CORONA How many of you or your immediate family have the Rona RIGHT NOW? - CURRENTLY *** 333 ***

How many have it?

  • Myself (and/or, or just one that’s not me)

    Votes: 62 9.2%
  • One other

    Votes: 67 9.9%
  • Two others

    Votes: 29 4.3%
  • Three others

    Votes: 12 1.8%
  • Four others

    Votes: 10 1.5%
  • Five others

    Votes: 6 0.9%
  • Six others

    Votes: 3 0.4%
  • Seven others

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Eight others

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Nine others

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ten or more

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Zero- no one in my family has it at the moment

    Votes: 513 75.9%

  • Total voters


Veteran Member
I STILL am confused. Seems to me, woth or without he jab, you can get sick. With or without the jab, it is very contagious. With or without the jab, you can die. Can someone tell me WHY we HAVE to get the jab?? Maybe I'm real dense, but I just am seeing no benefit. If I get the jab, I WILL get the virus and I could have very adverse reactions. Without the jab, I MAY get the virus and could have very adverse reactions. (side note: I'm fairly sure I have it as I type. Husband did get it and he was jabbed several months ago. I think i now have it from him).
This is just my take on the situation. I think the vax does help things as far as keeping you from getting severe illness. As I said in a prior post, My local hospital system says the # of people admitted for covid has been 85-90% unvax'd and ICU has been 95%+ unvax'd. They consider unvaccinated to include anyone who has not received the single dose J&J or both doses of the Pfizer/Moderna vaccine. People say I shouldn't trust them. Maybe that's true. I understand why people say that since the public has been misled so much.

But there is also a doctor's office in my local area that is very pro FLCCC ( they follow the protocol and even prescribe IVM prophylactically to patients) This doctor's office posts just about every day their numbers and the vast vast majority of folks coming in their doors who are covid positive seeking treatment are unvax'd. I don't think they would have a motive to lie and support the "official narrative" since they are treating people with HCQ and IVM all day long.

I think it's like playing Russian roulette either way you choose. I know a lot of people who have had the vax and (so far) do not appear to be having any problems. But we know a lot of people (exact # is debatable due to all the lying) suffered very bad side effects, even death due to taking the shots. On the other hand, lots of people get covid and make it through just fine, no worse than a bad flu. But then we know there are many others who die or suffer long-haul syndrome. It's all good and well unless you're one of the unlucky ones who die (or have severe health issues) from either covid or the vax. For those of us who are higher risk, it's either play vaccine-roulette or play covid-roulette. Pick your poison.
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Senior Member
Just brought husband into ER 2 hours ago with elevated temperature and severe weakness. He is a chemo patient so I monitor him closely. Covid test came back positive. He will be going on antibiotics and a transfusion. He can stay here or go home. We are opting for home for right now, watching O2 closely.


Senior Member
Just brought husband into ER 2 hours ago with elevated temperature and severe weakness. He is a chemo patient so I monitor him closely. Covid test came back positive. He will be going on antibiotics and a transfusion. He can stay here or go home. We are opting for home for right now, watching O2 closely.
Also started him on the FLCCC protocol. I have canisters of O2 for athletes that I keep on hand for when the O2 SATs go down. Now to take care of myself.
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Veteran Member
Little late now - but I would like to know how many of the 158 - were admitted to the hospital.

And how many were around others in the same house - that didn't get it.

So far those who I knew got it - didn't need hospital care.

Capt. Eddie

Veteran Member
Little late now - but I would like to know how many of the 158 - were admitted to the hospital.

And how many were around others in the same house - that didn't get it.

So far those who I knew got it - didn't need hospital care.
Can't speak to the 158, but of the 8 off my vessel only one went to the hospital.


Well, had to change my vote... DDIL tested positive yesterday, and hubby has the same symptoms (which would make this the THIRD time he's had it!? I wonder if early aggressive treatment is preventing him from developing antibodies?)

DS came over this morning to get a dose of ivermectin... he had a bunch of errands to get done before the contract tracers catch up with him! (He's totally asymptomatic... not sick at this time)
DDIL is very much a proponent of natural healing, and doesn't take meds. I was grateful that she did take the ivermectin I dropped off for her last night... her fever dropped within 2 hours of taking it.

