EBOLA Help. It's been the end of the world since I joined TB2K ~'98. Could EBOLA be a hoax or no


Veteran Member
I'm serious. I've seen the multiple vids showing Duncan and others all in green shirts. The guy in the vid in Africa walking away holding cash, and in the same vid a guy and child proven to be acting. The lack of bloody bodies / otherwise healthy-looking victims. Could it be a ruse to vaccinate everyone?

COULD this be a hoax? After all these years I feel like I'm now a victim of the "boy who cried wolf" syndrome. I don't know whether to panic and take action or not. I'm just numb. Panic is never a good thing, but you all know what I mean. I don't trust anything anymore...and I believe for good reason.

I rarely post. I prefer to stay somewhat "grey". I really need help with this thing.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Something is killing people in Africa and here. That's real enough for me. But, to be honest I've wondered the same thing.


I give up.
Don't feel bad; I'm sure we all feel the same.

In the absence of real truth, you have to at least consider every angle.


Veteran Member
Every several decades, some virus which humans have no immunity to "jumps the species barrier". That seems to be the case here, due to Africans eating "bush meat". Eating monkeys and bats seems to be the culprit.

I feel we're in the early stages of this. Unless we "seal the border", we're fuc?ed.

That bit about needing to keep flights to West Africa to avoid collapse there is BS which the elites shovel on us to protect their "open borders" NWO/UN agenda. We can send stuff in; what needs to be controlled is what comes out!


Veteran Member
Who benefits from downplaying the threat?

Who benefits from overreaction?

Obama benefits from overreaction because it takes all eyes off of his lack of leadership dealing with ISIS. People aren't tuned into ISIS as it's some place else not here. Ebola is here. the media is also playing a role in the overreaction as well. They want to be the first to tell a story. How much is true and how much is flase we will never know. Remember the black hole that goobled up the airliner that CNN just couldn't let go? Same difference. Ebola could be a test run for things to come. JMHO.

Who benefits from downplaying? Again Obama. He certainly doesn't want mass hysteria - or maybe he does. Call martial law and lock down everyone. That's why we prepare for these things. I really do have Ed Yourdon to thank even thought Y2K wasn't the disaster it was purported to be. IMHO, it was a lesson on being prepared. I didn't lose anything but gained a whole lot of knowledge in the mean time. My son is a prepper and his wife just got on board. Thankful for that.


Leska Emerald Adams
Y2K didn't kill us. Mad Cow did not kill us. Jihaters killed some of us and will kill more. Bird flu didn't kill us. The Depression didn't kill us. The world is getting stupider very fast; the droughts are increasing; the forests and greenery are disappearing, but man muddles on. Don't panic about Ebola, just watch and get some sensible preps that you will be very glad to have for colds and flu. Why does Ebola grab our attention? Because Ebola is one of the most virulent lethal pathogens on Earth, and TPTB are so imbecilic one has to wonder if there is another motivation at work.


Contributing Member
I saw the videos with the actors. It seems quite possible that whoever was reporting thought, "I'm not going anywhere near where there's Ebola. I know! I'll pay some guys to act like they're sick." It doesn't make the outbreak less real. It just exposes the media for the lazy spawns that they are.

My take is that people really are dying in Africa, probably from Ebola. Is Ebola here? Most likely. Is it as deadly as in Africa? Probably about the same - deadliest for health care workers and then for family who care for the sick. I don't believe it will be as bad as in Africa, but I could very well be wrong.

Are there some sociopathic megalomaniacs out there that will use this for their advantage. Probably, but what's new about that?

Steps I've taken: Shorn up our supplies as much as I can, which isn't very much. Take long walks and enjoy the autumn before the snow falls. Praise God for this life and ask him to shelter us all under his wings. That's about all I can think to do.

I'll say this thought. It's a very interesting time to be alive, and we're graced to have the opportunity to prepare and more importantly to spend time with loved ones. That doesn't happen that often with disasters.


Veteran Member
I'm serious. I've seen the multiple vids showing Duncan and others all in green shirts. The guy in the vid in Africa walking away holding cash, and in the same vid a guy and child proven to be acting. The lack of bloody bodies / otherwise healthy-looking victims. Could it be a ruse to vaccinate everyone?

