Story Grace, Mercy and Blessings


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Unsure of who might be driving the pickup, Clora nudged the door completely closed. The driver doused the lights and shut the vehicle off.

Staying in the shadows, but peeking out the window, she heard Don whistle the 'all clear' sound. Clora answered, and Don pushed at the door, bumping the inert body on the floor. There was a brief stir, like the intruder was going to come awake, but nothing happened.

"Don, would you call Mark and explain what happened. We need the law and a doctor or a trip to the emergency room. As we are strangers here, we need o follow the law."

"Sure Ma, where's your phone?"

"Right here, let's turn on the light, we need to check out our intruder," Clora was pretty sure Don caught her meaning, concerning the 'law of the hills.' She was also fairly certain the man was awake and listening. She had noticed him flexing his fingers on his broken hand, the arm already black and blue where it poked out of the old flannel shirt.

Don took the phone and walke.d into the kitchen to shut the open door. Thinking better of the situation, he stepped outside to call.

Mark was sitting in the van, waiting for Bub to be looked at by the resident doctor. Almost napping, he missed the first two rings.

"Hello" he said groggily.

"Hey Dad," Don was cheerful, "we, ah, kinda had an incident here. We have some guy that came at us with a pistol We have him tied uo and he has a broken arm."

"Clora?" Mark demanded to know.

"Ma is fine, she's got her little gun on the jerk."

"That's when Mark remembered that Clora's gun was out of comission.

"Ma wanted to talk to you before we involve any law; they might be uninclined to believe us, since this guy is probably a local."

"First of all." Mark interrupted, "use your gun on the guy. Ma's gun won't shoot. I forgot to repair it. I'm going to go in the hospital and talk with the girl, see what she says. The rwo old people are basket cases over Bub's heart pain. They will probably be here into the we hours of the morning, the way things are going. I'll call you back in ten."

"Ok. we'll be right here." Don smarted off.

"Brat," Mark growled with a smile. Walking back into the ER, Bub, Rosie and Mercy Rose were right where he had left them an hour and a half ago. There had been a car wreck, and the small hospital was innundated.

Mark managed to catch Mercy rose's eye, and asked her co come out and give him some local information. Asking about a gas station as a cover.

Mercy Rose was very intimidated by the imposing, white haired man. She had never met Don's parents before this, and the man was stern, no nonsense and very business minded. He had driven them to the small town, following her directions, never saying a word, but diving the narrow, crooked road very competerly.

"I need to talk to you," Mark began, once they were back in the warm van. "Don called to tell me they had a home invader. Don and Clora are fine, the invader is tied up and has a broken arm. I am asking you if it would be better to call the State Police or the local law. Either way, I am going to have to leave your Grandparents here and go back to the motel. I am almost certain when they get to your Granddad; they will keep him overnight. I believe it would be better if you went back to the motel with me; other wise it;s going to be difficult to explain why we, as strangers, are in the motel."

"State Police, give me a minute to talk with Gram, and I'll be right back." MR , promised, as she opened the van door.

True to her word, she as back quickly. "Let me call. I have two cousins on the force, hopefully one of them is working tonight. That would be the best way to handle this problem."


Contributing Member
A unloaded, or non functional is a lousy small club. Mark needs to learn. “2 is 1 and 1 could be none.“
I don’t carry spare often. But for dang sure if primary is not 100% 2nd option used. He should know better. If I had 1/1000th the issues this family. 2 long arms & spare pistol, mags in vehicles


Veteran Member

Mercy Rose called her first cousin direct. "Hey Misty, is Dal around or is he asleep?"

"Asleep, he had two accidents today, one right after the other. So he was late gettin to bed. I think Skeeter is on duty, will he do?" Misty ran interference for her sleep deprived husband.

"Sure 'nuff, I just need some information," MR tried a little interference, of her own.

The next call was to Skeeter. "He sounds more laid back and folksy, but he's actually the one that goes more by the book. Now both of these cousins have told me to call anytime, if I need anything, so we'll see." MR looked in her calendar booklet for Skeeters number.

He answered in three rings.

