SCI Groundbreaking ‘superhero’ vaccine based on Olympic athlete DNA could transform society


Disaster Cat
And now we see their new idea to make everyone take "forever" vaccines - while I am open to scientific research and look forward to seeing REAL studies on this - it also looks to me like the Powers that Be have realized that endless pandemics may not cut it - so now they will appeal to people's desires to be "Super Human" to employe the same technology. Studies are supposed to start pretty soon...

Groundbreaking ‘superhero’ vaccine based on Olympic athlete DNA could transform society
by Study Finds
Stanford prof says treatment provides ‘body-wide genetic upgrade,’ long-term protection against heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and other health conditions.

STANFORD, Calif. — A groundbreaking “superhero” vaccine inspired by the DNA code of Olympic athletes could help transform society over the next decade, a top genetic scientist claims.

The vaccine would provide lifelong protection against three of the top ten leading causes of death, according to Euan Ashley, professor of medicine and genetics at Stanford University. The so-called “superhero” jab could offer simultaneous, long-term protection against heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, and liver disease, thanks to advances in genetic engineering.

This breakthrough treatment would deliver the blueprint of “ideal” cells from men and women whose genes are more disease-resistant than those of the average person, together with an “instruction manual” to help the body “repair, tweak and improve” its own versions. A single dose could lead to a “body-wide genetic upgrade” that would cut the risk of premature death in some adults by as much as 50 percent.

When would a ‘superhero’ vaccine become available?
Professor Euan Ashley
Professor Euan Ashley, Stanford University
Ashley says the vaccine would be administered to those in serious clinical need before being rolled out to the wider population, including children. Clinical trials of individual components are expected to begin by 2026, with the combination vaccine to become available within 10 to 15 years.

If breakthroughs in genome research and technology continue to evolve at the same rapid pace, the vaccine could be widely available worldwide in just 10 years, according to Ashley, who is also the associate dean at Stanford University. Prof. Ashley, 49, is the founding director of Stanford’s Center for Inherited Cardiovascular Disease and its Clinical Genomics Program.

“Genomic medicine has been promised for decades, but thanks to advances in the field we are now reaching the stage where that promise is set to become reality, ushering in a bold new era of medical treatments,” the professor says in a statement to SWNS.

“We will soon have the genetic engineering tools to repair, tweak and improve DNA associated with a host of life-limiting diseases, to make us all less prone to developing these illnesses across our lifetimes. This isn’t, of course, to say that we can make people live forever, and we can’t guarantee life expectancy will increase, but it is likely premature deaths could be avoided in many cases,” Ashley continues.

“Advances in DNA modification mean the number of people with ‘superhuman’ genes—those who are more disease resistant—is no longer science fiction but, in the coming years, absolute science fact. Potentially millions of people could be impacted by this technology – a superhero jab, for want of a better description.”

“This has the potential to greatly reduce the burden of diseases with a genetic component such as Alzheimer’s disease, liver disease, coronary heart disease and associated conditions such as strokes, and vascular dementia,” the Stanford geneticist goes on to say. “It is not only possible, but probable, that such a jab will become available in the next 10 to 15 years, with the benefits of that treatment becoming apparent within the next two to three decades. If we modelled on fatal heart attacks alone then the new treatment could lead to as much as a 50 per cent reduction in incidence.”

An ‘autocorrect’ vaccine for your genes
Traditional vaccines work by teaching the immune system to recognize a foe by delivering a dead or weakened pathogen into the body. This triggers the immune system’s own antibodies to seek out the pathogens and the foreign proteins they carry and destroy them.

However, most genomic vaccines, including the proposed “superhero” shot, work by delivering strings of genetic code to certain cells. This code includes multiple versions of a “gene editor,” a tool like a word processor, which alters just one letter of DNA from a disease-prone version to a disease-resistant version.

To ensure that the gene editors reach the right organs safely and are not destroyed on the way to the body’s immune system, they are carried by inactivated targeting viruses or encased in lipids (fat particles) to the precise destination. The lipid technique is used by Pfizer-BioNTech to package its COVID-19 vaccine.

Scientists liken gene editing to the “autocorrect” feature used to correct spelling mistakes in documents written on a computer. Instead of rewriting words however, gene editing rewrites corrupt DNA. The technique is not new, but remains relatively untested, at least in humans.

