OP-ED Gutfeld on the Democrats’ failing 2020 message

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Gutfeld on the Democrats’ failing 2020 message
Greg Gutfeld
2-3 minutes

We're 18 months away and the Republicans already have their presidential nominee – President Trump.

The Democrats? They’re narrowing their choices down from what a Republican operative called one big socialist organism with 22 heads. Which assumes some of these people actually have heads.

The Democratic Party response? They say that every time they try to help the underdog, they’re criticized for advocating socialism.

But actually, socialism is all about creating underdogs.

The Dems have all the ends and none of the means – promising lots of toys from Santa without ever trying to build a workshop.

Which is why at the end of every false promise the Democrats always say we need to soak the rich with big tax increases – until there are no rich people left. Except for their rich friends, of course.

And it never works. Because even in a free market, you can’t bankroll a left-wing money pit. Venezuela was rich once upon a time.

But will this next election be another clash between Republicans and Democrats – or not?

Panic hasn't hit the Dems yet, because they haven't learned a damn thing from 2016.

The lessons are clear.

The healthiest, widest swath of America hates politicians and the media that select them. It’s a healthy perspective, for it opens the door to candidates who don't fit into boxes, or change their accent, or fake phony cadences.

The Dems, when you think about it, could use someone like Donald Trump.

But that’s a political phenomenon born from exhaustion. America got sick of the game.

So if the old politician was the bubblegum rock of the '70s, Trump was the punk rocker who cleared the field.

Will the Dems find their Ramones? Their Johnny Rotten?

Don't ask the Dems. They haven't the slightest clue.

Adapted from Greg Gutfeld’s monologue on “The Five” on May 14, 2019.




Let's Go Brandon!
"Failing" message? Do they actually have a message beyond "Orange Man Bad" and "Here's More Free Stuff"? That's not a message; that's a combination of threats and bribery.


passin' thru
My fear is they have no message because they have other plans for acquisition of power.

As per Greg, he often seems a journalistic lightweight, but I IRC, he was the first to interview
Trump...and is tight with Dana Perino from Bush's whitehouse, and was close to breightbart...

I think he's got more knowledge, power and access to influencers than his demeanor might suggest. Jmoo

Illini Warrior

Illini Warrior
the fund raisers that have been held are all one single dimension - no real message or platform - "**** Trump" "Impeach Trump" "We got cheated" "Trump is a ______"


Let's Go Brandon!
the fund raisers that have been held are all one single dimension - no real message or platform - "**** Trump" "Impeach Trump" "We got cheated" "Trump is a ______"

They're certainly speaking to their base, but is their base enough to carry an election? Considering the #walkaway movement, that base isn't as big as it once was, cheating and illegals notwithstanding.


TB Fanatic
They don’t need a message other than “Orange man bad” for their mentally diseased constituents

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
They don’t need a message other than “Orange man bad” for their mentally diseased constituents

Well, the DNC *THINKS* that's the case. And it is, ON THE COASTS. Problem is, the coasts aren't enough to win. They've totally abandoned their working-class constituency, and those people, as well as independents, are going to remember that. Today's democRAT party represents the dregs of the world, completely and totally.


Contributing Member
Dont recall who said it, but something like this,
"When the voter stands at the polling station, look at the ballot, think about the issues, then they vote with their wallet in mind."

What I know, voting Dem means more money out of my pocket and into someone else's.


Let's Go Brandon!
Well, the DNC *THINKS* that's the case. And it is, ON THE COASTS. Problem is, the coasts aren't enough to win. They've totally abandoned their working-class constituency, and those people, as well as independents, are going to remember that. Today's democRAT party represents the dregs of the world, completely and totally.

Do you figure they can cheat enough to make up the difference?

The Hammer

Has No Life - Lives on TB
If they had the message and the candidate for the hour, it would be already becoming clear. They have neither.

It's early, but I think at the current pace, the Dems are heading toward a repeat of 1984. Who wants to be their Walter Mondale?

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
In the midterms, several things were prevalent:

1) The Mueller report had not been issued, and the independents were wanting to try a different direction.

2) The Sky Screamers came out in frenzied hordes to “get the Bad Orange Man”.

3) Lots of folks were emotionally exhausted from the churn coming from the Trump administration, and stayed home on Election Day

And even with all that, the Marxists only took the House, and by a much smaller than “average” for off-year election cycles.

Now, only 5 months into the new Marxist-controlled House, people are seeing what lies ahead if they take the Senate and/or presidency in 2020. While they might “think they can win”, my thoughts are that enough non-Sky Screamers are woke such that the Marxists will lose big in 2020. I’m betting that some are worrying over nothing. I see the republicans retaking the House, keeping the senate, and Trump being re-elected.


passin' thru
Who are you, and where did you hide our curmudgeon?

Like your scenerio. Above all, because it's rational, and how
things "should" work. Still a long long time between now and then though.


Let's Go Brandon!
In the midterms, several things were prevalent:

1) The Mueller report had not been issued, and the independents were wanting to try a different direction.

2) The Sky Screamers came out in frenzied hordes to “get the Bad Orange Man”.

3) Lots of folks were emotionally exhausted from the churn coming from the Trump administration, and stayed home on Election Day

And even with all that, the Marxists only took the House, and by a much smaller than “average” for off-year election cycles.

Now, only 5 months into the new Marxist-controlled House, people are seeing what lies ahead if they take the Senate and/or presidency in 2020. While they might “think they can win”, my thoughts are that enough non-Sky Screamers are woke such that the Marxists will lose big in 2020. I’m betting that some are worrying over nothing. I see the republicans retaking the House, keeping the senate, and Trump being re-elected.

Don't forget all the repub incumbents who jumped ship. There were a lot of them, as I recall.


Let's Go Brandon!
Yes, a bunch of RINOs and Never Trumpers.

I figured that was a factor in the midterms too. Voters were more used to the Dems who were running for those slots after the Repubs vacated them. It was good that they left--like you said, RINOs and Never Trumpers--but there wasn't much to replace them at the time so the Dems got in.