Story Grace, Mercy and Blessings


Contributing Member
What idiot draws against a gun in your back? (Unless you know they will kill you anyway). Even then hope for a distraction.


Veteran Member

Everyone gave a sharp gasp of indrawn breath; and nothing happened. There was no deafening clap of explosive gun powder, no crumpled body with screaming death throes. Just a 'click' as the hammer struck.

For the first time in his life, Mark had a misfire out of his more than trusty Glock.

Ben had a little cough and a strained voice. "I didn't think you would pull the trigger. You never have before."

"Different times," Mark shot out of the side of his mouth. "Now that you know I will, get your money and get gone. You are finished here."

"Don't want the money; but you're right, I'm leaving and happy to be shed of this place. You poisoned her," Ben shouted. "You and your fancy education and money dripping out your pockets. You poisoned and changed Clora until she's not my sister anymore."

Mark removed his Glock and racked out the useless bullet. It went flying across the empty space ro land against the wall. "Make a move toward your waistband and I'll drill you with seven more. Now move." The furious patriarch pushed the muzzle of the reloaded gun in his brother-in-laws back.

Ben started for the door. "See ya, -- wouldn't want to be ya" he taunted in a sing song voice.

Mark's answer was to give him a strong shove, and Ben stumbled through the open door. "I have to bend over and get my backpack, you cretin. If you want me gone, it has to go with me." his voice sneered.

"Then get it," Mark barked at the traveling scarecrow that shuffled forward in compound low.

Gary looked over at the commotion and lasered in on the gun in Mark's hand. One half a milli-second later, Breezy found herself positioned tightly behind Gary and from seemingly nowhere, he had a big scary looking gun in his hand.

"Stay tight behind me, and if I say drop, you hit the ground and ask questions later. Got it?" Gary's voice changed from deep and interestingly sexy, to all business tight, as training took over.


Contributing Member
Had to be the ammo…. ;) you would think Mark would tap, rack, bang without thought. I did that in a match. (Mag failed to seat firmly on reload) finished stage. I was offered a reshoot. Foolishly I did the reshoot. Shot worse.


Veteran Member

It took a bit for the mele to get sorted out. Tom and Gary took Ben in Gary's Jeep as far away as he wanted to go. They went down through South Carolina and into Georgia.

"Don't come back," Gary warned, "Your toast, and might as well accept that you are finished with the clan."

Ben was shivering hard. The ride in the open air Jeep was a punishment in itself, and then the enormity of his banishment was slowly sinking in.

"I see by the look on your face, you've finally figured out that you royally screwed up." Gary was as sympathetic as nothing, rubbing salt in Ben's superior attitude. "You sure are a loser."

Ben decided he had enough of the men's attitudes and directed Gary to pull over to the side of the road. "I won't say thank you, you're all a bunch of brain washed lemmings. I'm glad to be outta there."

Gary slammed on the brakes and Tom opened the Jeep door; doing a half bow and sweeping gesture with his arm, as if Ben was royalty.

Ben unfolded himself and sneered with a hateful look at the men showing relief that he was leaving without causing a scene. They weren't worth the effort of a fuss, he decided. Damn the whole lot of them to hell.

Gary hit the throttle as they pulled away, grinning in relief. "Watch him, so he doesn't take a shot at us," he advised Tom. "It would be just like him to try."

Ben was soon a small dark spot standing in the road. The dust billowing up behind them on the remote rural road, obscured his hunched over shape.

Gary and Tom didn't hear the shot, they were far enough away and the radio was playing loudly. Ben had decided he didn't care any more, life wasn't worth the struggle and he was tired. Tired all the way down through his bones. But most of all, he just didn't care.

Ben Hanson ended his own life in the same way he had lived most of it. With no regard for anything but his own self.

Mean while back at the ranch, Mark was puzzling over his gun. "It's never failed before," he complained to Clora until she gently covered his hand with her own.

"Mark, that was God's doing. HE didn't want Ben's death on your soul."