COULD this be a hoax?


Low Probability of Hoax something comunicable is killing lots of people in West Africa and it has been imported here with .gov assistance



Has No Life - Lives on TB
No possibility of hoax. As awful as those suits are to we are in west africa, nobody would do it for long without substantial compensation. Reports are that they're constantly the verge of going on strike....

The pictures are severely sanitized, even 'alternative media' are not showing you the really gross ones.


Since 2001
Something is killing people in Africa and here. That's real enough for me. But, to be honest I've wondered the same thing.

I think this is an extremely critical observation. "Something" is killing these people. There may, however, not be one thing.

It may not be ebola; the tests done (when they've been done) are inaccurate and therefore of no/little/tiny value.

The deaths may be caused by a whole host of negative issues; the type that are almost rampant in almost all of Africa all the time and that are especially bad from time to time as these things get. Bad water, vaccines, awful nutrition, effects of war, lack of even basic education, poisons in the land and food crops, awful 'medical' care, etc, etc.

These might help your thought processes along the lines of "Something is killing these people in Africa and here.":


: Let’s face it; a whole lot of people would believe three cows bumping into each other in a field was an epidemic, if they were told it was.

If tomorrow, the CDC came out with the pronouncement that the moon was a giant virus, many people would hide in their cellars.

Conversely, Brian Williams could call people dropping like flies in Times Square the result of one tainted hot dog in Des Moines, and viewers would find a way to buy it.

For years, the CDC trumpeted the yearly death toll from flu, in the US, as 36,000, and no one blinked or trembled. Not a problem. Why? Because no one in charge said: “epidemic.”

The World Health Organization (WHO) claims that, globally, there are between 3 and 5 million cases of ordinary flu every year, and between 250,000 and 500,000 people die. Ho-hum. Pass the salt. Again, no one says “epidemic.”

But in the spring of 2009, with just 20 cases of Swine Flu on the books, WHO declared a level-6 pandemic, its highest danger category. And people started buying bottled water and canned goods.

Of course, to make that pronouncement, WHO had to change its definition of pandemic. Widespread death and severe debilitation were no longer required.

Around the world, public health agencies are trained to call every epidemic the result of a germ. That’s standard. To which people reply, “Well, of course. What else could it be?”

Take Pellagra. In the first half of the 20th century, in the US, there were three million cases. 100,000 people died. Researchers at health agencies insisted there had to be germ at the bottom of it. They looked and looked and looked.

Meanwhile, other researchers found out Pellagra was mainly a deficiency of niacin. They were pushed into the background. A bunch of whackos. Pay no attention to them.

Finally, after 100,000 deaths, most of which were unnecessary, the “experts” grudgingly admitted, “Yes, it’s niacin.”

Fifty years ago, there was a massive outbreak of a nervous-system disorder in Japan. It was called SMON (subacute myelo-optic neuropathy). Tens of thousands of cases, many deaths. People were in an uproar.

Researchers were told to look for a virus. So they did. And did. And did. It had to be a virus.

Against much opposition, a small group of investigators and lawyers publicly proposed a different answer. SMON, was the result of a drug Ciba-Geigy was selling to alleviate gastrointestinal distress. The drug was Clioquinol.

Exposed in court, Ciba paid out large $$ damages.

It wasn’t a virus. Even though everybody thought it was. Knew it was.

Ah, but you see, an “epidemic” caused by a nutrient deficiency or a medical drug doesn’t sell enough fear.

Doesn’t invoke the need for medicines and vaccines. It’s a non-starter for Pharma. Ahem…especially when a medical drug actually causes the “outbreak.”

Even worse, suppose “the one epidemic with the one cause” isn’t one thing at all. Suppose a variety of dying and death, from different causes, is welded together and flown under a single banner and called AIDS or SARS or Ebola.

This really cuts across the grain of the mental and emotional programming of most humans—because humans are solidly addicted to The One Answer.

They want The One Thing. They want it badly.

Whether it’s horribly terrible or exceedingly wonderful, most people want The One Thing—to raise them up or terrify them.

And if they can’t get it, they go bonkers or they stand in place with their wheels spinning and wait for someone in charge to hand them The Oneness.

It has always been so. Life on Earth has often come down to “their One Thing vs. our One Thing.”

