[gov] Hillary Clinton GIVES entire address to nation on Womens' Rights????


Laura Bush’s jihad
Katha Pollitt - The Nation

11.30.01 - What if Hillary Clinton, not Laura Bush, had taken to the airwaves during her husband's first year in office and become the first First Lady to deliver the entire weekly presidential radio address -- about women's rights, no less? Dragon lady! Castrating feminist man-hating bitch! All together now: Who Elected Her? The Republicans would have started impeachment proceedings that very day.

In fact, the down-to-earth and non-threatening Laura Bush spoke so eloquently in support of Afghan women's rights I actually found myself not wanting to believe the Democratic Party accusation that this was a cynical attempt to appeal to women and narrow the eleven-point gender gap that bedeviled Bush in the 2000 election -- not that a shortage of votes turned out to matter, but that's another story. Perhaps Mrs. Bush -- and Cherie Blair, who gave a similar speech on November 19 -- was sending a message to the sorry collection of warlords and criminals, power-grabbers and back-stabbers vying for power in the new Afghanistan: This time around, women must have a seat at the table.

As I write, Afghan women are swinging into action, with a major conference planned for early December in Brussels to insist on equality and political power in their post-Taliban nation.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if the defeat of the Taliban also marked the end of the cultural-relativist pooh-poohing of women's rights? Only a few weeks ago, a Bush Administration spokesperson was refusing to promise that women would play a role in a new Afghan government: "We have to be careful not to look like we are imposing our values on them." A week before it began, no women had been mentioned as participants in the UN-sponsored Bonn conference to plan for a postwar Afghanistan. As it turned out, there are three among the twenty-eight delegates: two in the delegation of the former King and one in that of the Northern Alliance, plus at least two more attending as advisers.

Whether it means anything, who knows -- of the four factions gathered in Bonn, only the Northern Alliance controls any actual territory, and its record with regard to women's rights and dignity is nothing to cheer about. While some alliance leaders speak encouragingly of girls' education and women's right to work, early signs are mixed: In Kabul, women can once more freely walk the streets, but the newly reopened movie theater is off-limits and a women's rights march was halted by authorities; in late November, according to the Los Angeles Times, women were banned from voting for mayor in Herat, whose de facto ruler, Ismail Khan, has presented himself as sympathetic to women's rights.

Still, whatever government takes shape in Afghanistan will probably be better for women than the Taliban -- how could it be worse? -- as long as the country does not degenerate into civil war, as happened the last time the Northern Alliance was in power.

But let's not kid ourselves: This war is not about freeing women from government-mandated burqas, or teaching girls to read, or improving Afghan women's ghastly maternal mortality rate of 17 in 1,000 births -- the second highest in the world. Those things may happen as a byproduct of realpolitik, or they may not. But if women's rights and well-being were aims of U.S. Afghan policy, the Carter, Reagan and Bush administrations would never have financed the mujahedeen, whose Neanderthal treatment of women, including throwing acid at unveiled women, was well documented from the start. The Clinton Administration would not have initially accepted the Taliban even after they closed the girls' schools in Heart. And the current Bush Administration would have inundated the millions of Afghan women and girls in Pakistan's refugee camps with teachers, nurses, doctors and food.

As other commentators have pointed out, if Laura Bush wants to make women's rights a U.S. foreign policy goal, she's got her work cut out for her. Saudi Arabia, our best friend, is positively Talibanesque: Women are rigidly segregated by law, cannot drive, cannot travel without written permission from a male relative; top-to-toe veiling is mandated by law and enforced by a brutal religious police force.

In a particularly insulting twist, U.S. women soldiers stationed there are compelled to wear the veil and refrain from driving when off base; so far the Bush Administration has refused to act on soldiers' objections to these conditions.

One can go on and on about the situation of women in Muslim countries -- unable to vote in Kuwait; genitally mutilated in Egypt and Sudan; flogged, jailed, murdered with impunity and even stoned to death for sexual infractions in a number of countries -- and Muslim women everywhere are fighting back. (For a serious, nonsensationalist approach, check out the website of Women Living Under Muslim Laws.)

But the Islamic world is hardly the only place where women are denied their human rights: How would you like to have to get a divorce in an Israeli rabbinical court or need an abortion in Chile, where it's illegal even if would save your life? The United States makes no bones about using its economic and political might against illegal drugs -- in fact, the Administration rewarded the Taliban for banning opium production by making a $43 million donation to the World Food Program and humanitarian NGOs (not, as is usually reported, to the Taliban proper). If it cared to do so, the United States could back the global women's movement with the same zeal.