Veteran Member

"Mark," Clora's soft insistence finally broke through the mental fog he was experiencing. "You need to take that money to your study, it's not a good idea to have it here; Ms. Collins is coming back to the house."

"Yup," Mark heaved himself out of the chair and picked up the bag, The shadow of Breezy was coming forward at a rapid walk, and Mark had to hustle to get to the darkened hallway. He made it with mere seconds to spare.

"Ms. Linderman, I'm afraid I don't understand what just happened out there." Breezy was standing forlorn, her cozy tete a' tete ruined by Gary's abrupt departure. Breezy wasn't ready for the interaction to be over, she felt better about her life than she had in a long time. It was so difficult to meet people, especially men, in her line of work. If men came as clients, she was prohibited from having any personal dealings with them. So, it was a wasteland pf desert.

"Come sit down and I will give you some background on what turned out to be a enormous problem. Do we have any more coffee and cookies?" Clora asked Tilly, hoping the interested cook would busy herself. Big gave Clora an inscrutable look, and turned to say something low to Tilly.

Tilly nodded and hustled around with a plate of cookies and the coffee pot.

Breezy listened with almost unbelief as the tale unfolded, in fact, Tilly also listened with awe at the story. Big left the kitchen, he had work to do. He had promised Toby he'd help him fill and label boxes of law books in preparation of moving.

Toby had many questions concerning what they could see from their windows of the happenings in the driveway. Big related what he knew.

Mark sat in his study, counting the money, Slowly, an outrageous idea began to form in his mind.


Veteran Member

The first question out of Breezy's mouth, when Clora finished her tale, was."Is Gary in danger?" Her attractive face showing her concern, and fingers drummed on the table top.

"Probably," was all Clora would admit too. "Gary is a man very competent in the face of danger. He might be a bit short when it comes to the fairer sex, but he is an excellent man to have by your side for the long haul."

"He really must have some deficits, the way you are promoting him,"
Breezy said aloud, but with a small smile. "Do I get a dowry if I take him off your hands?" she teased. "It might be worth pursuing, just to see how much you would pay."

"He's not polished, so if you require arm candy, he's not the man for you." Tess broke in, bending down to collect an errant baby snake. "Good heavens the boys discovered a terrific amount of these disgusting little wigglers. I hope they drown every single one of them trying to catch fish. I told Donny to make sure he 'lost' all the rest of them, or there would never be cookies for him, .... ever again. He acted like he understood exactly what I was talking about." Tess laughed as she opened the back door and threw the garter baby in the grass.

"So, tell me, how much am I offered to lure him away?" Breezy was laughing, keeping up the friendly banter.

"Now see, that might be a problem, he might refuse to leave here." Tess laid bare the truth before Clora would temper her daughter's reply into one more positive. Tess just grinned at the thought.

"It's true, he's not urbane and smooth, and he can swear loudly; but he's strong on the truth and a crack shot. And I think he's got all his teeth." That really made Tess laugh. "Maybe you should pay us, after all, he's really a prize, like a diamond in the rough."

Clora sat back and let the two women jest about Gary and his qualities, acting like he was a slab of meat to be inspected, stamped with the grade and offered to the highest bidder.

It wasn't long before Tess and Breezy left to go take a tour of the retreat, happily chatting away as they put together the beginnings of a new friendship.


Veteran Member

"Clora, have you got a minute?" Mark called from the hallway.

"Coming," Clora called out as she rubbed her shoulder gingerly and moved towards Mark's study. He looked excited, and Clora wondered what in the world had piqued his interest.

There was cash strewn all over the desktop, and Mark sat down and smiled broadly. "I want to use this and take a trip out to the valley." he said in a rush. "Over the years, Ben owes us this much and more, and I think it;s time we did something for ourselves."

"Mark, Ben committed suicide after Gary and Tom let him off at his request. They don't know, and Ben went so far as to destroy all personal information about himself, so he is just a nameless hobo body that died by his own hand." Clora replied sadly.

