a friend yesterday who works in a doc's office. Fairly new acquaintance, so I don't remember if she's a PA, nurse, or what. I was telling her about my "different" runny nose/cough that I referenced above. She said I had the 'ronus. I mentioned the fatigue and before I even finished she was nodding her head. I told her I had tested negative on two different types of tests & she said that didn't mean anything. I had no fever, no aches, none of the other typical symptoms except the fatigue, which is still here to a degree. It's just bizarre the different ways this thing affects people.

This doesn't really change my count since you can't vote higher than I have already done.


I had a minute

\Dr. Fauci and the New York Times confirmed the PCR tests are too sensitive to be considered worth anything.
Took me 30 seconds to search for "Fauci pcr test cycles.

Finally got out of my sick bed. Probably fall into it later. It is a rather up and down bug. Definitely not Covid.

I have been thinking about your post and I realise we are talking about two totally different things. Took me a lot more than 30 secs to write a reply.

I talk about the results of the test. Is virus detected? Yes or No? In 4% of cases the virus is detected (false positive), and it should not have been. In 30% of cases the virus is not detected and it should have been (false negative).

You are arguing about the interpretation of the test.

Getting a positive result forces someone to self-isolate. It is bad for the person mentally, emotionally, economically etc. That person can't go to work, and it affects businesses. And so on. A positive Covid result creates huge number of problems for everyone. You are calling someone who is not infectious a false positive. Not accurate.

Our simple classification of positive / negative result is the problem. We need a 3rd category - positive, but unlikely to be infectious. And that group needs to be tested again and again, to see if their viral load goes up, in which case they should isolate, or not, in which case they are free to go about their daily lives. Calling the 3rd category false positive, is sloppy thinking. Typical of journalists. Well maybe that is a bit harsh. They are probably trying to simplify this incredible complex subject, for their readers. A journalist writes for someone who is 12.

Think of a positive test after 35/40 cycles, as like hearing the outcome of a court case. Has the prosecution secured a conviction or not? The person who walks free from court after a not guilty verdict, could be as innocent as the purest of white snow, or guilty as charge; or anything in between. We don’t know. We just know they were not found guilty. Similarly a positive test after 35/40 cycles, could indicate someone who is not infectious, but it could also indicate someone who is incubating the disease, and will become a super spreader in 2 days time; or anything in between. Essentially what all these articles are saying is that anyone who gets a positive test after 35/ 40 cycles is not likely to spread the disease. That is equivalent to saying that every person found not guilty and walks free from court is as innocent as a new born baby.

A PCR test is mere a snapshot in time. What would be better is to run 3 PCR tests over 12 hours, to see if their viral load is increasing or not. Should they self-isolate, or not. Given the impracticality of that suggestion, society has gone for the simple option, positive test - self-isolate.

Life isn't simple. Most people are looking for simple solutions. Let’s just have 2 genders, when there are in fact multiple genders. Let’s lock criminals up, instead of looking at all the rest of things that can be done to reduce crime. Or let’s ban abortion, and simply ignore the truly horrible things that happen when we do. And so on. Let’s go for the in your face, simple solution, and ignore everything else, despite how many problems it causes everyone. And as someone said here - simple solutions for complex problems rarely work.

No I don't have the "perfect" solution, because there is not one. People create a messy, untidy world, and it is what we have to deal with.

So given the limitations of the situation what should be done? Go back to the 14th century, where they used to nail the doors shut of a victim’s house. Well if the Black Death did not get you, you would starve to death. Or let everyone roam free, and overwhelm the hospitals to such an extent that cancer patients, heart attack, strike, road crash victims, etc. die. Or create a compromise. That very word, indicates an imperfect solution. I know people on this board are looking the in your face, simple, but perfect solution. It does not exist.

India and Brazil are perfect examples of what happens if you don’t do something to control the virus. And even in the UK, it is reckoned that many thousands of people every month will die for the next few years, because they did not get prompt medical treatment.

This is an unprecedented situation. A disease that spreads easily and is killking people at all ages, and leaving many disabled for life. Mom2many post (post 299) will probably never fully recover her sense of smell. Many lose their sense of smell completely, and for an unfortunate few, yes their smell comes back, but all they can smell is sick and poo. Covid affects very part a person's body, and can leave you with damaged organs, brain problems, bone ache etc. And kills them months / years later. Or ir gives them Long Covid. 1 in 40 people. In the USA around 43 million people have had Covid, so there are likley to be at least 800 plus people with long Covid, ie left with a disability.