Prof. Ashley says ongoing advances in the genome editing tool CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) will lead to “very significant” developments in the treatment of serious disease within the next decade. They are already considered to be easier and cheaper to make at scale.

“Gene editing is now coming of age, bringing with it the exciting possibility of preventing serious diseases in the population before they develop,” Prof. Ashley adds. “Not everyone will be susceptible to these diseases but, for those who are, this will be a revolutionary new approach to preventing disease.”

“There is still much to do, not least in terms of ensuring the medicine is safe, and nothing in genetic medicine is ever guaranteed, but as it now stands it looks likely that we may be able to avert a large number of heart attacks and strokes and perhaps many other diseases to keep people healthy and happy for longer.”

Real-life superhumans already exist
The likelihood of a “superhero” vaccine relies on finding real-life superhumans whose genes are uniquely resistant to disease, or those more capable of fighting them. An example is the Finnish Olympian Eero Mäntyranta, who was found to have an unusually high level of hemoglobin, indicating an excess of oxygen-carrying red blood cells, which boosted his endurance levels.

Other examples include American Sharlayne Tracy, who was found to have unusually low cholesterol levels, and an unnamed Pakistani boy who could not feel pain. The exact number of people with superhuman genes remains unclear, but is thought to include several million people worldwide.

Prof. Ashley believes genetic databases such as the UK BioBank, which currently holds health and genetic information on more than 500,000 people, will play a crucial part in genetic vaccine development. They have already uncovered superhuman genes for heart disease, liver disease, and Alzheimer’s disease, and could hold the key to cancer prevention and other terminal diseases in the future.

Report by SWNS writer Ollie Buckley, phots provided by SWNS.


Veteran Member
Yet the researchers do not have viable treatments for the majority of genetic disorders.

Kind of like no vaccine for the common cold or AIDS, yet quickly formulated and mass produced gene modifying vaccine for Chicom-19.
But, but, but....Science!
Yep, they'll be lining up for this one.
It looks like science and medicine have been corrupted like everything else, to suit some agenda.
Wish I wasn't so cynical.


Dot Collector
A groundbreaking “superhero” vaccine inspired by the DNA code of Olympic athletes could help transform society over the next decade, a top genetic scientist claims.

The Cure For Cancer (2:37)



Veteran Member
"An auto correct vaccine for your genes"

Who are the marketing geniuses that came up with that phrase??? Because "auto correct' always works out so well, right? ... Wait... what do you mean there are bazillion memes about auto correct screwing things up?

It makes me wonder if some of these idiots are really THAT out of touch with reality. Or if this is someone's way (from "our" side) of quietly screwing up their plan on purpose.


So, better skin, an awsome set of teeth, luxuriant head of hair, finally slender and fit after all these years...AND the desirable set of secondary sexual characteristics that most of us perhaps fall a bit short on. What's not to like?

Safety? As long as it makes people LOOK good, the average consumer isn't going to care.
Pharma can slip whatever cell phone to Cloud trackers they want into the gene therapy vaxxx - no problem!
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"An auto correct vaccine for your genes"

Who are the marketing geniuses that came up with that phrase??? Because "auto correct' always works out so well, right? ... Wait... what do you mean there are bazillion memes about auto correct screwing things up?

It makes me wonder if some of these idiots are really THAT out of touch with reality. Or if this is someone's way (from "our" side) of quietly screwing up their plan on purpose.
Yeah... auto-corrupt for your genes! What could possibly go wrong?!



Senior Member
Complete and total bs. Only had to read the title. Marketing hype.
If breakthroughs in genome research and technology continue to evolve at the same rapid pace, the vaccine could be widely available worldwide in just 10 years

In 10 years we should be down to 500 million people world wide.


Senior Member
Ya all will become
AND THE DNA IS based on... Olympic athlete Caitlyn Jenner.
It will be TRANS world!!!
RUN ahhh
THEY are going to make us all take it.
THEY will use the law in Florida as a basis to get into you homes and stick ya.
RUN ahhh

Just kidding


On TB every waking moment

Freedom vs. The Machine; geneticists and their weapons
by Jon Rappoport
June 24, 2021
(To join our email list, click here.)