She's up and around... not feeling great, but mostly a bad headache and sinus congestion, plus body aches. Hubby is running a low grade fever, is very fatigued, and has nasty body and joint pain. But he's up doing chores.

So far, I had a sore throat start developing yesterday, which has since resolved. I'd love to get an antibody test! I've been around so many COVID positive people, but haven't ever gotten sick that I know of. It's weird!



Membership Revoked
Well, had to change my vote... DDIL tested positive yesterday, and hubby has the same symptoms (which would make this the THIRD time he's had it!? I wonder if early aggressive treatment is preventing him from developing antibodies?)
(I don't think it works like that.)

DS came over this morning to get a dose of ivermectin... he had a bunch of errands to get done before the contract tracers catch up with him! (He's totally asymptomatic... not sick at this time)

(With the Chinavirus test running up to a 92% false positive rate, I'd bet that instead. Not sick usu= not infected, typically; Typhoid Mary was notable due to being atypical, after all.)


Molon Labe!
I currently have it. I was hospitalized (taken by ambulance) to my local ED (ER) where I was 'admitted' in the unit, transferred to another sister hospital the next day to a Covid Specific Treatment unit.

Me & Mine are not vaccinated. My former life (preauto-immune issues) I was an ED RN. My how things have changed..........

They are definitely triaging ALL Care, all of it. I was sent home because I wasn't "sick enough for our protocol" so they said. My Doc for the day was worried about me, she didn't want to send me home, but, as she said "my hands are tied" as she explained to me what I need to keep an eye out for, specifically referring to me. (multiple auto-immune diagnosis)

My wife is a community based RN as well. She was hospitalized and I didn't think that she would make it. I thought that I was going to lose her. She was coughing up lots of blood. She is home and on the mend, Thank You Jesus!!!

So! Here comes the REALLY FUN PART!

Gov. Brown (Oregon) has issued a 'mandate' that all Medical people, LEO, etc, etc will be FIRED (for NOT taking the vax) about the middle of October. No ability to get unemployment, no nothing-
just total annihilation of people and Families because of one dictator.

I have through my wifes insurance (hospital based) the ability to receive IV infusions every 6 weeks that keeps my gut from bleeding out. Pretty simple. I get the medicine as ordered, and currently paid for.........or, in about 3-4 weeks I just see how things go. It is what it is, and it's EVIL. Pure Evil.

My family sure seems to have hit the "No man may buy or sell" part where they talk about the "Mark of the Beast". I may be premature about all of this, ask me in a couple of months.

Oh, it's a miracle that I'm alive (on oxygen currently) as numerous Doctors (I have 11 of'em) have told me that I would die, should I ever get Covid. I'm still here (waves hand) and still here despite getting CPR on 11/29/2014. I don't think that God's done with me yet. Hope not anyways!

BFC ><>
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Panic Sex Lady
I currently have it. I was hospitalized (taken by ambulance) to my local ED (ER) where I was 'admitted' in the unit, transferred to another sister hospital the next day to a Covid Specific Treatment unit.

Me & Mine are not vaccinated. My former life (preauto-immune issues) I was an ED RN. My how things have changed..........

They are definitely triaging ALL Care, all of it. I was sent home because I wasn't "sick enough for our protocol" so they said. My Doc for the day was worried about me, she didn't want to send me home, but, as she said "my hands are tied" as she explained to me what I need to keep an eye out for, specifically referring to me. (multiple auto-immune diagnosis)

My wife is a community based RN as well. She was hospitalized and I didn't think that she would make it. I thought that I was going to lose her. She was coughing up lots of blood. She is home and on the mend, Thank You Jesus!!!

So! Here comes the REALLY FUN PART!

Gov. Brown (Oregon) has issued a 'mandate' that all Medical people, LEO, etc, etc will be FIRED about the middle of October. No ability to get unemployment, no nothing-
just total annihilation of people and Families because of one dictator.

I have through my wifes insurance (hospital based) the ability to receive IV infusions every 6 weeks that keeps my gut from bleeding out. Pretty simple. I get the medicine as ordered, and currently paid for.........or, in about 3-4 weeks I just see how things go. It is what it is, and it's EVIL. Pure Evil.

My family sure seems to have hit the "No man may buy or sell" part where they talk about the "Mark of the Beast". I may be premature about all of this, ask me in a couple of months.