So true false positives run at around 4%, cases where the virus is detected and it should not have been. In 30% of cases virus is not detected and it should have been(false negative).
What is worrying is about 30% of people who are not identified, is that they are out there spreading the disease. Feeds into the next article.

I did find this article Big Mass. Study Finds You Could Be Symptom-Free But Still Carry High Load Of Coronavirus
That showed you could be symptom free, but still have Covid-19 and be infectious. So more testing required. And it is something that is echoed in most articles.

So let's get back to the article you posted.
Point 1
1. Experts compiled three datasets with officials from the states of Massachusetts, New York and Nevada that conclude: “Up to 90% of the people who tested positive did not carry a virus.”

Finally found an article about this

Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be. (Published 2020)
What they actually said was that the PCR was often identifying people who have/had coronavirus, but were not infectious, so scarce resources were being directed at the walking well. These people still had Covid, but their viral load was so low that they were unlikely to infect anyone else. It did *NOT* show people who tested positive did not have the virus. In fact the researchers recommend, that if someone tests positive at 35/ 40 cycles, then they should have another PCR tests a few hours later, and possibly another one a few hours after that, to see if their viral load goes up and they are infectious. So more testing required. It also talks about testing those who are asymptomatic too.

It is probably true of all the rest of the articles. If you test positive for Covid, you have got Covid. Now whether you are infectious is entirely another question. Whether you should self isolate is another matter.

Point 2
2. The Wadworth Center, a New York State laboratory, analyzed the results of its July tests at the request of the NYT: 794 positive tests with a Ct of 40: “With a Ct threshold of 35, approximately half of these PCR tests would no longer be considered positive,” said the NYT. “And about 70% would no longer be considered positive with a Ct of 30! “

Well if you go back to
Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be. (Published 2020) you find out at the end the numbers were misreported.

It was 872 tests, not 794.
And so on brings number of tests down to 43 percent, BUT..... we do not know how many people were incubating the disease at the time of the test as no 2nd/3rd tests was performed.
It also brings into question the article from which this exert came, as clearly the person who wrote it could not do basic research to find out if they were passing on correct information.

point 3
3. An appeals court in Portugal has ruled that the PCR process is not a reliable test for Sars-Cov-2, and therefore any enforced quarantine based on those test results is unlawful.

This one is simple Covid PCR test reliability doubtful – Portugal judges
Portuguese law says only a doctor can authorise the detention of a person, and as the detention was not authorised by a medical professional, it was illegal, and the German tourists should be released.

Yes the judge did talk about the PCR test. But the main reason the tourists were released, is that their detention was illegal under Portuguese law. The accuracy or otherwise of the PCR test was a secondary consideration.

point 4
4. A new study from the Infectious Diseases Society of America, found that at 25 cycles of amplification, 70% of PCR test “positives” are not “cases” since the virus cannot be cultured, it’s dead. And by 35: 97% of the positives are non-clinical.
back to people have Covid, they are not infectious. So it is about the interpretation of that results. But as the PCR test is merely a snapshot in time, we have no way of knowing, If a positive results indicate someone who is not infectious; someone who is incubating the disease, and will become a super spreader in 2 days time; or anything in between.

Point 5
5. PCR is not testing for disease, it’s testing for a specific RNA pattern and this is the key pivot. When you crank it up to 25, 70% of the positive results are not really “positives” in any clinical sense, since it cannot make you or anyone else sick

Already been through this more than once.

The PCR test was designed to amplify DNA, so in that sense Kary Mullins who is now dead, was right - it was a DNA amplification process, not an infectious disease test. BUT.... it works as one. The material from a swab has its DNA amplified until there is enough material, to say whether, Covid -19 material is there.

If the test finds Covid DNA it is in there. Now why you get false positives(or for that case false negatives) is an extremely complex subject.

Having looked at the FDA press release I am glad to see that you agree with me that there is a high rate of false negatives
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is alerting patients and health care providers of the risk of false results, particularly false negative results, with the Curative SARS-Cov-2 test


Veteran Member
I’m not an emotional man. Prone to hide my feelings
But I read all the losses posted by members of this group and I am litterly moved to tears
Gut renching sorrow
I am so so terribly sorry for all who have lost loved ones

this was hard for me to post