Genetic determinism: the belief that an individual’s character, thoughts, and actions are the result of his genes.
Freedom means: being free from, and outside of, ironclad cause and effect.
Which side of the argument will win? Nothing is riding on this…except the future of the human race.

For the past 150 years, genetics has been emerging and taking center stage as the pre-eminent philosophy of life on planet Earth.
For most people, philosophy is of zero concern. They refuse to believe it can influence their lives in any way.
However, we currently have the RNA COVID genetic treatments called vaccines, targeting billions of people. According to the bought-off experts, these destructive treatments are working, in machine-like fashion, to protect us from a phantom virus.
The genetics on which the vaccines are based occupy a distinct philosophic position: our thoughts and actions are the effects of our genes; scientists can interfere with that structure and replace it with another genetic framework, which in turn will impose new all-consuming actions, thoughts, and biological alterations upon us.

One new machine taking over from an older machine.
But there has never been a genetic cure for any disease. All attempts to prove that a disease stems from genes have failed. In this sense, genetics is a long con, both scientifically and philosophically.
Of course, the scientists will never admit this. They’re dedicated to tinkering and experimenting, “until they get it right.”
Veteran journalist Celia Farber describes one such experiment: “Jesse Gelsinger was 18 years old when he volunteered for a clinical trial at Penn State to test the effect on GT [gene therapy] on a rare metabolic disorder called OTC Deficiency. Within hours of being infused with ‘corrective genes’ encased in weakened adeno-virus, Jesse suffered multiple organ failure, and days later, his blood almost totally coagulated, swollen beyond recognition, and brain dead—he was taken off life support.” [1]
Just another day at the office for the funders and researchers. They’re working with billions of dollars and a vision of the future. Nothing must stand in their way.

Here is one of those visions, expressed by Gregory Stock [2], former director of the program in Medicine, Technology, and Society at the UCLA School of Medicine:
“Even if half the world’s species were lost [during genetic experiments], enormous diversity would still remain. When those in the distant future look back on this period of history, they will likely see it not as the era when the natural environment was impoverished, but as the age when a plethora of new forms—some biological, some technological, some a combination of the two—burst onto the scene…” [2a]

You need to understand that behind all this “envisioning” and experimenting, there is the solid conviction that freedom and free will are illusions that don’t exist. Therefore, all experiments are permitted, since they simply substitute one determinism for another, one machine for another. Life itself is viewed as nothing more than a pattern, a structure.

Huxley’s Brave New World wasn’t really a radical departure from the emerging genetic science of his time. It was a description of “better genetic programming,” carried to a logical conclusion. Humans would be fully outfitted with a biology that made them content and satisfied with their designated positions in life.
There was the thunder AND the lightning. Humans genetically conditioned for specific roles; and also conditioned to accept those roles beyond the possibility of rebellion.

What about the centuries of struggle and war and blood to establish political freedom? What about the Magna Carta and the Declaration of independence and the Constitution and its Amendments?
For the genetic philosophers, all that history is waste and meaningless garbage, since freedom does not exist.
I’m not talking about a small bunch of crazy philosophers closeted in a cellar and spinning fantasies. These people are carrying banners of the new world among the most elite Globalists.

The entire fake pandemic narrative, starting with the lie that researchers discovered a new virus, was launched in order to open a door for RNA genetic technology.
Yes, there were other reasons, but gene tech was central. Coming up, we will see new genetic treatments called vaccines. And drugs based on that tech.
Behind that—programs to make deeper and deeper genetic changes in humans.
The cover story for genetic research and experimentation is: we’re trying to cure disease.

The truth: machine minds are trying to convert other minds into machines.
What do contemporary philosophers have in their arsenal to combat this assault? Here is an example from Thomas Nagel [3], a professor at New York University:
“Even if determinism [the inevitable chain of cause and effect] isn’t true for everything that happens — even if some things just happen without being determined by causes that were there in advance — it would still be very significant if everything we did were determined before we did it. However free you might feel when choosing between fruit and cake, or between two candidates in an election, you would really be able to make only one choice in those circumstances—though if the circumstances or your desires had been different, you would have chosen differently.” [3a]

Really? That’s it?
Professor Nagel somehow KNOWS there is no such thing as free will?
Well, if that’s the case, he wrote those words because he had to, because of the very determinism he describes; he had no choice; and people reading those words of his think about them in a way that is also predetermined. The whole business is a puppet show and means absolutely nothing.

