Story Grace, Mercy and Blessings


Veteran Member

"I'd be pleased to sit a while. I'd like to get to know the family that has such a reputation as you marshals have."

"Ma'am," Woody doffed his hat to Clora, nodded at Tilly and let his eyes wander over to Tess and stared with undisguised admiration. "You must be Tess, Connie's description of you was clearly lacking in superlatives"

"Connie? Connie who?" Tess was busy with three active boys and not paying much attention to the schmoozing, going on.

"Ma, who's that?" Paul demanded, in between bites of navy bean soup.

"Oh. many pardons," the stocky newcomer laughed at himself. "My name is Arnold Branch, but call me Woody. You worked with my sister Connie in the communications center and she told me of your incredible bravery, going after the knife attacker. I trust you have recovered well."

"I have recovered well," Tess finally looked up at the stranger. "How is Connie?" she asked to make polite conversation. "There is a strong family resemblance." she finished, as she reached for the tipping glass of milk.

"It took Connie a long time to get herself together, she still has flashbacks, but is married and has a family up in Maine." Woody smiled his thanks to Tilly as she placed a cup of coffee and a plate of cookies next to him.

"I have your paychecks." Woody offered with a pleasant smile, extending his hand with the long white envelope.

"Paychecks?" Tess acted confused as she frowned at the nattily dressed man sitting at the table.

"My bad," Woody replied. "From the marshals' service, and I am here to deliver a personal apology for the fact that your names were dropped from the payroll and it was just recently discovered. I am here to persuade you and your brother and father to please continue your excellent service to our organization."

"Well, I have been considering doing a leave of absence," Tess used quick thinking. "I need to be a hands on parent, my boys are growing rapidly, and inclined to get into mischief." Tess gave a frown to whichever boy that was bouncing up and down on the bench. "That's enough Daniel, sit down please."

"How old are your boys? I didn't realize you had married. If you are, it's not in your dossier, and we should update the information." Woody was smooth in his interest, but a tinge of regret sounded in his voice.

:I don't answer those types of questions to people I don't know, with out a explanation and a reason," Tess took her attention off Woody and focused on her boys. "One more misbehave and you will not have cookies, and will go for a hour quiet time. Her threat had a instant calming effect on the rowdiness.

Three little boys straightened up and looked so angelic, Mark snorted.

Watching Tess pilot her boys down the hall, Woody joked, "I had a real urge to behave myself, when she laid down the law. These are excellent cookies."

Bruce stirred, drawing Woody's attention. "Am I correct in assuming that General Branch is your father? Tess wouldn't be alive today, if he hadn't sent the field hospital."

"And you are?" Woody looked at the gaunt, hollow cheeked unkept looking Bruce, and frowned.

"I am the famous Dr. Bruce, the doc that put Tess back together;" Bruce joked to Woody. "at last, I get to thank someone for a magnificent set of equipment."

"I'll tell my father, I'm visiting him this coming weekend." Woody promised. "He almost got himself in a tight over the field hospital, but he often says he'd do it again in a heartbeat."

"We are more grateful that we can ever express," Clora sat down next to Mark and smiled her special grin. The one that said, I'm gonna grill you buddy, and you're gonna like it just fine."


Veteran Member

"So, Mr. Branch, tell us about yourself. It will be a few minutes before Tess is back, she is heavily invested in her children."

Woody smiled. "I'm just an average, run of the mill marshal's director that worked my way up through the ranks. The MS has been my life, I have no wife or family other than my father; who has spent his years in the same situation. That pretty well sums up my time. Now tell me, how does there happen to be a two year lapse in your pay; and no where was there a request for a leave of absence or resignations?"

Clora smiled, this guy was smooth and nobodies fool. "We have been on a two year vacation, I'm sure the requests were sent, I mailed the letters myself. This was during a time that the director, the woman, now what was her name? She carried a vendetta against Mark, as he had been offered the directors job, and he declined. I'm supposing that she shelved the requests, and they could be found, if she hasn't had them destroyed." Clora finished calmly, smiling at her family.

Director Branch was nodding slowly. What he was hearing, lined up with the information that he knew. "I am grateful, that you didn't want the job." he told Mark, "that's when I got kicked upstairs."

"Too much paperwork, I hate making out the forms," Mark deadpanned with wry humor. "I'm too old to continue the shootem up bang bang side of being a marshall, so I'm willing to turn in my badge today." he offered, but there might have been a catch in his voice at the thought of losing the badge that had been a part of him for so long.