" Skeeter, I need some info or maybe more. You know about some of the trouble we've been havin. well we were attacked tonight and we got the feller tied up with a broken arm. You wanna come look?" Mercy was very composed and under control. giving her cousin the barest of facts.

"I'll be there in about an hour, hang tight, will ya?"

"Sure, see ya then." Skeeter signed off and made quick work of his traffic stop.

"We have about 30 minutes to get home. I'm gonna send us over to the freeway, and then it's quicker to get home." MR buckled her seat belt, and pointed the way to the on ramp.

Mark and MR got to the motel about twenty minutes before Skeeter. They could see the red and blue lights way off in the distance, coming down the grade."He drives like a bat," MR joked as they walked in the front door of the apartment.

"That's not Tyson," she said in surprise. "That's Tyson's friend Clayton. Tell me how this happened?"

Both Mark and Clora noticed that Don and MR shared a brief hug, but were very circumspect after that.


Veteran Member

Don gave the facts, looking hard at Mercy Rose, he noticed her grip her shoulder and the fact that she still had buckshot in there and had not been treated, gobsmacked him.

"Mercy Rose, did you get looked after?" Don questioned, fearing the answer, from the looks of her.

MR shook her head no, and the rest of the adults looked at each other in surprise.

The faint warble of the oncoming State Police cruiser, sounded louder and louder.

Don went to the door, and as he passed the inert form on the floor, he said in a warm, caring voice; "you reach for that pistol and I'll kick you in your broken arm. comprende?"

There was the faintest of nods, and only hard and fast breathing for sound.

Skeeter, must have had to stretch and wear lifts in his shoes to meet the barest of height requirements for the state force. That was Ok, he was like his namesake, flitting here and there, landing only long enough to take a bite of his next victim.

Don repeated his story three times, the facts always remaining the same. The beginning with the bear, caused the patrolman to shake his head, Moving on through the cabin shooting ,Bbub needing to see the doctor and then Clayton showing up, his pen was racing across his clip board.

"You are screwed," he said to Clayton in a superior tone. "We've just been waiting for you to get careless and need some of our attention. How many people have told you to stay away from Tyson, 'cause he's no good. This might turn out to be quite a lesson."

Under his breath, Clayton was bemoaning about every mean, low down and bullying trick he and Tyson had done to Skeeter in high school. Skeeter had been a 90 pound weakling, where as he and Tyson had muscled out early. The time they had hung Skeeter by his back belt loop in his locker and then locked it shut, was the meanest thing they had done; and it was real evident Skeeter hadn't forgot.


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To put a scare into Clayton, Skeeter walked up and down the floor beside Clayton's crumpled form, sometimes getting very close to the broken arm. Clayton thought Skeeter wouldn't on purpose, bump into him, but the man was furious and yet ecstatic to be in a position to even a few scores.

Skeeter had every emotion, that hapless Clayton, figured he would have. He was after all a, human who had had undergone six years of constant bullying. He cleared his throat several times, as the story flowed around him; the starch of his training finally shutting down the intense desire for revenge.

"Alright, we're gonna do things this way. Clayton will go with me to the hospital, as will Mercy. Because she has been shot, she needs a law officer there to admit her, You say Bub and Rosie are there, Mr. Linderman, you say you will come in the morning to bring them home. Agreeable?"

"Yes I will," Mark consented, noting that Clora nodded her head in agreement. He would find out what she had in mind, later.

"Don't you leave the area," Skeeter looked hard at Don, and then smiled. "You really shot the bear.? Humm,, humm, humm, Good work."

Don helped Skeeter get Clayton into the cruiser, and then tenderly assisted Mercy Rose into the front seat. He pulled the seatbelt strap out and leaned into the car to click the stamen into the receptacle. As he withdrew, his lips might have softly wisped across Mercy's cheek. It made her smile and relax, things were going to be alright.

Skeeter threw gravel all over the parking lot as he pealed out, lights flashing and siren shrieking.

"I hope they make it there alive," Don was frowning as he walked back in the house. "Ma, what happened to dinner, I'm starved."

"Coming up," Clora was calm; "I do think you and Dad need to discuss strategy in case the other man shows up. It's entirely possible he will come looking for his hired man. We need to disable the pickup in some way, and check over the interior, that's just a hunch," she qualified.

