Story Grace, Mercy and Blessings


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"The picture? Well, it came with the papers. So this guy is not Ben, well I still need to find him. There is a settlement, a check for money awarded in a suit against the San Diego Collins law firm. Is this Ben available? I really want to get this matter closed and done with. I'm tired of chasing this Ben, it's been a nightmare."

"I'm sure it has been," Clora's voice was wry. "Unfortunately, we haven't seen Ben in about five years, and don't have a clue where he might be."

"Well, isn't that just dandy." Breezy was suddenly tired of all the cat and mouse dead ends that she had been through. More than ever, she was chafing under the immense burden that had been dropped on her. It was just like her brother to saddle her with a never ending case, as a revenge for Breezy leaving the family firm.


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"I'm so tired, and now you're telling me that this Ben is no where to be found? That's just dandy; I've been at this over ten years. Does this Ben ever come around or call; is there any possible way to be in touch with him?" Breezy had almost a pleading tone to her voice.

Suddenly, Clora felt a rush of empathy for Breezy. The woman was a decent, concerned lawyer, working hard to discharge her duties.

"As I said, it's been over five years since we have heard from Ben. But this just might be what it will take for a breakthrough." Clora mumbled almost to herself.

Breezy mostly ignored the words that didn't make any sense, but she did look up at Tilly and nod her thanks for the cup of coffee. Great, just great, Breezy told herself, now what do I do?

The instant Clora struggled to think about Ben, there was a lightening quick squiggle of awareness flash through her mind. From across the room, Tess exclaimed a startled "oh" and touched her forehead.

"Ma, did you get that?" Tess asked sharply, "that hurt."

Breezy ignored the two women, she was lost in thought. In fact she missed Clora asking if she would like to stay and eat with them.

"Huh,..... what?" Breezy finally came to the realization that the grandmotherly looking woman was asking her a question.

Clora repeated her invitation, struggling to keep from smiling. Tess was almost laughing, turning away from the gathering to keep her composure. This was gonna be good, good old Gary was gonna be gobsmacked right where he deserved it the most.


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In the homey, warm atmosphere, Breezy relaxed more than she had in years. She yawned, hoping it was discreet enough not to be noticed. There was busyness in the back ground; the lady that gave her the coffee was back behind the sink humming as she was washing the lunch dishes.

The old gal that seemed to be calling all the shots and another younger woman that resembled the older woman, were picking up the scattered dishes from the table.

Pretty quick, a great big man entered from the back door, thumping down a bloody looking leg of something. Breezy kinda squeaked her alarm, and the man turned to look at her.

The dishwashing woman said something low to him, and he grinned. "Ve haff more," his accent was thick. "A deer wandered too close, it yust got in the vay of my bullet."

The white haired lady nodded her approval, and three little boys burst into the room shouting "yum, yum deer."

Breezy felt herself go queasy. "I'm a queasy Breezy," flitted across her mind; and the next thought was, I'm either drunk or so tired I can't help myself.

Gary wandered into the kitchen looking for cookies. "Hey Ma, did you get rid of that ditzy woman?" he called out, before he cleared the hallway. "Imagine her thinking I'm Ben, that's plumb insulting."


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"Listen you ill mannered jerk, I'm still here and still plenty upset that you're NOT Ben. What was the big idea of giving my brother your picture and falsifying your name as Ben."

"Bcause I didn't, because I'm not." Gary thought he was being more than reasonable. "I haven't got the foggiest notion in hell who your brother might be, and further more, if he's anything like you, I don't want to know him."

"Well. I've never encountered such a disgusting lout as you. Most people have social decency, about them, and it's more than painfully obvious that you are lacking such emotions,"

"Yup," Gary didn't bother to turn around as he replied. "You got me pegged lady. I've been this way all my life, ain't much encouraged to start changing now. Especially by some hoity-toity do-gooder as yourself."