Plato, the godfather of Western philosophy, found his One Thing in a sunlit super-realm where every Earthly object and idea stood in neat rows, raised to perfected and final form.

In order to back up his One Thing, Plato found he needed to promote a political State whose leaders were tuned to this Realm Above. The resultant fascist dictatorship was the ideal shape of government.

Selling a demented version of Unity has been job-one for every leader down through history.

Retired propaganda operative Ellis Medavoy (pseudonym) once told me, “If you can’t embrace the diabolical nature of selling Oneness, don’t go into my field. You’re not equipped.”

Which brings me to my collection The Matrix Revealed. After interviewing Ellis dozens of times, I was motivated to put the collection together, because he and other former insiders were showing me how, at every level, in every field, the Matrix was constantly being assembled, arranged, added to, in order to mesh with certain tendencies of the human mind.

“Lock and key,” as Ellis put it.

This was a form of mind control that went far deeper than anything I’d discovered in my research on the CIA’s MKULTRA program...."

And another recent article by the same researcher:


" Some readers, who haven’t been reading all my Ebola articles (archived here), will respond by saying, “If it isn’t Ebola, then what is it?

The flaw in that question is the use of the word “it,” which suggests that whatever is making people sick and killing them is one thing.

This is the same flaw present in AIDS, West Nile, SARS, bird flu, Swine Flu. The assumption that one germ is responsible, in each “epidemic,” is false.

The illness and death occurred for many different reasons—and the medical trick involved is pretending a single virus connected all these disparate people together.

In other words: hoax.

People gravitate to single causes, single explanations, single symbols in every area of life, and they don’t penetrate further.

This is an aspect of the Matrix.

False unities are the meat and potatoes of very high-level propaganda. They are launched in politics, economics, medicine, organized religion, science, psychology, the military, mind control, in all the academic disciplines.

As an analogy, consider a painting in which the three-dimensional perspective has been radically shortened to eliminate the background. But the background is really where all the action is. The foreground is the false Oneness.

Grasping all of this allowed me to go further than I thought possible in my work as an investigative reporter. My method of investigation altered radically, and I hit paydirt.

The Matrix is a multi-layered, multi-dimensional operation, seeded with delusions that collaborate with the subconscious tendency to buy those delusions.

Your freedom and full power emerge when the subconscious is made conscious. "


Neither here nor there.
Something is killing people in Africa and here. That's real enough for me. But, to be honest I've wondered the same thing.

I suspect what we are seeing are a couple of different hemorrhagic virii out in the wild, we know that Marburg is in Uganda and other countries, we've been told that several people here that have died in the states didn't have ebola but they didn't say what they died from. Could it have possibly have been Marburg instead? I doubt we'll ever really know cause I don't think the docs and stuff really know.


Neither here nor there.
I saw the videos with the actors. It seems quite possible that whoever was reporting thought, "I'm not going anywhere near where there's Ebola. I know! I'll pay some guys to act like they're sick." It doesn't make the outbreak less real. It just exposes the media for the lazy spawns that they are.

My take is that people really are dying in Africa, probably from Ebola. Is Ebola here? Most likely. Is it as deadly as in Africa? Probably about the same - deadliest for health care workers and then for family who care for the sick. I don't believe it will be as bad as in Africa, but I could very well be wrong.

which would explain some of the sloppy safety practices in the videos, the tv crews and reporters are too damned scared to go into the hot zone so they created a fake hot zone. It also explains why dr. nancy snyderman thought it was ok to go out to an eatery for soup even though she was under supposed voluntary quarantine, she was never in the hot zone to begin with.

I think they are playing down the real fatality numbers.


Our church has congregations in Liberia. Some of them have lost people to ebola. So I don't think the epidemic is a fake.

The way our ".gov" has responded has me wondering whether any one entity can be so inept without intending to be. And I get the impression that there is a lot of deliberate disinformation being given out.


We have been lied to by our govt so many times that people just can't believe them. But something about the way they are not showing real fear over this Ebola situation scares me a little. Something smell fishy! The sheeple are really slow to waking up on this one. I wander if their numb to all of these crisis that the media bombards us with?


Senior Member
The degree of Doom has never been accurate, not once. But even a broken clock gets it right every now and then.