Oh, it's a miracle that I'm alive (on oxygen currently) as numerous Doctors (I have 11 of'em) have told me that I would die, should I ever get Covid. I'm still here (waves hand) and still here despite getting CPR on 11/29/2014. I don't think that God's done with me yet. Hope not anyways!

BFC ><>
I'm so sorry this is happening to you and your wife!


Veteran Member
My grandson tested positive, He got it at school. No symptoms yet. Our DD probably has it, no test result yet. We keep our grandson on the weekends while she works. He was here last weekend. We are all unvaccinated.
No one in my immediate family has ever had it, from us down to grand kids. Wife and I have never been tested, nor taken shots.

We believe we have a natural immunity since our immune system is likely stronger by living in the woods, litterally eating dirt (example, pull a radish out of the garden, wipe it off on pant leg, eat it) and are around cows. I heard cows have covid, and if around them you will develop a natural immunity. When I go the garden hungry, I do not come out until full. Pull raspberries off the plant, eat them, bugs and all. Same with carrots and raw potatoes, pick-em, eat-em - the hell with washing them.

When we see this covid scare crap in the newspaper, we laugh. When we see some clown out walking alone on a sidewalk with no one else in site, wearing a mask. we laugh. Same with idiots in a car wearing a mask, they are terrified democrat voters.
that was a Kool post and funny too!
Girls and I have O+ and hubby and sons have O-. Hubby is actually a toss up, as I think he is O- but he may be O+. He had a full body blood transfusion at birth as he had the Rh thing.

None of us have had it and we've never quarantined and have been out in public, interacting with 100s in the public and our tenants from the beginning. My brother, his wife, and her daughter had it back early last year but she and her daughter have some kind of autoimmune genetic thing and my brother has three different kinds of arthritis, one of them RA which is also autoimmune. All three have been fine since despite multiple exposures.

My parents are "vaxx'd" with multiple co-morbidities. After being vaxx'd they haven't really done much. I don't know what their blood type is but I suppose I should ask.
If you are O then one OR both of your parents are O too. O is supposed to be be more resistant to covid and A more susceptible.
Both my sons tested positive today. Both high school students. Both seem ok so far, no cough or fever. Both just feel crappy. Wife and I tested negative. But I'm waiting for the shoe to drop on us.

I've got us all on zinc, d3, vitamin c.

A neighbor gave us some hydroxychloroquine and I hope to find a doctor that will prescribe ivermectin. If not I'll head to the feed store I guess.

Its borderline impossible to find a doctors appointment around here right now.
good luck I sincerely hope you can find some. Hurry don't wait. I have 11 tubes in the small fridge. This thread is scaring me and I may look for more as another poster said covid will be with us for years....and eventually we will run out of Ivermectin.
I talked to my brother yesterday. His son has recovered and went back to work. The wife is working from home. The kids breezed through it with no issues. Even the in-laws had no trouble, however it scared my conservative brother into getting the vaccine. Now he's ragging my ass to get one too. I'll stick with the alternative treatment.

I talked to a neighbor yesterday down the street from me and her son got the vaccine, then took a video of holding a magnet on his arm where the needle was administered and go figure, it stuck to his skin. The neighbor is an EMT for our local fire dept and she is diabetic with type 0- blood. No vaccine for her.

We both agreed that the vaccine wasn't designed for Covid, Covid was designed for the vaccine. Something more sinister is going on. Do a search on Klaus Schwab, the man behind the Davos World Economic Forum and reset. He is on video claiming within ten years everyone will be micro-chipped. Imo, the vaccine changes the body so it will accept the chip and not be rejected. I'm thinking imprinted right onto the skin.
I read what you are talking about. SCARY!!! I am just past 70 so won't be around in ten yrs.
I've had a fever for two days. Rough throat. Joint pain. I'm trying to find a cheap cv test. This would be number 2 for me.
do you have Ivermectin? Try to get some.
This is just my take on the situation. I think the vax does help things as far as keeping you from getting severe illness. As I said in a prior post, My local hospital system says the # of people admitted for covid has been 85-90% unvax'd and ICU has been 95%+ unvax'd. They consider unvaccinated to include anyone who has not received the single dose J&J or both doses of the Pfizer/Moderna vaccine. People say I shouldn't trust them. Maybe that's true. I understand why people say that since the public has been misled so much.

