Great ideas on how to protect yard signs from Libtards...


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How to protect your TRUMP signs from vandalism

Several of the best ones:



"This is probably the CHEAPEST way, not necessarily the BEST way.
EDIT 2: If your sign is not on private property, please don't try this. Also make sure it is not near any form of public access right of ways such as side walks where people walk their pets. I'm serious.

With all the Trump sign thefts and vandalism going on, thought would share my personal solution to this problem.
The answer is BIRD REPELLENT GEL. It is applied just like standard caulking, but it does not dry or set up. I used this stuff when I had my Romney sign up in 2012 (Don't hate... he was the lesser of 2 evils), it worked insanely well. At least 10 times the sign was lifted, but thrown back down within 10 feet along with shirts, gloves, hats, whatever the idiots tried to used to get this shit off of their hands.

It's a transparent gel that you apply to any surface that you don't want birds to loiter on. Let me me assure you- THIS. SH*T. IS. NAAAAASSSTTYYYY. It takes 24+ hours to efficiently get it off your hands (Think Vaseline + Pine Tree Sap). But it will NEVER come out of clothes. I've thrown away more shirts, pants, and climbing gear (See source below) than I'd care to mention because it's easier to just buy more than it is to get this off.

I really doubt you will find a better, safer, and more satisfying way to deter a human from touching something for less than $20.

Gel Repellent: ~$9 after tax
Caulking Gun: $5 - $10

I spent the last 10 years installing, repairing, servicing, and upgrading cellular towers and equipment. One of the Yugest problems land-owners have is birds sh*tting on everything below the tower on the ground. I have installed this stuff many many times on top of antennas, lights, and platforms at the tops of towers.

PLEASE REFERENCE THE MSDS/SDS (Safety Data Sheet) before purchasing or using. Here is the MSDS for the most common brand LINK

The majority of the Gels that I have used contain the active ingredient POLYBUTENE. It is a liquid oligomer used as a plasticizer. This ingredient can cause skin irritation and has aspiration hazards (but only if you snort it, there is no fume inhalation danger). The biggest hazard would be dogs or other pets coming in contact with it. Don't want to scare anyone, but I also don't want your dog to roll in it then come inside your house." gel?NCNI-5&gsitesearch,aps,169&rh=i:aps,k:bird+caulk


I built my sign out of plywood and t-posts.
And to keep it from being hit I put it behind a fire hydrant.

You should put an identical sign in front of the fire hydrant. Imagine some communist driving into a fire hydrant only to see another sign behind it staring back at their mangled car.


[When guarding the signs, or at Hillary rallies with an anti-Hillary sign]

Step 1: Get Tyvek suit
Step 2: Cover Tyvek suit with Bird Repellent Gel
Step 3: Engage SJWs in verbal discourse
Step 4: When SJWs are inevitably BTFO'd by your logic and resort to physically trying to imtidate, hilarity ensues.


[–]sunthas 23 points 7 months ago
My favorite solution to these problems is always the old standby 2nd sign that says "For every sign that get's stolen I will donate x$ to my candidate" In the case of Trump it might need to be some other group that would be sign stealers would find equally repugnant. Maybe the NRA?


Or Tanglefoot. It keeps bugs from crawling up plant stalks. Stinks like death and ruins any clothing it touches. Get some on your hands and it will not wash off all day. It just contaminates everything you touch.

Not only do I have an urge to not vandalise Trump signs, I want to actually go and apply this to random signs as a public service.
What would make it even more epic would be to leave a "random towel" in a sealed bag next to it, but the towel is covered in Liquid A*s.
Then, they'd open up the bag and rub the Liquid A*s on their gelled hands and it would stay with the gel that wouldn't come off. Their hands would smell like rotten eggs until they got it off.

Liquid A*S
Liquid A*S is an overwhelming, stinky, funny prank product. Once unleashed, this power–packed, super–concentrated liquid begins to evaporate filling the air with a genuine, foul butt–crack smell with hints of dead animal and fresh poo. The funny pranks you can pull with Liquid A*S are unlimited. Watching the facial grimaces of people and hearing their comments about the part your–hair, gagging stench will have you laughing until it hurts.
The next time you have the urge for a funny prank or if you just need to get the party started, reach for a bottle of LiqA*S.
Looking for funny gag gift? Get everybody laughing with the unique gift of Liquid A*S.