Contributing Member
which would explain some of the sloppy safety practices in the videos, the tv crews and reporters are too damned scared to go into the hot zone so they created a fake hot zone. It also explains why dr. nancy snyderman thought it was ok to go out to an eatery for soup even though she was under supposed voluntary quarantine, she was never in the hot zone to begin with.

I think they are playing down the real fatality numbers.

I'd be curious to know if the cameraman who got Ebola was before or after the fake news clips. That might explain why they decided it's better to fake the interviews.


Contributing Member
I'm not sure who said it, but it made sense when I heard "end of times doesn't mean the end of humanity, it means end of times as we know it." I can still remember having to read the novel 1984 and thinking if that ever comes true, we're all screwed!


Since 2001
We have been lied to by our govt so many times that people just can't believe them. But something about the way they are not showing real fear over this Ebola situation scares me a little. Something smell fishy! The sheeple are really slow to waking up on this one. I wander if their numb to all of these crisis that the media bombards us with?

SO, here's what I get from your comment.

1. People can't believe the government because they lie. Therefore we can't act on what the government does.

2. The government is not showing real fear, so their action is reason for me to fear. Therefore we can act on what the government does.

What is it?

How hard can it be to ignore what they say and do?


paradigm shaper
no matter how bad you want it to not be real it is

i've pinched myself at least 5 times

and i'm still awake


I'm serious. I've seen the multiple vids showing Duncan and others all in green shirts. The guy in the vid in Africa walking away holding cash, and in the same vid a guy and child proven to be acting. The lack of bloody bodies / otherwise healthy-looking victims. Could it be a ruse to vaccinate everyone?

COULD this be a hoax? After all these years I feel like I'm now a victim of the "boy who cried wolf" syndrome. I don't know whether to panic and take action or not. I'm just numb. Panic is never a good thing, but you all know what I mean. I don't trust anything anymore...and I believe for good reason.

I rarely post. I prefer to stay somewhat "grey". I really need help with this thing.

Maybe you are using a clock to detect when the world will end. And you need something like a calendar.

IOW, this is the end of our civilization, it's just taking a lot more time. As it should. Rome did not go bust in 10 or even really 100 years. It was a slow slow rot.

IMO, we are all riding an arrow. And we keep getting pushed out more towards the point.

I hope you would agree that these crises are getting closer and closer together. And many of them would have been laughed at years ago.

One more thing. I take great exception that Y2K was a nothing event. We will never know the money price we paid to get through that.


Veteran Member
I believe if something is going to be a true pandemic, it will spread like wildfire all over the earth simultaneously. We won't be on tb discussing how bad it will become. Is this a precursor to something more virulent and destructive? I'm going to guess in the affirmative. Tptb are furiously working on it.

Night Owl

Veteran Member
Who benefits from downplaying the threat?

Who benefits from overreaction?

Who benefits in War?
Who benefits if the Stock Market crashes or any catastrophe?
benefit in every scenario .....you just have to wait until the next shoe drops to find out whom.
but remember never let a good crisis go to waste ;).


Veteran Member
Something is killing people in Africa and here. That's real enough for me. But, to be honest I've wondered the same thing.

Are you in Africa???
AFAIC if it's not personal experience, it's unconfirmed rumor.

I'm with you op...




Has No Life - Lives on TB
I don't think it's a hoax because many ARE dying in Africa and it looks like the gov is doing almost everything in it's secretive power to send "Party Invitations" without making it look like it. This "Good Crisis" is too good to be true and believe me they won't let it go to waste!!!!

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
I don't think it's a hoax because many ARE dying in Africa and it looks like the gov is doing almost everything in it's secretive power to send "Party Invitations" without making it look like it. This "Good Crisis" is too good to be true and believe me they won't let it go to waste!!!!

But dying in Africa FROM WHAT? Ebola? Marburg? Swine? Maybe it was from vaccines?

Are we sure they just started "up and dying" in Africa recently, or have they been dying from some virus for some time but TPTB told the media they had to report this NOW as an epidemic? And why now?

Too many questions, not enough answers.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
COULD this be a hoax? After all these years I feel like I'm now a victim of the "boy who cried wolf" syndrome. I don't know whether to panic and take action or not. I'm just numb. Panic is never a good thing, but you all know what I mean. I don't trust anything anymore...and I believe for good reason.