"That's another reason I'm here," Woody fiddled with his coffee cup. "I can understand the reasons for avoiding active duty; but I would like to offer you the position of Senior consultant to the service. You have such long and distinguished years of service, we don't want to lose your expertise in dealing with the complexities of life. And it certainly wouldn't hurt if we could talk you into conducting a sniper/sharpshooting school. Your unique talents need to be sent to the next generation."

"Milo has the same shooting talents as I, so does Tess. I will think about the consultants job; but I no longer want to travel away from home. If we can come to some compromise on that, I might be interested." Mark leaned back in his chair, satisfied with the offer.

"The compromise I can offer, would be that I would have to come here, possibly frequently, to consult with you. We cannot guarantee secure communications, outside of our building." Woody was secure in his bid to keep the glorious Miss Tess in his radar.

Clora snickered under her breath, alerting Mark that there was something else going on, that he was missing.


Veteran Member

Mark tried to poke at Clora for the reason she was snickering. Clora leaned out of the way, pretending to look at her boot, still chuckling. Clearing her throat, Clora popped back up and had a very straight face, finally smiling at Mark without guile.

Mark and Woody made small talk, Woody anxiously waiting for Tess to re-surface from her children's room.

Eventually, Tess made her way back to the kitchen. Filling her cup with the freshly roasted, deeply fragrant brew, she sat in the chair and sighed deeply, "They finally went to sleep. Those little endless energy bundles never seem to run down. Now, Director Branch, do you need me here, or am I excused?"

"I have your paychecks," Woody re-offered the envelopes, "also I am interested in your sharp shooting abilities. I am hoping to talk you and Milo into conducting a school to train other officers."

"Possibly," Tess stalled a little. "Tell me, what if I told you there is a upcoming young man here that has the ability to be as good as Dad. He needs schooling , education to complete his life up to his age; but I am recommending that he be considered to be a marshall."

Mark blinked, he hadn't considered Donny at all. The young man was simply a fixture around the compound, but in retrospect, Tess was right; Donny needed education and this might just be a way to get it accomplished.

"Has the Service ever considered doing a military type corps of young men and women, like a ROTC program?" Tess spoke out.

"That's quite an idea, it certainly has a lot of merit and I'll take it under advisement. Thank you for mentioning this to me, I appreciate it. Now, Mr. Linderman, you have extensive schooling and training, would you be willing to be an advisor on the curriculum?" Woody felt a squiggle of excitement; the ideas were flowing and it could only make the service better and better. That, and the fact he would need to be in close contact with the Linderman clan. It was perfect, as far as he was concerned.

The object of the conversation wandered in, homed in on a lone empty coffee cup and the plate of cookies dangerously close to the stranger. Donny helped himself to coffee and skillfully slipped a cookie off the plate. Supremely pleased with himself, Donny looked at Toby and asked ,"who's on for guard duty? Neither Gary or myself have been to sleep yet, and it's almost noon."

Big motioned that he would do duty and Toby drug his feet, but finally agreed to stand watch. "And it's past noon," Toby clarified for Donny with a grin, "nice to have met you Director Branch, but my dinner is calling." and Toby made tracks for home.

"Please stay for dinner," Clora invited Woody Branch, and the ladies got busy putting the navy bean and ham soup in bowls. Mark said the blessing, and people got serious about eating.

Donny was quiet, but held his own in a conversation with Woody and Gary. Clora and Tess exchanged glances, smiled and tended to their business.

After eating most of the massive stockpot full of soup; Big, Gary, Donny and Milo left to their quarters. Mark started asking Woody questions about the senior resource position, and Tess, when she had finished helping with the dishes, came to sit by Mark and watch the interaction between her father and the personable Mr. Branch.


Veteran Member
Tilly put cookies and the coffee pot on the table and started working on supper.

Woody glanced up to see Tilly pick up the biggest roasting pan he had ever seen. He could hear her starting to pare potatoes, znd he had his first inkling of the food it took to fuel the amount of people that must be here.

Talk flowed, cookies were eaten, the triplets came from their nap, people drifted in and out, Bruce and Tom showed up for news, and Woody Branch stayed well over the time he had allotted. Finally his phone rang, the sound jarring in the newly electrified house.