"Clora, I'm sorry. I didn't think Ben would have the nerve to carry through with a suicide, he depended so much on other people to do his thinking for him. I guess I'm surprised, that's all. For your sake, I'm sorry he went out as a jerk in the weakest way possible. It's just pure Ben, through and through." Mark ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "Clora, do you want to go get him?"

Despite his aggravation and dislike of Ben Apperton Hanson, Mark was ready to do whatever Clora needed to do for her family. Pushing aside his interest and excitement at his valley trip, Mark went to sit with Clora and gather her in his arms.

"No," came the muffled reply. "Ben died a long time ago. Hate and bitterness filled him so completely, he changed into a 'Pete' and couldn't fight the evil of a drug/mental illness life. I guess I'm not surprised he shot himself, I just feel so sad." Clora sniffed with tears and emotion.

Mark held her close and didn't say a word. He couldn't think of any 'nice' ones to say about his former brother in law, so he said nothing.

What he did was exactly what Clora needed. A quiet, sheltered moment to grieve a life lived needlessly wrong.

"When do you want to go?" Clora asked softly. "When and how?"

Mark thought that was so typical of Clora, always ready to give of herself to others, no matter what.

"As soon as I arrange a few loose ends, and buy the tickets," Mark rubbed his chin on the top of Clora's head, startled to realize that Clora had shrunk in stature in her old age. Never mind that he wasn't as robust as he had been, their lives had been full, and their God was in heaven.


Veteran Member

The more things are the same, the more they change. Bruce bulled his way into the small, impoverished rural clinic. spewing his usual anger at the dirty rooms, the boxes in the hall, and then he stumbled into the last room.

Not stopping to think, he stumbled into the latest hop-head holding the two woman staff hostage for a hit of drugs. The poc-marked, snaggle toothed human whirled around at the door crashing open, and shot good ole Doctor Bruce straight through the heart.

The women were screaming, further upsetting the thief, and he gave them a helpless look and ran out of the clinic.

The crumpled body wasn't moving, and the women had no way of knowing this was the long awaited doctor. The weary nurse practitioner felt for a pulse and told the CNA, "call the cops, this one is toast."

When the investigation was over, and it was noted that Bruce was to have been the new doctor, the CNA tiredly said. "I believe that's the record for the shortest time a doctor has been here."

The NP snorted her weariness and the foolishness of the short lived doctor. "I don't think I would have liked him anyway. He liked yelling, and I get enough of that at home."

The CNA nodded in commiseration and the two women sat down to have a little rest before they tackled the chore of cleaning the blood stained room.

"I hope I didn't throw away the letter with all the info on it," the NP meant the cover letter from Bruce. "I hate calling and telling people that their doctor was real stupid and paid with his life."

"I would guess they already had a clue to his personality," the CNA was serious. "After all, who sends a senile old man out to be a doctor in a criminal infested area; besides a family that can't stand the old coot any longer?" The CNA added knowingly, "it's a history that repeats itself.."

Clora knew what had happened. She walked back down the hall to tell Mark, and they said a prayer for Bruce. "I don't think he was saved," Mark mentioned into the silence of the room. "The way he acted, I don't believe he was."

"He sure resisted any mention," Clora sighed hard, "do you realize slowly but surely, all the old guard are passing on. We are the only original adults left."

"That's a grim thought, but you're right, our numbers are dwindling. I hate talks like this, it reminds me that I'm human and won't live forever. Other days, I'm fervently glad I won't live forever." Mark said with a small laugh. "Take today for example. I'm happy that we lost two thorny problems. but I shouldn't be so relieved, that's not what my Lord would do. Both Ben and Bruce were not a good influence for the family, creating more problems than they were worth. Once again Clora, do you want to go get Bruce's body?"

"No, I don't. We can if you think we should."

"Not on my account," Mark looked out the window at the blue sky, green grass and frowned. "I'm having a difficult time processing our time in Iowa; what it took to get there and back. I feel strangely ungrounded, and THAT has never happened before in my life. Well maybe once before, when I first met you." Mark added with a serious smile.