"I'm not sure we should have our trailer here either. I think it's too tempting a target."

Back in Raliegh, several events were taking place. The unknown man finally got his turn to see a doctor, had his hand casted and the cut on the other, sewed and bandaged. He almost sneered at the measly six pain pills he was allotted, and then thought better of the fact, His hands really did hurt, and he needed to sleep. The voice in his head was trying to tell him that he needed to stay awake and proceed with his intended actions, but by the time he walked home, he collapsed on the couch and went to sleep.

As will happen to those driven by fanatical demons, once they go to sleep; that sleep might span several days and nights. The level of hatred has to subside enough for involuntary body functions, such as sleep, to occur.


Veteran Member

In the hospital, Skeeter used some of his professional status to get Mercy Rose looked after right away. Clayton, he left handcuffed to the metal railing, not caring what sort of a story the man concocted to explain to his friends and neighbors why he was in handcuffs, with a waist chain and leg chackles.

Clayton had never been so embarrassed in his life. Somebody told his Aunt Surrie, and she came with her loud voice, demanding to know 'what he had done.'

"Yer Ma is gonna hear about this, I'm going up there right now and tell her. What business do you have, puttin our good family name to such a shame. As old as you are, yer Pa should give you a lickin for risin up against Bub and Rosie. They's plumb good folks, and yer association with that no-good Tyson, needs to be stopped."

"Aunt Surrie, please lower your voice," Clayton pleaded.

Undaunted, 'Aunt Surrie' read Clayton a few more descriptive phrase's of his pedigree and every 'ner-do-well' that had polluted the good family name for the last fifty years. There was actually quite a few that she described, giving listeners in the vicinity, an earful.

"I don't know what my sister saw in yer Pap, but you sure take after his no-good side of the family." Surrie had to draw a breath, and turned to see her precious baby sister come marching in the emergency, practically breathing fire.

All Clayton could think was; "oh Lord, let me die right here and now."

Skeeter could have stopped the ensuing tirade, but he didn't. He let those two mountain women tear strips off Clayton's hide and beat what was left with a proverbial broom.

It took not quite fifteen minutes for the news of Clayton's misdeeds to be spread all over town; plus the scandalous fact that he was handcuffed in the hospital, right in front of God and everybody.

Tyson sent Hoggis Hinson to look in on his sidekick. Hoggis stayed off in the shadows, watching the crash and burn of his fellow gang member. Hoggis carefully took note that his Aunt Surrie, sure seemed like he didn't like Clayton's Pap. He was wondering what she thought of his Pap, beings that he wasn;t much different than Claytons.

"The Hoggis name used to be a well respected and valued name in these hills," Surrie was well fired up. "Look at the deep shame you have brought down on our heads; may God forgive you Clayton, the rest of us sure ain't so inclined."

Named for his mother's proud birthright name, Hoggis Milton Hinson decided right then and there, he never wanted to go through what was bein heaped on Clayton. All the sneaky, dirty little tricks the three of them had ever pulled, seemed to be common knowledge to Aunt Surrie. And boy howdy, she sure wasn't shy about lettin the rest of the world know.

"Why Essie would be turnin in her grave is she knowed what you boys and Tyson had been up to. Clayton, I swear you ain't worth a plug nickle."

Hoggis knew Tyson's mother had been Essie, and how many girls there had been in the family, he couldn't recall. He knew a couple of his uncles were big enough to take a razor strop to him, if they decided he needed an attitude change,

Hoggis was a very large man; young, he hadn't growed to his full potential, but hanging around with Tyson didn't seem like he would benefit from the association.

The uncles were all 6'6' or taller and above 300 pounds. They were pole loggers and rarely used the machinery they had. It was easier to pick up the wood and heft it on the truck. They worked Hoggis like a pack mule, but he knew better than to sass any of them.

The seven Hoggis men sat in the third pew on the left side of the church, and only four of them could sit together, the other three had to sit behind in order to have enough room. Hoggis Milton, as he was known, was now expected to sit with them, and he was rapidly re-thinking his life of petty crime. The sort of justice his Uncles would administer, would be swift and unforgetable.