Instead, it does the opposite. In order to curry favor with conservative Catholics at home, Laura Bush's husband has shown callous disregard for women's rights and health abroad: He reinstated the Mexico City policy, which bars family-planning groups receiving U.S. funds from discussing abortion; he sent anti-choice delegations to wreck the consensus at international conferences on children's rights and public health; he tried to nominate John Klink, former adviser to the Holy See, to head the State Department's Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, which would have thrown the United States behind the Pope's call to deny emergency contraception to raped women in refugee camps.

That the Taliban are gone is cause for joy. A world that cared about women's rights would never have let them come to power in the first place.

© 2001 The Nation

URL: http://www.workingforchange.com/article.cfm?ItemId=12426

fruit loop

I also thought that it was hypocritical for Laura Bush to give the President's Address.

If that had been Hillary, we'd still be hearing the screams.

Hillary is constantly subjected to ridicule, cruelty, and outright lies (usually spread by some internet hoaxster). She was tarred with the same black brush as her husband over Monicagate - even though, as the wife, she was the victim in the whole affair. I think she handled it with dignity and real class.

I think the whole root of Hillary-hating is the fact that she is a woman with some power. Frankly, I think she'd have made a good president.


I think Frankly would make a better president.
I think her involvement as the victim in Clinton's sordid affairs was to go behind him and shovel up the crap. Gee,just like following the elephant in a circus parade.
She is manipulative and looking out for her own agenda. She wants power for the sake of power.
She's a New Yawker now,not an Arkasanian.
She was booed off a stage by her fellow New Yorkers.
No thanks,I'll take Frankly.


Membership Revoked
Hillary is a marxist

Hillary is even left of Bill. To post some crap in support of Hillary Clinton is pretty hilarious. She's a socialist deep into her bones. Bush is leftist enough without Sherri touting Hillary as a replacement.


Grand Gusano
Aren't ALL politicians manipulative and hanging around
to further his/her own agenda?

Aren't you glad that they are working for you? Did they not
just vote themselves another pay raise?, supposedly
they slid it in with all the other bills that were recently slid
past the masses.

I'll look for that pay raise link.



Membership Revoked
it's your post, not fruit loops


It's your post, not fruit loop's. You are the one who puts up stuff trumpeting someone who would just as soon gut our rights as anyone in the current administration (even more so cuz she abhors the 2nd Amendment).


Hillary is definitely one who most have an opinion on.

You don't really want to know mine.

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So everyone conveniently avoided the issue that post pointed out

11.30.01 - What if Hillary Clinton, not Laura Bush, had taken to the airwaves during her husband's first year in office and become the first First Lady to deliver the entire weekly presidential radio address -- about women's rights, no less? Dragon lady! Castrating feminist man-hating bitch! All together now: Who Elected Her? The Republicans would have started impeachment proceedings that very day.

Why isn't anyone screaming?


Membership Revoked
why would they

We knew what Hillary's agenda was - nationalized health care, nationalized child care, gun-grabbing, complete government takeover of anything and everything.

Laura Bush's agenda is not as clear, but I'm sure Sherri will enlighten all. Dubya is a globalist as well as Clinton, but Hillary is the biggest globalist of all. Further, she wishes to lead this country to a Marxist state.

Kip Brisbois

Membership Revoked
The thing you are missing here is that Hillary was/is a WORLD CLASS SKANKY BITCH whereas Mrs. Bush has returned class to our White House after eight very long years. I admire Mrs. Bush. Bill & Hill did more damage to this great nation of ours than you and I will probably ever know.



Membership Revoked
You know there IS a big difference between Hitlery and Mrs. Bush.
Mrs. Bush is not a politician, not a lawyer, not someone who wants to become one of the Power Brokers in this country. She was a teacher. My bet is that Georgy Boy put her up to it.

Hillary IS SCARY, Laura Bush is not. Hillary is CORRUPT and it has nothing to do with being a victim of the "maonica" crap.

I think it is a little fun though, to watch the liberals sh@# their pants worrying about shrubya like we had to do for the last eight years with slick wilie. Of course, to be honest, the pleasure is short lived since I dont trust ANY politicians and George W. and the boys are starting to scare me too.

IMO, Laura Bush is the LAST person we should be worrying about.
Personally, I also think she is a classy lady, and I am happy she is the First Lady.


Sheri,I think the "point" of the post came out very clear. People detest the Rod.
On this forum,I think most people would invite someone like,oh I don't know,maybe Idi Imin to talk on the radio before asking the prune face to talk. Catch Ms. Personality's act while President Bush was speaking to Congress weeks back?
She coulda stepped on her own lip.
Hilandbilly deserve each other.