But there is also a doctor's office in my local area that is very pro FLCCC ( they follow the protocol and even prescribe IVM prophylactically to patients) This doctor's office posts just about every day their numbers and the vast vast majority of folks coming in their doors who are covid positive seeking treatment are unvax'd. I don't think they would have a motive to lie and support the "official narrative" since they are treating people with HCQ and IVM all day long.

I think it's like playing Russian roulette either way you choose. I know a lot of people who have had the vax and (so far) do not appear to be having any problems. But we know a lot of people (exact # is debatable due to all the lying) suffered very bad side effects, even death due to taking the shots. On the other hand, lots of people get covid and make it through just fine, no worse than a bad flu. But then we know there are many others who die or suffer long-haul syndrome. It's all good and well unless you're one of the unlucky ones who die (or have severe health issues) from either covid or the vax. For those of us who are higher risk, it's either play vaccine-roulette or play covid-roulette. Pick your poison.
I agree.

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
Still don't have it. It ripped thru our place back when DC was still saying it was nothing to worry about and berating President Trump for shutting down international flights from China. It was a nasty little bug, but we've survived worse. It did take a few weeks to shake it for good.

We're good with acquired immunity. No worries.


GoGo Gadget Doom
Not a medical professional, but heard a nurse say this (not verbatim)

Covid - and in some cases, the 'vaccine' - exacerbate already existing inflammation.

So if you already have lung issues, you're going to get hit hard by it.
If you have arthritis, you'll get bad body pain.

She was saying that this is why it affects some way worse than others.

idk if she's right.


In the crazy robot man reservation
Not a medical professional, but heard a nurse say this (not verbatim)

Covid - and in some cases, the 'vaccine' - exacerbate already existing inflammation.

So if you already have lung issues, you're going to get hit hard by it.
If you have arthritis, you'll get bad body pain.

She was saying that this is why it affects some way worse than others.

idk if she's right.

Makes a lot of sense to me with what a close family member is still battling since their second Moderna injection 5 months ago.

Jeff B.

Don’t let the Piss Ants get you down…
Started feeling bad on Monday. Self treated with the usual stuff. Made appt on Wednesday for Friday. Did virtual, Doc had me come in and get parking lot tested for Flu, Strep, The ‘Rona.

On the way home they called, Flu A. Tamiflu prescribed, then get notice from Walgreens that they’re out. Of course this is at 8:30 PM. Was lucky that HQ6 had two left from a previous bout. I’ve started treating and have to get with the pharmacy about what they’re gonna do about stock.

So, the Flu is here. Wonderful.

Jeff B.


Veteran Member
Not a medical professional, but heard a nurse say this (not verbatim)

Covid - and in some cases, the 'vaccine' - exacerbate already existing inflammation.

So if you already have lung issues, you're going to get hit hard by it.
If you have arthritis, you'll get bad body pain.

She was saying that this is why it affects some way worse than others.

idk if she's right.

If this was the video of the MRI imaging nurse then I heard this too. My daughter and her husband family believe this is true. My son-in-law has a lot of neck and head problems, headaches all the time and he had mostly headaches and dizzy and upper respiratory symptoms. My 3-year-old granddaughter has had a lot of stomach issues her whole life and she had more of a stomach problem and diarrhea. My son-in-law's dad has COPD and he had more of breathing problems and coughing. There could be a connection. Also, we had our internet service upgraded and the man who came told me his mother died from covid in Jan. I asked if she had other medical problems and he said yes several but it was asthma that got her.


Not a medical professional, but heard a nurse say this (not verbatim)

Covid - and in some cases, the 'vaccine' - exacerbate already existing inflammation.

So if you already have lung issues, you're going to get hit hard by it.
If you have arthritis, you'll get bad body pain.

She was saying that this is why it affects some way worse than others.

idk if she's right.
She's absolutely right. Hubby's main complaint this time (he just lost his sense of taste this morning, so it's definitely COVID) is severe spine and joint pain.

DDIL (who is extremely medicine adverse) voluntarily took her second dose of ivermectin... she said she was very skeptical the wormer they use on sheep could possibly work on a virus! But she felt so much better within 2 hours of her first dose, her only question now ism "do we have enough ivermectin?" LOL!