You may not have heard of some of these virus.
Nipah virus, Hendra, SARS, Marburg Hemorrhagic fever, MERS, Ebola.

Most have all had large outbreaks (couple hundred people dead in most cases) in the past 15 to 20 years.
Fatality rates 40% to 60% without western medicine to support.

I think they caught SARS just in time as they had multiple super carriers.

One of these days, like the 1918 Influenza, one of these virus' is going to go pandemic.

The difference with Ebola for the USA is: Travel restrictions would have significantly reduced the current mess.

Some other nasty virus from the recent past: H1N1, H5N1, H7N9..


Panic Sex Lady
It's getting colder every day. I just want to know if I can crawl back into my flannel panties or should I remain alert for doom in body paint?

Panic Sex Lady fidgets ...


Contributing Member
These are my thoughts on the subject:

If it's real - this will be very bad....mainly because I believe it has mutated from the ebola of the past, with the help from the ones behind the black curtain

If it is not real - still bad.....it will be used as the scape goat for something else they unleash or the perception of it being real will green light their plans in motion

Either way, I believe this well may be "The Event". There are simply too many ways they can use this in their favor.

But, God is in control and we have to maintain our faith, as the end of the story has already been written and we are watching the final acts unfold.

I pray I will maintain my faith when it comes to my children.....their welfare is my greatest concern.
"... It's been the end of the world since I joined TB2K ~'98. Could EBOLA be a hoax or no..." (post #1)

Stay tuned...it'll likely just get worse and worse...:rolleyes:

Kris Gandillon

The Other Curmudgeon
I'm serious. I've seen the multiple vids showing Duncan and others all in green shirts. The guy in the vid in Africa walking away holding cash, and in the same vid a guy and child proven to be acting. The lack of bloody bodies / otherwise healthy-looking victims. Could it be a ruse to vaccinate everyone?

COULD this be a hoax? After all these years I feel like I'm now a victim of the "boy who cried wolf" syndrome. I don't know whether to panic and take action or not. I'm just numb. Panic is never a good thing, but you all know what I mean. I don't trust anything anymore...and I believe for good reason.

I rarely post. I prefer to stay somewhat "grey". I really need help with this thing.

Tell you what...we do indeed have a few doubters, AND volunteers are desperately needed to assist with whatever this is that is going on in West Africa, so if we bought you a roundtrip ticket to Monrovia, Liberia, would you (or a handful of others that believe "things are not as they seem") go and be our TB2K boots-on-the-ground for say, 3 to 6 months and report back on whether it is a hoax or not?

This *IS* one "event" that is here and now that we aren't waiting to see if it happens or not. We're just waiting to see if it burns out or how bad will it get.

Ben Sunday

Not a hoax and very possibly the real deal. Or not - and that is where we stop and wonder out loud.

NOT discounting, minimizing or naysaying. However I believe that several problems are working against ordinary folks.

1) Widespread lack of trust, belief, etc in miedical officialdom. The CDC may as well be the Mickey Mouse Club in terms of public acceptance and belief.

2) The countless false alarms and unfounded reports, while well intentioned, have apparently set up a feeding frenzy of anxiety, fear and doomer level concern. Most of the public is ill equipped to discern or maybe even understand. Meanwhile, the fear builds.

In my opinion, folks must keep any eye and ear on credible sources of information. The ostrich complex in this case could be dangerous.

There is, in my opinion, a chance it could end up similar to the 1976 Swine Flu episode or the SARS and selected Flu waves over the years. Not much.

Stay informed. Don't be reckless out in public. Watch the hand washing, coughing and sneezing awareness, etc. I would stay away from large vrowds such as sports stadiums and perhaps movie theaters for a while.

Oh, one more item. At the very least, hope for the best.


Senior Member
I have been watching this Ebola outbreak since last winter on another forum..while it appears to the average westerner to have come out of no where and all of a sudden be mass hysteria, it's actually followed pretty classic viral spread patterns within the affected countries. And yes, the same issues you raise we're raised by doubting members of those countries. Given the spread, the outlooks of several mathematical models, I began topping off my preps a few months ago. Now, I didn't prep for Y2K, I worked for a major power company at the time and knew the boatloads of $$ we had spent changing over controls, etc. I flew right after 9-11, I watched but didn't freak over SARS....this does have me watching closely and thinking through what I would do scenarios.

