(GOVT) State Troopers To Examine Our Heads At Airport


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Don't be acting nervous prior to boarding a flight, 'cause you will have your head psyco'd, then if that ain't enough, then they will be checking up our you know what's next.

Logan Airport to look for unusual passenger behavior

BOSTON, Massachusetts (AP) -- Airline passengers accustomed to having their bags, their pockets and even their shoes checked are now encountering state troopers trained to examine their heads.
Last week Logan International Airport began the nation's first "behavioral recognition program," in which police give what they describe as a "human lie detector test" to passengers with odd or suspicious behavior.

As they ask a series of basic questions, "We will be observing not only what is being said but how it's being said, the body language, the words used, if they tend to be evasive or ambiguous," state police Sgt. Peter DiDomenica said.

The process, based on a program at Israel's airports, takes only a few minutes if nothing seems out of place, said Maj. Tom Robbins, head of the state police unit conducting the behavioral profiling.

"If someone's intent on doing harm inside the airport or on the flight, and they want to pass through the security checkpoints or the terminals, their behavior is going to be different, than you or I who are planning to get on a flight to go on vacation to Disney World, and that is what our troopers are trying to catch," Robbins said.

He would not say exactly what type of behavior is considered odd or suspicious.

Logan has sought to become a national leader in security since the September 11 attacks. The two airliners that flew into the World Trade Center towers took off from Boston.

The Logan program will be more selective than those at Israeli airports, which subject all passengers to behavioral profiling, but Robbins stressed that selection would not be based on ethnicity or race.

"Quite frankly, if you're looking at the race and ethnicity of a person, you'll miss the terrorist," Robbins said.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts said the program sounds good -- as long as there is no racial profiling.

"The only legitimate way to profile is on a set of behavioral patterns. That sounds fine," said John Roberts, the group's executive director. "Our concern is if at the bottom line, they are doing racial profiling," he said. "We just will have to wait and watch how they do it."

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:eek: :fgr:

I love it (sic).... put it out here and see how humanity adapts to it. There will be no taking back this assault on our human dignity, EVER.


"State Troopers To Examine Our Heads At Airport "

Would they be checking for disease carrying head lice???:D


He would not say exactly what type of behavior is considered odd or suspicious.

This is going to be a nightmare, talk about profiling,
catagorizing and "another" computer file to put
people in to. This will surely help the airlines go
belly up.


Now when I want to take a trip to visit my family I have to allow myself to be interogated by the State Police?

This is even worse than "Your papers please," which, of course, they already do for ID.

Hey America, youbetter wake up.


Oh yeah no racial profiling. Another worthless stall before you miss your plane.

I am learning to hate the ACLU even more.

Why dont we just spring to a REAL dictatorship and that way eliminate all these whiny groups that want special favors.


Brock, most of the Americans are asleep or shopping.
Too many have the mindset that if this makes flying
safer, they are all for it.

When they pick a person to question, that person
is going to be put in a file, wether they were
just nervous about flying, a bit tipsy, or any
legitimate reason to be exhibiting "unusual behavior".

This will follow to all the other major airports.


You're right city, "if this makes flying safer, they {Americans} are all for it."

If the great majority of Americans aren't the most naive and simple minded lot in history who is/was? What a bunch of Commie crappola this head trip thing is, just another way for
"legal" abuse of the public to take place. I'll never fly again!!!

Alas Babylon

<blockquote><hr>"Quite frankly, if you're looking at the race and ethnicity of a person, you'll miss the terrorist," Robbins said.<hr></blockquote>Yeah...there were a LOT of middle-aged white males hijacking planes on Sept 11th. Gonna catch'em this time, too

It is impossible to fathom the depth of the stupidy of these government officials. Do they really believe this crap? Or, are they just PeeCee brainwashed?

It would be laughable, if our very lives and the security of our nation didn't depend on it so much.


Membership Revoked
The behavorist are going to have their hands full......cause ANXIETY is rampant.......in all its forms.....social, fear of planes,,,,,paranoia minus ANY terrorist connection.....just lots of bed-bug lunatics out there that have money and can afford to buy a ticket and go somewhere....(even some modest closet lunatics too that ordinarily wouldn't react but once approached will decompensate and start babbling).

Wonder how the PROFILERS are going to handle all those anxiety disorders.....well, they will certainly have lots of practice.

Just a thought.

ooops...this isn't very pc is it?

Now how else could I have said it and NOT offended a single person.....can't/couldn't .....so you folks here don't go getting all huffy.....I have a tad bit of anxiety in me too......most of do....and when that anxiety button is pushed I imagine that most people will react the same way......ANXIOUS...i.e. appear nutty, studder, get cold and/or sweat/flush face...can't swallow/choking....including me.

Even the eyes get shifty when anxiety comes a calling so somebody tell me.....how they gonna tell the difference.....?

Hey. I just thought of something....this will be a great way to haul folks off they never be seen again.

The way I see it....if you don't have MAJOR control over your emotions and tremor of your voice and control of your face....all timed in perfect synchonicity....then you are gonna get a little talking too....

Oh well, I am sure they got something planned.
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