"That makes two of us," Clora saucily replied. "And these kinks in time, I can't explain them; have no information or advanced warning of what they were about. I can't even tell you if we will have more." Clora fluttered her hands and looked perturbed at the thought of more unexplained happenings. "I'm getting way too old for such shenanigans."

Mark was listening to something out of the room, and held up his hand. "The dogs are barking, someone is coming in the yard."

Behold, Woody Branch was there on business.


Veteran Member

"Hey bro, what's the big rush?" Tom teased as the Jeep reached flying speed. "She'll still be there, Miz Clora and Miz Tess will see to that, you don't need a speeding ticket. Especially since we have all this hardware with us. We're so used to carrying firepower, that it's easy to forget that it makes modern law enforcement very nervous."

The Jeep slowed appreciably, and Gary looked at his passenger. "Thanks Tom, I guess I was getting a little anxious. I can't figure out how this is happening." It was a forlorn plea, from a man that had sworn off women.

Tom had a real laugh that he got ready to let loose, and then relented at the sight of Gary's bewildered face. "It's just your time man. It'll be easier if you don't fight it and just go with the flow. I will tell you this, if it's God's will it's gonna happen and there ain't one thing you can do to escape, change or stop it from happening. There are some pluses, she ain't bad to look at, she's got a job and wheels. What's not to like?" Tom jabbed with his elbow in Gary's direction. "Surely you can put up with a bit of smart mouth when you consider the benefits." Then he did laugh.

"Yes, no, I mean I'm so confused, I can't think straight. I mean I think I can think when she ain't around; but just getting close to her fuddled my brains. It don't feel natural, but I can't think of a way to shake it."

"Just remember, go with the flow," Tom counseled with a chuckle. "I can just about guarantee that she will have the rest of your life all planned out by the time we get home. You won't have to do a thing, except show up when you're told too."

"Oh, that don't sound good." Gary moaned, "I've always been my own man, and when I was married to Jainy, she whined until I about went crazy and she did all that not eating crap and tried to kill herself by starvation."

"That woman was off balance," Tom said starkly. "I wasn't there, but I heard plenty. And those boys, I ain't sure you was in your right mind either."

It was the first time anyone had called Gary on the 'stupid years' he had gone through. It hurt, the bare truth really hurt; and he wanted to lash out at Tom in anger.

Gary growled and Tom just looked at him. "Don't anyone ever talk to you, don't you ever listen? You ain't special, no matter what you think. Take now for instance. You got a chance to get a fine lady, and you are fixin to get real stupid in a hurry. Is there some reason you think you don't deserve a good woman and a happy life?"

That was such a stunning revelation to Gary, he almost drove off the road.


Veteran Member

"What I want to know, who made you so smart? I seem to recall a whole series of screwups on your part?" Gary corrected the Jeep back on the road, and looked over at his passenger.

"I didn't realize you were so old," Gary looked at the almost white headed man and sniped in retaliation. "What are you, ten- twelve years older than I am?"

"Who knows, I know how old I am; seems to me that you're the man with the mystery age. You tykes were so stunted and thin, ya looked like stick people and there weren't no information as to when you were borned."

"Ya know what? I need a beer." Gary pulled into the dusty parking lot of a run down Georgia tavern. "I'll treat ya, for giving out such profound knowledge concerning my love life."

"Yer on," Tom was already unbuckled and opening the door. "Only one, I get goofier than a pickled skunk, real quick."

"Well we certainly can't have any pickled skunks running around," Gary looked at the long guns and used a aircraft cable to lock them to the seat base. "Let's go, I'm thirsty."

It probably wasn't the best decision, but then neither one of them were mental genus material.


Geezer (ret.)
No I think not, lol One of my first cousins is like Tom, 1 beer and you would think he had 6.
I knew a guy like that years ago. A couple of beers would have him picking a fight with the biggest, meanest SOB in the joint. He always got his ass kicked and usually woke up the next morning in the drunk tank at the local Popo station. We used to joke that he had his own reserved private cell, just like Otis on The Andy Griffith Show. Some people just never learn.