Look, is it POSSIBLE that this is some elaborate hoax by the tptb? Possible, I concede yes....but I do not think its PROBABLE. The odds are much higher (I'm talking 98%+) that its really a virus...one that over 30+ years has mutated to adapt more to its secondary hosts(humans) and that has spread due to poor controls, bad infection control practices and aided by our system of international air travel with open borders versus the minute possibility that ALL the major governments are coordinating a hoax in which they simultaneously hire and hide actors to pretend to be sick and dying in a bid to grab more power. Lets face it, governments don't care that much for thier people, it's much more likely people really are dying

Ultimately, you are free to choose whatever you wish to believe. However, as I tell my children, you are not free from the consequences of that choice. The consequence of disbelieving that Ebola is actually real, has made it to our country and has the POSSIBILITY of spreading is a high one, up to and including death possibly...so while I am not in my (non existent) bunker with a gas mask on, I am watching this situation closely.


Each wave of Ebola has been worse than the last, like waves on the shore as the tide comes in. Will this wave be the one that rolls over us? I don't know, but the fact that we expect stuff to happen fast - like everything we want these days, doesn't mean it will. Ebola is following it's own schedule, it doesn't give a carp about us.
Just because we have a limited capacity to panic over something before we get bored, doesn't mean we should start looking for excuses to forget or downplay Ebola.
Just sayin.


The threat seems real enough.

But I'm waiting for the day when the media suddenly stops talking about it like it usually does in the crisis of the moment. I wonder what will take it's place?

Jubilation T. Cornpone

Veteran Member
Y2K didn't kill us. Mad Cow did not kill us. Jihaters killed some of us and will kill more. Bird flu didn't kill us. The Depression didn't kill us. The world is getting stupider very fast; the droughts are increasing; the forests and greenery are disappearing, but man muddles on. Don't panic about Ebola, just watch and get some sensible preps that you will be very glad to have for colds and flu. Why does Ebola grab our attention? Because Ebola is one of the most virulent lethal pathogens on Earth, and TPTB are so imbecilic one has to wonder if there is another motivation at work.

Been waiting for the black helicopters for 20 years now.
I'm SURE I'm on a red, green, or blue list. What's the holdup?
My parents lived through REALLY hard times.
The Depression, World War II....
My grandparents too! The Spanish flu epidemic which was
the REAL deal, World War I....

Most, if not ALL, of what we have been worrying about
and wringing our hands about for the past two decades,
has been MOUNTAINS created out of molehills.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,
and always will be.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Look, is it POSSIBLE that this is some elaborate hoax by the tptb? Possible, I concede yes....but I do not think its PROBABLE. The odds are much higher (I'm talking 98%+) that its really a virus...one that over 30+ years has mutated to adapt more to its secondary hosts(humans) and that has spread due to poor controls, bad infection control practices and aided by our system of international air travel with open borders versus the minute possibility that ALL the major governments are coordinating a hoax in which they simultaneously hire and hide actors to pretend to be sick and dying in a bid to grab more power. Lets face it, governments don't care that much for thier people, it's much more likely people really are dying.

momengineer - this is exactly what I think (and the meaning of my short response to the OP). The bold, is something that has really bothered me about all the "expert's" statements. They were stuck in "this is the way it's always been before" land... when the situation was clearly NOT the way it's always been before. And the usual response by people who know how to solve problems, is to start by asking: what don't we know?

If you don't even KNOW what you don't know... you can NOT claim that you have everything under control; nothing to see here; ebola won't come here.

But it's no longer PC to question those with titles and who sit in fancy offices. This particular aspect of the situation, does leave open that one little possibility that TPTB tried to perpetrate a false crisis... and this one got away from them. The plan backfired and is now threatening to disgrace them (for lack of sanity & common sense & simple caring for the well-being of the country -- you know: that national security thing that's so damned important they can trample the constitution as a means to an end?) and could very well be the "last straw"... with secondary impacts that completely change the survivor's way of life.

The chances this is a hoax (given all the other similar types of crappening lately) are extremely low.