Gary grabbed a cup of coffee and a handful of cookies and wandered outside, not bothering to spare a glance at the fuming Breezy.

"I can't believe he's such a self righteous jerk." Breezy sputtered. "I certainly am glad he's not Ben. It would be more than disgusting to hand a man like the kind of money we're talking about."

"No, he's certainly not Ben." Clora managed to say with a straight face. "If we are talking about a great deal of money, Ben may not accept it either. He's not comfortable with the whole situation. His wife Lainey fired the Collins law firm for gross negligence and self serving in league with the estate manager. They conspired to cheat and defraud Ben and his wife."

"Yeah, that sounds like something my dad and brother would do. My younger sister started out with morals and principles, and being around that ugly bunch brought her down in a hurry." Breezy was talking to herself as much as her audience.

"So, you're telling me that this Ben is MIA and unreachable, well I guess I'd better shove off, this is a dead end." Breezy went to stand up and take her weary self home.

"Bye," Gary's cheerful voice came floating in from the patio. "Have a nice rest of your day."

Breezy stiffened and threw her head back, searching for a scathing come back.

"Excuse me," Clora interupted; "I would like to have you stay the night. I have a feeling that we might see or hear from Ben sometime soon. Is that possible? That you might consider staying?"

"Ma, the lady say's she's leaving, we shouldn't have her stay, if she needs to go." Gary interjected. "It's probably real important she get back to town."

If Breezy had figured on going, some deep down contrariness flashed in her nature, and she demurely agreed to spend the night. If for nothing else than to do the opposite of what that foolish jerk wanted her to do.


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Mark concluded his van buying business with the agency, stopped to license and title, and fill the new machine with fuel. A supermarket caught his eye and he grinned.

Mark my man, he told himself, think how grateful a certain lady would be, if you brought home a package of chocolate covered raisins. Smiling broadly, Mark parked and went inside to get the shock of his life.

The brightly lit, busy store had such an array of produce, dairy, meats and other goods; that Mark felt the full impact of a thriving and well established economy.

Six bags of oranges landed in the shopping buggy, Mark wasn't sure what to buy, the well stocked store was a siren song of seductive items that called to him.

Mark grinned once again as he formed a plan. Heading for the beauty aisle, he found rose scenter shampoo and bodywash, hand lotion and a tiny bottle of rose cologne. For good measure, he studied the men's section of products and put the same items in for himself. That was worth a self satisfied chuckle.

He picked up the candy, a huge chocolate cake and three pails of ice cream. Now he was in a hurry to get home, he was satisfied with the initial buying spree and needed to share his surprises with Clora.

Toby, on the other hand, indulged his secret longing to be a clothes horse as his grandfather Warren. Haircut, shave and a large shopping bag full of modern clothes and new shoes. He stopped by the ladies' area and snagged a light and airy bit of nonsense that would go good with Rennies red hair. Suddenly, he was in a hurry to get home.

Toby's smile was so reminiscent of Mark's, that there was no mistake that he was a Linderman.


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There was a vehicle blocking the gate when Mark, with Toby right behind him, reached the retreat. Honking loudly to get anybody's attention, Mark entertained a moment of fantasy of testing the heavy duty bumper on the van.

Tom came hobbling out from his guard post hide and jerked his thumb in the direction of the house. "This belongs to a fancy-schmancy lawyer woman who's in the house. She's got a short temper and a little bitty gun that she waves around like it's a 40."

"Is the house secure?" Mark snapped.

"Oh yes," Tom drawled with a smile, "You know Mizz Clora, that delusioned woman is outgunned and doesn't even know it."

Mark nodded, as they were joined by Toby. "What's the hold up?"

"One uf yer kin," Tom teased; "a lawyer type with a short temper lookin fer yer other kin Ben."

"Ben!" Mark was astonished and his voice showed it.

"Yass, that fancy woman has money for him. She thought Gary was Ben, drew her little banger on him and he most spit at her feet.."