The “philosophy” of determinism is, when you scratch the surface, a philosophy of nihilism. Nothing means anything.
And its perpetrators aren’t bothered in the least. They’re quite content to stand on their absurd pretensions, while hard scientists inject populations with genes.
So much for academia as “the guardians of civilization.”
Most of them are weak sisters. I wouldn’t give a nickel for a gaggle of them.

Each one us makes free choices every day of his life. Taking freedom into your mind implies working on a canvas as big and grand as you want to make it.
I’ll take the flaming poetry of Thomas Paine; December 23, 1776:
“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”

Finally, for now—in America, a country founded on the idea of freedom, a country that fought a devastating Civil War over slavery, can you find one college or university that, between the ratification of the Constitution and now…
Has taught a year-long course, year after year…
This would be a course in which the history of the struggle for freedom is covered; philosophic and scientific writings about freedom are covered; and, most importantly, the students actively participate, in order to shape their own concepts of freedom that will endure for the rest of their lives.
Can you point to one such course—INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM—regularly taught, at one college?
I can’t.

What does this tell you?
Since the beginning of America, powerful forces have been at work to deny, refute, reject, and collapse the very premise on which the nation was based.
Has any student in America ever been awarded a PhD in Individual Freedom? I can’t find one.
“I see you’ve just founded a Space Travel Group. I’d be very interested in joining. I assume you cover all aspects of space travel. Rockets, ships, navigation, elements of survival during long voyages, colonization on distant planets, the fantastic marvels of these adventures…”
“Actually, no. We study the habits and tasks of ants. Their nests, hierarchy, division of labor, the biology of communal sharing, the ant genome, the virtues of overall genetic programming in achieving day-to-day goals of the colony…”
“I see. So you’re quite insane.”
“No. We know exactly what we’re doing and why.”

[1] The Machine Model Of Biology, Denial of The Mystery, Biological Reductionism, And The Scientist Who Tried To Warn Us: Interview With Richard Strohman
[2] Gregory Stock - Wikipedia
[2a] Gene Editing and “Genetically Modified Humans”: China’s “Golem Babies”. There Is Another Agenda
[3] Thomas Nagel - Wikipedia


This will get much more immediate acceptance than CRISPER tech. As I understand it, crisper splice and dice is for embryos. That pushes the timeline way out, and sets conversations about the ethics of experimenting with this on other people. With the vaxxx gene "therapy," people can be sold on doing it to themselves.

Also, kids are the most suggestible. We have nixed the parental consent laws re. both sex change hormones and vaxxx's. Tell an insecure thirteen year old that a gene "therapy" shot will fix his acne, and pudgy body, and make him reach a 6'+ height, and he will want it. Parents will have no say in the matter. Once they get the shot in him, they own him, they can track everything about him, and they can influence him.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Science believes that becoming more than what God created us to be is just the next step in human evolution.

Science (or some in it) believes that they are wise enough to create something that is god like. It is power and control they seek, not evolution. This is in fact the polar opposite, but they don't care because they are in control. Remember the one about absolute power?


TB Fanatic
The CV19 vaccine was just the building block. The Trojan horse ( it will keep it you safe). Until it’s inside you.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Science (or some in it) believes that they are wise enough to create something that is god like. It is power and control they seek, not evolution. This is in fact the polar opposite, but they don't care because they are in control. Remember the one about absolute power?

Yes. I agree it is about ultimate control in the end. As science is working towards that goal (with the help of governments around the world), they believe that humankind can achieve the next step in human evolution making us better than we are. In their minds, with the technology we have today (and in the near future), they can achieve it. I've been reading about this evil concept for a few years now. Finally, it's becoming mainstream through COVID and DNA manipulation, including the vaccine.

Wouldn't it be nice to have bodies that are never sick, never grow old, have the bodies we desire, more brain power, strength, etc., and ultimately, no death? People will be flocking to get whatever it takes to make them so, even giving up control of their own bodies.