GoGo Gadget Doom
She's absolutely right. Hubby's main complaint this time (he just lost his sense of taste this morning, so it's definitely COVID) is severe spine and joint pain.

DDIL (who is extremely medicine adverse) voluntarily took her second dose of ivermectin... she said she was very skeptical the wormer they use on sheep could possibly work on a virus! But she felt so much better within 2 hours of her first dose, her only question now ism "do we have enough ivermectin?" LOL!


Is the 'horse paste' (in pill form) something that regular, non-farming people can get, or has it been locked down? Apologies if this info is elsewhere. I've not looked around in a while. Would like to keep some around, just in case, if at all possible.


Is the 'horse paste' (in pill form) something that regular, non-farming people can get, or has it been locked down? Apologies if this info is elsewhere. I've not looked around in a while. Would like to keep some around, just in case, if at all possible.
I thinks it's still available, but getting very hard to find, and most places are price gouging. Pills are prescription only, unless you order from alldaychemist or another online pharnacy. Paste or injectable work, but if you want some, it's getting very late.

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Started feeling bad on Monday. Self treated with the usual stuff. Made appt on Wednesday for Friday. Did virtual, Doc had me come in and get parking lot tested for Flu, Strep, The ‘Rona.

On the way home they called, Flu A. Tamiflu prescribed, then get notice from Walgreens that they’re out. Of course this is at 8:30 PM. Was lucky that HQ6 had two left from a previous bout. I’ve started treating and have to get with the pharmacy about what they’re gonna do about stock.

So, the Flu is here. Wonderful.

Jeff B.
The flu is a virus too. I read that Ivermectin will help that too.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Boss wouldn't be surprised if you had one of the asymptomatic infections and now have acquired immunity from the bug.
From your lips to God’s ears.

My ADC order of 60 of the 12mg pills is on the way ($108 + $20 shipping). I have no idea if that’s a good price or not. Also have one tube of paste. Ordered 6 two weeks later, but by then it was unobtanium.

school marm

Veteran Member
DD left here one week ago to start her final year of college. I sent her off with IVM and all the recommended supplements, but without instructions. I wanted her to call me if she started noticing any symptoms. She called this morning--she lost her sense of taste, but otherwise feels mostly fine. I say mostly because she still has a bit of the cold that has been making the rounds in the family. She started on the early treatment protocol after hanging up and will not go to get tested. In this family, only DH is vaxxed. 2 DSs and 3 DDs and I are not jabbed.


Resident Spook
I have been kinda keeping an eye on this thread. The problem I have with it is that it is kinda like CDC numbers. The infected gets listed but never dropped off for the recovered. You would really need a daily poll and then track the numbers.

Jeff B.

Don’t let the Piss Ants get you down…
Started feeling bad on Monday. Self treated with the usual stuff. Made appt on Wednesday for Friday. Did virtual, Doc had me come in and get parking lot tested for Flu, Strep, The ‘Rona.

On the way home they called, Flu A. Tamiflu prescribed, then get notice from Walgreens that they’re out. Of course this is at 8:30 PM. Was lucky that HQ6 had two left from a previous bout. I’ve started treating and have to get with the pharmacy about what they’re gonna do about stock.

So, the Flu is here. Wonderful.

Jeff B.

Update, feeling OK. I want the chest congestion to clear up. I’m thinking the Tamiflu has had a hand in things.

Given how early this seems to be getting around, I’d consider the flu shot…

Jeff B.


DD left here one week ago to start her final year of college. I sent her off with IVM and all the recommended supplements, but without instructions. I wanted her to call me if she started noticing any symptoms. She called this morning--she lost her sense of taste, but otherwise feels mostly fine. I say mostly because she still has a bit of the cold that has been making the rounds in the family. She started on the early treatment protocol after hanging up and will not go to get tested. In this family, only DH is vaxxed. 2 DSs and 3 DDs and I are not jabbed.

Just so you are aware- a lot of people who get Covid have cold like symptoms. I have 2 friends who came out to Vegas from Houston. About 2 days after going home the wife tested positive. She has more flu like symptoms with harsh cough, headache, and congestion. On several meds including Ivermectin. Husband tested negative. A few days later he thought he just had a cold or sinus infection and sure enough he tested positive. It's possible you could all actually have Covid but very mild symptoms.