"I'll get her keys," Toby offered, "I'm in a hurry to get home."

Mark and Tom nodded, and talked while Toby jogged to the house.


Veteran Member

Two pairs of eyes watched the scene at the gate to the retreat. Hidden in the brush about a quarter mile away, one raspy low voice said to the other; "she's been in there a good long time, you don't suppose she found somebody to give all that money too."

"Dunno, jest somebody else to take it away from I guess." A stream of tobacco juice splatted on the ground. Another couple of chews and another splat hit the ground.

"Hey, watch what yer doin, you nearly got that on my boots." the whiney complaint was hushed but aggravated.

"Shut up, you disgusting piece of crap. I'll spit where ever I want too. You stay out of my way."

Deflated by the harshness of his friend, the second man retreated further into the dark foliage that concealed the pair. Muttering under his breath, the man slumped against a tree.

"Will you shut up, iffen I have to tell you oncet agin, I'm gonna shoot you right in the gut 'n leave ya to die." the nastiness left no doubt that he would do exactly that.

"Ernie had better be right about that boss of his carrying a case full of money. I'm in no mood to hang around if we ain't gonna be able to help her find a kind and deserving hand to hold that briefcase."

That was worth a grunting chuckle from the man holding up the tree. "Yeah," he gave a snort, "we got the right kinda hands to hold money."


Veteran Member

"Listen up you idiot, don't you mention Ernie's name out loud again. I don't fancy gettin on the receiving end of his temper, and gettin skinned alive, er whatever he felt like doing at the moment. He's got such a short fuse on his brand of dynamite, I ain't anxious to light him up."

"Then I'll just call him the boss, he cain't find no fault within that; 'n neither can you.: The second man sputtered.

"Better yet," the first man doled out his sage advice," don't say nuthin, 'n then you can't get in trouble."

"Yeah, I kin do that, don't know nuthin anyways." the second man hunkered down against the tree and let one eye go to sleep. The other one was trying to close, but he knew he'd get a kick in somewhere memorable, if he went to sleep.

"The first man was thinking hard about Ernie. How come the man had all these good ideas, but he was never the one bored out of his mind with an imbecilic idiot for company. Ernie said all they had to do was run the woman off the road, grab the briefcase and meet at bar and divvy up the money. The more he thought about it, the more he was convinced that it sounded a little too easy. If that woman kept as much money in the special bag, as Ernie claimed, how come he just didn't pick it up and disappear. There must be more to the robbery than meets the eye.

The day wore on, and the two would be robbers sat and waited.

Gary, seeing Toby walking toward the house, hollered in that Breezy needed to go move her car. "Dad and Toby need in the compound, either you move it, or I will." he offered as an effort to be polite.

Breezy dug in her pocket, found her keys and chucked them toward that insufferable man.

Gary caught the keys with a grin. He enjoyed the back and forth with that sassy woman, he felt invincible when he was bedeviling the hell out of some prissy stuffed shirt, or blouse as the case might be.

Because he was efficient, Gary got the car moved and was waiting at the patio for Mark to join him. They had a quick conference about their visitor, and the fact that Ben was involved.

Gary had never spoke about Ben and the fact that he shadowed the sneaky rat as Ben left the hospital, all those years ago. The family had been gathered because of Ted's death, but Gary didn't like Ben and the vibes the tall, thin man gave off. Those were lessons to pay attention too.

But, Gary had no doubt that Ben would be showing up soon, especially the way Ma and Tess were talking. The man must be freaking old, a couple of years older than Ma, Gary supposed.

Gary felt he had a job in front of him, just keeping tabs on old Doc Bruce. The man was acting looney as a wooden watch that wouldn't wind; and Gary was well aware that men in that position were dangerous because of their unpredictability. Doc was certainly a loose cannon, and always had been.

For kicks and giggles, Gary managed to sit next to Breezy during supper, his intention was to make the woman as uncomfortable as possible.