Woody was paged by his office, staffers concerned they hadn't heard from the head man in several hours passed his return schedule.


Veteran Member

"I'll be back in a couple pf hours," Woody assured his phone. "I'm leaving soon, I've talked with the marshall's Linderman and presented their paychecks.. Has there been any problems occur that I should know about?"

Whatever the voice on the other end of the line said, Woody nodded and said "

"Folks, thank you for the hospitality and the meal. I've enjoyed meeting you and I'll be in touch." He turned on his heel and made for the door.

Clora stood up and extended her hand to Woody, and polite manners dictated he stop and shake hands with her. That's all she needed.

"Mr. Branch, you have a severe information leak in your office. I believe it is your long employed, very trusted secretary." Clora dropped her bombshell.

Woody jerked his hand away and fixed Clora with a steely gaze that would have bored holes through a lesser woman. "How do you know this?" he demanded.

"I'm clairvoyant, and you naturally do not believe in such things. I understand, but you disregard this warning at your own risk."

Woody shook his head, "Are you and this for real?"

"Yes, we are for real; and so are you. You are highly intelligent Sir, I don't believe you will disregard this warning."

"You're right, I will remember, and take heed." Woody promised as he went out the door.

Mark walked by, "I need to open the gate," he said mildly, "It wouldn't do to have the director scratch his vehicle."


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
my eye doc has banned me from the computer until next Monday. The macular is progressing faster than she wants, and I am to eliminate as much eye strain as possible. Thanks for understanding, Pac.
You need to deal with that condition Ma'am. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is something a lot of us will face and although my ophthalmologist said people don't necessarily go blind but it's nothing to play with as there's no cure.

Please take the required time to rest your eyes


Veteran Member

"Ok, so I've been thinking about this," Milo addressed the clan as they lingered after supper. The table littered with coffee cups and cookie crumbs, the announcement drew snickers from the crowd.

"Look out everybody," Donny smart alecked into his imaginary microphone. :"his is a public safety announcement, disreguard this warning at your own peril." Donny ducked, when Gary went to cuff him, dancing gleefully out of the intended blow.

"No listen," Milo continued ernestly, :I didn't think about it at the time, because it seemed so natural, but did anyone realize that while we were back in our whatever time, the rifles that the so called bad guys were using were modern weapons. For instance, look at this one," and Milo reached for the rifle beside him.

"This has state of the art optics, as good as any rifle we have ever trained with in the army. I could bet a considerable amount of money that this is the same rifle we used during our sniper escapade." Milo concluded, handing the rifle to Mark for inspection.

"We have close to a dozen rifles just like this one, liberated as spoils of war. Ole director Branch seemed to think the director head that we met in D.C. was a person that ruled the marshall's service back in the 1800's. So how does the weaponery fit into the picture?"

"Well that, and the fact that the rifle Wyatt had when he went on guard duty, changed into this." and Donny held up the super match. "Lot's of spooky things happening around here for sure. I know for a fact that we went to Iowa the hard way. I was cold, hungry, wet and scared. We came back home the same way. So we get visited by another wind and God snaps his fingers and we're back in the present time?"

"Donny," Clora warned, "that's enough of that kind of talk."

"Yes Ma, I apologize," Donny was contrite, but unrepentant. He sat down and went to cuff Gary when the man had his head turned.

:" I wouldn't, if I were you," Gary warned, "my head's tougher than your hand. If you don't believe me, ask Milo or Toby."

The two men nodded their head's, "better believe it," Toby spoke up with a real chuckle.

"We may never know or understand the specifics of why God has used us in this way, we simply need to give thanks for His grace and mercy." Clora spoke up firmly , forestalling any further talk.

"The question now is, how do we pick up our 'modern life' and will the paychecks be good in the bank?" the ever practical Honey inquired. "what will we do for cars, and how about immunizations for our children, doctors' appointments, and how about jobs and schooling?"

The silence was thick and long, as everyone contemplated the future.

Thanks everyone for the prayers and well wishes. I am sad that my eyes are not responding to treatment as well as I had hoped. I am restricted to two hours a week on the computer. I'm not happy with the situation, but I won't be happy with further reduced eyesight either.
I have prayed, and have the peace and understanding that it is God's plan that I need to accept, but I have to say I'm human.

If you can put up with two short chapters a week, then Clora will go forth with her firm belief in God and her desire to raise her family in the laws of the Lord. Pac & Mr. KC.