Membership Revoked
Sheri, I understand that when you view this in a certain context it seems "unfair". The thing is, and I want to make this really clear, Hillary is SUBHUMAN. The woman will not let anyone get in the way of her ambition. She will not seek to comfort anyone, unless there's a photo op involved. If she displayed any class at all regarding her husband's affair, it was inadvertant. She simply did not and does not care. She's touted socialist program, after socialist program, in the hopes of expanding her core support, which is largely screaming liberals, welfare titty babies, and illegal immigrants. Small wonder they call her "Mother Hillary". She's a mother, alright. Well, maybe I shouldn't be so harsh. As a member of the Incredible Shrinking Middle Class, I may very well someday be forced to reclaim our hard earned tax dollars from that lunatic fringe. As for Laura, she's welcome to bake cookies and have a chin wag in my home any day.


Support for Hillary??? Not in this life!!!

For you Hillary lovers, I've got news for ya.....
You need to wake up. :sb:
If Hillary were to govern over you, you'd have two choices, serve the state and become a slave to the government....or as Patrick Henry said so elloquently..."Give me liberty or give me death".
I would choose the latter.
Hillary happens to be one of the most vicious, wicked people of our age. How anyone could support and admire her...well frankly, you are ignorant.
She is a communist, not just a socialist. She would rather see you dead, than alive. Unless of course, she had some use for you.

You people who don't see what's happening, well :shk: I am sorry for you.
Algore was bad enough. Clinton. a complete disgrace, and those who elected him, should be ashamed for placing such a sick pervert into the people's oval office. You may not have a problem with the leader of your nation getting a blow-job while on the phone doing serious national affairs, but I sure in the hell do.:kk1:
I do not want to live in such a nation.
If Hillary were to be elected to the presidency, well...:eek: you could have this place, with my blessing.;)

If you want a prosperous, safe, and strong nation, you better start giving a damn about character. Otherwise, you will get what you deserve.

I can only hope, that those who have a brain to think for themselves, still can.


The purpose of the post was to point out the DOUBLE STANDARD there is.
John Ashcroft - Janet Reno
same difference, but many still defend Ashcroft - but that is changing

George Bush and his family and Clinton and the Illuminati - same difference - but many are waking up

I don't know Hilary Clinton and neither do any of you and from the perceptions of me on this forum - where I live, why I live there, thoughts that I'm an atheist and on and on - can't even get that right. Scream at me and think that you know who I am!
Hah. I don't any of us know Hilary Clinton or Laura Bush. You only get what is sent to you by the media and the powers that be with the programming they want you to have.

Personally, I don't know any of them, but I don't like what I see as policy now under Bush (and didn't like much under Clinton). That is what I choose to look at - not personalities.

But I also don't appreciate this double standard.
Hopefully, more are waking up though. It appears so.
When will you get it that there is NO difference between any of them. When will you get it that it is the United States of Corporate America.


Membership Revoked
Hillary parrots Bush line

Sheri is right - Hillary seems to be toeing the Bush policy pretty closely on the whole terrorism thing...

Hillary Clinton takes aim at Arafat

The Associated Press
12/2/01 9:11 PM

NEW YORK (AP) -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton warned on Sunday that the United States would "root out" any terrorist elements in Yasser Arafat's Palestinian Authority -- just as the Taliban became a U.S. target for harboring al-Qaida.

"The same message must be sent to the Palestinian Authority and to Chairman Arafat: Anyone who harbors or turns a blind eye to terror in their midst will be held accountable," said the senator.

She spoke after a series of weekend suicide bombings against Israel killed 25 people and wounded nearly 200, prompting Arafat to order dozens of Islamic militants arrested.

But Clinton was skeptical, blaming the Palestinian leader for the violence.

"This rests squarely on the shoulders of Yasser Arafat," she said, adding that he has continually refused to round up and imprison terrorists.

"No one is safe because the leadership of the Palestinian Authority refuses to take responsibility for the acts of terror that have occurred with increasing frequency," Clinton told reporters at Manhattan's Pierre Hotel, where she was honored for her work in education by the American Organization for Rehabilitation Through Training.

The non-governmental ORT runs schools in Israel; three of this weekend's victims attended one of the schools, ORT officials said.

Clinton said Americans' outrage at the attacks is deeper since the Sept. 11 terrorism on their own soil.

She likened the Palestinian Authority to the Taliban as a protector of terrorists.

"The United States, with the president's leadership, has made clear that we will root out the al-Qaida network, and therefore had to root out the Taliban because of the comfort and support that they gave to the al-Qaida terrorist network," the senator said.

She was flanked by Malcolm Hoenlein, executive director of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, who also attended the dinner.

"What the president declared for Osama bin Laden in going thousands of miles away to fight, Israel will have to do just a few miles away," Hoenlein said.

He said many of the attacks against Israelis have been carried out by terrorists from organizations financed and supported by Arafat. The American Jewish official said more than half the attacks were perpetrated by members of the Palestinian leader's security and police forces.

The United States, Clinton said, would target any state or power "that does not bring about law and order in the territories that it controls and does not take the necessary steps that are required to imprison and prevent terror across their borders."

Copyright 2001 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.